file src/Planck.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::CosmoBit |
Detailed Description
- Selim C. Hotinli (
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Janina Renk (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- 2017 Jul
- 2018 May
- 2018 Aug - Sep
- 2017 Nov
- 2018 Jan - May
- 2019 Jan, Feb, June, Nov
- 2018 June
- 2019 Mar,June
- 2019 June, Nov
Planck routines in CosmoBit.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Planck routines in CosmoBit.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Selim C. Hotinli
/// (
/// \date 2017 Jul
/// \date 2018 May
/// \date 2018 Aug - Sep
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2017 Nov
/// \date 2018 Jan - May
/// \date 2019 Jan, Feb, June, Nov
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2018 June
/// \date 2019 Mar,June
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date 2019 June, Nov
/// *********************************************
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "gambit/Utils/statistics.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/ascii_dict_reader.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace CosmoBit
using namespace LogTags;
// Anonymous namespace
// - It is only visible to this file
// - Variables in here won't show up in the compiled files and are not seen by the linker
// In the Planck analysis the monopole (CMB temperature) is assumed to be
// T_cmb = 2.72548 K (FIRAS measurement).
// To correctly reconstruct the dimensionful Cl out of the dimensionless Cl,
// this value needs to be assumed rather than the (variable) value of T_cmb.
// (cf. Appendix A of arXiv:2005.10656)
double T_cmb_FIRAS = 2.72548;
/// Apply Gaussian priors on some of the Planck nuisance parameters (cf. table 16 of 1907.1287)
/// By default, the 2018 priors are used.
/// If the 2015 priors should be considered, set "version: 2015" in the rules of this function.
/// If needed, a custom file with the priors can be passed via the "prior_file" keyword in the rules.
void compute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::compute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike;
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > data;
// Read the data only at first iteration
static bool first = true;
if (first)
first = false;
std::string filename;
if (runOptions->hasKey("prior_file"))
filename = runOptions->getValue<std::string>("prior_file");
filename = GAMBIT_DIR "/CosmoBit/data/Planck/";
std::string version = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("2018","version");
filename += "priors_" + version + ".dat";
ASCIIdictReader reader(filename);
logger() << LogTags::info << "Read priors for Planck nuisance parameters from file '"<<filename<<"'." << EOM;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > tmp = reader.get_dict();
logger() << LogTags::info << "Found the follwing prior for planck parameters ( name -- [modelcode, mean, sig] )\n\n";
logger() << LogTags::info << tmp << EOM;
int modelcode = -1;
if (ModelInUse("cosmo_nuisance_Planck_lite"))
modelcode = 1;
else if (ModelInUse("cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TT"))
modelcode = 3;
else if (ModelInUse("cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE"))
modelcode = 7;
for (auto iter=tmp.begin(); iter != tmp.end(); iter++)
if ( int(iter->second[0]) <= modelcode )
std::string key = iter->first;
catch (std::exception &e)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Caught an undefined model parameter. The planck nuisance parameter \"" << key << "\" is not known.\n\n";
err << "Original error was:\n\n" << e.what();
data[iter->first] = std::vector<double>({iter->second[1], iter->second[2]});
logger() << LogTags::info << "Gaussian prior an Planck parameters used in this scan (name -- [mean, sig]):\n\n" << data << EOM;
logger() << LogTags::info << "Data for Planck nuisance priors read." << EOM;
/// Loop over all parameters and apply the prior
result = 0.0;
for (auto iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); iter++)
result += Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood((*Param[iter->first]), iter->second[0], 0.0, iter->second[1], false);
/// SZ- prior: Prior on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes.
/// Correlation is unconstrained by Planck. Use prior based on SPT and ACT data.
