file src/SpecBit_MSSM.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::SpecBit |
Detailed Description
- Ben Farmer (
- Christopher Rogan (
- Tomas Gonzalo (
- Pat Scott (
- 2014 Sep - Dec, 2015 Jan - Mar
- 2015 Apr
- 2016 June
- 2015, 2016
Functions of module SpecBit
These functions link ModelParameters to Spectrum objects in various ways (by running spectrum generators, etc.)
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functions of module SpecBit
/// These functions link ModelParameters to
/// Spectrum objects in various ways (by running
/// spectrum generators, etc.)
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2014 Sep - Dec, 2015 Jan - Mar
/// \author Christopher Rogan
/// (
/// \date 2015 Apr
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2016 June
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2015, 2016
/// *********************************************
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spectrum_factories.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/smlike_higgs.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/slhaea_spec_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/SimpleSpectra/MSSMSimpleSpec.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp" // Just for more convenient output to logger
#include "gambit/Utils/util_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/QedQcdWrapper.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/MSSMSpec.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/model_files_and_boxes.hpp" // #includes lots of flexiblesusy headers and defines interface classes
#include "gambit/Printers/printermanager.hpp" // Needed by get_MSSM_spectrum_from_postprocessor to access reader object
#include "gambit/Printers/baseprinter.hpp" // Needed by get_MSSM_spectrum_from_postprocessor to use reader object
// Flexible SUSY stuff (should not be needed by the rest of gambit)
#include "flexiblesusy/src/ew_input.hpp"
#include "flexiblesusy/src/lowe.h" // From softsusy; used by flexiblesusy
#include "flexiblesusy/src/numerics2.hpp"
//#include "flexiblesusy/src/mssm_twoloophiggs.hpp"
#include "flexiblesusy/src/spectrum_generator_settings.hpp"
// Switch for debug mode
namespace Gambit
namespace SpecBit
using namespace LogTags;
using namespace flexiblesusy;
// To check if a model is currently being scanned:
// bool Pipes::<fname>::ModelInUse(str model_name)
/// @{ Non-Gambit convenience functions
// =======================================================================
// These are not known to Gambit, but they do basically all the real work.
// The Gambit module functions merely wrap the functions here and hook
// them up to their dependencies, and input parameters.
/// Compute an MSSM spectrum using flexiblesusy
// In GAMBIT there are THREE flexiblesusy MSSM spectrum generators currently in
// use, for each of three possible boundary condition types:
// - GUT scale input
// - Electroweak symmetry breaking scale input
// - Intermediate scale Q input
// These each require slightly different setup, but once that is done the rest
// of the code required to run them is the same; this is what is contained in
// the below template function.
// MI for Model Interface, as defined in model_files_and_boxes.hpp
template <class MI>
Spectrum run_FS_spectrum_generator
( const typename MI::InputParameters& input
, const SMInputs& sminputs
, const Options& runOptions
, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& input_Param
// SoftSUSY object used to set quark and lepton masses and gauge
// couplings in QEDxQCD effective theory
// Will be initialised by default using values in lowe.h, which we will
// override next.
softsusy::QedQcd oneset;
// Fill QedQcd object with SMInputs values
// Run everything to Mz
// Create spectrum generator object
typename MI::SpectrumGenerator spectrum_generator;
// Spectrum generator settings
// Default options copied from flexiblesusy/src/spectrum_generator_settings.hpp
// | enum | possible values | default value |
// |----------------------------------|------------------------------|-----------------|
// | precision | any positive double | 1.0e-4 |
// | max_iterations | any positive double | 0 (= automatic) |
// | algorithm | 0 (two-scale) or 1 (lattice) | 0 (= two-scale) |
// | calculate_sm_masses | 0 (no) or 1 (yes) | 0 (= no) |
// | pole_mass_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// | ewsb_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// | beta_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// | threshold_corrections_loop_order | 0, 1 | 1 (= 1-loop) |
// | higgs_2loop_correction_at_as | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// | higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// | higgs_2loop_correction_at_at | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// | higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
Spectrum_generator_settings settings;
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::precision, runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.0e-4,"precision_goal"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::max_iterations, runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0,"max_iterations"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::calculate_sm_masses, runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool> (false, "calculate_sm_masses"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::pole_mass_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"pole_mass_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::pole_mass_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"ewsb_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::beta_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"beta_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::threshold_corrections_loop_order, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(2,"threshold_corrections_loop_order"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_at_as, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_at_as"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_at_at, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_at_at"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::top_pole_qcd_corrections, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"top_pole_qcd_corrections"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::beta_zero_threshold, runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.000000000e-14,"beta_zero_threshold"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::eft_matching_loop_order_up, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"eft_matching_loop_order_up"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::eft_matching_loop_order_down, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(1,"eft_matching_loop_order_down"));
settings.set(Spectrum_generator_settings::threshold_corrections, runOptions.getValueOrDef<int>(123111321,"threshold_corrections"));
// Generate spectrum, input);
// Extract report on problems...
const typename MI::Problems& problems = spectrum_generator.get_problems();
// Create Model_interface to carry the input and results, and know
// how to access the flexiblesusy routines.
// Note: Output of spectrum_generator.get_model() returns type, e.g. CMSSM.
// Need to convert it to type CMSSM_slha (which alters some conventions of
// parameters into SLHA format)
MI model_interface(spectrum_generator,oneset,input);
// Create SubSpectrum object to wrap flexiblesusy data
// THIS IS STATIC so that it lives on once we leave this module function. We
// therefore cannot run the same spectrum generator twice in the same loop and
// maintain the spectrum resulting from both. But we should never want to do
// this.
// A pointer to this object is what gets turned into a SubSpectrum pointer and
// passed around Gambit.
// This object will COPY the interface data members into itself, so it is now the
// one-stop-shop for all spectrum information, including the model interface object.
MSSMSpec<MI> mssmspec(model_interface, "FlexibleSUSY", "2.0.beta");
// Add extra information about the scales used to the wrapper object
// (last parameter turns on the 'allow_new' option for the override setter, which allows
// us to set parameters that don't previously exist)
mssmspec.set_override(Par::mass1,spectrum_generator.get_low_scale(), "low_scale", true);
// Has the user chosen to override any pole mass values?
// This will typically break consistency, but may be useful in some special cases
if (runOptions.hasKey("override_FS_pole_masses"))
std::vector<str> particle_names = runOptions.getNames("override_FS_pole_masses");
for (auto& name : particle_names)
double mass = runOptions.getValue<double>("override_FS_pole_masses", name);
mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass, mass, name);
// Add theory errors
static const MSSM_strs ms;
static const std::vector<int> i12 = initVector(1,2);
static const std::vector<int> i123 = initVector(1,2,3);
static const std::vector<int> i1234 = initVector(1,2,3,4);
static const std::vector<int> i123456 = initVector(1,2,3,4,5,6);
// 3% theory "error"
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_pred, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_pred, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_6, i123456, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_6, i123456, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, "~chi0", i1234, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, "~chi0", i1234, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_3, i123, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_3, i123, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_2, i12, true);
mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_2, i12, true);
// Do the lightest Higgs mass separately. The default in most codes is 3 GeV. That seems like
// an underestimate if the stop masses are heavy enough, but an overestimate for most points.
double rd_mh1 = 2.0 / mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, ms.h0, 1);
mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, rd_mh1, ms.h0, 1, true);
mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, rd_mh1, ms.h0, 1, true);
// Do the W mass separately. Here we use 10 MeV based on the size of corrections from two-loop papers and advice from Dominik Stockinger.
double rd_mW = 0.01 / mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, rd_mW, "W+", true);
mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, rd_mW, "W+", true);
// Save the input value of TanBeta
// Probably need to make it a full requirement of the MSSM SpectrumContents
if(input_Param.find("TanBeta") != input_Param.end())
mssmspec.set_override(Par::dimensionless, *"TanBeta"), "tanbeta(mZ)", true);
// Create a second SubSpectrum object to wrap the qedqcd object used to initialise the spectrum generator
// Attach the sminputs object as well, so that SM pole masses can be passed on (these aren't easily
// extracted from the QedQcd object, so use the values that we put into it.)
