file src/modelgraph.cpp
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Name |
Gambit Simulation of “Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”. |
Detailed Description
Library of ModelGraph methods.
- Create and track a graph of the model hierarchy, for both visualisation and for relationship checks
(add name and date if you modify)
Ben Farmer (
2013 July 17
Pat Scott (
2013 Aug, Sep
2014 Mar
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Library of ModelGraph methods.
/// Duties:
/// * Create and track a graph of the model hierarchy,
/// for both visualisation and for relationship
/// checks
/// *********************************************
/// Authors
/// =======
/// (add name and date if you modify)
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2013 July 17
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2013 Aug, Sep
/// \date 2014 Mar
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Core/modelgraph.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/models.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
namespace Gambit
/// ModelHierarchy method definitions
/// Creates a graph of the model hierarchy for visualisation purposes.
/// @{
/// Constructor
ModelHierarchy::ModelHierarchy(const Models::ModelFunctorClaw& claw, const primodel_vec& pmv, str file, bool talky)
: boundClaw(&claw), filename(file), verbose(talky)
/// Figure out relationships between primary model functors
void ModelHierarchy::makeGraph(const primodel_vec& primaryModelFunctors)
boost::graph_traits<ModelGraphType>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
std::map<str, ModelVertexID> vertexIDmap;
str model;
// The property map which holds the edge colors:
boost::property_map<ModelGraphType, edge_color_t>::type color(boost::get(edge_color_t(),modelGraph));
if (verbose) std::cout<<std::endl<<"Determining model hierarchy graph..."<<std::endl;
// Add all primary model functors to the model hierarchy graph
// Loop over all vertices (models) in modelGraph and create a map from
// model names to vertex IDs.
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = boost::vertices(modelGraph);
vi != vi_end; ++vi)
model = (*modelGraph[*vi]).origin();
vertexIDmap[model] = *vi;
if (verbose) std::cout<<" Vertex added: "<<model<<std::endl;
// Loop over all vertices (models) in vertexIDmap, look up the 'parent'
// of each one in the parents database boundClaw->myParentsDB, and add
// an edge from parent to child in the model graph. Do the same with
// direct (best) friends.
typedef std::map<str, ModelVertexID>::iterator vertexIDmap_it;
for (vertexIDmap_it vimap = vertexIDmap.begin();
vimap != vertexIDmap.end(); vimap++)
model = vimap->first;
str parent = boundClaw->get_parent(model);
if (verbose) std::cout<<model<<"; parent: "<<parent<<std::endl;;
// If there is a parent, add an edge between parent and child
if (parent != "none")
boost::add_edge(vertexIDmap[parent], vertexIDmap[model], modelGraph);
if (verbose) std::cout<<" Edge added: "<<model<<" ---> "<<parent<<std::endl;
// Add edges with all this model's best friends. Might want to make these another colour in future.
std::set<str> friends = boundClaw->get_best_friends(model);
for (auto it = friends.begin(); it != friends.end(); ++it)
boost::add_edge(vertexIDmap[*it], vertexIDmap[model], modelGraph);
// Get the descriptor for the edge we just added
ModelEdgeID e = boost::edge(vertexIDmap[*it], vertexIDmap[model], modelGraph).first;
// Set the color property for this edge to "red"
if (verbose)
std::cout<<model<<"; friend: "<<*it<<std::endl;;
std::cout<<" Edge added: "<<model<<" ---> "<<*it<<std::endl;
if (verbose) std::cout<<std::endl;
// Property writer for graph; see
// Also for valid properties see
struct graphWriter
void operator()(std::ostream& out) const
out << "rankdir = LR;" << std::endl; // Turn graph orientation left to right.
out << "edge [dir=back];" << std::endl; // Reverse all the arrows
// Generate graphviz plot
std::ofstream outf(filename);
// args: output stream, vertex list, vertex property writer (PW), edge PW, graph PW.
write_graphviz(outf, modelGraph, labelWriter(&modelGraph), colorWriter(&modelGraph), graphWriter());
/// Add model functors to the modelGraph
void ModelHierarchy::addFunctorsToGraph(const primodel_vec& primaryModelFunctors)
// - model functors go into modelGraph
for (std::vector<primary_model_functor *>::const_iterator
it = primaryModelFunctors.begin();
it != primaryModelFunctors.end(); ++it)
//if ( (*it)->status() != 0 )
boost::add_vertex(*it, modelGraph);
/// @}
/// ModelHierarchy::labelWriter method definitions
/// @{
/// Constructor
ModelHierarchy::labelWriter::labelWriter(const ModelGraphType * modelGraph) : myGraph(modelGraph) {}
void ModelHierarchy::labelWriter::operator()(std::ostream& out, const ModelVertexID& v) const
if ( (*myGraph)[v]->status() == 2 )
out << "[fillcolor=\"red\", style=\"rounded,filled\", shape=box,";
out << "label=< ";
out << "<font point-size=\"20\" color=\"black\">" << (*myGraph)[v]->origin() << "</font><br/>";
out << "[fillcolor=\"#F0F0D0\", style=\"rounded,filled\", shape=box,";
out << "label=< ";
out << "<font point-size=\"20\" color=\"red\">" << (*myGraph)[v]->origin() << "</font><br/>";
/*out << "Type: " << (*myGraph)[v]->type() << "<br/>";
out << "Function: " << (*myGraph)[v]->name() << "<br/>";
out << "Module: " << (*myGraph)[v]->origin();*/
out << ">]";
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:19 +0000