/// (cf. -- eq. 32)
void compute_Planck_sz_prior(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::compute_Planck_sz_prior;
double ksz_norm = *Param["ksz_norm"];
double A_sz = *Param["A_sz"];
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood((ksz_norm + 1.6*A_sz), 9.5, 0.0, 3.0, false);
/*** 2018 ***/
/// Low-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-29] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[31];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 30)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 29.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 29)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 30 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[30] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_TT_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Low-l E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// EE[0-29] - Nuisance parameter
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[31];
int idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_EE.size() < 30)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 29.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 29)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 30 ; ii++)
idx_ee = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[30] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Combined low-l TT and and E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike;
// This function combines the lowl TT 2018 and the lowl EE 2018 likelihood
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters for the TT part
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-29] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars_TT[31];
int idx_tt;
// Same as above but now for EE
// The order will be the following:
// EE[0-29] - nuisance parameter
double cl_and_pars_EE[31];
int idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 30 || Cl_EE.size() < 30)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 29.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 29)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT (EE) to Cl arrays-------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 30 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars_TT[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars_EE[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars_TT[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars_EE[idx_ee] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl arrays------------------------
cl_and_pars_TT[30] = *Param["A_planck"];
cl_and_pars_EE[30] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
double tmp_result = 0.0; // temporary to not spoil the printer output if the TT works but EE fails.
tmp_result += BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_TT_2018(&cl_and_pars_TT[0]);
// The EE Planck likelihood shoulw always be < 0, if not something went wrong
// FIXME: For now invalidate the point, until we find the source of the issue
double EE = BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018(&cl_and_pars_EE[0]);
if(EE > 0.0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "EE lowl Planck likelihood is problematic, with value " << EE;
logger() << err.str() << EOM;
tmp_result += EE;
// Now update result
result = tmp_result;
/// High-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[2529];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err <<" (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[2509] = *Param["A_cib_217"];
cl_and_pars[2510] = *Param["cib_index"];
cl_and_pars[2511] = *Param["xi_sz_cib"];
cl_and_pars[2512] = *Param["A_sz"];
cl_and_pars[2513] = *Param["ps_A_100_100"];
cl_and_pars[2514] = *Param["ps_A_143_143"];
cl_and_pars[2515] = *Param["ps_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[2516] = *Param["ps_A_217_217"];
cl_and_pars[2517] = *Param["ksz_norm"];
cl_and_pars[2518] = *Param["gal545_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[2519] = *Param["gal545_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[2520] = *Param["gal545_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[2521] = *Param["gal545_A_217"];
// set A_sbpx_... to 1. (4 nusissance parameter)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cl_and_pars[(i+2522)] = 1.;
cl_and_pars[2526] = *Param["calib_100T"];
cl_and_pars[2527] = *Param["calib_217T"];
cl_and_pars[2528] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TT_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Marginalised version of the high-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[2510];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[2509] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - EE[0-2508] - TE[0-2508] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[7574];
int idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 || Cl_TE.size() < 2509 || Cl_EE.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT, EE and TE to Cl array--------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii + 2509;
idx_te = ii + (2 * 2509);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[7527] = *Param["A_cib_217"];
cl_and_pars[7528] = *Param["cib_index"];
cl_and_pars[7529] = *Param["xi_sz_cib"];
cl_and_pars[7530] = *Param["A_sz"];
cl_and_pars[7531] = *Param["ps_A_100_100"];
cl_and_pars[7532] = *Param["ps_A_143_143"];
cl_and_pars[7533] = *Param["ps_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7534] = *Param["ps_A_217_217"];
cl_and_pars[7535] = *Param["ksz_norm"];
cl_and_pars[7536] = *Param["gal545_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7537] = *Param["gal545_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7538] = *Param["gal545_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7539] = *Param["gal545_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7540] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7541] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100_143"];
cl_and_pars[7542] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100_217"];
cl_and_pars[7543] = *Param["galf_EE_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7544] = *Param["galf_EE_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7545] = *Param["galf_EE_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7546] = *Param["galf_EE_index"];
