A full list of GAMBIT publications and proceedings can be found here.
Physics Analyses
- Cosmological constraints on decaying axion-like particles: a global analysis, arXiv:2205.13549.
- Thermal WIMPs and the Scale of New Physics: Global Fits of Dirac Dark Matter Effective Field Theories, Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 11, 992, arXiv:2106.02056.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Strengthening the bound on the mass of the lightest neutrino with terrestrial and cosmological experiments, Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 12, 123508, arXiv:2009.03287.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Global fits of axion-like particles to XENON1T and astrophysical data, JHEP 05 (2021) 159, arXiv:2007.05517.
Supplementary data, including samples: - A model-independent analysis of b→sμ+μ− transitions with GAMBIT's FlavBit, Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021), arXiv:2006.03489.
Supplementary data, including samples: - A frequentist analysis of three right-handed neutrinos with GAMBIT, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 6, 569, arxiv:1908.02302.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Axion global fits with Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking before inflation using GAMBIT, JHEP 03 (2019) 191, arXiv:1810.07192.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Combined collider constraints on neutralinos and charginos, Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 395, arXiv:1809.02097.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Global analyses of Higgs portal singlet dark matter models using GAMBIT, Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 38, arXiv:1808.10465.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Impact of vacuum stability, perturbativity and XENON1T on global fits of Z2 and Z3 scalar singlet dark matter, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) 830, arXiv:1806.11281.
Supplementary data, including samples: - A global fit of the MSSM with GAMBIT, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 879, arXiv:1705.07917.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Global fits of GUT-scale SUSY models with GAMBIT, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 824, arXiv:1705.07935.
Supplementary data, including samples: - Status of the scalar singlet dark matter model, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 568, arXiv:1705.07931.
Supplementary data, including samples:
Reviews and Policy Papers
- GAMBIT and its Application in the Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 113 (2020) 103769, arXiv:1912.04079
Code Papers
- The GAMBIT Universal Model Machine: from Lagrangians to Likelihoods, Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 12, 1103, arXiv:2107.00030.
- CosmoBit: A GAMBIT module for computing cosmological observables and likelihoods, JCAP 02 (2021) 022, arXiv:2009.03286.
Supplementary data, including samples: - ScannerBit: Comparison of statistical sampling methods with ScannerBit, the GAMBIT scanning module, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 761, arXiv:1705.07959
- SpecBit, DecayBit and PrecisionBit: GAMBIT modules for computing mass spectra, particle decay rates and precision observables, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) 22, arXiv:1705.07936
- FlavBit: A GAMBIT module for computing flavour observables and likelihoods, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 786, arXiv:1705.07933
- DarkBit: A GAMBIT module for computing dark matter observables and likelihoods, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 831, arXiv:1705.07920
- ColliderBit: a GAMBIT module for the calculation of high-energy collider observables and likelihoods, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 795, arXiv:1705.07919
- GAMBIT: The Global and Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 784, Addendum: Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) 98, arXiv:1705.07908