file CosmoBit/CosmoBit_types.hpp
[No description available] More…
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::CosmoBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::CosmoBit::SM_time_evo |
class | Gambit::CosmoBit::Primordial_ps |
class | Gambit::CosmoBit::Parametrised_ps |
Detailed Description
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Janina Renk (
- Sebastian Hoof (
- Pat Scott (
- 2017 Nov
- 2018 May
- 2021 Sep
- 2018 Oct
- 2019 Mar
- 2020 Mar
- 2020 Apr
Type definition header for module CosmoBit.
Compile-time registration of type definitions required for the rest of the code to communicate with CosmoBit.
Add to this if you want to define a new type for the functions in CosmoBit to return, but you don’t expect that type to be needed by any other modules.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Type definition header for module CosmoBit.
/// Compile-time registration of type definitions
/// required for the rest of the code to
/// communicate with CosmoBit.
/// Add to this if you want to define a new type
/// for the functions in CosmoBit to return, but
/// you don't expect that type to be needed by
/// any other modules.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2017 Nov
/// \date 2018 May
/// \date 2021 Sep
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2018 Oct
/// \date 2019 Mar
/// \author Sebastian Hoof
/// (
/// \date 2020 Mar
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2020 Apr
/// *********************************************
#ifndef __CosmoBit_types_hpp__
#define __CosmoBit_types_hpp__
#include <tuple>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <limits>
#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/numerical_constants.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_types/MontePythonLike.hpp"
#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
namespace Gambit
namespace CosmoBit
// Forward declaration of warnings and errors
error& CosmoBit_error();
warning& CosmoBit_warning();
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
typedef std::tuple<pybind11::object, map_str_str, map_str_pyobj> MPLike_objects_container;
enum interpolation_bound { underflow, in_range, overflow };
class SM_time_evo
/* Time evolution of photon & neutrino temperature as well as Hubble rate in SM for time t > 1e3 s.
* => Use these routines only for times t >~ 10^3 s, where electrons and positrons are already
* completely annihilated.
* For times after CMB release you can get these values from the class background structure.
SM_time_evo(size_t grid_size, double t0, double tf, double Neff_SM, double rnu, double dNeff);
const std::vector<double>& get_t_grid() const {return t_grid;}
const std::vector<double>& get_T_grid() const {return T_grid;}
const std::vector<double>& get_Tnu_grid() const {return Tnu_grid;}
const std::vector<double>& get_H_grid() const {return H_grid;}
const std::vector<double>& get_lnR_grid() const {return lnR_grid;}
// Returns the photon temperature T in units of keV as a function of t.
double T_at_t(double t) const
return safe_interpolation(t, T_spline);
// Returns the neutrino temperature T in units of keV as a function of t.
double Tnu_at_t(double t) const
return safe_interpolation(t, Tnu_spline);
// Returns the Hubble parameter T in units of 1/s as a function of t.
double H_at_t(double t) const
return safe_interpolation(t, H_spline);
// Returns (the logarithm of) the scale factor lnR (dimensionless) as a function of t.
double lnR_at_t(double t) const
return safe_interpolation(t, lnR_spline);
// Start point of the time grid
double t0() const {return t_grid[0];}
// End point of the time grid
double tf() const {return t_grid[grid_size-1];}
// Size of the tables
size_t size() const {return grid_size;}
// Initiates to update the tables given the new values of 'T' and 'Tnu'
void update_grid(const std::vector<double>& T_grid_new, const std::vector<double>& Tnu_grid_new, const bool& unchecked = true);
size_t grid_size;
double Neff;
std::vector<double> t_grid;
std::vector<double> T_grid;
std::vector<double> Tnu_grid;
std::vector<double> H_grid;
std::vector<double> lnR_grid;
gsl_spline* T_spline;
gsl_spline* Tnu_spline;
gsl_spline* H_spline;
gsl_spline* lnR_spline;
// Returns H [in 1/s] based on the value of T and Tnu [both in keV]
double H_at_T_and_Tnu(double T, double Tnu) const
const double Tratio = Tnu/T;
const double T_in_GeV = 1e-6 * T;
const double gstar = 2. + 2.*7./8. * Neff * Tratio*Tratio*Tratio*Tratio;
const double H2_in_GeV2 = 8.*pi*pi*pi/90./m_planck/m_planck * gstar * T_in_GeV*T_in_GeV*T_in_GeV*T_in_GeV;
return sqrt(H2_in_GeV2)/hbar;
interpolation_bound interpolation_range_check(double t) const
bool above_lower_bound = t >= t_grid[0];
bool below_upper_bound = t <= t_grid[grid_size-1];
if (above_lower_bound)
if (below_upper_bound) return interpolation_bound::in_range;
else return interpolation_bound::overflow;
else return interpolation_bound::underflow;
// Method to avoid interpolation issues at the end points of the t_grid.
