file src/ModGrav.cpp

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Detailed Description

Author: Anna Liang (

Date: 2021 Aug

CosmoBit routines relating to modified gravity models. Currently includes solar system tests.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  CosmoBit routines relating to modified gravity models.
///  Currently includes solar system tests.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Anna Liang
///          (
///  \date 2021 Aug
///  *********************************************
// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>

#include "gambit/Utils/yaml_options.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/ascii_dict_reader.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_types.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  namespace CosmoBit
    using namespace LogTags;

    // Obtain the grid of phi(0) for a given M and mu by interpolating pre-calculated values
    // from the data file CosmoBit/data/phiOvals.dat
    void interp_phi0 (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::interp_phi0;
      using namespace std;

      const double M_pl = 2.453e18; // [Gev/c^2] reduced planck mass

      // Read in the data file on the first time the function calls
      static bool firsttime = true;
      static double minmass, maxmass, minmu, maxmu; // bounds on mass and mu
      static int nmasses, nmu; // grid sizes of mass and mu
      static vector <double> phi0vec; // vector to store phi0 vals
      static vector <double> massvec, muvec; // vector to store the mass and mu points of grid

      if (firsttime == true){
        // Create a file stream for file to open the .dat file of phi0 values
        ifstream datafile;
        str filename = runOptions->getValueOrDef<str>(GAMBIT_DIR "/CosmoBit/data/phi0vals.dat", "filepath");;
          CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Failed to open file phi0vals.dat in specified directory.");
        // Obtain the first line of data file as a string stream and convert to store parameters as double values
        str line1;
        getline(datafile, line1);
        istringstream iss(line1);

        vector <double> vecinputs (6, 0.0e0);
        for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
          iss >>;

        // Store the read in parameters as static variables
        minmass =;
        maxmass =;
        nmasses =;
        minmu =;
        maxmu =;
        nmu =;

        // Then read in the rest of the file as a vector
        double num = 0; // to check file reading against
        while (datafile >> num) {

        // Generate a vector of masses in GeV
        double steplogmass = (log10(maxmass/M_pl)-log10(minmass/M_pl))/(nmasses-1);
        massvec.resize(nmasses, 0.0e0);
        for (int i=0; i<nmasses; i++){
 = pow(10, log10(maxmass/M_pl)-i*steplogmass)*M_pl;

        // Generate a vector of mu vals in GeV
        double steplogmu = (log10(maxmu)-log10(minmu))/(nmu-1);
        muvec.resize(nmu, 0.0e0);
        for (int i=0; i<nmu; i++){
 = pow(10, log10(maxmu)-i*steplogmu);

        firsttime = false;

      // Interpolate the table to obtain desired phi(0) for a given M and mu
      double inputmass, inputmu;
      if (ModelInUse("symmetron")) {
        double powmass, powmu;
        powmass = *Param["mass"];
        inputmass = pow(10, powmass)*M_pl;
        powmu = *Param["mu"];
        inputmu = pow(10, powmu);
      } else
         CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Whoops, you are not scanning the model "
          " symmetron! There is probably a bug CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp; this module "
          " function should have ALLOW_MODELS(symmetron) defined.");

      // Check the input mass and mu are within interpolation range
      if (inputmass > maxmass){
        CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Input mass chosen greater than interpolating range.");
      if (inputmass < minmass){
        CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Input mass chosen smaller than interpolating range.");
      if (inputmu > maxmu) {
        CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Input mu chosen greater than interpolating range.");
      if (inputmu < minmu) {
        CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Input mu chosen smaller than interpolating range.");

      // Find x0, x1, y0, y1 where x is mass and y is mu
      int ix0, ix1, jy0, jy1;
      double x0, x1, y0, y1;

      for (int i=0; i<nmasses-1; i++){
        // massvec gets smaller from first element to last
        if (inputmass <= && inputmass >={
          ix0 = i+1;
          ix1 = i;
          x0 =;
          x1 =;

      for (int j=0; j<nmu-1; j++){
        // muvec gets bigger from first element to last
        if (inputmu <= && inputmu >={
          jy0 = j+1;
          jy1 = j;
          y0 =;
          y1 =;

