file frontends/Acropolis_1_2_1.cpp

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  • 2021 Oct
  • 2021 Oct

Frontend for Acropolis 1.2.1 backend

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Frontend for Acropolis 1.2.1 backend
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Patrick Stoecker
///          (
///  \date 2021 Oct
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2021 Oct
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Backends/frontend_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/frontends/Acropolis_1_2_1.hpp"

#include "gambit/Utils/numerical_constants.hpp"

#include <algorithm>


#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11

  // Convenience functions (definitions)
    namespace py = pybind11;

    using pyArray_dbl = py::array_t<double>;

    // Static variables to store important modules and submodules
    static py::module AC;
    static py::module AC_models;

    // Reference temperature [in MeV] at which the initial number density of the decaying particle is defined.
    static double T0; 

    // Translate the results of AlterBBN (ratioH) into the abundances (Y0) that are assumed by ACROPOLIS.
    // This function is adapted from tools/create_sm_abundance_file.c  on the ACROPOLIS git repository.
    // [added at commit 59d76e9]
    // (The only change is the implicit shift in the index: AlterBBN starts counting at 1, other people would start at 0)
    void ratioH_to_Y0(double ratioH[], double Y0[], int NY)
      // Handle the special case 'p'
      Y0[1] = ratioH[1];
      // Handle the special case 'He4'
      Y0[5] = ratioH[5]/4;

      // All other isotopes are normalised with respect to 'p'
      for ( int i = 0; i < NY; i++ )
        // Skip the special cases from above
        if ( i == 1 || i == 5 ) continue;
        Y0[i] = ratioH[i]*Y0[1];

      // Revert the decays of 'H3' and 'Be7'
      Y0[4] = Y0[4] - ratioH[3]*Y0[1]; // H3
      Y0[7] = Y0[7] - ratioH[8]*Y0[1]; // Be7

    // Reverse translation
    void Y0_to_ratioH(double ratioH[], double Y0[], int NY)
      // Handle the special case 'p'
      ratioH[1] = Y0[1];
      // Handle the secial case 'He4'
      ratioH[5] = Y0[5]*4;

      // All other isotopes are normalised with respect to 'p'
      for ( int i = 0; i < NY; i++ )
        // Skip the special cases from above
        if ( i == 1 || i == 5 ) continue;
        ratioH[i] = Y0[i]/Y0[1];


    // Function to apply variable transformation to the transfer matrix
    // This is an approximation assuming one can linearize the transformation, so it should only be used for the covariance
    void transform_transfer_matrix(std::vector<double> &ctf, pyArray_dbl &tf, double ratioH_pre[], double ratioH_post[], int NY)
      // First Jacobian corresponds to the transformation from ratioH -> abundance
      mat_dbl FirstJacobian =  {{ratioH_pre[1], ratioH_pre[0], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[2], ratioH_pre[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[3], 0., ratioH_pre[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[4]-ratioH_pre[3], 0., -ratioH_pre[1], ratioH_pre[1], 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./4, 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[6], 0., 0., 0., 0., ratioH_pre[1], 0., 0.},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[7]-ratioH_pre[8], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., ratioH_pre[1], -ratioH_pre[1]},
                                {0., ratioH_pre[8], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., ratioH_pre[1]}};
      // Second Jacobian corresponds to the transformation from abundances -> ratioH
      mat_dbl SecondJacobian = {{1./ratioH_post[1], -ratioH_post[0]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[2]/ratioH_post[1], 1./ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[3]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 1./ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[4]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 1./ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 4., 0., 0., 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[6]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./ratioH_post[1], 0., 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[7]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./ratioH_post[1], 0.},
                                {0., -ratioH_post[8]/ratioH_post[1], 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1./ratioH_post[1]}};

      for(int i=0; i<NY; ++i) for(int j=0; j<NY; ++j) for(int k=0; k<NY; ++k) for(int l=0; l<NY; ++l)
          ctf[i*NY+j] += SecondJacobian[i][k] * *(*NY+l) * FirstJacobian[l][j];