cl_and_pars[7547] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7548] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100_143"];
cl_and_pars[7549] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100_217"];
cl_and_pars[7550] = *Param["galf_TE_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7551] = *Param["galf_TE_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7552] = *Param["galf_TE_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7553] = *Param["galf_TE_index"];
// set A_cnoise_.. and A_sbpx_... to 1. (13 nusissance parameter)
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) cl_and_pars[(i+7554)] = 1.;
cl_and_pars[7567] = *Param["calib_100T"];
cl_and_pars[7568] = *Param["calib_217T"];
cl_and_pars[7569] = *Param["calib_100P"];
cl_and_pars[7570] = *Param["calib_143P"];
cl_and_pars[7571] = *Param["calib_217P"];
cl_and_pars[7572] = *Param["A_pol"];
cl_and_pars[7573] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Marginalised version of the high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - EE[0-2508] - TE[0-2508] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[7528];
int idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 || Cl_TE.size() < 2509 || Cl_EE.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT, EE and TE to Cl array--------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii + 2509;
idx_te = ii + (2 * 2509);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[7527] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Lensing likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// PhiPhi[0-2500] - TT[0-2500] - EE[0-2500] - TE[0-2500] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[10005];
int idx_pp, idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_PhiPhi = *Dep::lensed_Cl_PhiPhi;
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ((Cl_PhiPhi.size() < 2501) || (Cl_TT.size() < 2501) || (Cl_TE.size() < 2501) || (Cl_EE.size() < 2501))
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2500.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2500)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for PhiPhi, TT, EE and TE to Cl array-----------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2501 ; ii++)
idx_pp = ii;
idx_tt = ii + 2501;
idx_ee = ii + (2 * 2501);
idx_te = ii + (3 * 2501);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[10004] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lensing_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Lensing Likelihood (marginalised over reference spectra for TT,EE, etc.) (PR3 - 2018)
void function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// PhiPhi[0-2500] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f.
double cl_and_pars[2502];
int idx_pp;
std::vector<double> Cl_PhiPhi = *Dep::lensed_Cl_PhiPhi;
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ((Cl_PhiPhi.size() < 2501))
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2500.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2500)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for PhiPhi, TT, EE and TE to Cl array-----------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2501 ; ii++)
idx_pp = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[2501] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lensing_marged_2018(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/*** 2015 ***/
/// Low-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-29] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[31];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 30)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 29.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 29)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 30 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[30] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_TT_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Low-l polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-29] - EE[0-29] - BB[0-29] - TE[0-29] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[121];
int idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee, idx_bb;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_BB = *Dep::lensed_Cl_BB;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_BB.begin(), Cl_BB.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 30 || Cl_EE.size() < 30 || Cl_TE.size() < 30 || Cl_BB.size() < 30 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 29.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 29)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT, EE, BB and TE to Cl array----------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 30 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii + 30;
idx_bb = ii + (2 * 30);
idx_te = ii + (3 * 30);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_bb] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_bb] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[120] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lowl_TEB_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// High-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - Nuisance parameters
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[2525];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err <<" (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[2509] = *Param["A_cib_217"];
cl_and_pars[2510] = *Param["cib_index"];
cl_and_pars[2511] = *Param["xi_sz_cib"];
cl_and_pars[2512] = *Param["A_sz"];
cl_and_pars[2513] = *Param["ps_A_100_100"];
cl_and_pars[2514] = *Param["ps_A_143_143"];
cl_and_pars[2515] = *Param["ps_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[2516] = *Param["ps_A_217_217"];
cl_and_pars[2517] = *Param["ksz_norm"];
cl_and_pars[2518] = *Param["gal545_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[2519] = *Param["gal545_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[2520] = *Param["gal545_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[2521] = *Param["gal545_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[2522] = *Param["calib_100T"];