      // Find what corresponding phi(0) values are
      double z00 =*nmu);
      double z01 =*nmu);
      double z10 =*nmu);
      double z11 =*nmu);

      // Then interpolate to obtain the phi0(mass, mu) we want
      double yfrac = (inputmu - y0)/(y1-y0);
      double xfrac = (inputmass - x0)/(x1-x0);
      double interpphi0 = (1.0-yfrac)*((1.0-xfrac)*z00+xfrac*z10)+yfrac*((1.0-xfrac)*z01+xfrac*z11);

      result = interpphi0;
      // Print parameters to check function is interpolating correctly
      // cout << "Mass = " << inputmass << endl;
      // cout << "Mu = " << inputmu << endl;
      // cout << "phi(0) = " << result << endl;

    // Calculate Brans-Dicke parameter omega using symmetron parameters mass and v
    void compute_omega (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::compute_omega;

      double phival = *Pipes::compute_omega::Dep::phi0_interpolation; // obtain from interpolating function
      const double M_pl = 2.453e18; // [Gev/c^2] reduced planck mass
      double omega = 0.0e0; // to store the value of omega

     if (ModelInUse("symmetron"))
        // Input parameters are given as powers so convert to GeV/c^2
        double powmass = *Param["mass"];
        double mass = pow(10, powmass)*M_pl;
        double powv = *Param["vval"];
        double vval = pow(10, powv)*M_pl;

        if(Utils::isnan(mass) or Utils::isnan(vval))
          CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NaN detected in input parameters for model"
          " symmetron! This may indicate a bug in the scanner plugin you are using.");
        omega = 0.5*(0.5*pow(pow(mass,2.0)/(M_pl*phival*vval), 2.0)-3);
      } else
         CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Whoops, you are not scanning the model "
          " symmetron! There is probably a bug CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp; this module "
          " function should have ALLOW_MODELS(symmetron) defined.");

      // Store the result as omega
      result = omega;

  // Calculate gamma using brans-dicke parameter omega
   void compute_gammaminus1 (double &result)
     result = fabs(1.0/(2.0+ *Pipes::compute_gammaminus1::Dep::omega_bdparam));
     // cout << "|gamma-1| = " << result << endl;

   // Calculate |beta-1| parameter using brans-dicke parameter omega
    void compute_betaminus1 (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::compute_betaminus1;

      double omega = *Pipes::compute_betaminus1::Dep::omega_bdparam;
      double phi0 = *Pipes::compute_betaminus1::Dep::phi0_interpolation;
      double mass, vval;
      const double M_pl = 2.453e18; // [Gev/c^2] reduced planck mass

      if (ModelInUse("symmetron"))
         // read in input parameters
         double powmass = *Param["mass"];
         mass = pow(10, powmass)*M_pl;
         double powv = *Param["vval"];
         vval = pow(10, powv)*M_pl;

           CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NaN detected in input parameters for model"
           " symmetron! This may indicate a bug in the scanner plugin you are using.");
       } else
          CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Whoops, you are not scanning the model "
           " symmetron! There is probably a bug CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp; this module "
           " function should have ALLOW_MODELS(symmetron) defined.");

      double deriv = -2*pow(1+phi0*phi0*vval*vval/(2*mass*mass),-3.0)*2*phi0*vval/(2*mass*mass);
      result = fabs(1/(pow(3+2*omega,2.0)*(4+2*omega))*1.0/deriv);
      // cout << "|beta-1| = " << result << endl;

    // A likelihood function for comparing the model eta to the mars perihelion value
    void lnL_eta (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_eta;

      double loglTotal = 0.;
      double betaminus1 = *Pipes::lnL_eta::Dep::betaminus1_bdparam;
      double gammaminus1 = *Pipes::lnL_eta::Dep::gammaminus1_bdparam;
      double eta_data = -0.6e-4;
      double eta_err = 5.2e-4;
      double eta_model = 4*(betaminus1+1)-(gammaminus1+1)-3;
      double chi2 = pow((eta_model-eta_data)/eta_err,2.0);
      loglTotal += -chi2/2.0;

