file modules/CBGB/modules/
[No description available]
Name |
modules |
modules::utils |
Source code
# ==================================
# | |
# | Utility functions for CBGB |
# | |
# ==================================
from collections import OrderedDict
from modules import gb
import importlib
import modules.active_cfg
cfg = importlib.import_module("configs." + modules.active_cfg.module_name)
# ====== removeComments ========
# Takes a list of code lines and removes comments.
# For fixed format files, any character at position 0 is a comment.
# For lines containing '!' everything after '!' is removed.
def removeComments(code_lines):
code_lines_nocomment = []
for line in code_lines:
if len(line) == 0:
if (cfg.format == 'fixed') and (line[0] != ' '):
new_line = ''
elif '!' in line:
pos = line.find('!')
new_line = line[:pos]
new_line = line
return code_lines_nocomment
# ====== END: removeComments ========
# ====== removeBlankLines ========
# Removes any empty (all whitespace) strings from a list of strings.
def removeBlankLines(code_lines):
# Walk through the list of code lines backwards and discard
# any lines that contain nothing but whitespace.
for i in range(len(code_lines))[::-1]:
if code_lines[i].strip() == '':
return code_lines
# ====== END: removeBlankLines ========
# ====== removeLeadingTrailingBlanks ========
# Removes leading and trailing blanks from the strings
# in a list of strings.
def removeLeadingTrailingBlanks(code_lines):
for i in range(len(code_lines)):
code_lines[i] = code_lines[i].lstrip().rstrip()
return code_lines
# ====== END: removeLeadingTrailingBlanks ========
# ====== removeStatementLabels ========
# Replaces statement labels with empty spaces.
# (A statement label is a number given as the first
# non-blank part of a statement.)
def removeStatementLabels(code_lines):
for i in range(len(code_lines)):
line = code_lines[i]
if cfg.format == 'fixed':
label = line[0:5].strip()
if label.isdigit():
code_lines[i] = line.replace(label, ' '*len(label), 1)
elif cfg.format == 'free':
line_list = line.split()
if (len(line_list) > 0):
label = line_list[0]
if label.isdigit():
code_lines[i] = line.replace(label, ' '*len(label), 1)
raise RuntimeError("cfg.format must be set to either 'fixed' or 'free'.")
return code_lines
# ====== END: removeStatementLabels ========
# ====== removeKeywords ========
# Replaces Fortran keywords that CBGB doesn't
# care about with empty spaces.
def removeKeywords(code_lines):
for i in range(len(code_lines)):
line = code_lines[i]
line = line.replace("::", " ")
line = line.replace("intent(in)", " ")
line = line.replace("intent(out)", " ")
line = line.replace("intent (in)", " ")
line = line.replace("intent (out)", " ")
# Add more keywords here...
code_lines[i] = line
return code_lines
# ====== END: removeKeywords ========
# ====== allSingleSpace ========
# Replaces multiple spaces with a single space.
def allSingleSpace(code_lines):
for i in range(len(code_lines)):
line = code_lines[i]
line = ' '.join(line.split())
code_lines[i] = line
return code_lines
# ====== END: allSingleSpace ========
# ====== joinContinuedLines ========
def joinContinuedLines(code_lines):
joined_code_lines = ['']
if cfg.format == 'fixed':
for line in code_lines:
# Check for line continuation (any character at column 6).
# (This assumes that len(line) >= 6 for all lines in code_lines,
# which should be OK due to prior code formatting.)
# - If found, append to previous line.
if line[5] not in [' ','\t']:
joined_code_lines[-1] += line[6:]
# - If not found, store current_line and start constructing a new.
print [line]
elif cfg.format == 'free':
continue_line = False
for line in code_lines:
if continue_line:
if line.lstrip()[0] == '&':
joined_code_lines[-1] += line.lstrip()[1:].rstrip().rstrip('&')
joined_code_lines[-1] += line.rstrip().rstrip('&')
# Check for line continuation. (Line ends with '&'.)
if line.rstrip()[-1] == '&':
continue_line = True
continue_line = False
raise RuntimeError("cfg.format must be set to either 'fixed' or 'free'.")