cl_and_pars[2523] = *Param["calib_217T"];
cl_and_pars[2524] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TT_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Marginalised version of high-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[2510];
int idx_tt;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT to Cl array-------------------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[2509] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuissance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - EE[0-2508] - TE[0-2508] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[7621];
int idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 || Cl_TE.size() < 2509 || Cl_EE.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT, EE and TE to Cl array--------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii + 2509;
idx_te = ii + (2 * 2509);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[7527] = *Param["A_cib_217"];
cl_and_pars[7528] = *Param["cib_index"];
cl_and_pars[7529] = *Param["xi_sz_cib"];
cl_and_pars[7530] = *Param["A_sz"];
cl_and_pars[7531] = *Param["ps_A_100_100"];
cl_and_pars[7532] = *Param["ps_A_143_143"];
cl_and_pars[7533] = *Param["ps_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7534] = *Param["ps_A_217_217"];
cl_and_pars[7535] = *Param["ksz_norm"];
cl_and_pars[7536] = *Param["gal545_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7537] = *Param["gal545_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7538] = *Param["gal545_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7539] = *Param["gal545_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7540] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7541] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100_143"];
cl_and_pars[7542] = *Param["galf_EE_A_100_217"];
cl_and_pars[7543] = *Param["galf_EE_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7544] = *Param["galf_EE_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7545] = *Param["galf_EE_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7546] = *Param["galf_EE_index"];
cl_and_pars[7547] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100"];
cl_and_pars[7548] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100_143"];
cl_and_pars[7549] = *Param["galf_TE_A_100_217"];
cl_and_pars[7550] = *Param["galf_TE_A_143"];
cl_and_pars[7551] = *Param["galf_TE_A_143_217"];
cl_and_pars[7552] = *Param["galf_TE_A_217"];
cl_and_pars[7553] = *Param["galf_TE_index"];
// set beam-leakage to zero (60 nusissance parameter)
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) cl_and_pars[(i+7554)] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[7614] = *Param["calib_100T"];
cl_and_pars[7615] = *Param["calib_217T"];
cl_and_pars[7616] = *Param["calib_100P"];
cl_and_pars[7617] = *Param["calib_143P"];
cl_and_pars[7618] = *Param["calib_217P"];
cl_and_pars[7619] = *Param["A_pol"];
cl_and_pars[7620] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Marginalised version of high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuissance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// TT[0-2508] - EE[0-2508] - TE[0-2508] - nuisance parameter
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[7528];
int idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ( Cl_TT.size() < 2509 || Cl_TE.size() < 2509 || Cl_EE.size() < 2509 )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2508.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2508)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for TT, EE and TE to Cl array--------------------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2509 ; ii++)
idx_tt = ii;
idx_ee = ii + 2509;
idx_te = ii + (2 * 2509);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[7527] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
/// Lensing likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
void function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike;
// Array containing the relevant Cl and nuisance paramters
// The order will be the following:
// PhiPhi[0-2048] - TT[0-2048] - EE[0-2048] - TE[0-2048] - nuisance parameters
// (c.f. -> Previous releases -> 2015)
double cl_and_pars[8197];
int idx_pp, idx_tt, idx_te, idx_ee;
double Tcmb_in_mK = (1e6)*(T_cmb_FIRAS);
auto scale_func = [Tcmb_in_mK](double& cl){cl *= pow( Tcmb_in_mK, 2);};
std::vector<double> Cl_PhiPhi = *Dep::lensed_Cl_PhiPhi;
std::vector<double> Cl_TT = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TT;
std::vector<double> Cl_TE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_TE;
std::vector<double> Cl_EE = *Dep::lensed_Cl_EE;
std::for_each(Cl_TT.begin(), Cl_TT.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_TE.begin(), Cl_TE.end(), scale_func );
std::for_each(Cl_EE.begin(), Cl_EE.end(), scale_func );
// Check if the sizes of the Cl arrays are suitable. If not, ask the user to adjust the inputs for CLASS
if ((Cl_PhiPhi.size() < 2049) || (Cl_TT.size() < 2049) || (Cl_TE.size() < 2049) || (Cl_EE.size() < 2049))
std::ostringstream err;
err << "For \"function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike\" the Cl need to be calculated for l up to 2048.\n";
err << "The given Cl spectra do not provide this range. Please adjust the input for CLASS.";
err << " (\"l_max_scalars\" should be at least 2048)";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
//------addition of the Cl for PhiPhi, TT, EE and TE to Cl array-----------
for(int ii = 0; ii < 2049 ; ii++)
idx_pp = ii;
idx_tt = ii + 2049;
idx_ee = ii + (2 * 2049);
idx_te = ii + (3 * 2049);
if (ii >= 2)
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] =;
cl_and_pars[idx_pp] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_tt] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_ee] = 0.;
cl_and_pars[idx_te] = 0.;
//------addition of nuisance parameters to Cl array-------------------------
cl_and_pars[8196] = *Param["A_planck"];
//------calculation of the planck loglikelihood-----------------------------
result = BEreq::plc_loglike_lensing_2015(&cl_and_pars[0]);
} // CosmoBit
} // Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000