file src/NeutrinoBit.cpp
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Gambit Simulation of “Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”. |
Gambit::NeutrinoBit |
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Detailed Description
- Tomas Gonzalo (
- Julia Harz (
- 2017 July
- 2018, 2019, 2020
- 2018 April
Function definitions of NeutrinoBit.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Macros Documentation
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Function definitions of NeutrinoBit.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2017 July
/// \date 2018, 2019, 2020
/// \author Julia Harz
/// (
/// \date 2018 April
/// *********************************************
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_eigen.hpp"
#include <unsupported/Eigen/MatrixFunctions>
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/statistics.hpp"
#include "gambit/NeutrinoBit/NeutrinoBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/NeutrinoBit/NeutrinoInterpolator.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace NeutrinoBit
using namespace LogTags;
// Aux function
double gauss_like(double x, double x0, double xerr)
return -0.5*pow(x-x0, 2)/xerr/xerr;
// Module functions
void ordering(bool &ord)
using namespace Pipes::ordering;
if(*Param["mNu3"] < *Param["mNu1"])
ord = 0; // Inverted ordering
ord = 1; // Normal ordering
// Neutrino mass matrix from true SM neutrino model (in GeV)
void M_nu(Eigen::Matrix3cd& m_nu)
using namespace Pipes::M_nu;
double mnu1 = *Param["mNu1"];
double mnu2 = *Param["mNu2"];
double mnu3 = *Param["mNu3"];
m_nu(0,1) = 0.0;
m_nu(0,2) = 0.0;
m_nu(1,0) = 0.0;
m_nu(1,2) = 0.0;
m_nu(2,0) = 0.0;
m_nu(2,1) = 0.0;
m_nu(0,0) = mnu1;
m_nu(1,1) = mnu2;
m_nu(2,2) = mnu3;
// If there is an option to set a specific ordering, invalidate the other type
int ord = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(-1,"ordering");
if(ord == 1 and *Dep::ordering == 0)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Wrong ordering";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
else if(ord == 0 and *Dep::ordering == 1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Wrong ordering";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
// Solar neutrino mass splitting \Delta m_{21}^2 (in GeV)
void md21(double &m21)
using namespace Pipes::md21;
Eigen::Matrix3cd mnu = *Dep::m_nu;
m21 = pow(mnu(1,1).real(),2) - pow(mnu(0,0).real(), 2);
// Atmospheric neutrino mass splitting for normal hierarchy \Delta m_{31}^2 (in GeV)
void md31(double &m31)
using namespace Pipes::md31;
Eigen::Matrix3cd mnu = *Dep::m_nu;
m31 = pow(mnu(2,2).real(),2) - pow(mnu(0,0).real(), 2);
// Atmospheric neutrino mass splitting for inverted hierarchy \Delta m_{32}^2 (in GeV)
void md32(double &m32)
using namespace Pipes::md32;
Eigen::Matrix3cd mnu = *Dep::m_nu;
m32 = pow(mnu(2,2).real(),2) - pow(mnu(1,1).real(), 2);
// Lightest active neutrino mass (in GeV)
void min_mass(double &minmass)
using namespace Pipes::min_mass;
Eigen::Matrix3cd mnu = *Dep::m_nu;
if(*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
minmass = mnu(0,0).real();
else // Inverted ordering
minmass = mnu(2,2).real();
// PMNS matrix (with Majorana phases)
void UPMNS(Eigen::Matrix3cd& U_nu)
using namespace Pipes::UPMNS;
Eigen::Matrix3cd V_23, V_13, V_12, U_pd, U_nd, Maj_phase;
double theta23 = *Param["theta23"];
double theta12 = *Param["theta12"];
double theta13 = *Param["theta13"];
double delta = *Param["delta13"];
double alpha1 = *Param["alpha1"];
double alpha2 = *Param["alpha2"];
std::complex<double> I(0.0, 1.0);
V_23 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, cos(theta23), sin(theta23),
0.0, -sin(theta23), cos(theta23);
V_13 << cos(theta13), 0.0, sin(theta13),
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-sin(theta13), 0.0, cos(theta13);
V_12 << cos(theta12), sin(theta12), 0.0,
-sin(theta12), cos(theta12), 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
U_pd << exp(-I*delta/2.0), 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, exp(I*delta/2.0);
U_nd << exp(I*delta/2.0), 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, exp(-I*delta/2.0);
Maj_phase << exp(I*alpha1/2.0), 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, exp(I*alpha2/2.0), 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
U_nu = V_23 * U_pd * V_13 * U_nd * V_12 * Maj_phase;
// Helper function for the heavy neutrino masses
double l_M(double M, const double m_Z, const double m_H)
return 0.0;
return 1.0/pow(4.0*pi, 2.0) * ( (3.0*log(pow(M/m_Z, 2.0)))/((pow(M/m_Z, 2.0)) - 1.0) + (log(pow(M/m_H, 2.0)))/((pow(M/m_H, 2.0)) - 1.0));
// Active-sterile (Theta) matrix in Seesaw I in the Casas-Ibarra parametrization
void CI_Theta(Eigen::Matrix3cd& Theta) // capability: SeesawI_Theta
using namespace Pipes::CI_Theta;
SMInputs sminputs = *Dep::SMINPUTS;