QedQcdWrapper qedqcdspec(oneset,sminputs);
// Deal with points where spectrum generator encountered a problem
std::cout<<"Problem? "<<problems.have_problem()<<std::endl;
if( problems.have_problem() )
if( runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"invalid_point_fatal") )
///TODO: Need to tell gambit that the spectrum is not viable somehow. For now
/// just die.
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "A serious problem was encountered during spectrum generation!; ";
errmsg << "Message from FlexibleSUSY below:" << std::endl;
/// Check what the problem was
/// see: contrib/MassSpectra/flexiblesusy/src/problems.hpp
std::ostringstream msg;
//msg << "";
//if( have_bad_mass() ) msg << "bad mass " << std::endl; // TODO: check which one
//if( have_tachyon() ) msg << "tachyon" << std::endl;
//if( have_thrown() ) msg << "error" << std::endl;
//if( have_non_perturbative_parameter() ) msg << "non-perturb. param" << std::endl; // TODO: check which
//if( have_failed_pole_mass_convergence() ) msg << "fail pole mass converg." << std::endl; // TODO: check which
//if( no_ewsb() ) msg << "no ewsb" << std::endl;
//if( no_convergence() ) msg << "no converg." << std::endl;
//if( no_perturbative() ) msg << "no pertub." << std::endl;
//if( no_rho_convergence() ) msg << "no rho converg." << std::endl;
//if( msg.str()=="" ) msg << " Unrecognised problem! ";
/// Fast way for now:
invalid_point().raise(msg.str()); //TODO: This message isn't ending up in the logs.
if( problems.have_warning() )
std::ostringstream msg;
SpecBit_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO,msg.str()); //TODO: Is a warning the correct thing to do here?
// Write SLHA file (for debugging purposes...)
typename MI::SlhaIo slha_io;
// Retrieve any mass cuts
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// Package QedQcd SubSpectrum object, MSSM SubSpectrum object, and SMInputs struct into a 'full' Spectrum object
return Spectrum(qedqcdspec,mssmspec,sminputs,&input_Param,mass_cut,mass_ratio_cut);
//Version for 1.5.1 commented out because we should make it possible to support FS versions in parallel.
// template <class MI>
// Spectrum run_FS1_5_1_spectrum_generator
// ( const typename MI::InputParameters& input
// , const SMInputs& sminputs
// , const Options& runOptions
// , const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& input_Param
// )
// {
// // SoftSUSY object used to set quark and lepton masses and gauge
// // couplings in QEDxQCD effective theory
// // Will be initialised by default using values in lowe.h, which we will
// // override next.
// softsusy::QedQcd oneset;
// // Fill QedQcd object with SMInputs values
// setup_QedQcd(oneset,sminputs);
// // Run everything to Mz
// oneset.toMz();
// // Create spectrum generator object
// typename MI::SpectrumGenerator spectrum_generator;
// // Spectrum generator settings
// // Default options copied from flexiblesusy/src/spectrum_generator_settings.hpp
// //
// // | enum | possible values | default value |
// // |----------------------------------|------------------------------|-----------------|
// // | precision | any positive double | 1.0e-4 |
// // | max_iterations | any positive double | 0 (= automatic) |
// // | algorithm | 0 (two-scale) or 1 (lattice) | 0 (= two-scale) |
// // | calculate_sm_masses | 0 (no) or 1 (yes) | 0 (= no) |
// // | pole_mass_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// // | ewsb_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// // | beta_loop_order | 0, 1, 2 | 2 (= 2-loop) |
// // | threshold_corrections_loop_order | 0, 1 | 1 (= 1-loop) |
// // | higgs_2loop_correction_at_as | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// // | higgs_2loop_correction_ab_as | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// // | higgs_2loop_correction_at_at | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// // | higgs_2loop_correction_atau_atau | 0, 1 | 1 (= enabled) |
// spectrum_generator.set_precision_goal (runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.0e-4,"precision_goal"));
// spectrum_generator.set_max_iterations (runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0, "max_iterations"));
// spectrum_generator.set_calculate_sm_masses (runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool> (false, "calculate_sm_masses"));
// spectrum_generator.set_pole_mass_loop_order (runOptions.getValueOrDef<int> (2, "pole_mass_loop_order"));
// spectrum_generator.set_ewsb_loop_order (runOptions.getValueOrDef<int> (2, "ewsb_loop_order"));
// spectrum_generator.set_beta_loop_order (runOptions.getValueOrDef<int> (2, "beta_loop_order"));
// spectrum_generator.set_threshold_corrections_loop_order(runOptions.getValueOrDef<int> (2, "threshold_corrections_loop_order"));
// // Higgs loop corrections are a little different... sort them out now
// Two_loop_corrections two_loop_settings;
// // alpha_t alpha_s
// // alpha_b alpha_s
// // alpha_t^2 + alpha_t alpha_b + alpha_b^2
// // alpha_tau^2
// two_loop_settings.higgs_at_as = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true,"use_higgs_2loop_at_as");
// two_loop_settings.higgs_ab_as = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true,"use_higgs_2loop_ab_as");
// two_loop_settings.higgs_at_at = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true,"use_higgs_2loop_at_at");
// two_loop_settings.higgs_atau_atau = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true,"use_higgs_2loop_atau_atau");
// spectrum_generator.set_two_loop_corrections(two_loop_settings);
// // Generate spectrum
//, input);
// // Extract report on problems...
// const typename MI::Problems& problems = spectrum_generator.get_problems();
// // Create Model_interface to carry the input and results, and know
// // how to access the flexiblesusy routines.
// // Note: Output of spectrum_generator.get_model() returns type, e.g. CMSSM.
// // Need to convert it to type CMSSM_slha (which alters some conventions of
// // parameters into SLHA format)
// MI model_interface(spectrum_generator,oneset,input);
// // Create SubSpectrum object to wrap flexiblesusy data
// // THIS IS STATIC so that it lives on once we leave this module function. We
// // therefore cannot run the same spectrum generator twice in the same loop and
// // maintain the spectrum resulting from both. But we should never want to do
// // this.
// // A pointer to this object is what gets turned into a SubSpectrum pointer and
// // passed around Gambit.
// //
// // This object will COPY the interface data members into itself, so it is now the
// // one-stop-shop for all spectrum information, including the model interface object.
