file src/SpecBit_MDM.cpp
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Name |
Gambit Simulation of “Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”. |
Gambit::SpecBit |
Detailed Description
Author: James McKay
Date: 2018 March
Functions of module SpecBit
SpecBit module functions related to the scalar singlet DM model.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functions of module SpecBit
/// SpecBit module functions related to the
/// scalar singlet DM model.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author James McKay
/// \date 2018 March
/// *********************************************
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spectrum.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/QedQcdWrapper.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/SimpleSpectra/SMHiggsSimpleSpec.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/model_files_and_boxes.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/MDMSpec.hpp"
// Flexible SUSY stuff (should not be needed by the rest of gambit)
#include "flexiblesusy/src/ew_input.hpp"
#include "flexiblesusy/src/lowe.h"
#include "flexiblesusy/src/numerics2.hpp"
#include "flexiblesusy/src/spectrum_generator_settings.hpp"
// Switch for debug mode
namespace Gambit
namespace SpecBit
using namespace LogTags;
using namespace flexiblesusy;
template<class MI,class SI>
Spectrum run_FS_spectrum_generator
( const typename MI::InputParameters& input
, const SMInputs& sminputs
, const Options& runOptions
, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& input_Param
softsusy::QedQcd oneset;
// Fill QedQcd object with SMInputs values
// Run everything to Mz
// Create spectrum generator object
typename MI::SpectrumGenerator spectrum_generator;
Spectrum_generator_settings settings;
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::precision, runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.0e-4,"precision_goal"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::max_iterations, runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0,"max_iterations"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::calculate_sm_masses, runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool> (true, "calculate_sm_masses"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::pole_mass_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"pole_mass_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::pole_mass_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"ewsb_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::beta_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"beta_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::threshold_corrections_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"threshold_corrections_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_at_as, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_at_as"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_at_at, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_at_at"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau"));
// Generate spectrum, input);
const typename MI::Problems& problems = spectrum_generator.get_problems();
MI model_interface(spectrum_generator,oneset,input);
SI mdmspec(model_interface, "FlexibleSUSY", "1.5.1");
mdmspec.set_override(Par::mass1,spectrum_generator.get_low_scale(), "low_scale", true);
mdmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high,0.0, "h0_1", true);
mdmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low,0.0,"h0_1", true);
QedQcdWrapper qedqcdspec(oneset,sminputs);
// Deal with points where spectrum generator encountered a problem
std::cout<<"Problem? "<<problems.have_problem()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Warning? "<<problems.have_warning()<<std::endl;
if( problems.have_problem() )
if( runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"invalid_point_fatal") )
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "A serious problem was encountered during spectrum generation!";
errmsg << "Message from FlexibleSUSY:" << std::endl;
// Check what the problem was
// see: contrib/MassSpectra/flexiblesusy/src/problems.hpp
std::ostringstream msg;
invalid_point().raise(msg.str()); //TODO: This message isn't ending up in the logs.
double QEWSB = *"QEWSB");
// Retrieve any mass cuts
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
return Spectrum(qedqcdspec,mdmspec,sminputs,&input_Param, mass_cut, mass_ratio_cut);
template <class T>
void fill_MDM_input(T& input, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& Param,SMInputs sminputs)
double mH = *"mH");
double mChi = *"mChi");
//double QEFT = mChi;
if (QEFT < sminputs.mT)
QEFT = sminputs.mT;
double QEFT = sminputs.mT;
input.HiggsIN = 0.5*pow(mH,2);
input.YcIN = 0.5*mChi;
input.QEWSB = QEFT; // scale where EWSB conditions are applied
input.Qin = QEFT; //scale; // highest scale at which model is run to
bool check_perturb_MDM(const Spectrum& spec,double scale,int pts)
using namespace flexiblesusy;
using namespace Gambit;
using namespace SpecBit;
std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum> MDM = spec.clone_HE();
double step = log10(scale) / pts;
double runto;
//const double ul = std::sqrt(4.0 * pi); // Maximum value for perturbative couplings, same perturbativity bound that FlexibleSUSY uses
double ul = 4.0 * pi;
for (int i=0;i<pts;i++)
runto = pow(10,step*float(i+1.0)); // scale to run spectrum to
if (runto<100){runto=100.0;}// avoid running to low scales