Eigen::Matrix3cd mnu = *Dep::m_nu;
std::complex<double> I(0.0, 1.0);
Eigen::Matrix3d M_I; // M_I not complex; circumvents type mismatch in l(M)
Eigen::Matrix3cd M_twid, R_23, R_13, R_12, R;
double mZ = sminputs.mZ;
double mH = *Param["mH"];
double vev = 1. / sqrt(sqrt(2.)*sminputs.GF);
double x23 = *Param["ReOm23"];
double y23 = *Param["ImOm23"];
double x13 = *Param["ReOm13"];
double y13 = *Param["ImOm13"];
double x12 = *Param["ReOm12"];
double y12 = *Param["ImOm12"];
M_I << *Param["M_1"], 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, *Param["M_2"], 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, *Param["M_3"];
// Invalidate point if any M_I is zero
if(!*Param["M_1"] or !*Param["M_2"] or !*Param["M_3"])
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Casas-Ibarra parametrization is undefined for M_I = 0";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
M_twid(0,0) = sqrt(M_I(0,0) * (1.0 - (pow(M_I(0,0),2.0)*l_M(M_I(0,0),mZ,mH)/pow(vev,2.0))));
M_twid(0,1) = 0.0;
M_twid(0,2) = 0.0;
M_twid(1,0) = 0.0;
M_twid(1,1) = sqrt(M_I(1,1) * (1.0 - (pow(M_I(1,1),2.0)*l_M(M_I(1,1),mZ,mH)/pow(vev,2.0))));
M_twid(1,2) = 0.0;
M_twid(2,0) = 0.0;
M_twid(2,1) = 0.0;
M_twid(2,2) = sqrt(M_I(2,2) * (1.0 - (pow(M_I(2,2),2.0)*l_M(M_I(2,2),mZ,mH)/pow(vev,2.0))));
R_23(0,0) = 1.0;
R_23(0,1) = 0.0;
R_23(0,2) = 0.0;
R_23(1,0) = 0.0;
R_23(1,1) = cos(x23)*cosh(y23) - I*sin(x23)*sinh(y23);
R_23(1,2) = sin(x23)*cosh(y23) + I*cos(x23)*sinh(y23);
R_23(2,0) = 0.0;
R_23(2,1) = -sin(x23)*cosh(y23) - I*cos(x23)*sinh(y23);
R_23(2,2) = cos(x23)*cosh(y23) - I*sin(x23)*sinh(y23);
R_13(0,0) = cos(x13)*cosh(y13) - I*sin(x13)*sinh(y13);;
R_13(0,1) = 0.0;
R_13(0,2) = sin(x13)*cosh(y13) + I*cos(x13)*sinh(y13);
R_13(1,0) = 0.0;
R_13(1,1) = 1.0;
R_13(1,2) = 0.0;
R_13(2,0) = -sin(x13)*cosh(y13) - I*cos(x13)*sinh(y13);
R_13(2,1) = 0.0;
R_13(2,2) = cos(x13)*cosh(y13) - I*sin(x13)*sinh(y13);
R_12(0,0) = cos(x12)*cosh(y12) - I*sin(x12)*sinh(y12);
R_12(0,1) = sin(x12)*cosh(y12) + I*cos(x12)*sinh(y12);
R_12(0,2) = 0.0;
R_12(1,0) = -sin(x12)*cosh(y12) - I*cos(x12)*sinh(y12);
R_12(1,1) = cos(x12)*cosh(y12) - I*sin(x12)*sinh(y12);
R_12(1,2) = 0.0;
R_12(2,0) = 0.0;
R_12(2,1) = 0.0;
R_12(2,2) = 1.0;
// Ordering of R matrices
float Rorder = *Param["Rorder"];
if ((0. <= Rorder) && (Rorder < 1.))
R = R_23 * R_13 * R_12;
else if ((1. <= Rorder) && (Rorder < 2.))
R = R_13 * R_12 * R_23;
else if ((2. <= Rorder) && (Rorder < 3.))
R = R_12 * R_23 * R_13;
else if ((3. <= Rorder) && (Rorder < 4.))
R = R_13 * R_23 * R_12;
else if ((4. <= Rorder) && (Rorder < 5.))
R = R_23 * R_12 * R_13;
else if ((5. <= Rorder) && (Rorder <= 6.))
R = R_12 * R_13 * R_23;
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Invalid R order";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
// CI Theta matrix
if(mnu != Eigen::Matrix3cd::Zero() and M_twid != Eigen::Matrix3cd::Zero())
Theta = I * *Dep::UPMNS * mnu.sqrt() * R * M_twid.inverse();
// This parametrisation is not valid when |Theta|^2_ij > 1, so invalidate those points
Eigen::Matrix3d ThetaNorm = (Theta.adjoint() * Theta).real();
Eigen::Matrix3d ThetaNorm2 = (Theta * Theta.adjoint()).real();
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
if(ThetaNorm(i,j) > 1 or ThetaNorm2(i,j) > 1 or abs(Theta(i,j)) > 1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Casas-Ibarra parametrization breaks down for parameter point";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if(ThetaNorm(0,0) + ThetaNorm(1,1) > 1 or ThetaNorm(0,0) + ThetaNorm(2,2) > 1 or ThetaNorm(1,1) + ThetaNorm(2,2) > 1 or
ThetaNorm2(0,0) + ThetaNorm2(1,1) > 1 or ThetaNorm2(0,0) + ThetaNorm2(2,2) > 1 or ThetaNorm2(1,1) + ThetaNorm2(2,2) > 1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Casas-Ibarra parametrization breaks down for parameter point";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
// Ative neutrino mixing matrix. PMNS with Theta^2 corrections
void Vnu(Eigen::Matrix3cd &V)
using namespace Pipes::Vnu;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta = *Dep::SeesawI_Theta;
Eigen::Matrix3cd U = *Dep::UPMNS;
V = U - 0.5*Theta*Theta.adjoint()*U;
// Unitarity checks of the PMNS matrix
void Unitarity_UPMNS(bool &unitarity)
using namespace Pipes::Unitarity_UPMNS;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Id;
Id << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
Eigen::Matrix3d Epsilon;
Epsilon << 1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08,
1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08,
1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Norm = Dep::UPMNS->adjoint() * *Dep::UPMNS;
unitarity = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(std::abs(Norm(i,j) - Id(i,j)) > Epsilon(i,j))
unitarity = false;
return ;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(std::real((*Dep::m_nu)(i,j)*pow((*Dep::UPMNS)(i,j),2)) > Epsilon(i,j))