// MSSMSpec<MI> mssmspec(model_interface, "FlexibleSUSY", "1.5.1");
// // Add extra information about the scales used to the wrapper object
// // (last parameter turns on the 'allow_new' option for the override setter, which allows
// // us to set parameters that don't previously exist)
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::mass1,spectrum_generator.get_high_scale(),"high_scale",true);
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::mass1,spectrum_generator.get_susy_scale(),"susy_scale",true);
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::mass1,spectrum_generator.get_low_scale(), "low_scale", true);
// // Add theory errors
// static const MSSM_strs ms;
// static const std::vector<int> i12 = initVector(1,2);
// static const std::vector<int> i123 = initVector(1,2,3);
// static const std::vector<int> i1234 = initVector(1,2,3,4);
// static const std::vector<int> i123456 = initVector(1,2,3,4,5,6);
// // 3% theory "error"
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_pred, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_pred, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_6, i123456, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_6, i123456, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, "~chi0", i1234, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, "~chi0", i1234, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_3, i123, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_3, i123, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_2, i12, true);
// mssmspec.set_override_vector(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 0.03, ms.pole_mass_strs_1_2, i12, true);
// // Do the lightest Higgs mass separately. The default in most codes is 3 GeV. That seems like
// // an underestimate if the stop masses are heavy enough, but an overestimate for most points.
// double rd_mh1 = 2.0 / mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, ms.h0, 1);
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, rd_mh1, ms.h0, 1, true);
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, rd_mh1, ms.h0, 1, true);
// // Do the W mass separately. Here we use 10 MeV based on the size of corrections from two-loop papers and advice from Dominik Stockinger.
// double rd_mW = 0.01 / mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, rd_mW, "W+", true);
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, rd_mW, "W+", true);
// // Save the input value of TanBeta
// // Probably need to make it a full requirement of the MSSM SpectrumContents
// if(input_Param.find("TanBeta") != input_Param.end())
// {
// mssmspec.set_override(Par::dimensionless, *"TanBeta"), "tanbeta(mZ)", true);
// }
// // Create a second SubSpectrum object to wrap the qedqcd object used to initialise the spectrum generator
// // Attach the sminputs object as well, so that SM pole masses can be passed on (these aren't easily
// // extracted from the QedQcd object, so use the values that we put into it.)
// QedQcdWrapper qedqcdspec(oneset,sminputs);
// // Deal with points where spectrum generator encountered a problem
// std::cout<<"Problem? "<<problems.have_problem()<<std::endl;
// #endif
// if( problems.have_problem() )
// {
// if( runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"invalid_point_fatal") )
// {
// ///TODO: Need to tell gambit that the spectrum is not viable somehow. For now
// /// just die.
// std::ostringstream errmsg;
// errmsg << "A serious problem was encountered during spectrum generation!; ";
// errmsg << "Message from FlexibleSUSY below:" << std::endl;
// problems.print_problems(errmsg);
// problems.print_warnings(errmsg);
// SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,errmsg.str());
// }
// else
// {
// /// Check what the problem was
// /// see: contrib/MassSpectra/flexiblesusy/src/problems.hpp
// std::ostringstream msg;
// //msg << "";
// //if( have_bad_mass() ) msg << "bad mass " << std::endl; // TODO: check which one
// //if( have_tachyon() ) msg << "tachyon" << std::endl;
// //if( have_thrown() ) msg << "error" << std::endl;
// //if( have_non_perturbative_parameter() ) msg << "non-perturb. param" << std::endl; // TODO: check which
// //if( have_failed_pole_mass_convergence() ) msg << "fail pole mass converg." << std::endl; // TODO: check which
// //if( no_ewsb() ) msg << "no ewsb" << std::endl;
// //if( no_convergence() ) msg << "no converg." << std::endl;
// //if( no_perturbative() ) msg << "no pertub." << std::endl;
// //if( no_rho_convergence() ) msg << "no rho converg." << std::endl;
// //if( msg.str()=="" ) msg << " Unrecognised problem! ";
// /// Fast way for now:
// problems.print_problems(msg);
// invalid_point().raise(msg.str()); //TODO: This message isn't ending up in the logs.
// }
// }
// if( problems.have_warning() )
// {
// std::ostringstream msg;
// problems.print_warnings(msg);
// SpecBit_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO,msg.str()); //TODO: Is a warning the correct thing to do here?
// }
// // Write SLHA file (for debugging purposes...)
// typename MI::SlhaIo slha_io;
// slha_io.set_spinfo(problems);
// slha_io.set_sminputs(oneset);
// slha_io.set_minpar(input);
// slha_io.set_extpar(input);
// slha_io.set_spectrum(mssmspec.model_interface.model);
// slha_io.write_to_file("SpecBit/initial_CMSSM_spectrum->slha");
// #endif
// // Retrieve any mass cuts
// static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
// static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = runOptions.getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// // Package QedQcd SubSpectrum object, MSSM SubSpectrum object, and SMInputs struct into a 'full' Spectrum object
// return Spectrum(qedqcdspec,mssmspec,sminputs,&input_Param,mass_cut,mass_ratio_cut);
// }
/// Helper function for setting 3x3 matrix-valued parameters
// Names must conform to convention "<parname>_ij"
Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> fill_3x3_parameter_matrix(const std::string& rootname, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& Param)
Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> output;
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) for(int j=0; j<3; ++j)
output(i,j) = * + "_" + std::to_string(i+1) + std::to_string(j+1));
return output;
/// As above, but for symmetric input (i.e. 6 entries, assumed to be the upper triangle)
Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix(const std::string& rootname, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& Param)
Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> output;
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) for(int j=0; j<3; ++j)
str parname = rootname + "_" + ( i < j ? std::to_string(i+1) + std::to_string(j+1) : std::to_string(j+1) + std::to_string(i+1));
output(i,j) = *;
return output;
/// Helper function for filling MSSM63-compatible input parameter objects
/// Leaves out mHu2, mHd2, SignMu, (mA, mu) because we use two different parameterisations of these
template <class T>
void fill_MSSM63_input(T& input, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& Param )
//double valued parameters
input.TanBeta = *"TanBeta");
input.MassBInput = *"M1");
input.MassWBInput = *"M2");
input.MassGInput = *"M3");
// Sanity checks
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set TanBeta parameter to a negative value ("<<input.TanBeta<<")! This parameter must be positive. Please check your inifile and try again.";
//3x3 matrices; filled with the help of a convenience function
input.mq2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("mq2", Param);
input.ml2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("ml2", Param);
input.md2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("md2", Param);
input.mu2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("mu2", Param);
input.me2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("me2", Param);
input.Aeij = fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Ae", Param);
input.Adij = fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Ad", Param);
input.Auij = fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Au", Param);
#define INPUT(p) input.p
#define ostr std::cout
#define oend std::endl
ostr << "TanBeta = " << INPUT(TanBeta) << ", " << oend ;
ostr << "mq2Input = " << oend << INPUT(mq2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "ml2Input = " << oend << INPUT(ml2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "md2Input = " << oend << INPUT(md2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "mu2Input = " << oend << INPUT(mu2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "me2Input = " << oend << INPUT(me2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "MassBInput = " << INPUT(MassBInput) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "MassWBInput = " << INPUT(MassWBInput) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "MassGInput = " << INPUT(MassGInput) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "Aeij = " << oend << INPUT(Aeij) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "Adij = " << oend << INPUT(Adij) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "Auij = " << oend << INPUT(Auij) << ", " << oend;
#undef INPUT
#undef ostr
#undef oend
// Similar to above, except this is for MSSMEFTHiggs spectrum
// generator and a few others where different names for inputs for many
// parameters are used. This should be standardised.