if joined_code_lines[0] == '':
return joined_code_lines
# ====== END: joinContinuedLines ========
# ====== getCodeParts ========
def getCodeParts(code_lines, prepend_module_name=False):
code_parts_dict = OrderedDict()
unnamed_part_counter = 1
start_line = 0
end_line = 0
current_part = 'general'
current_module = ''
for i, line in enumerate(code_lines):
# Detect beginning/end of a module
if current_part == 'general':
# Detect beginning of a module
if 'module ' in line[0:7].lower():
current_module = line.split()[1]
# Detect end of a module
if current_module != '':
if (line.replace(' ','').strip().lower() in ['end','endmodule', 'endmodule'+current_module.lower()]):
current_module = ''
# Detect start of program/function/subroutine, end current 'general' part
if current_part == 'general':
new_part = ''
if 'subroutine ' in line[0:11].lower():
new_part = 'subroutine'
elif ('function ' in line[0:9].lower()) or (' function ' in line.lower()):
new_part = 'function'
elif 'program ' in line[0:8].lower():
new_part = 'program'
# If the beginning of a new code part is found:
# - store the line numbers for the current 'general' code part
# - set start_line for the new code part
# - identify a name for the new code part
if new_part in ['subroutine', 'function', 'program']:
# Store lines (if any) from current 'general' part
if (start_line < i):
if current_part == 'general':
name_long = 'unnamed_' + current_part + '_' + str(unnamed_part_counter)
unnamed_part_counter += 1
code_parts_dict[name_long] = {
'category' : current_part,
'code_lines' : code_lines[start_line:i],
'module' : current_module
# Restart line count for new code part
start_line = i
# Identify name for new code part
name = getCodePartName(line, new_part)
if (name == 'unnamed_' + new_part):
name = name + '_' + str(unnamed_part_counter)
unnamed_part_counter += 1
# line_list = line.split()
# line_list_lowercase = line.lower().split()
# keyword_index = line_list_lowercase.index(new_part)
# if len(line_list) == keyword_index+1:
# name_long = 'unnamed_' + new_part + '_' + str(unnamed_part_counter)
# unnamed_part_counter += 1
# else:
# # name_item = line_list[line_list.index(new_part)+1]
# name_item = line_list[keyword_index+1]
# if '(' in name_item:
# name = name_item[:name_item.find('(')]
# else:
# name = name_item
if (current_module != '') and (prepend_module_name):
name_long = current_module + '::' + name
name_long = name
# Update current_part
current_part = new_part
# Detect end of program/function/subroutine, start new 'general' part
elif (current_part in ['subroutine', 'function', 'program']) and (line.replace(' ','').strip().lower() in ['end','end'+current_part, 'end'+current_part+name.lower()]):
# Store in dict
if (start_line < i):
if current_part == 'general':
name_long = 'unnamed_' + current_part + '_' + str(unnamed_part_counter)
unnamed_part_counter += 1
code_parts_dict[name_long] = {
'category' : current_part,
'code_lines' : code_lines[start_line:i+1],
'module' : current_module
# Set variables for the next code part
start_line = i+1
current_part = 'general'
# end loop over code lines
# Store final bit:
if (start_line < i):
if current_part == 'general':
name_long = 'unnamed_' + current_part + '_' + str(unnamed_part_counter)
unnamed_part_counter += 1
code_parts_dict[name_long] = {
'category' : current_part,
'code_lines' : code_lines[start_line:i+1],
'module' : current_module
return code_parts_dict
# ====== END: getCodeParts ========
# ====== getCodePartName ========
def getCodePartName(code_line, keyword):
line_list = code_line.split()
line_list_lowercase = code_line.lower().split()
keyword_index = line_list_lowercase.index(keyword)
if len(line_list) == keyword_index+1:
name = 'unnamed_' + keyword
name_item = line_list[keyword_index+1]
if '(' in name_item:
name = name_item[:name_item.find('(')]