MDM -> RunToScale(runto);
catch (const Error& error)
return false;
static const SpectrumContents::MDM contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters_with_tag(Par::dimensionless);
for(std::vector<SpectrumParameter>::const_iterator it = required_parameters.begin();
it != required_parameters.end(); ++it)
const Par::Tags tag = it->tag();
const std::string name = it->name();
const std::vector<int> shape = it->shape();
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<" "<<;
if (name == "lambda_h"){ul = 2*pi;}
else {ul = 4.0 * pi;}
if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]==1)
if (abs(MDM->get(tag,name))>ul)
return false;
else if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]>1)
for(int k = 1; k<=shape[0]; ++k)
if (abs(MDM->get(tag,name,k))>ul) return false;
else if(shape.size()==2)
for(int k = 1; k<=shape[0]; ++k)
for(int j = 1; j<=shape[0]; ++j)
if (abs(MDM->get(tag,name,k,j))>ul) return false;
return true;
void get_MDM_spectrum(Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MDM_spectrum;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
const Options& runOptions=*myPipe::runOptions;
//double scale = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(173.34,"FS_high_scale");
MDM_input_parameters input;
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MDM_interface<ALGORITHM1>,MDMSpec<MDM_interface<ALGORITHM1>>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
int check_perturb_pts = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(10,"check_perturb_pts");
double do_check_perturb = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"check_perturb");
double check_perturb_scale = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.22e19,"check_high_scale");
double input_scale_tolerance = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1e-3,"input_scale_tolerance");
// Check that the Higgs MSbar parameter has been provided at the scale of the MDM MSbar multiplet mass
double Qin = *"Qin");
if (abs((Qin - *"mChi"))/Qin) > input_scale_tolerance) SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "SM_Higgs_running::Qin must equal MDM::mChi");
if (do_check_perturb)
if (!check_perturb_MDM(result,check_perturb_scale,check_perturb_pts))
// invalidate point as spectrum not perturbative up to scale
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Spectrum not perturbative up to scale = " << check_perturb_scale << std::endl;
cout << "Spectrum not perturbative up to scale = " << check_perturb_scale << endl;
void find_non_perturb_scale_MDM(double &result)
using namespace flexiblesusy;
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::find_non_perturb_scale_MDM;
using namespace Gambit;
using namespace SpecBit;
const Spectrum& fullspectrum = *myPipe::Dep::MDM_spectrum;
// bound x by (a,b)
// do all this is log space please
double ms = *"mS");
double a = log10(ms);
if (a > 20.0)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Scalar mass larger than 10^20 GeV " << std::endl;
double b = 20.0;
double x = 0.5 * ( b + ms );
while (abs(a-b)>1e-10)
//cout<< "\r" << "(a,b) = " << a << " " << b << endl;
//std::cout << std::flush;
if (!check_perturb_MDM(fullspectrum,pow(10,x),3))
result = pow(10,0.5*(a+b));
/// Print MDM spectrum out. Stripped down copy from MSSM version with variable names changed
void fill_map_from_MDMspectrum(std::map<std::string,double>&, const Spectrum&);
void get_MDM_spectrum_as_map (std::map<std::string,double>& specmap)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MDM_spectrum_as_map;
const Spectrum& mdmspec(*myPipe::Dep::MDM_spectrum);
fill_map_from_MDMspectrum(specmap, mdmspec);
void fill_map_from_MDMspectrum(std::map<std::string,double>& specmap, const Spectrum& mdmspec)
/// Add everything... use spectrum contents routines to automate task
static const SpectrumContents::MDM contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters();
for(std::vector<SpectrumParameter>::const_iterator it = required_parameters.begin();
it != required_parameters.end(); ++it)
const Par::Tags tag = it->tag();
const std::string name = it->name();
const std::vector<int> shape = it->shape();
/// Verification routine should have taken care of invalid shapes etc, so won't check for that here.
// Check scalar case
if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]==1)
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<" "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = mdmspec.get_HE().get(tag,name);
// Check vector case
else if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]>1)
for(int i = 1; i<=shape[0]; ++i) {
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<"_"<<i<<" "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = mdmspec.get_HE().get(tag,name,i);
// Check matrix case
else if(shape.size()==2)
for(int i = 1; i<=shape[0]; ++i) {
for(int j = 1; j<=shape[0]; ++j) {
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<"_("<<i<<","<<j<<") "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = mdmspec.get_HE().get(tag,name,i,j);
// Deal with all other cases
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error, invalid parameter received while converting MDMspectrum to map of strings! This should no be possible if the spectrum content verification routines were working correctly; they must be buggy, please report this.";
errmsg << "Problematic parameter was: "<< tag <<", " << name << ", shape="<< shape;
} // end namespace SpecBit
} // end namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:18 +0000