unitarity = false;
// Unitarity checks of the active neutrino mixing matrix
void Unitarity_SeesawI(bool &unitarity)
using namespace Pipes::Unitarity_SeesawI;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Id;
Id << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
Eigen::Matrix3d Epsilon;
Epsilon << 1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08,
1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08,
1e-08, 1e-08, 1e-08;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Vnu = *Dep::SeesawI_Vnu;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta = *Dep::SeesawI_Theta;
Eigen::Matrix3cd m_nu = *Dep::m_nu;
Eigen::Matrix3cd Norm = Vnu.adjoint() * Vnu + Theta.adjoint() * Theta;
unitarity = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(std::norm(Norm(i,j) - Id(i,j)) > Epsilon(i,j))
unitarity = false;
return ;
unitarity = true;
Eigen::Matrix3d MN;
MN << *Param["M_1"], 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, *Param["M_2"], 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, *Param["M_3"];
Eigen::Matrix3cd Unit;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Unit(i,i) = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Unit(i,i) += m_nu(j,j)*pow(Vnu(i,j),2) + MN(j,j) * pow(Theta(i,j),2);
if(std::real(Unit(i,i)) > Epsilon(i,i))
unitarity = false;
// Solar mixing angle \theta_{12}
void theta12(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta12;
result = *Param["theta12"];
// Atmospheric mixing angle \theta_{23}
void theta23(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta23;
result = *Param["theta23"];
// Reactor mixing angle \theta_{13}
void theta13(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta13;
result = *Param["theta13"];
// CP violating phase
void deltaCP(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::deltaCP;
result = *Param["delta13"];
// Active neutrino likelihoods from digitised likelihood contours from NuFit
// v4.1 from 1811.05487
// v3.2 from 1611.01514
// Nuisance likelihood on solar mixing angle
void theta12_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta12_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.170;
static double upp_lim = 0.830;
// Invalidate outside the ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta12 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t12_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T12n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t12_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t12_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T12i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t12_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2));
void theta12_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta12_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.170;
static double upp_lim = 0.830;
// Invalidate outside the ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta12 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t12_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T12n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t12_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t12_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T12i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t12_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta12),2));
// Nuisance likelihood on atmospheric mixing angle
void theta23_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta23_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.250;
static double upp_lim = 0.750;
// Invalidate outside the ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta23 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t23_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T23n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t23_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t23_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T23i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t23_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2));
// Nuisance likelihood on atmospheric mixing angle
void theta23_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta23_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.250;
static double upp_lim = 0.750;
// Invalidate outside the ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta23 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t23_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T23n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t23_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t23_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T23i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t23_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta23),2));
// Nuisance likelihood on reactor mixing angle
void theta13_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta13_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.00;