template <class T>
void fill_MSSM63_input_altnames(T& input, const std::map<str, safe_ptr<const double> >& Param )
//double valued parameters
input.TanBeta = *"TanBeta");
input.M1Input = *"M1");
input.M2Input = *"M2");
input.M3Input = *"M3");
// Sanity checks
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set TanBeta parameter to a negative value ("<<input.TanBeta<<")! This parameter must be positive. Please check your inifile and try again.";
//3x3 matrices; filled with the help of a convenience function
input.mq2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("mq2", Param);
input.ml2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("ml2", Param);
input.md2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("md2", Param);
input.mu2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("mu2", Param);
input.me2Input = fill_3x3_symmetric_parameter_matrix("me2", Param);
input.AeInput = fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Ae", Param);
input.AdInput= fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Ad", Param);
input.AuInput = fill_3x3_parameter_matrix("Au", Param);
#define INPUT(p) input.p
#define ostr std::cout
#define oend std::endl
ostr << "TanBeta = " << INPUT(TanBeta) << ", " << oend ;
ostr << "mq2Input = " << oend << INPUT(mq2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "ml2Input = " << oend << INPUT(ml2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "md2Input = " << oend << INPUT(md2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "mu2Input = " << oend << INPUT(mu2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "me2Input = " << oend << INPUT(me2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "M1Input = " << INPUT(M1Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "M2Input = " << INPUT(M2Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "M3Input = " << INPUT(M3Input) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "AeInput = " << oend << INPUT(AeInput) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "AdInput = " << oend << INPUT(AdInput) << ", " << oend;
ostr << "AuInput = " << oend << INPUT(AuInput) << ", " << oend;
#undef INPUT
#undef ostr
#undef oend
/// @} End module convenience functions
/// @{ Gambit module functions
// =======================================================================
// These are wrapped up in Gambit functor objects according to the
// instructions in the rollcall header
// Functions to change the capability associated with a Spectrum object to "SM_spectrum"
void convert_MSSM_to_SM (Spectrum &result) {result = *Pipes::convert_MSSM_to_SM::Dep::MSSM_spectrum;}
void convert_NMSSM_to_SM (Spectrum &result) {result = *Pipes::convert_NMSSM_to_SM::Dep::NMSSM_spectrum;}
void convert_E6MSSM_to_SM (Spectrum &result) {result = *Pipes::convert_E6MSSM_to_SM::Dep::E6MSSM_spectrum;}
void get_MSSM_spectrum_SPheno (Spectrum& spectrum)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_SPheno;
const SMInputs &sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Set up the input structure
Finputs inputs;
inputs.sminputs = sminputs;
inputs.param = myPipe::Param;
inputs.options = myPipe::runOptions;
// Retrieve any mass cuts
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// Get the spectrum from the Backend
myPipe::BEreq::SPheno_MSSMspectrum(spectrum, inputs);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(spectrum)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
spectrum.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSMEFTHiggs model spectrum generator with SUSY
// scale boundary conditions, ie accepts MSSM parameters at MSUSY,
// and has DRbar mA and mu as an input and mHu2 and mHd2 as EWSB
// outputs, so it is for the MSSMatMSUSY_mA model.
void get_MSSMatMSUSY_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMSUSY_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
MSSMatMSUSYEFTHiggs_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// This FS spectrum generator has mA as the parameter
input.mAInput = *"mA");
fill_MSSM63_input_altnames(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMSUSYEFTHiggs_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSMEFTHiggs model spectrum generator
// and has m3^2 and mu as EWSB outputs, so it is for the
// MSSMatQ_model.
void get_MSSMatQ_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatQ_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
MSSMEFTHiggs_input_parameters input;
// MSSMatQ also requires input scale to be supplied with name MSUSY
input.MSUSY = *"Qin");
input.mHu2IN = *"mHu2");
input.mHd2IN = *"mHd2");
input.SignMu = *"SignMu");
fill_MSSM63_input_altnames(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMEFTHiggs_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSMEFTHiggs_mAmu spectrum generator with
// boundary conditions at a user specified scale, ie accepts MSSM
// parameters at Q, and has DRbar mA and mu as an input and mHu2
// and mHd2 as EWSB outputs, so it is for the MSSMatMSUSY_mA model.
void get_MSSMatQ_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatQ_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
MSSMEFTHiggs_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// This FS spectrum generator has mA as the parameter
input.mAInput = *"mA");
// Note: Qin has been named MSUSY inside the spectrum generator
// but it is a user-input scale in this case.
input.MSUSY = *"Qin");
// Fill the rest.
// Note: This particular spectrum generator has been created with
// different names for parameter inputs. We should standardise this
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMEFTHiggs_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with CMSSM (GUT scale) boundary conditions
// In principle an identical spectrum can be obtained from the function
// get_MSSMatGUT_spectrum_FS
// by setting the input parameters to match the CMSSM assumptions
void get_CMSSM_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_CMSSM_spectrum_FS;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
CMSSM_input_parameters input;
input.m0 = *myPipe::Param["M0"];
input.m12 = *myPipe::Param["M12"];
input.TanBeta = *myPipe::Param["TanBeta"];
input.SignMu = *myPipe::Param["SignMu"];
input.Azero = *myPipe::Param["A0"];
// Sanity checks
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set TanBeta parameter to a negative value ("<<input.TanBeta<<")! This parameter must be positive. Please check your inifile and try again.";
if(input.SignMu!=-1 and input.SignMu!=1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set SignMu parameter to a value that is not a sign! ("<<input.SignMu<<")! This parameter must be set to either 1 or -1. Please check your inifile and try again.";
// Run spectrum generator
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<CMSSM_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with EWSB scale input (boundary conditions)
void get_MSSMatQ_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatQ_spectrum_FS;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
MSSM_input_parameters input;
input.Qin = *"Qin"); // MSSMatQ also requires input scale to be supplied
input.mHu2IN = *"mHu2");
input.mHd2IN = *"mHd2");
input.SignMu = *"SignMu");
if(input.SignMu!=-1 and input.SignMu!=1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set SignMu parameter to a value that is not a sign! ("<<input.SignMu<<")! This parameter must be set to either 1 or -1. Please check your inifile and try again.";
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSM_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with EWSB scale input (boundary conditions)
// but with mA and mu as parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2
void get_MSSMatQ_mA_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatQ_mA_spectrum_FS;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
MSSM_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.Qin = *"Qin"); // MSSMatQ also requires input scale to be supplied
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// Note this spectrum generator mA2 is the parameter.
// However this freedom is not used in GAMBIT
// and not needed as mA is a DRbar mass eigenstate for a scalar
double mA = *"mA");
input.mA2Input = mA*mA;
fill_MSSM63_input(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSM_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with GUT scale input (boundary conditions)
void get_MSSMatMGUT_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMGUT_spectrum_FS;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
MSSMatMGUT_input_parameters input;
input.mHu2IN = *"mHu2");
input.mHd2IN = *"mHd2");
input.SignMu = *"SignMu");
if(input.SignMu!=-1 and input.SignMu!=1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set SignMu parameter to a value that is not a sign! ("<<input.SignMu<<")! This parameter must be set to either 1 or -1. Please check your inifile and try again.";
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMGUT_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs model spectrum generator
// and has m3^2 and mu as EWSB outputs, so it is for the
// MSSMatMGUT_model.
void get_MSSMatMGUT_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMGUT_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs_input_parameters input;
input.mHu2IN = *"mHu2");
input.mHd2IN = *"mHd2");
input.SignMu = *"SignMu");
if(input.SignMu!=-1 and input.SignMu!=1)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to set SignMu parameter to a value that is not a sign! ("<<input.SignMu<<")! This parameter must be set to either 1 or -1. Please check your inifile and try again.";
fill_MSSM63_input(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with GUT scale input (boundary conditions)
// but with mA and mu as parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2
void get_MSSMatMGUT_mA_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMGUT_mA_spectrum_FS;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
MSSMatMGUT_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// Note this spectrum generator mA2 is the parameter.