name = name_item
return name
# ====== END: getCodePartName ========
# ====== getImplicitDefs ========
# Return a dict with the following structure:
# {
# 'a': ('double precision',1),
# 'b': ('real',8),
# 'c': (None,None),
# ...
# }
def getImplicitDefs(code_lines):
implicit_defs = gb.default_implicit_types
for i,line in enumerate(code_lines):
# Split line into words
line_list = line.split()
# Look for 'implicit' statement
if line_list[0].lower() == 'implicit':
# If 'implicit none', then no other 'implicit' statements are allowed
if line_list[1].lower() == 'none':
return dict.fromkeys(gb.alphabet,(None,None))
# Remove the 'implicit' keyword
typedef_line = ' '.join(line_list[1:])
# If there are multiple implicit statements on a single line,
# split them up and treat them separately.
for temp_line in typedef_line.split(')'):
# Do a bunch of string manipulations to identify
# the type name (e.g. 'double precision') and
# character specifications (e.g. 'a-z').
if temp_line == '':
temp_line = temp_line.replace('(','')
temp_line = temp_line.replace(',',' ')
temp_line = temp_line.strip()
while ' -' in temp_line:
temp_line = temp_line.replace(' -','-')
while '- ' in temp_line:
temp_line = temp_line.replace('- ','-')
temp_line = ' '.join(temp_line.split())
temp_line_list = temp_line.split()
char_list = []
type_name_list = []
for entry in temp_line_list:
if ((len(entry)==1) and (entry in gb.alphabet)) or (len(entry)==3 and (entry[1]=='-')):
full_type_name = ''.join(type_name_list)
if '*' in full_type_name:
type_name, type_size_str = full_type_name.split('*')
type_size = int(type_size_str)
type_name = full_type_name
type_size = 1
# Loop through the character specifiers in char_list
# and set the correct types in the implicit_defs dict
for char in char_list:
if (len(char)==1) and (char in gb.alphabet):
implicit_defs[char.lower()] = (type_name,type_size)
elif (len(char)==3 ) and (char[1]=='-'):
start_char = char[0]
end_char = char[2]
for key_char in implicit_defs.keys():
if (key_char >= start_char) and (key_char <= end_char):
implicit_defs[key_char.lower()] = (type_name,type_size)
return implicit_defs
# ====== END: getImplicitDefs ========
# ====== getParameterDefs ========
# Return a dict with the following structure:
# {
# 'some_variable' : '1234'
# 'another_variable': '10'
# ...
# }
# Note: Currently, only integer parameters are useful (array dimensions and indices).
def getParameterDefs(code_lines):
parameter_defs = {}
for i,line in enumerate(code_lines):
# Look for 'parameter' statement
if line[0:9].lower() == 'parameter':
# Remove 'parameter'
line = line[9:]
# Remove blanks
line = line.replace(' ','')
# Remove parenthesis
line = line.lstrip('(').rstrip(')')
# Split at comma
parameter_entries = line.split(',')
for entry in parameter_entries:
# Split at '=' symbol
var_name, value_str = entry.split('=')
value = eval(value_str)
print ' WARNING: Could not interpret the parameter "%s" with value "%s". Ignoring it.' % (var_name, value_str)
# At the moment, CBGB can only make use of integer parameters. (Their only use is for array dimensions and indices.)
if not isinstance( value, ( int, long ) ):
print ' INFO: Ignoring parameter "%s" with value "%s" as it was not recognized as an integer.' % (var_name, value_str)
value = int(value)
# Adding variable to parameter_defs dictionary
parameter_defs[var_name] = value
return parameter_defs
# ====== END: getParameterDefs ========
# ====== getCommonBlockDicts ========
def getCommonBlockDicts(code_lines):
cb_dicts = []
for line in code_lines:
# Remove whitespaces
line = line.replace(' ','')
# Ignore lines that don't start with 'common/'
if (len(line) < 7) or (line[:7].lower() != 'common/'):
# Identify common block name and names of member variables
line_list = line.split('/')
cb_name = line_list[1]
var_seq_str = line_list[2]
var_dicts = parseVariableSequence(var_seq_str)
var_names = var_dicts.keys()
cb_dicts.append( {'name':cb_name, 'member_names':var_names} )
return cb_dicts
# ====== END: getCommonBlockDicts ========
# ====== isVariableDecl ========
def isVariableDecl(line_in, return_type=False):
is_variable_decl = False
type_name = ''
type_size = 1
line = line_in
line = line.replace(',',' ').replace('*',' * ').replace('::',' ')
line = line.replace('(', ' (').replace(')',') ')
line = ' '.join(line.split())
line_list = line.split()
for i in [3,2,1]:
check_type = ''.join(line_list[:i]).lower()
print 'DEBUG: Is this a type? : ', [line_in], [check_type]
