file DecayBit/MSSM_Z.hpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::DecayBit |
Gambit::DecayBit::MSSM_Z |
Detailed Description
Z boson decays to supersymmetric particles at tree-level
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Z boson decays to supersymmetric particles at tree-level
/// \example MSSM_Z.cpp
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Andrew Fowlie
/// (
/// \date 2018 May
/// *********************************************
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
namespace Gambit {
namespace DecayBit {
namespace MSSM_Z {
double gamma_chi_0(int i,
int j,
std::array<double, 4> m,
std::array<std::array<double, 4>, 4> Z,
double g2 = 0.652,
double MZ = 91.,
double sw2 = 0.22) {
@brief \f$\Gamma(Z \to \chi_i \chi_j)\f$ in GeV
@warning Tree-level formula
@returns \f$\Gamma(h \to \chi_i \chi_j)\f$ in GeV
@param m Neutralino masses, \f$m_{\chi_i}\f$, without phases
@param Z Real neutralino mixing matrix
@param g2 \f$g_2\f$
@param MZ \f$M_Z\f$, Z-boson mass
@param sw2 Weinberg angle, \f$\sin^2\theta_W\f$
const double p2 = (pow(MZ, 2) - pow(m[i] + m[j], 2)) *
(pow(MZ, 2) - pow(m[i] - m[j], 2)) / (4. * pow(MZ, 2));
const double ei = (pow(MZ, 2) - pow(m[j], 2) + pow(m[i], 2)) / (2. * MZ);
const double ej = (pow(MZ, 2) - pow(m[i], 2) + pow(m[j], 2)) / (2. * MZ);
if (!(p2 > 0. && ei > 0. && ej > 0.)) {
return 0.;
const double cw = std::sqrt(1. - sw2);
const double gz = g2 / (2. * cw) * (Z[i][2] * Z[j][2] - Z[i][3] * Z[j][3]);
double gamma = sqrt(p2) / (2. * M_PI * pow(MZ, 2)) * pow(gz, 2) *
(ei * ej + p2 / 3. - m[i] * m[j]);
if (i == j) {
gamma *= 0.5;
return gamma;
} // namespace MSSM_Z
} // namespace DecayBit
} // namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000