struct Gambit::ColliderBit::MCLoopInfo
Container for event loop status data and settings.
#include <MCLoopInfo.hpp>
Public Functions
Name | |
void | set_current_collider(str & col) Set the current collider. |
const str & | current_collider() const Get the current collider. |
const int & | current_maxFailedEvents() const Get maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for the current collider. |
int & | current_maxFailedEvents() Get/set maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for the current collider. |
const bool & | current_invalidate_failed_points() const Get invalidate_failed_points bool for the current collider. |
bool & | current_invalidate_failed_points() Get/set invalidate_failed_points for the current collider. |
const int & | current_event_count() const Get the number of events generated for the current collider. |
int & | current_event_count() Get/set the number of events generated for the current collider. |
const convergence_settings & | current_convergence_options() const Get the set of convergence options for the current collider. |
convergence_settings & | current_convergence_options() Get/set the set of convergence options for the current collider. |
const std::vector< str > & | current_analyses() const Get the set of analyses for the current collider. |
std::vector< str > & | current_analyses() Get/set the set of analyses for the current collider. |
const std::vector< str > & | current_analyses_for(const str & detname) const Get the set of analyses for the current collider and a given detector. |
std::vector< str > & | current_analyses_for(const str & detname) Get/set the set of analyses for the current collider and a given detector. |
bool | current_analyses_exist_for(const str & detname) const Query whether any analyses exist for a given detector for the current collider. |
void | report_exceeded_maxFailedEvents() const Set exceeded_maxFailedEvents = true and decrement event counter by 1. |
void | report_end_of_event_file() const Set end_of_event_file = true and decrement event counter by 1. |
void | reset_flags() Reset flags. |
Public Attributes
Name | |
bool | event_gen_BYPASS |
bool | event_generation_began Event generation has started. |
bool | exceeded_maxFailedEvents Maximum allowed number of failed events has been reached. |
bool | end_of_event_file Maximum allowed number of failed events has been reached and MC loop terminated. |
std::vector< str > | collider_names The names of all colliders. |
std::map< str, int > | maxFailedEvents Maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for each collider. |
std::map< str, bool > | invalidate_failed_points Invalidate points where number of failed events > maxFailedEvents? One bool for each collider. |
std::map< str, int > | event_count Number of events generated for each collider. |
std::map< str, convergence_settings > | convergence_options Convergence options for each collider. |
std::map< str, std::vector< str > > | analyses Analysis list for each collider. |
std::map< str, std::map< str, std::vector< str > > > | detector_analyses Analysis list for each detector of each collider. |
Public Functions Documentation
function set_current_collider
void set_current_collider(
str & col
Set the current collider.
function current_collider
const str & current_collider() const
Get the current collider.
function current_maxFailedEvents
const int & current_maxFailedEvents() const
Get maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for the current collider.
function current_maxFailedEvents
int & current_maxFailedEvents()
Get/set maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for the current collider.
function current_invalidate_failed_points
const bool & current_invalidate_failed_points() const
Get invalidate_failed_points bool for the current collider.
function current_invalidate_failed_points
bool & current_invalidate_failed_points()
Get/set invalidate_failed_points for the current collider.
function current_event_count
const int & current_event_count() const
Get the number of events generated for the current collider.
function current_event_count
int & current_event_count()
Get/set the number of events generated for the current collider.
function current_convergence_options
const convergence_settings & current_convergence_options() const
Get the set of convergence options for the current collider.
function current_convergence_options
convergence_settings & current_convergence_options()
Get/set the set of convergence options for the current collider.
function current_analyses
const std::vector< str > & current_analyses() const
Get the set of analyses for the current collider.
function current_analyses
std::vector< str > & current_analyses()
Get/set the set of analyses for the current collider.
function current_analyses_for
const std::vector< str > & current_analyses_for(
const str & detname
) const
Get the set of analyses for the current collider and a given detector.
function current_analyses_for
std::vector< str > & current_analyses_for(
const str & detname
Get/set the set of analyses for the current collider and a given detector.
function current_analyses_exist_for
bool current_analyses_exist_for(
const str & detname
) const
Query whether any analyses exist for a given detector for the current collider.
function report_exceeded_maxFailedEvents
void report_exceeded_maxFailedEvents() const
Set exceeded_maxFailedEvents = true and decrement event counter by 1.
function report_end_of_event_file
void report_end_of_event_file() const
Set end_of_event_file = true and decrement event counter by 1.
function reset_flags
void reset_flags()
Reset flags.
Public Attributes Documentation
variable event_gen_BYPASS
bool event_gen_BYPASS = false;
variable event_generation_began
bool event_generation_began;
Event generation has started.
variable exceeded_maxFailedEvents
bool exceeded_maxFailedEvents;
Maximum allowed number of failed events has been reached.
variable end_of_event_file
bool end_of_event_file;
Maximum allowed number of failed events has been reached and MC loop terminated.
variable collider_names
std::vector< str > collider_names;
The names of all colliders.
variable maxFailedEvents
std::map< str, int > maxFailedEvents;
Maximum allowable number of failed events before MC loop is terminated for each collider.
variable invalidate_failed_points
std::map< str, bool > invalidate_failed_points;
Invalidate points where number of failed events > maxFailedEvents? One bool for each collider.
variable event_count
std::map< str, int > event_count;
Number of events generated for each collider.
variable convergence_options
std::map< str, convergence_settings > convergence_options;
Convergence options for each collider.
variable analyses
std::map< str, std::vector< str > > analyses;
Analysis list for each collider.
variable detector_analyses
std::map< str, std::map< str, std::vector< str > > > detector_analyses;
Analysis list for each detector of each collider.
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:03 +0000