file src/functors_with_signals.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::FunctorHelp Definitions of friend functions from above. |
Detailed Description
Author: Ben Farmer (
Date: 2016 Mar
Functor member function definitions for functions which are not needed in standlone compile units, because they use the core signal handling system.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functor member function definitions for
/// functions which are not needed in standlone
/// compile units, because they use the core
/// signal handling system.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2016 Mar
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/functors.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/signal_handling.hpp" // Don't want this in standlone mode
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
namespace Gambit
/// @{ Definitions of friend functions from above
/// @{ Some helper functions for interacting with signals in the calculate() routine
/// These don't exist in standalone compilations, are replaced with null functions
namespace FunctorHelp {
// /// Thin wrapper to isolate signal handling from other components of the functors
// bool emergency_shutdown_begun()
// {
// return signaldata().emergency_shutdown_begun();
// }
// /// Check if shutdown in progress and take appropriate action.
// /// Now only cancels evaluations if it is an emergency shutdown; soft shutdown requires
// /// valid likelihood calculation to continue until synchronisation can be achieved.
// void check_for_shutdown_signal(module_functor_common& functor)
// {
// /* Check if shutdown signal received, and either throw Shutdown exception or break out of loop */
// if(functor.emergency_shutdown_begun())
// {
// #pragma omp critical (module_functor_calculate)
// {
// std::ostringstream ss;
// ss << "Shutdown signal detected while computing functor "<<functor.myName<<"! (omp_get_level()==" << omp_get_level() << ", thread="<<omp_get_thread_num()<<")";
// std::cerr << ss.str() << std::endl;
// logger() << LogTags::core << LogTags::debug << ss.str() << EOM;
// }
// if(omp_get_level()==0) /* If shutdown signal received and we are not in an */
// { /* OpenMP parallel block, perform the shutdown. */
// signaldata().check_for_emergency_shutdown_signal();/* (but only if it is an emergency) */
// // Throw error if we haven't jumped!
// std::cerr << "rank " << signaldata().myrank() <<": No emergency shutdown occurred, but according to previous logic the signal to do so must have already been received! Please file a bug report." << std::endl;
// exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// }
// else if(functor.iCanManageLoops)
// {
// functor.breakLoop();
// logger() << LogTags::core << LogTags::debug << "breakLoop triggered (iCanManageLoops==1) in functor " << functor.myName << EOM;
// }
// else /* Must be a managed functor (since type is not void, cannot be a loop manager) */
// {
// functor.breakLoopFromManagedFunctor();
// functor.breakLoop(); /* Set this as well anyway in case I didn't understand the logic correctly. */
// logger() << LogTags::core << LogTags::debug << "breakLoop triggered while computing functor "<<functor.myName<<" (thread="<<omp_get_thread_num()<<")" << EOM;
// }
// }
// }
void entering_multithreaded_region(module_functor_common& functor)
if(functor.iCanManageLoops and not signaldata().inside_multithreaded_region())
/* Debugging */
std::cerr << "rank " << signaldata().myrank() <<": Tried to set signaldata().inside_omp_block=1 (in "<<functor.myName<<"), but we are already in a parellel region! Please file a bug report." << std::endl;
} \
/* end debugging */
signaldata().entering_multithreaded_region(); /* Switch signal handler to threadsafe mode */
functor.signal_mode_locked = false; /* We are allowed to switch off sighandler threadsafe mode */
void leaving_multithreaded_region(module_functor_common& functor)
if(functor.iCanManageLoops and not functor.signal_mode_locked)
/* Debugging */
std::cerr << "rank " << signaldata().myrank() <<": Tried to set signaldata().inside_omp_block=0 (in "<<functor.myName<<"), but we are still inside a parellel region! Please file a bug report." << std::endl;
/* end debugging */
signaldata().leaving_multithreaded_region(); /* Switch signal handler back to normal mode */
/// @}
/// @}
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000