file src/MontePython.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::CosmoBit |
Detailed Description
- Selim C. Hotinli (
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Janina Renk (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- Sebastian Hoof (
- Pat Scott (
- 2017 Jul
- 2018 May
- 2018 Aug - Sep
- 2017 Nov
- 2018 Jan - May
- 2019 Jan, Feb, June, Nov
- 2018 June
- 2019 Mar,June
- 2019 June, Nov
- 2020 Mar
- 2018 Mar
- 2019 Jul
- 2020 Apr
CosmoBit routines relating to MontePython interface.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// CosmoBit routines relating to MontePython interface.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Selim C. Hotinli
/// (
/// \date 2017 Jul
/// \date 2018 May
/// \date 2018 Aug - Sep
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2017 Nov
/// \date 2018 Jan - May
/// \date 2019 Jan, Feb, June, Nov
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2018 June
/// \date 2019 Mar,June
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date 2019 June, Nov
/// \author Sebastian Hoof
/// (
/// \date 2020 Mar
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2018 Mar
/// \date 2019 Jul
/// \date 2020 Apr
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_types.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace CosmoBit
using namespace LogTags;
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
/* MontePython */
/// Function to fill the mcmc_parameters dictionary of MontePython's Data object
/// with current values of nuisance parameters.
void set_parameter_dict_for_MPLike(pybind11::dict & result)
using namespace Pipes::set_parameter_dict_for_MPLike;
using namespace pybind11::literals;
// The loop has to be executed for every parameter point. It takes about 0.00023s -> ~4 minutes for 1e6 points
for (auto it=Param.begin(); it != Param.end(); it++)
std::string name = it->first;
double value = *Param[name];
// Check if any models are scanned for which we had to rename the nuisance parameters due to:
// a) parameters having the same name -> e.g. 'epsilon' and 'sigma_NL'
// b) parameter names containing symbols that can't be used in macros -> e.g. "^" in 'beta_0^Euclid'
// a) have to rename parameters epsilon_ska, epsilon_euclid,.. to "epsilon" as they are implemented in MontePython
if (name.find("epsilon") != std::string::npos){name="epsilon";}
// a) have to rename parameters sigma_NL_ska, sigma_NL_euclid,.. to "sigma_NL" as they are implemented in MontePython
else if (name.find("sigma_NL") != std::string::npos){name="sigma_NL";}
// b) get the "^" characters back into the parameter names
// -> beta_x<experiment> has to be beta_x^<experiment> where x = 0 or 1 and <experiment> = Euclid, SKA1 or SKA2
// ATM this is the case for "cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk" and "cosmo_nuisance_ska" models
else if (name.find("beta_0")!= std::string::npos || name.find("beta_1")!= std::string::npos)
name = name.insert(6,"^");
result[name.c_str()] = pybind11::dict("current"_a=value,"scale"_a=1.); // scale always 1 in GAMBIT
/// Function to fill the mcmc_parameters dictionary of MontePython's Data object with an empty dictionary.
/// This version of the capability 'parameter_dict_for_MPLike' is used when no Likelihood with nuisance
/// parameters are in use, and just passes an empty Python dictionary
void pass_empty_parameter_dict_for_MPLike(pybind11::dict & result)
using namespace Pipes::pass_empty_parameter_dict_for_MPLike;
static bool first = true;
if (first)
result = pybind11::dict();
first = false;
// Nothing to do here.
/// Create the MontePython data and likelihood objects, determining which experiments are in use in the process
void create_MP_objects(MPLike_objects_container &result)
using namespace Pipes::create_MP_objects;
static map_str_pyobj likelihoods;
static bool first = true;
// Determine which likelihoods to compute and initialise the relevant MontePython objects.
if (first)
// Set up some references for easier reading
auto& data = std::get<0>(result);
auto& experiments = std::get<1>(result);
auto& likelihoods = std::get<2>(result);
// Get list of likelihoods implemented in MP
std::vector<str> avail_likes = BEreq::get_MP_available_likelihoods();
// Get the list of the experiments and datafiles given in the YAML file as sub-capabilities.
// Using the default datafile can be achieved by leaving the datafile out, or setting it to "default".
YAML::Node subcaps = Downstream::subcaps->getNode();
std::vector<YAML::Node> empties;
for (const auto& x : subcaps) if (x.second.IsNull()) empties.push_back(x.first);
for (const auto& x : empties) subcaps[x] = "default";
if (subcaps.IsNull())
if (Downstream::neededFor("MP_LogLikes"))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "No sub-capabilities found when attempting to create MontePython objects." << endl
<< "This can happen because you either forgot to choose any experiments," << endl
<< "or because you used incorrect syntax to choose them as sub-capabilities." << endl
<< "You can do this in the relevant entry of the ObsLikes section of your YAML file," << endl
<< "by setting sub_capabilities as a scalar (if you only want one experiment), e.g." << endl
<< " sub_capabilities: bao_smallz_2014" << endl
<< "or as a sequence (if you don't need to specify data files), e.g." << endl
<< " sub_capabilities:" << endl
<< " - bao_smallz_2014" << endl
<< " - Pantheon" << endl
<< "or even as a map (if you want to specify data files), e.g." << endl
<< " sub_capabilities:" << endl
<< " bao_smallz_2014: default" << endl
<< " Pantheon: default" << endl;
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, ss.str());
else experiments =<map_str_str>();
// Check that all the requested likelihoods can actually be provided by MP
for (const auto& x : experiments)
if (std::find(avail_likes.begin(), avail_likes.end(), x.first) == avail_likes.end())
str errmsg = "Likelihood '" + x.first + "' is not implemented in MontePython. Check for typos or implement it.\nLikelihoods currently available are:\n";
for (const auto& value : avail_likes) errmsg += ("\t"+value+"\n");
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Read MontePythonLike option "<< x.first << ", using data file " << x.second << EOM;
// MPLike_data_container should only be created and set once, when calculating the first point.