      // Randomly raise some ficticious alarms about this point, with probability x,
      // where x is given by the input yaml option or a default of 1.
      double x = 1.0-runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1., "probability_of_validity");
      if (Random::draw() < x)
        invalid_point().raise("I don't like this point.");

      // Artificially slow down likelihood evaluations
      // Important for debugging new scanner plugins.
      double eval_time = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-1, "eval_time"); // Measured in seconds
      //std::cout << "eval_time:" << eval_time <<std::endl;
         struct timespec sleeptime;
         sleeptime.tv_sec = floor(eval_time);
         sleeptime.tv_nsec = floor((eval_time-floor(eval_time))*1e9); // Allow user to choose fractions of second
         //std::cout << "Sleeping for "<<sleeptime.tv_sec<<" seconds and "<<sleeptime.tv_nsec<<" nanoseconds" <<std::endl;

      result = loglTotal;
      logger() << "Symmetron beta LogLike computed to be: " << result << EOM;

    // A likelihood function for comparing the model |gamma-1| to the cassini value
    void lnL_gamma (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_gamma;

      double loglTotal = 0.;
      double gammaminus1 = *Pipes::lnL_gamma::Dep::gammaminus1_bdparam;
      double gammaminus1_data = 2.1e-5;
      double gammaminus1_err = 2.3e-5;
      double chi2 = pow((gammaminus1-gammaminus1_data)/gammaminus1_err,2.0);
      loglTotal += -chi2/2.0;

      // Check that the tolerance for phi is reasonable for the data
      double limit = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1e-5, "gammaminus1_tol");
      if (0.01*gammaminus1_data < limit) {
        CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Minimum gamma-1 limit for calculating "
        "phi(0) is too large for the given data. Recalculate phi(0) grid with a smaller limit.");

      // Randomly raise some ficticious alarms about this point, with probability x,
      // where x is given by the input yaml option or a default of 1.
      double x = 1.0-runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1., "probability_of_validity");
      if (Random::draw() < x)
        invalid_point().raise("I don't like this point.");

      // Artificially slow down likelihood evaluations
      // Important for debugging new scanner plugins.
      double eval_time = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-1, "eval_time"); // Measured in seconds
      //std::cout << "eval_time:" << eval_time <<std::endl;
         struct timespec sleeptime;
         sleeptime.tv_sec = floor(eval_time);
         sleeptime.tv_nsec = floor((eval_time-floor(eval_time))*1e9); // Allow user to choose fractions of second
         //std::cout << "Sleeping for "<<sleeptime.tv_sec<<" seconds and "<<sleeptime.tv_nsec<<" nanoseconds" <<std::endl;

      result = loglTotal;
      logger() << "Symmetron gamma LogLike computed to be: " << result << EOM;

    // A box likelihood function for whether v is allowed by vmin
    void lnL_vmin (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_vmin;
      using namespace std;
      const double M_pl = 2.453e18; // [Gev/c^2] reduced planck mass
      double mass, vval;
      // double scale_gravstrength = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1.0, "gravstrength");

      if (ModelInUse("symmetron"))
         double powmass = *Param["mass"];
         mass = pow(10, powmass)*M_pl;
         double powv = *Param["vval"];
         vval = pow(10, powv)*M_pl;

         if(Utils::isnan(mass) or Utils::isnan(vval))
           CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NaN detected in input parameters for model"
           " symmetron! This may indicate a bug in the scanner plugin you are using.");
       } else
          CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Whoops, you are not scanning the model "
           " symmetron! There is probably a bug CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp; this module "
           " function should have ALLOW_MODELS(symmetron) defined.");

       double logl = 0.0e0;
       if (vval > mass*mass/M_pl){
         logl = 0.0;
       } else {
         logl = -1e30;

       result = logl;

  } // namespace CosmoBit
} // namespace Gambit

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:19 +0000