// However this freedom is not used in GAMBIT
// and not needed as mA is a DRbar mass eigenstate for a scalar
double mA = *"mA");
input.mA2Input = mA*mA;
fill_MSSM63_input(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMGUT_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs model spectrum generator
// and has m3^2 and mu as EWSB outputs, so it is for the
// MSSMatMGUT_model.
void get_MSSMatMGUT_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs (Spectrum& result)
// Access the pipes for this function to get model and parameter information
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMGUT_mA_spectrum_FlexibleEFTHiggs;
// Get SLHA2 SMINPUTS values
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
// Get input parameters (from flexiblesusy namespace)
MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// Note this spectrum generator mA2 is the parameter.
// However this freedom is not used in GAMBIT
// and not needed as mA is a DRbar mass eigenstate for a scalar
double mA = *"mA");
input.mA2Input = mA*mA;
fill_MSSM63_input(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMGUTEFTHiggs_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
// Only allow neutralino LSPs.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// Drop SLHA files if requested
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
// Runs FlexibleSUSY MSSM spectrum generator with SUSY scale input (boundary conditions)
// but with mA and mu as parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2
void get_MSSMatMSUSY_mA_spectrum_FS (Spectrum& result)
using namespace softsusy;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSMatMSUSY_mA_spectrum_FS;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS;
MSSMatMSUSY_mAmu_input_parameters input;
input.MuInput = *"mu");
// Note this spectrum generator mA2 is the parameter.
// However this freedom is not used in GAMBIT
// and not needed as mA is a DRbar mass eigenstate for a scalar
double mA = *"mA");
input.mA2Input = mA*mA; // FS has mA^2 as the parameter
fill_MSSM63_input(input,myPipe::Param); // Fill the rest
result = run_FS_spectrum_generator<MSSMatMSUSY_mAmu_interface<ALGORITHM1>>(input,sminputs,*myPipe::runOptions,myPipe::Param);
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
result.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(myPipe::runOptions, "GAMBIT_unimproved_spectrum");
void get_GUTMSSMB_spectrum (Spectrum &/*result*/)
// Placeholder
/// @{
/// Functions to decompose Spectrum object (of type MSSM_spectrum)
/// @}
/// Retrieve SubSpectrum* to SM LE model from Spectrum object
/// DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
void get_SM_SubSpectrum_from_MSSM_Spectrum (const SubSpectrum* &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_SM_SubSpectrum_from_MSSM_Spectrum;
const Spectrum& matched_spectra(*myPipe::Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum);
result = &matched_spectra.get_LE();
/// Extract an SLHAea version of the spectrum contained in a Spectrum object, in SLHA1 format
void get_MSSM_spectrum_as_SLHAea_SLHA1(SLHAstruct &result)
result = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_as_SLHAea_SLHA1::Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum->getSLHAea(1);
/// Extract an SLHAea version of the spectrum contained in a Spectrum object, in SLHA2 format
void get_MSSM_spectrum_as_SLHAea_SLHA2(SLHAstruct &result)
result = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_as_SLHAea_SLHA2::Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum->getSLHAea(2);
/// Get an MSSMSpectrum object from an SLHA file
/// Wraps it up in MSSMSimpleSpec; i.e. no RGE running possible.
/// This is mainly for testing against benchmark points, but may be a useful last
/// resort for interacting with "difficult" spectrum generators.
void get_MSSM_spectrum_from_SLHAfile(Spectrum &result)
// Static counter running in a loop over all filenames
static unsigned int counter = 0;
static long int ncycle = 1;
SLHAstruct input_slha;
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_from_SLHAfile;
// Read filename from yaml file
std::vector<std::string> filenames =
// Check how many loop over the input files we are doing.
long int cycles = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(-1,"cycles");
// Check if we have completed the requested number of cycles
if(cycles>0 and ncycle>cycles)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Preset number of loops through input files reached! Stopping. (tried to start cycle "<<ncycle<<" of "<<cycles<<")";
std::string filename = filenames[counter];
logger() << "Reading SLHA file: " << filename << EOM;
std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str());
if(!ifs.good()){ SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"ERROR: SLHA file not found."); }
ifs >> input_slha;
if( counter >= filenames.size() )
logger() << "Returning to start of input SLHA file list (finished "<<ncycle<<" cycles)" << EOM;
counter = 0;
// Retrieve any mass cuts
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// Create Spectrum object from the slhaea object
result = spectrum_from_SLHAea<MSSMSimpleSpec, SLHAstruct>(input_slha, input_slha, mass_cut, mass_ratio_cut);
// Add getter for susy scale if option set for this
bool add_susy_scale = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"assume_Q_is_MSUSY");
// No sneaking in charged LSPs via SLHA, jävlar.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
/// Get an MSSMSpectrum object from an SLHAstruct
/// Wraps it up in MSSMSimpleSpec; i.e. no RGE running possible.
/// This can be used as a poor-man's interface to backend spectrum generators
void get_MSSM_spectrum_from_SLHAstruct(Spectrum& result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_from_SLHAstruct;
const SLHAstruct& input_slha_tmp = *myPipe::Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Retrieve dependency on SLHAstruct
/// @todo FIXME this needs to be fixed -- is it needed any more? Where is this GAMBIT block supposed to be written?
SLHAstruct input_slha(input_slha_tmp); // Copy struct (for demo adding of GAMBIT block only)
// For example; add this to your input SLHAstruct:
input_slha["GAMBIT"][""] << "BLOCK" << "GAMBIT";
input_slha["GAMBIT"][""] << 1 << 1e99 << "# Input scale";
// Retrieve any mass cuts
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// Create Spectrum object from the slhaea object
result = spectrum_from_SLHAea<MSSMSimpleSpec, SLHAstruct>(input_slha, input_slha, mass_cut, mass_ratio_cut);
// No sneaking in charged LSPs via SLHA, jävlar.
if (not has_neutralino_LSP(result)) invalid_point().raise("Neutralino is not LSP.");
// In order to translate from e.g. MSSM63atMGUT to MSSM63atQ, we need
// to know that input scale Q. This is generally not stored in SLHA format,
// but we need it, so if you want to produce a Spectrum object this way you
// will need to add this information to your SLHAstruct:
// 1 <high_scale> # Input scale of (upper) boundary conditions, e.g. GUT scale
// Need to check if this information exists:
SLHAstruct::const_iterator block = input_slha.find("GAMBIT");
std::vector<std::string> key(1, "1");
if(block == input_slha.end() or block->find(key) == block->end())
// Big problem
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error constructing Spectrum object from a pre-existing SLHAstruct! " << endl
<< "The supplied SLHAstruct did not have the special GAMBIT block added. " << endl
<< "This block carries extra information from the spectrum generator " << endl
<< "that is usually thrown away, but which is needed for properly creating" << endl
<< "a Spectrum object. In whatever module function created the SLHAstruct " << endl
<< "that you want to use, please add code that adds the following " << endl
<< "information to the SLHAstruct (SLHAea::Coll): " << endl
<< " BLOCK GAMBIT " << endl
<< " 1 <high_scale> # Input scale of (upper) boundary conditions, e.g. GUT scale\n";
// OK the GAMBIT block exists, add the data to the MSSM SubSpectrum object.
result.get_HE().set_override(Par::mass1,SLHAea::to<double>("GAMBIT").at(1).at(1)), "high_scale", false);
/// Get pre-computed MSSM spectrum from previous output file
/// This function ONLY works when the scan is driven by the postprocessor!