// After that it has to be kept alive since it contains a vector with the initialised MPLike Likelihood objects.
data = BEreq::create_MP_data_object(experiments);
// Add current parameters to data object to enable check if all nuisance parameters are
// scanned upon initialisation of likelihood objects
data.attr("mcmc_parameters") = *Dep::parameter_dict_for_MPLike;
likelihoods = BEreq::create_MP_likelihood_objects(data, experiments);
// It's been nice, but let's not do this again.
first = false;
/// Computes lnL for each experiment initialised in MontePython
void compute_MP_LogLikes(map_str_dbl & result)
using namespace Pipes::compute_MP_LogLikes;
static bool first_run = true;
static pybind11::object data = std::get<0>(*Dep::MP_objects);
static const map_str_str& experiments = std::get<1>(*Dep::MP_objects);
static const map_str_pyobj& likelihoods = std::get<2>(*Dep::MP_objects);
static const MPLike_data_container mplike_cont(data, likelihoods);
// in the first run test if any unused nuisance parameters are passed
// to MontePython. If so this function will throw an error identifying
// the parameter that is scanned over but not in use.
// get classy backend directory. The only reason we need to pass this
// to MP is because the likelihood 'sdss_lrgDR7' requires pre-computed fiducial spectra.
// These can, in general, depend on the CLASS version they were calculated with (if the
// treatment of non-linearities changes). To make sure the fiducial spectra and the ones
// for each point in parameter space are computed with the same CLASS version, we pass the
// CLASS version to MP. The fiducial spectra are automatically calculated when CLASS is build.
static std::string backendDir = BEreq::get_classy_backendDir();"set_class_version")(backendDir);
// Pass current values of nuisance parameters to data.mcmc_parameters dictionary for likelihood computation in MP"mcmc_parameters") = *Dep::parameter_dict_for_MPLike;
// Create instance of classy class Class
pybind11::object cosmo = BEreq::get_classy_cosmo_object();
// Loop through the list of experiments, and query the lnL from the MontePython backend.
for (sspair it : experiments)
// perform check if all requested MP likelihoods are compatible
// with CLASS version in use.
// Got to do that here, as the MP data object gets the information
// about the classy version a few lines above through the BEreq
// get_classy_backendDir()
// Likelihood names are keys of experiment map (str, str map mapping likelihood name to .data file)
double logLike = BEreq::get_MP_loglike(mplike_cont, cosmo, it.first);
result[it.first] = logLike;
logger() << "(compute_MP_LogLikes): name: " << it.first << "\tvalue: " << logLike << EOM;
first_run = false;
/// Computes the combined lnL from the set of experiments
/// given to MontePython.
void compute_MP_combined_LogLike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::compute_MP_combined_LogLike;
// Get likelihoods computed by MontePython
map_str_dbl MP_lnLs = *Dep::MP_LogLikes;
// Retrieve the sub-capabilities requested in the YAML file
std::vector<str> subcaps = Downstream::subcaps->getNames();
// Iterate through map of doubles and return one big fat double,
// selecting only those entries specified as sub-capabilities.
double lnL = 0.;
logger() << LogTags::debug << "(compute_MP_combined_LogLike):";
for (const auto &p : MP_lnLs)
if (std::find(subcaps.begin(), subcaps.end(), p.first) != subcaps.end())
logger() << endl << " name: " << p.first << "\tvalue: " << p.second;
lnL += p.second;
logger() << EOM;
result = lnL;
/// Get correlation coefficients and uncorrelated likelihood
/// of MP likelihood "bao_correlations".
/// Warning: this routine is specific to this likelihood, don't use for anything else!
void get_bao_like_correlation(map_str_dbl& result)
using namespace Pipes::get_bao_like_correlation;
// This function has a dependency on MP_LogLikes even though it is not directly
// needed in the calculation. However, through this dependency we make sure that
// MP was called before this function is executed -> don't remove it!
// Get map containing python likelihood objects
static const map_str_pyobj& likelihoods = std::get<2>(*Dep::MP_objects);
// Check if "bao_correlations" likelihood was computed, if so
// retrieve correlation coefficients and uncorrelated likelihood value
if(likelihoods.find("bao_correlations") != likelihoods.end())
result["uncorrelated_loglike"] ="bao_correlations").attr("uncorrelated_loglike").cast<double>();
pybind11::list corr_coeffs ="bao_correlations").attr("correlation_coeffs");
result["correlation_coeffs_0"] = corr_coeffs[0].cast<double>();
result["correlation_coeffs_1"] = corr_coeffs[1].cast<double>();
result["correlation_coeffs_2"] = corr_coeffs[2].cast<double>();
str errmsg = "Likelihood 'bao_correlations' was not requested in the YAML file, but you are asking for\n";
errmsg += "the correlation coefficients from this likelihood. Either remove 'bao_like_correlation' from the ObsLikes section\n";
errmsg += "in your YAML file or include the computation of the 'bao_correlations' likelihood by adding:\n\n";
errmsg += " - purpose: LogLike\n";
errmsg += " capability: MP_Combined_LogLike\n";
errmsg += " sub_capabilities:\n";
errmsg += " - bao_correlations\n\n";
errmsg += "to the YAML file.";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg);
} // namespace CosmoBit
} // namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000