# Check that we can deal with this Fortran type.
if check_type in gb.type_translation_dict.keys():
# If type is 'character*', identify the integer that specifies the
# string length.
if check_type=='character':
if (line_list[1] == '*') and (line_list[2].isdigit()):
check_type += '*' + line_list[2]
if '*' in check_type:
type_name, type_size_str = check_type.split('*')
type_size = int(type_size_str)
type_name = check_type
is_variable_decl = True
print 'DEBUG: --- YES!'
if return_type:
return is_variable_decl, type_name, type_size
return is_variable_decl
# ====== END: isVariableDecl ========
# ====== isDimensionStatement ========
def isDimensionStatement(line_in):
is_dim_stmnt = False
line = line_in
line_list = line.split()
if (len(line_list) > 1) and (line_list[0].lower() == 'dimension'):
is_dim_stmnt = True
return is_dim_stmnt
# ====== END: isDimensionStatement ========
# ====== getArrayIndicesTuples ========
# Example:
# Input: '-2:10,7,1:2'
# Output: [(-2,7), (1,7), (1,2)]
def getArrayIndicesTuples(dimensions_str, parameter_defs):
indicies_tuples = []
# Check for empty dimensions string
if dimensions_str == '':
return indicies_tuples
# Check for assumed-shape arrays. We can't deal with that yet...
if dimensions_str == ':':
raise RuntimeError
# Loop over comma-separated entries in dimensions_str
for dim_str in dimensions_str.split(','):
if ':' in dim_str:
# start_index, end_index = [int(s) for s in dim_str.split(':')]
start_index_str, end_index_str = [s for s in dim_str.split(':')]
if start_index_str in parameter_defs.keys():
start_index = int( parameter_defs[start_index_str] )
start_index = int(start_index_str)
if end_index_str in parameter_defs.keys():
end_index = int( parameter_defs[end_index_str] )
end_index = int(end_index_str)
start_index = 1
end_index_str = dim_str
if end_index_str in parameter_defs.keys():
end_index = int( parameter_defs[end_index_str] )
end_index = int(end_index_str)
indicies_tuples.append( (start_index,end_index) )
return indicies_tuples
# ====== END: getArrayIndicesTuples ========
# ====== getVariablesDict ========
def getVariablesDict(code_lines, get_variables):
if len(get_variables) == 0:
return OrderedDict()
return_var_dicts = OrderedDict.fromkeys(get_variables, value=None)
implicit_defs = getImplicitDefs(code_lines)
for line in code_lines:
# First, make use of all variable type declaration lines
is_var_decl, type_name, type_size = isVariableDecl(line, return_type=True)
if is_var_decl:
# Remove type name from beginning of line so that
# only the list of variable names remain.
full_type_name = type_name + '*' + str(type_size)
line_list = line.split()
i = 1
while i <= len(line_list):
if ''.join(line_list[:i]).lower() in full_type_name:
i += 1
var_seq = ''.join(line_list[i-1:])
# Parse line to extract info on the different variables
var_dicts = parseVariableSequence(var_seq)
# Append type_name and type_size to var_dicts
for var_name in var_dicts.keys():
