file examples/libFarrayTest.f90

[No description available]






subroutinefptrroutine(i i, j j, func func)
double precision functiondoublefuncarray(i i)
double precision functiondoublefuncarray2(i i)
double precision functiondoublefuncarray3(i i)
subroutinetestcomplex(z z, re re, im im)

Functions Documentation

function printstuff

subroutine printstuff()

function fillarrays

subroutine fillarrays()

function fptrroutine

subroutine fptrroutine(
    i i,
    j j,
    func func

function doublefuncarray

double precision function doublefuncarray(
    i i

function doublefuncarray2

double precision function doublefuncarray2(
    i i

function doublefuncarray3

double precision function doublefuncarray3(
    i i

function testcomplex

subroutine testcomplex(
    z z,
    re re,
    im im

Source code

module testmodule
  implicit none

  double precision, dimension(-2:0) :: a = (/-2.2, -1.1, 0.0/)
  double precision, dimension(3) :: b = (/1.1,2.2,3.3/)   
  integer :: c = 1
  integer, dimension(1:3,0:1,-1:0) :: d = (reshape((/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &
  0, 0/), [3,2,2]))  
  common /commonblock/ a,b,c,d
! 5-letter sting 
  character*5 :: chara = 'abc'
! 3-element 1-dimensional array of 5-letter strings
  character*5 charb(3)
! 2x2-element 2-dimensional array of 6-letter strings
  character*6 charc(2,-1:0)
  integer :: e = 6
  common /commonblock2/ chara, charb, charc, e

! complex and double complex types  
  complex :: cpa = (1,2)
  complex*16  :: cpb = (3,4)
  integer :: f = 91
  common /commonblock3/ cpa, cpb, f

end module testmodule

  subroutine printstuff()
    implicit none
    double precision, dimension(-2:0) :: a
    double precision, dimension(3) :: b   
    integer :: c
    integer, dimension(1:3,0:1,-1:0) :: d
    common /commonblock/ a,b,c,d
    character*5 :: chara
    character*5 charb(3)
    character*6 charc(2,-1:0)
    integer :: e
    common /commonblock2/ chara, charb, charc, e
    write(*,*) "commonBlock contents:"     
    write(*,*) "a:    ", a 
    write(*,*) "b:    ", b
    write(*,*) "c:    ", c   
    write(*,*) "d:    ", d       
    write(*,*) "commonBlock2 contents:"   
    write(*,*) "chara:           ", chara 
    write(*,*) "charb([1,2,3]):  ", charb(1),"   ",charb(2),"   ",charb(3)
    write(*,*) "charc(1,[-1,0]): ", charc(1,-1),"   ",charc(1,0)   
    write(*,*) "charc(2,[-1,0]): ", charc(2,-1),"   ",charc(2,0)       
    write(*,*) "e:    ", e
  end subroutine printstuff

  subroutine fillarrays()
    implicit none 
    double precision, dimension(-2:0) :: a
    double precision, dimension(3) :: b   
    integer :: c
    integer, dimension(1:3,0:1,-1:0) :: d
    common /commonblock/ a,b,c,d
    character*5 :: chara
    character*5 charb(3)
    character*6 charc(2,-1:0)
    integer :: e
    common /commonblock2/ chara, charb, charc, e  
    a = (/-2.2, -1.1, 0.0/)  
    b = (/1.1,2.2,3.3/)  
    d(1,0,-1) = -101
    d(1,0,0) = 100    
    d(1,1,-1) = -111
    d(1,1,0) = 110     
    d(2,0,-1) = -201
    d(2,0,0) = 200    
    d(2,1,-1) = -211
    d(2,1,0) = 210      
    d(3,0,-1) = -301
    d(3,0,0) = 300    
    d(3,1,-1) = -311
    d(3,1,0) = 310        
    chara = 'abc'
    charb(1) = "12345"
    charb(2) = "abcde"
    charb(3) = "..."   
    charc(1,-1) = "1,-1"
    charc(1,0)  = "1,0"
    charc(2,-1) = "2,-1"
    charc(2,0)  = "2,0"
  end subroutine fillarrays

  subroutine fptrroutine(i,j,func)
    implicit none
    double precision, dimension(3), intent(inout) :: i
    integer, intent(in) :: j
    interface afunc
      function func (y)
        double precision :: func
        double precision, dimension(3), intent(in) :: y
      end function func
    end interface afunc
    write(*,*) " This is fptrRoutine called with arguments i,j=",i,j,"and a function pointer, func."
    write(*,*) " Setting i(j)=func(i)" 
    i(j) = func(i)
  end subroutine fptrroutine

  double precision function doublefuncarray(i)
    implicit none
    double precision, dimension(3), intent(in) :: i
    write(*,*) " This is doubleFuncArray called with arguments:",i
    write(*,*) " Returning element 2 of the supplied array."   
    doublefuncarray = i(2)
  end function

  double precision function doublefuncarray2(i)
    implicit none
    double precision, dimension(3), intent(in) :: i
    write(*,*) " This is doubleFuncArray2 called with arguments:",i
    write(*,*) " Returning element 2 of the supplied array."   
    doublefuncarray2 = i(2)
  end function
  double precision function doublefuncarray3(i)
    implicit none
    double precision, dimension(1:2,2:3), intent(in) :: i
    write(*,*) " This is doubleFuncArray3 called with argument:"
    write(*,*) " i(1,2) = ", i(1,2), " i(1,3) = ", i(1,3) 
    write(*,*) " i(2,2) = ", i(2,2), " i(2,3) = ", i(2,3)     
    doublefuncarray3 = i(1,3)
  end function

  subroutine testcomplex(z, re, im)
    implicit none
    complex(8), intent(in) :: z
    real(8), intent(out) :: re, im

    !Write(*,*) z
    !Write(*,*) Real(z)
    !Write(*,*) Aimag(z)

    re = real(z)
    im = aimag(z)

  end subroutine

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:20 +0000