/// This is because it relies on the global reader object created by the
/// postprocessor to retrieve output.
void get_MSSM_spectrum_from_postprocessor(Spectrum& result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_from_postprocessor;
const SMInputs& sminputs = *myPipe::Dep::SMINPUTS; // Retrieve dependency on SLHAstruct
// Retrieve the spectrum from whatever the point the global reader object is pointed at.
// This should be the same point that the postprocessor has retrieved the
// current set of ModelParameters from.
// Will throw an error if no reader object exists, i.e. if the postprocessor is not
// driving this scan.
// Retrieve MSSM spectrum info into an SLHAea object
MSSM_SLHAstruct mssm_in; // Special type to trigger specialised MSSM retrieve routine
bool mssm_is_valid = get_pp_reader().retrieve(mssm_in,"MSSM_spectrum");
// Retrieve SM spectrum info into an SLHAea object
// (should really match SMINPUTS, but better to use what is actually in the reported output spectrum)
SMslha_SLHAstruct sm_in;
bool sm_is_valid = get_pp_reader().retrieve(sm_in,"MSSM_spectrum");
// Check if a valid spectrum was retrived
// (if the required datasets don't exist an error will be thrown,
// so this is just checking that the spectrum was computed for
// the current input point)
if(not (mssm_is_valid and sm_is_valid)) invalid_point().raise("Postprocessor: precomputed spectrum was set 'invalid' for this point");
// Dump spectrum to output for testing
SLHAstruct mssm = mssm_in; // Only this type has stream overloads etc. defined
SLHAstruct sm = sm_in;
// Turns out we don't generically save tan_beta(mZ)_DRbar, so need to extract
// this from model parameters (it is always an input, so we should have it in those)
double tbmZ = *"TanBeta");
SLHAea_add(mssm, "MINPAR", 3, tbmZ, "tan beta (mZ)_DRbar");
SLHAea_add(sm, "MINPAR", 3, tbmZ, "tan beta (mZ)_DRbar");
// Retrieve any mass cuts (could just cut with postprocessor, but I
// guess can leave this feature in for compatibility with usage
// of other Spectrum objects.
static const Spectrum::mc_info mass_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mc_info>(Spectrum::mc_info(), "mass_cut");
static const Spectrum::mr_info mass_ratio_cut = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<Spectrum::mr_info>(Spectrum::mr_info(), "mass_ratio_cut");
// Create HE simple SubSpectrum object from the SLHAea object
MSSMSimpleSpec he(mssm);
// Create SMSimpleSpec SubSpectrum object from SMInputs
SMSimpleSpec le(sm);
// Create full Spectrum object
result = Spectrum(le,he,sminputs,NULL,mass_cut,mass_ratio_cut);
/// FeynHiggs SUSY masses and mixings
void FeynHiggs_MSSMMasses(fh_MSSMMassObs_container &result)
using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_MSSMMasses;
cout << "****** calling FeynHiggs_MSSMMasses ******" << endl;
// zero if minimal, non-zero if non-minimal flavour violation
int nmfv;
// MSf(s,t,g) MFV squark masses with indices
// s = 1..2 sfermion index
// t = 1..5 sfermion type nu,e,u,d,?
// g = 1..3 generation index
Farray<fh_real, 1,2, 1,5, 1,3> MSf;
// USf(s1,s2,t,g) MFV squark mixing matrices with indices
// s1 = 1..2 sfermion index (mass eigenstates)
// s2 = 1..2 sfermion index (gauge eigenstates, L/R)
// t = 1..5 sfermion type nu,e,u,d,?
// g = 1..3 generation index
Farray<fh_complex, 1,2, 1,2, 1,5, 1,3> USf;
// NMFV squark masses, with indices
// a = 1..6 extended sfermion index
// t = 1..5 sfermion type
Farray<fh_real, 1,6, 1,5> MASf;
// NMFV squark mixing matrices, with indices
// a1 = 1..6 extended sfermion index (mass eigenstates)
// a2 = 1..6 extended sfermion index (gauge eigenstates)
// t = 1..5 sftermion type nu,e,u,d,?
Farray<fh_complex, 1,36, 1,5> UASf;
// chargino masses
Farray<fh_real, 1,2> MCha;
// chargino mixing matrices (mass,gauge) eigenstates (2 x 2)
Farray<fh_complex, 1,4> UCha;
Farray<fh_complex, 1,4> VCha;
// neutralino masses
Farray<fh_real, 1,4> MNeu;
// neutralino mixing matrices (mass,gauge) eigenstates (4 x 4)
Farray<fh_complex, 1,16> ZNeu;
// correction to bottom Yukawa coupling
fh_complex DeltaMB;
// gluino mass
fh_real MGl;
// tree-level Higgs masses (Mh, MH, MA, MHpm)
Farray<fh_real, 1,4> MHtree;
// tree-level Higgs mixing parameters sin alpha
fh_real SAtree;
cout << "****** calling FHGetPara ******" << endl;
int error = 1;
BEreq::FHGetPara(error, nmfv, MSf, USf, MASf, UASf,
MCha, UCha, VCha, MNeu, ZNeu,
DeltaMB, MGl, MHtree, SAtree);
if (error != 0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "BEreq::FHGetPara raised error flag: " << error << ".";
fh_MSSMMassObs_container MassObs;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
MassObs.MSf[i][j][k] = MSf(i+1,j+1,k+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
MassObs.USf[i][j][k][l] = USf(i+1,j+1,k+1,l+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
MassObs.MASf[i][j] = MASf(i+1,j+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
MassObs.UASf[i][j] = UASf(i+1,j+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
MassObs.MCha[i] = MCha(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
MassObs.UCha[i] = UCha(i+1);
MassObs.VCha[i] = VCha(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
MassObs.MNeu[i] = MNeu(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
MassObs.ZNeu[i] = ZNeu(i+1);
MassObs.deltaMB = DeltaMB;
MassObs.MGl = MGl;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
MassObs.MHtree[i] = MHtree(i+1);
MassObs.SinAlphatree = SAtree;
result = MassObs;
/// Higgs masses and mixings with theoretical uncertainties
void FeynHiggs_AllHiggsMasses(fh_HiggsMassObs_container &result)
using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_AllHiggsMasses;
cout << "****** calling FeynHiggs_HiggsMasses ******" << endl;
// Higgs mass with
// 0 - m1 (Mh in rMSSM)
// 1 - m2 (MH in rMSSM)
// 2 - m3 (MA in rMSSM)
// 3 - MHpm
Farray<fh_real, 1,4> MHiggs;
Farray<fh_real, 1,4> DeltaMHiggs;
// sine of effective Higgs mixing angle, alpha_eff
fh_complex SAeff;
fh_complex DeltaSAeff;
// matrix needed to rotate Higgs
// mass matrix to diagonal form
Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3> UHiggs;
Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3> DeltaUHiggs;
// matrix of Z-factors needed to combine
// amplitudes involving on-shell Higgs
Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3> ZHiggs;
Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3> DeltaZHiggs;
cout << "****** calling FHHiggsCorr ******" << endl;
int error = 1;
BEreq::FHHiggsCorr(error, MHiggs, SAeff, UHiggs, ZHiggs);
if (error != 0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "BEreq::FHHiggsCorr raised error flag: " << error << ".";
cout << "****** calling FHUncertainties ******" << endl;
error = 1;
BEreq::FHUncertainties(error, DeltaMHiggs, DeltaSAeff, DeltaUHiggs, DeltaZHiggs);
if (error != 0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "BEreq::FHUncertainties raised error flag: " << error << ".";
fh_HiggsMassObs_container HiggsMassObs;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
HiggsMassObs.MH[i] = MHiggs(i+1);
HiggsMassObs.deltaMH[i] = DeltaMHiggs(i+1);
HiggsMassObs.SinAlphaEff = SAeff;
HiggsMassObs.deltaSinAlphaEff = DeltaSAeff;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
HiggsMassObs.UH[i][j] = UHiggs(i+1,j+1);
HiggsMassObs.deltaUH[i][j] = DeltaUHiggs(i+1,j+1);
HiggsMassObs.ZH[i][j] = ZHiggs(i+1,j+1);
HiggsMassObs.deltaZH[i][j] = DeltaZHiggs(i+1,j+1);
result = HiggsMassObs;