# - Add type name
var_dicts[var_name]['type'] = type_name
# - Use the maximum of the sizes specified in the type name and in the variable sequence
# (Normally one of these should be 1 by default.)
var_dicts[var_name]['size'] = max(type_size,var_dicts[var_name]['size'])
# Check for character array type:
if (var_dicts[var_name]['type'] == 'character'):
dim_str = var_dicts[var_name]['dimension']
size = var_dicts[var_name]['size']
if (dim_str == '') and (size > 1):
var_dicts[var_name]['dimension'] = '1:%i' % size
# For requested variables, append the variable dicts to return_var_dicts
for var_name in var_dicts.keys():
if var_name in get_variables:
return_var_dicts[var_name] = var_dicts[var_name]
# Then, check all the 'dimension' statements
is_dim_stmnt = isDimensionStatement(line)
if is_dim_stmnt:
# Remove whitespace and 'dimension' keyword
line = line.replace(' ','')
line = line.replace('dimension','',1)
# Parse line to extract info on the different variables
dim_var_dicts = parseVariableSequence(line)
# For variables that already exist in return_var_dicts, simply
# update the 'dimension'. For variables that don't exist in
# return_var_dicts, create a new entry based on implicit types.
for var_name in dim_var_dicts.keys():
if var_name in get_variables:
# If info on this variable has not yet been added to return_var_dicts,
# insert a complete dict
if return_var_dicts[var_name] == None:
# Get type from implicit types
first_char = var_name[0]
type_name, type_size = implicit_defs[first_char.lower()]
if type_name == None or type_size == None:
raise RuntimeError("No type declaration (neither explicit nor implicit) was found for variable '%s'." % var_name)
return_var_dicts[var_name] = {
'type' : type_name,
'dimension': dim_var_dicts[var_name]['dimension'],
'size' : type_size
# If info on this variable already exists, simply update the 'dimension' entry in the
# correct dict
return_var_dicts[var_name]['dimension'] = dim_var_dicts[var_name]['dimension']
# END: Loop over code lines
# Finally, add any missing variables that have not appeared in explicit type
# declarations or 'dimension' statements
for get_var_name in get_variables:
if return_var_dicts[get_var_name] == None:
# Get type from implicit types
first_char = get_var_name[0]
type_name, type_size = implicit_defs[first_char.lower()]
if type_name == None or type_size == None:
raise RuntimeError("No type declaration (neither explicit nor implicit) was found for variable '%s'." % get_var_name)
return_var_dicts[get_var_name] = {
'type' : type_name,
'dimension': '',
'size' : type_size
return return_var_dicts
# ====== END: getVariablesDict ========
# ====== parseVariableSequence ========
# Input : "var1*100, var2(1:20)*20, var3"
# Output: {
# 'var1': { 'size': 100, 'dimension': '' },
# 'var2': { 'size': 20, 'dimension': '(1:20)' },
# 'var3': { 'size': 1, 'dimension': '' }
# }
def parseVariableSequence(var_seq_str):
result_dict = OrderedDict()
line = var_seq_str
# Remove all whitespace
line = line.replace(' ','')