// If the underflow / overflow is within some margin of the bounds,
// return the value at the respective end point (constant continuation).
// When the underflow / overflow is bigger, throw an error
double safe_interpolation(double t, const gsl_spline* spline_ptr) const
double epsilon = 1e3 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
interpolation_bound bound_check = interpolation_range_check(t);
if (bound_check == interpolation_bound::in_range)
return gsl_spline_eval(spline_ptr, t, nullptr );
else if (bound_check == interpolation_bound::underflow)
if (std::fabs(t_grid[0] - t)/t_grid[0] >= epsilon)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The given value of t underflows t_grid! ";
err << "t_grid starts at " << t_grid[0] << " but got " << t << std::endl;
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
return gsl_spline_eval(spline_ptr, t_grid[0], nullptr );
if (std::fabs(t - t_grid[grid_size-1])/t_grid[grid_size-1] >= epsilon)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The given value of t overflows t_grid! ";
err << "t_grid ends at " << t_grid[grid_size-1] << " but got " << t << std::endl;
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
return gsl_spline_eval(spline_ptr, t_grid[grid_size-1], nullptr );
// This return statement is unreachable, but must be here to keep the compiler happy.
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
// When we update 'T_grid' and 'T_nu_grid' we need to make sure that their
// size is 'grid_size'.
// If not, this is treated a runtime error and halts the execution
void check_size(const std::vector<double>& new_grid, const std::string& name)
if (new_grid.size() != grid_size) {
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The size of the new vector (\'" << name << "\') does not ";
err << "match the size of the old vector.\n";
err << "(Expected " << grid_size << " but got " << new_grid.size() << " ).";
/// Class containing the primordial power spectrum.
/// Members:
/// - vector of modes k (1/Mpc)
/// - scalar power spectrum of these modes P_s(k) (dimensionless)
/// - tensor power spectrum of these modes P_t(k) (dimensionless)
/// - scalar power spectrum of isocurvature modes P_s_iso(k) (dimensionless)
class Primordial_ps
Primordial_ps() {};
~Primordial_ps() {};
/// Fill k from an array of doubles
void set_N_pivot(double npiv) { N_pivot = npiv; }
void fill_k(double*, int);
void fill_P_s(double*, int);
void fill_P_s_iso(double*, int);
void fill_P_t(double*, int);
double get_N_pivot() { return N_pivot; }
std::vector<double>& get_k() { return k; }
std::vector<double>& get_P_s() { return P_s; }
std::vector<double>& get_P_t() { return P_t; }
std::vector<double>& get_P_s_iso() { return P_s_iso; }
int get_vec_size() { return vec_size; }
double N_pivot;
std::vector<double> k;
std::vector<double> P_s;
std::vector<double> P_s_iso;
std::vector<double> P_t;
/// needed to pass vector length to CLASS; set in 'fill_k' method
int vec_size;
/// Class containing the *parametrised* primordial power spectrum.
/// Members:
/// - spectral tilt n_s
/// - amplitude of scalar perturbations A_s [as ln(10^{10}A_s)]
/// - scalar to tensor ratio r
class Parametrised_ps
Parametrised_ps() {};
~Parametrised_ps() {};
void set_N_pivot(double npiv) { N_pivot = npiv; }
void set_n_s(double ns) { n_s = ns; }
void set_ln10A_s(double ln10As) { ln10A_s = ln10As; }
void set_r(double rr) { r = rr; }
double get_N_pivot() { return N_pivot; }
double get_n_s() { return n_s; }
double get_ln10A_s() { return ln10A_s; }
double get_r() { return r; }
/// return members as str to double map for printing
map_str_dbl get_parametrised_ps_map();
double N_pivot;
double n_s;
double ln10A_s;
double r;
#endif // defined __CosmoBit_types_hpp__
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000