    void set_input_params(bool verbose, int NE_pd, int NT_pd, double eps)
      py::module::import("acropolis.pprint").attr("verbose") = py::bool_(verbose);
      py::module::import("acropolis.cascade").attr("NE_pd") =  py::int_(NE_pd); // default: 150, fast: 75, aggresive: 30
      py::module::import("acropolis.cascade").attr("eps") = py::float_(eps); // default: 1e-3, fast: 1e-2, aggresive: 1e-1
      py::module::import("acropolis.nucl").attr("NT_pd") = py::int_(NT_pd); // default: 50, fast: 25, aggresive: 10
      py::module::import("acropolis.nucl").attr("eps") = py::float_(eps); // default: 1e-3, fast: 1e-2, aggresive: 1e-1

    void abundance_photodisintegration_decay(double* ratioH_pre, double* cov_ratioH_pre, double* ratioH_post, double* cov_ratioH_post, double mass, double tau, double N0a, double BR_el, double BR_ph, int niso)
      #ifdef ACROPOLIS_DEBUG
        std::cout << "[ACROPOLIS] Invoking 'DecayModel' with (mass, tau, T0, N0a, BR_el, BR_ph) = ";
        std::cout << "( " << mass << " " << tau << " " << T0 << " " << N0a << " " << BR_el << " " << BR_ph << " )" << std::endl;

      // Initialise the model
      py::object mod = AC_models.attr("DecayModel")(mass, tau, T0, N0a, BR_el, BR_ph);

      // Get the initial abundances (in the 'AlterBBN basis') of the isotopes n, p, H2, H3, He3, He4, Li6, Li7, Be7
      pyArray_dbl Y0_pre(niso, ratioH_pre);
      // Translate the results of AlterBBN ('ratioH') into pure abundances ('Y0') needed by ACROPOLIS.
      ratioH_to_Y0(ratioH_pre, Y0_pre.mutable_data(), niso);

      // Reshape the numpy array [shape (niso,)] into a 1D-matrix [shape (niso,1)]
      Y0_pre = Y0_pre.attr("reshape")(niso,1);

      // Replace the internal initial abundance matrix of the 'InputInterface' with the content of 'intial_abundances'

      // Run the disintegration and compute the final abundances
      py::dict result = mod.attr("run_disintegration")();

      // Get the transfer matrix
      pyArray_dbl transfer_matrix = py::cast<pyArray_dbl>(result["transfer_matrix"]);

      // Pure abundances post acropolis
      double Y0_post[niso];
      for (int i=0; i != niso; ++i)
        Y0_post[i] = 0.0;
        for (int j=0; j < niso; ++j)
          *(Y0_post+i) += *(*niso+j) * *(;

      // Transalte the results from pure abundances to ratioH
      Y0_to_ratioH(ratioH_post, Y0_post, niso);

      // Transform transfer matrix for computation of covariance
      std::vector<double> corrected_transfer_matrix(niso*niso,0.0);
      transform_transfer_matrix(corrected_transfer_matrix, transfer_matrix, ratioH_pre, ratioH_post, niso);
      for (int i=0; i != niso; ++i) for (int j=0; j < niso; ++j) for (int k=0; k < niso; ++k) for (int l=0; l < niso; ++l)
        *(cov_ratioH_post+i*niso+j) += corrected_transfer_matrix[i*niso+k] *  *(cov_ratioH_pre+k*niso+l) * corrected_transfer_matrix[j*niso+l];




// Initialisation function (definition)

  #ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11

    static bool first_point = true;

    // Enter this scope only for the first point
    if (first_point)
      first_point = false;

      // Save the submodule "models" (for later)
      AC = Gambit::Backends::Acropolis_1_2_1::Acropolis;
      std::string module_name = AC.attr("__name__").cast<std::string>();
      AC_models = py::module::import( (module_name + ".models").c_str() );

      // Set the reference temperature to 0.01 MeV
      T0 = 0.01;

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:21 +0000