# Split into separate variables by detecting commas
# (excluding commas inside brackets).
i = 0
bracket_balance = 0
while i < len(line):
char = line[i]
# Keep track of the brackets
if char == '(':
bracket_balance += 1
elif char == ')':
bracket_balance -= 1
# If a comma is found, replace it with a whitespace
if (char == ',') and (bracket_balance == 0):
line = line[:i] + ' ' + line[i+1:]
# Increment index
i += 1
# Split line at whitespaces
var_str_list = line.split()
for var_str in var_str_list:
# Check for dimension bracket and size integer
has_dim_bracket = bool('(' in var_str and ')' in var_str)
has_size_int = bool('*' in var_str)
# Insert whitespace to separate variable name, dimension bracket and size integer
var_str = var_str.replace('(',' ').replace(')',' ').replace('*',' ')
# Split at whitespace
var_str_list = var_str.split()
# Identify name, dimension, size
if has_dim_bracket and has_size_int:
var_name = var_str_list[0]
var_dim_str = var_str_list[1]
var_size = int(var_str_list[2])
elif has_dim_bracket and not has_size_int:
var_name = var_str_list[0]
var_dim_str = var_str_list[1]
var_size = 1
elif has_size_int and not has_dim_bracket:
var_name = var_str_list[0]
var_dim_str = ''
var_size = int(var_str_list[1])
var_name = var_str_list[0]
var_dim_str = ''
var_size = 1
# Append to result_dict
result_dict[var_name] = {'dimension': var_dim_str, 'size': var_size}
return result_dict
# ====== END: parseVariableSequence ========
# ====== getFunctionArgumentNames ========
def getFunctionArgumentNames(code_line):
# Input : "subroutine some_subroutine(arg1,arg2,arg3)"
# Output: ["arg1","arg2","arg3"]
arg_names = []
if ('(' not in code_line) or (')' not in code_line):
return arg_names
# Pick out argument sequence
arg_seq_str = code_line.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0]
# Strip away any whitespace
arg_seq_str = ''.join(arg_seq_str.split())
# Construct list
if arg_seq_str != '':
arg_names = arg_seq_str.split(',')
# Return resulting list
return arg_names
# ====== END: getFunctionArgumentNames ========
# ====== getFunctionReturnType ========
def getFunctionReturnType(code_lines):
f_decl_line = code_lines[0]
f_decl_line_list = f_decl_line.split()
f_index = f_decl_line.lower().split().index('function')
# Get function name
f_name = getCodePartName(f_decl_line, 'function')
# Grab content in declaration line preceding the 'function' keyword
# and append the function name to form a regular variable declaration:
f_return_type_line = ' '.join(f_decl_line_list[:f_index] + [f_name])
# If f_return_type_line forms a valid type declaration, use it.
# Otherwise, search the function body for a declaration.
is_decl = isVariableDecl(f_return_type_line)
if is_decl:
result_dict = getVariablesDict([f_return_type_line], [f_name])
return_type_dict = result_dict[f_name]
result_dict = getVariablesDict(code_lines[1:], [f_name])
return_type_dict = result_dict[f_name]
return return_type_dict
# ====== END: getFunctionReturnType ========
# # ====== getFunctionDict ========
# def getFunctionDict(code_lines):
# f_dict = OrderedDict()
# # Get function/subroutine name
# f_dict['name'] = getF
# return f_dict
# # ====== END: getFunctionDict ========
# ====== generateTypeDeclCommonBlock ========
def generateTypeDeclCommonBlock(cb_dict, var_info_dict, parameter_defs):
indent = ' '*4
code = ''
cb_name = cb_dict['name']
cb_type_name = cb_name + '_type'
code += 'struct %s\n' % cb_type_name
code += '{\n'
for var_name, var_dict in var_info_dict.items():
c_type_name = getCTypeName(var_dict, parameter_defs)
except RuntimeError:
print " ERROR: Failed to translate variable '%s' in common block '%s' to C type." % (var_name, cb_name)
code += indent + c_type_name + ' ' + var_name + ';\n'
code += '};\n'
return code
# ====== END: generateTypeDeclCommonBlock ========
# ====== generateFrontendCommonBlock ========
def generateFrontendCommonBlock(cb_dict):
code = ''
cb_name = cb_dict['name']
cb_type_name = cb_name + '_type'
cb_capability_name = cfg.cb_capability_prefix + cb_name + cfg.cb_capability_suffix
cb_mangled_symbol = getMangledSymbolName(cb_name)
code += 'BE_VARIABLE(%s, %s, "%s", "%s")\n' % (cb_name, cb_type_name, cb_mangled_symbol, cb_capability_name)
return code
# ====== END: generateFrontendCommonBlock ========
# ====== generateFrontendFunction ========
def generateFrontendFunction(f_dict, parameter_defs):
code = ''
module_name = f_dict['module']
f_name_short = f_dict['name']
if module_name != '':
f_name = module_name + '_' + f_name_short
f_name = f_name_short
arg_info_dict = f_dict['arg_info']