//// Higgs routines ////
/// Call FHCouplings from FeynHiggs and collect the output
void FeynHiggs_Couplings(fh_Couplings_container &result)
using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_Couplings;
cout << "****** calling FeynHiggs_Couplings ******" << endl;
// what to use for internal Higgs mixing
// (ex. in couplings)
// (default = 1)
// 0 - no mixing
// 1 - UHiggs
// 2 - ZHiggs
int uzint = 2;
// what to use for external Higgs mixing
// (ex. in decays)
// (default = 2)
// 0 - no mixing
// 1 - UHiggs
// 2 - ZHiggs
int uzext = 2;
// which effective bottom mass to use
int mfeff = 1;
cout << "****** calling FHSelectUZ ******" << endl;
int error = 1;
BEreq::FHSelectUZ(error, uzint, uzext, mfeff);
if (error != 0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "BEreq::FHSelectUZ raised error flag: " << error << ".";
Farray<fh_complex, 1,ncouplings> couplings; // MSSM Higgs couplings
Farray<fh_complex, 1,ncouplingsms> couplings_sm; // SM Higgs couplings
Farray<fh_real, 1,ngammas> gammas; // Higgs decay widths and BR's (MSSM)
Farray<fh_real, 1,ngammasms> gammas_sm; // Higgs decay widths and BR's (SM)
int fast = 1; // include off-diagonal fermion decays? (1 = no)
cout << "****** calling FHCouplings ******" << endl;
error = 1;
BEreq::FHCouplings(error, couplings, couplings_sm,
gammas, gammas_sm, fast);
if (error != 0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "BEreq::FHCouplings raised error flag: " << error << ".";
fh_Couplings_container Couplings;
for(int i = 0; i < ncouplings; i++) Couplings.couplings[i] = couplings(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < ncouplingsms; i++) Couplings.couplings_sm[i] = couplings_sm(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < ngammas; i++) Couplings.gammas[i] = gammas(i+1);
for(int i = 0; i < ngammasms; i++) Couplings.gammas_sm[i] = gammas_sm(i+1);
Couplings.calculator = BEreq::FHCouplings.origin();
Couplings.calculator_version = BEreq::FHCouplings.version();
result = Couplings;
/// Helper function to work out if the LSP is invisible, and if so, which particle it is.
std::vector<std::pair<str,str>> get_invisibles(const SubSpectrum& spec)
// Get the lighter of the lightest neutralino and the lightest sneutrino
std::pair<str,double> neutralino("~chi0_1", spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~chi0",1));
std::pair<str,double> sneutrino("~nu_1", spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~nu",1));
std::pair<str,double> lnp = (neutralino.second < sneutrino.second ? neutralino : sneutrino);
// Work out if this is indeed the LSP, and if decays of at least one neutral higgs to it are kinematically possible.
bool inv_lsp = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~chi+",1) > lnp.second and
spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~g") > lnp.second and
spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~d",1) > lnp.second and
spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~u",1) > lnp.second and
spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~e-",1) > lnp.second and
(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"h0",2) > 2.*lnp.second or
spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"A0") > 2.*lnp.second);
// Create a vector containing all invisible products of higgs decays.
if (inv_lsp) return initVector<std::pair<str,str>>(std::make_pair(lnp.first,lnp.first));
return std::vector<std::pair<str,str>>();
/// Put together the Higgs couplings for the MSSM, from partial widths only
void MSSM_higgs_couplings_pwid(HiggsCouplingsTable &result)
using namespace Pipes::MSSM_higgs_couplings_pwid;
// Retrieve spectrum contents
const SubSpectrum& spec = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
// Set up neutral Higgses
static const std::vector<str> sHneut = initVector<str>("h0_1", "h0_2", "A0");
// Set up charged Higgses
// Set the CP of the Higgs states. Note that this would need to be more sophisticated to deal with the complex MSSM!
result.CP[0] = 1; //h0_1
result.CP[1] = 1; //h0_2
result.CP[2] = -1; //A0
// Work out which SM values correspond to which SUSY Higgs
int higgs = (SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(spec) == 25 ? 0 : 1);
int other_higgs = (higgs == 0 ? 1 : 0);
// Set the decays
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(higgs, sHneut[higgs], *Dep::Reference_SM_Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(other_higgs, sHneut[other_higgs], *Dep::Reference_SM_other_Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(2, sHneut[2], *Dep::Reference_SM_A0_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(0, sHneut[0], *Dep::Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(1, sHneut[1], *Dep::h0_2_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(2, sHneut[2], *Dep::A0_decay_rates);
result.set_charged_decays(0, "H+", *Dep::H_plus_decay_rates);
// Use them to compute effective couplings for all neutral higgses, except for hhZ.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
result.C_WW2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(24, 0), std::pair<int,int>(-24, 0));
result.C_ZZ2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(23, 0), std::pair<int,int>(23, 0));
result.C_tt2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(6, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-6, 1));
result.C_bb2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(5, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-5, 1));
result.C_cc2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(4, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-4, 1));
result.C_tautau2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(15, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-15, 1));
result.C_gaga2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(22, 0), std::pair<int,int>(22, 0));
result.C_gg2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(21, 0), std::pair<int,int>(21, 0));
result.C_mumu2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(13, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-13, 1));
result.C_Zga2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(23, 0), std::pair<int,int>(21, 0));
result.C_ss2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(3, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-3, 1));
// Calculate hhZ effective couplings. Here we scale out the kinematic prefactor
// of the decay width, assuming we are well above threshold if the channel is open.
// If not, we simply assume SM couplings.
const double mZ = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get(Par::Pole_Mass,23,0);
const double scaling = 8.*sqrt(2.)*pi/Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_SMInputs().GF;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
double mhi = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, sHneut[i]);
double mhj = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, sHneut[j]);
if (mhi > mhj + mZ and result.get_neutral_decays(i).has_channel(sHneut[j], "Z0"))
double gamma = result.get_neutral_decays(i).width_in_GeV*result.get_neutral_decays(i).BF(sHneut[j], "Z0");
double k[2] = {(mhj + mZ)/mhi, (mhj - mZ)/mhi};
for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++) k[l] = (1.0 - k[l]) * (1.0 + k[l]);
double K = mhi*sqrt(k[0]*k[1]);
result.C_hiZ2[i][j] = scaling / (K*K*K) * gamma;
else // If the channel is missing from the decays or kinematically disallowed, just return the SM result.