static double upp_lim = 0.07;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta13 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t13_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T13n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t13_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t13_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/T13i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t13_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2));
// Nuisance likelihood on reactor mixing angle
void theta13_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::theta13_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim = 0.00;
static double upp_lim = 0.07;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2) < low_lim) or (pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "theta13 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t13_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T13n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t13_n.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_t13_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/T13i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_t13_i.eval(pow(sin(*Dep::theta13),2));
// Nuisance likelihood on CP violating phase
void deltaCP_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::deltaCP_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim = -180;
static double upp_lim = 360;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if (((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI) < low_lim) or ((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "deltaCP outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_CP_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DCPn.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_CP_n.eval((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_CP_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DCPi.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_CP_i.eval((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI));
// Nuisance likelihood on CP violating phase
void deltaCP_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::deltaCP_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim = -180;
static double upp_lim = 360;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if (((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI) < low_lim) or ((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI) > upp_lim))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "deltaCP outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_CP_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/CPn.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_CP_n.eval((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_CP_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/CPi.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_CP_i.eval((*Dep::deltaCP*360.0)/(2.0*M_PI));
// Nuisance likelihood on solar mass splitting
void md21_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::md21_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim = -6.0;
static double upp_lim = -3.0;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) < low_lim) or (log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) > upp_lim) or (*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)<0))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md12 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
// Removed highly disfavoured local minima to avoid confusing scans
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md21_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DMS1n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_n.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
// Removed highly disfavoured local minima to avoid confusing scans
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md21_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DMS1i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_i.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)));
// Nuisance likelihood on solar mass splitting
void md21_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::md21_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim = -6.0;
static double upp_lim = -3.0;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) < low_lim) or (log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) > upp_lim) or (*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)<0))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md12 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
// Removed highly disfavoured local minima to avoid confusing scans
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md21_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMS1n.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_n.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