# Get correct C type for the return type.
# - if function:
if 'return_type_info' in f_dict.keys():
ret_type_info_dict = f_dict['return_type_info']
f_return_type_c = getCTypeName(ret_type_info_dict, parameter_defs)
except RuntimeError:
print " ERROR: Failed to translate the return type of function '%s' to C type." % (f_name)
# - if subroutine:
f_return_type_c = 'void'
# Generate mangled symbol name
f_mangled_symbol = getMangledSymbolName(f_name_short, module=module_name)
# Construct capability name
if (cfg.module_name_in_capability) and (module_name != ''):
f_capability_name = cfg.f_capability_prefix + f_name + cfg.f_capability_suffix
f_capability_name = cfg.f_capability_prefix + f_name_short + cfg.f_capability_suffix
# Construct argument list
arg_bracket = '('
for arg_name, d in arg_info_dict.items():
c_type_name = getCTypeName(d, parameter_defs)
except RuntimeError:
print " ERROR: Failed to translate the argument '%s' in %s '%s' to C type." % (arg_name, f_dict['category'], f_name_short)
arg_bracket += c_type_name + '&, '
arg_bracket = arg_bracket.rstrip(', ')
arg_bracket += ')'
# Generate BE_FUNCTION macro call
code += 'BE_FUNCTION(%s, %s, %s "%s", "%s")\n' % (f_name, f_return_type_c, arg_bracket, f_mangled_symbol, f_capability_name)
return code
# ====== END: generateFrontendFunction ========
# ====== getMangledSymbolName ========
def getMangledSymbolName(identifier, module=''):
if cfg.name_mangling == 'gfortran':
if module != '':
mangled_symbol = '__' + module.lower() + '_MOD_' + identifier.lower()
mangled_symbol = identifier.lower() + '_'
elif cfg.name_mangling == 'ifort':
if module != '':
mangled_symbol = module.lower() + '_MP_' + identifier.lower() + '_'
mangled_symbol = identifier.lower() + '_'
elif cfg.name_mangling == 'g77':
if '_' in identifier:
mangled_symbol = identifier.lower() + '__'
mangled_symbol = identifier.lower() + '_'
raise RuntimeError("cfg.name_mangling must be set to either 'gfortran', 'ifort' or 'g77'.")
return mangled_symbol
# ====== END: getMangledSymbolName ========
# ====== getCTypeName ========
def getCTypeName(var_dict, parameter_defs):
fortran_type_name = var_dict['type']
if (fortran_type_name != 'character') and (var_dict['size'] > 1):
fortran_type_name += '*' + str(var_dict['size'])
c_type_base_name = gb.type_translation_dict[fortran_type_name]
array_indices_tuples = getArrayIndicesTuples(var_dict['dimension'], parameter_defs)
except RuntimeError:
print ' ERROR: Cannot determine the correct size for variable of type %s(%s).' % (fortran_type_name, var_dict['dimension'])
# Is this variable an array?
if (fortran_type_name != 'character') and (len(array_indices_tuples) > 0):
is_array = True
elif (fortran_type_name == 'character') and (len(array_indices_tuples) > 1):
is_array = True
is_array = False
# For arrays, construct a string of comma-separated array indices
if is_array:
all_indices_list = [i for tpl in array_indices_tuples for i in tpl]
all_indices_str = ','.join( map(str,all_indices_list) )
# Determine the correct C++ type name
# Special treatment for the character type
if (fortran_type_name == 'character') and (var_dict['size'] > 1):
if is_array:
template_bracket = '< %i,%s >' % (var_dict['size'], all_indices_str)
c_type_name = 'FstringArray' + template_bracket
c_type_name = 'Fstring<%i>' % var_dict['size']
# All other types
if is_array:
template_bracket = '< %s,%s >' % (c_type_base_name, all_indices_str)
c_type_name = 'Farray' + template_bracket
c_type_name = c_type_base_name
# Return result
return c_type_name
# ====== END: getCTypeName ========
# ====== addNamespace ========
# Encapsulate code string in a namespace
def addNamespace(code, namespace_name, indent=4):
# Add indentation
code_lines = [' '*indent + line for line in code.splitlines()]
code = '\n'.join(code_lines)
# Add namespace
code = 'namespace ' + namespace_name + '\n' + '{\n' + code + '\n}\n'
return code
# ====== END: addNamespace ========
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:06 +0000