// Removed highly disfavoured local minima to avoid confusing scans
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md21_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMS1i.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_i.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)));
// Nuisance likelihood on atmospheric mass splitting
void md3l_NuFit_v3_2_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::md3l_NuFit_v3_2_lnL;
static double low_lim_n = 0.2;
static double upp_lim_n = 7.0;
static double low_lim_i = -7.0;
static double upp_lim_i = -0.2;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_n) or (*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_n))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md31 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md31_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DMAn.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md31_n.eval(*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_i) or (*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_i))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md32 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md32_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v3.2/DMAi.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md32_i.eval(*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21));
// Nuisance likelihood on atmospheric mass splitting
void md3l_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::md3l_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim_n = 0.2;
static double upp_lim_n = 7.0;
static double low_lim_i = -7.0;
static double upp_lim_i = -0.2;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_n) or (*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_n))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md31 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md31_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMAn.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md31_n.eval(*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21));
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_i) or (*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_i))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md32 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
static NeutrinoInterpolator spline_md32_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMAi.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md32_i.eval(*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21));
// NuFit 2D likelihood for the solar and atmospheric mass splittings
void md21_md3l_NuFit_v4_1_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::md21_md3l_NuFit_v4_1_lnL;
static double low_lim_n = 0.2;
static double upp_lim_n = 7.0;
static double low_lim_i = -7.0;
static double upp_lim_i = -0.2;
static double low_lim = -6.0;
static double upp_lim = -3.0;
// Invalidate outside ranges
if ((log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) < low_lim) or (log10(*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)) > upp_lim) or (*Dep::md21 * pow(10,18)<0))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md12 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1 and ((*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_n) or (*Dep::md31 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_n)))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md31 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 0 and ((*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) < low_lim_i) or (*Dep::md32 * pow(10,21) > upp_lim_i)))
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "md32 outside NuFit range; point is invalidated by active neutrino constraint.";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
if (*Dep::ordering == 1) // Normal ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator2D spline_md21_md31_n("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMSDMAn.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_md31_n.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * 1e18), *Dep::md31 * 1e21);
else if (*Dep::ordering == 0) // Inverted ordering
static NeutrinoInterpolator2D spline_md21_md32_i("NeutrinoBit/data/NuFit_v4.1/DMSDMAi.csv");
result = -0.5*spline_md21_md32_i.eval(log10(*Dep::md21 * 1e18), *Dep::md32 * 1e21);
// Limit on the sum of neutrino likelihoods from Planck (1502.01589)
// This is not very conservative, it does not affect the scan but be wary of this limit
void sum_mnu_lnL(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::sum_mnu_lnL;
double sum_mnu = *Param["mNu1"] + *Param["mNu2"] + *Param["mNu3"];
if(sum_mnu < 2.3E-10)
result = 0.0;
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Sum of neutrino masses over the cosmological limit";
logger() << msg.str() << EOM;
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:18 +0000