result.C_hiZ2[i][j] = 1.;
// Work out which invisible decays are possible
result.invisibles = get_invisibles(spec);
/// Put together the Higgs couplings for the MSSM, using FeynHiggs
void MSSM_higgs_couplings_FeynHiggs(HiggsCouplingsTable &result)
using namespace Pipes::MSSM_higgs_couplings_FeynHiggs;
// Retrieve spectrum contents
const SubSpectrum& spec = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
const SMInputs& sminputs = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_SMInputs();
// Set up neutral Higgses
static const std::vector<str> sHneut = initVector<str>("h0_1", "h0_2", "A0");
// Work out which SM values correspond to which SUSY Higgs
int higgs = (SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(spec) == 25 ? 0 : 1);
int other_higgs = (higgs == 0 ? 1 : 0);
// Set the decays
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(higgs, sHneut[higgs], *Dep::Reference_SM_Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(other_higgs, sHneut[other_higgs], *Dep::Reference_SM_other_Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays_SM(2, sHneut[2], *Dep::Reference_SM_A0_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(0, sHneut[0], *Dep::Higgs_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(1, sHneut[1], *Dep::h0_2_decay_rates);
result.set_neutral_decays(2, sHneut[2], *Dep::A0_decay_rates);
result.set_charged_decays(0, "H+", *Dep::H_plus_decay_rates);
// Use the branching fractions to compute gluon, gamma/Z and second generation fermionic effective couplings
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
result.C_gg2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(21, 0), std::pair<int,int>(21, 0));
result.C_gaga2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(22, 0), std::pair<int,int>(22, 0));
result.C_Zga2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(23, 0), std::pair<int,int>(22, 0));
result.C_mumu2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(13, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-13, 1));
result.C_ss2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(3, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-3, 1));
result.C_cc2[i] = result.compute_effective_coupling(i, std::pair<int,int>(4, 1), std::pair<int,int>(-4, 1));
// Use couplings to get effective third-generation couplings
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// Compute effective couplings
double g2_s[3], g2_p[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // j=0,1,2 => tau, t, b
fh_complex fh_L = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings[H0FF(i+1,j+2,3,3)-1];
fh_complex fh_R = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings[H0FF(i+1,j+2,3,3)+Roffset-1];
fh_complex fh_SM_L = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings_sm[H0FF(i+1,j+2,3,3)-1];
fh_complex fh_SM_R = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings_sm[H0FF(i+1,j+2,3,3)+RSMoffset-1];
std::complex<double> L(,;
std::complex<double> R(,;
std::complex<double> SM_L(,;
std::complex<double> SM_R(,;
g2_s[j] = 0.25*pow(std::abs(R/SM_R + L/SM_L), 2.);
g2_p[j] = 0.25*pow(std::abs(R/SM_R - L/SM_L), 2.);
result.C_tautau2[i] = g2_s[0] + g2_p[0];
result.C_tt2[i] = g2_s[1] + g2_p[1];
result.C_bb2[i] = g2_s[2] + g2_p[2];
// Calculate CP of state
if(g2_p[2] < 1e-10)
result.CP[i] = 1;
else if(g2_s[2] < 1e-10)
result.CP[i] = -1;
result.CP[i] = 0.;
// Use couplings to get di-boson effective couplings
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fh_complex c_gWW = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings[H0VV(i+1,4)-1];
fh_complex c_gWW_SM = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings_sm[H0VV(i+1,4)-1];
fh_complex c_gZZ = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings[H0VV(i+1,3)-1];
fh_complex c_gZZ_SM = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings_sm[H0VV(i+1,3)-1];
std::complex<double> WW(,;
std::complex<double> WW_SM(,;
std::complex<double> ZZ(,;
std::complex<double> ZZ_SM(,;
result.C_WW2[i] = pow(std::abs(WW/WW_SM), 2.);
result.C_ZZ2[i] = pow(std::abs(ZZ/ZZ_SM), 2.);
// Use couplings to get hhZ effective couplings
double norm = sminputs.GF*sqrt(2.)*sminputs.mZ*sminputs.mZ;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fh_complex c_gHV = Dep::FH_Couplings_output->couplings[H0HV(i+1,j+1)-1];
double g2HV =**;
result.C_hiZ2[i][j] = g2HV/norm;
// Work out which invisible decays are possible
result.invisibles = get_invisibles(spec);
//// Map output routines ////
/// @{ Convert MSSM type Spectrum object into a map, so it can be printed
template<class Contents>
void fill_map_from_subspectrum(std::map<std::string,double>&, const SubSpectrum&);
/// Adds additional information from interesting combinations of MSSM parameters
void add_extra_MSSM_parameter_combinations(std::map<std::string,double>& specmap, const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double At = 0;
double Ab = 0;
const double Yt = mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yu", 3, 3);
const double Yb = mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yd", 3, 3);
if(std::abs(Yt) > 1e-12)
At = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "TYu", 3, 3) / Yt;
if(std::abs(Yb) > 1e-12)
Ab = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "TYd", 3, 3) / Yb;
const double MuSUSY = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "Mu");
const double tb = mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "tanbeta");
specmap["Xt"] = At - MuSUSY / tb;
specmap["Xb"] = Ab - MuSUSY * tb;
/// Determine which states are the third gens then add them for printing
str msf1, msf2;
/// Since this is for printing we only want to invalidate the point
/// if this is completely wrong.
/// We can also plot the mixing if we are suspicious.
const static double tol = 0.5;
const static bool pt_error = true;
slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix("~u", 3, msf1, msf2, mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mstop1"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf1);
specmap["mstop2"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf2);
slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix("~d", 3, msf1, msf2, mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msbottom1"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf1);
specmap["msbottom2"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf2);
slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix("~e-", 3, msf1, msf2, mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mstau1"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf1);
specmap["mstau2"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msf2);
/// return mass eigenstate strings that best represent required gauge
/// eigenstate
const str gs_suL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~u_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msupL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_suL);
const str gs_scL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~c_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mscharmL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_scL);
const str gs_sdL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~d_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msdownL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_sdL);
const str gs_ssL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~s_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msstrangeL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_ssL);
const str gs_suR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~u_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msupR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_suR);
const str gs_scR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~c_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mscharmR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_scR);
const str gs_sdR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~d_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msdownR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_sdR);
const str gs_ssR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~s_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msstrangeR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_ssR);
const str gs_seL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~e_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mselectronL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_seL);
const str gs_sMuL = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~mu_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msmuonL"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_sMuL);
const str gs_seR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~e_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["mselectronR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_seR);
const str gs_sMuR = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~mu_R", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msmuonR"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_sMuR);
const str gs_snu1 = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~nu_e_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msnue"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_snu1);
const str gs_snu2 = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~nu_mu_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msnumu"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_snu2);
const str gs_snu3 = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es("~nu_tau_L", mssm, tol,
LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
specmap["msnutau"] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass,gs_snu3);
void get_MSSM_spectrum_as_map (std::map<std::string,double>& specmap)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_MSSM_spectrum_as_map;
const Spectrum& mssmspec(*myPipe::Dep::MSSM_spectrum);
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::SM> (specmap, mssmspec.get_LE());
catch(const Gambit::exception&)
// The above will fail for the SimpleSpectrum versions of the MSSM spectrum
// because it uses SM_slha rather than SM for the LE subspectrum
// TODO: Would be better to do this in a more elegant way than with exception
// handling
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::SM_slha> (specmap, mssmspec.get_LE());
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::MSSM>(specmap, mssmspec.get_HE());
add_extra_MSSM_parameter_combinations(specmap, mssmspec.get_HE());
void get_unimproved_MSSM_spectrum_as_map (std::map<std::string,double>& specmap)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_unimproved_MSSM_spectrum_as_map;
const Spectrum& mssmspec(*myPipe::Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum);
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::SM> (specmap, mssmspec.get_LE());
catch(const Gambit::exception&)
// The above will fail for the SimpleSpectrum versions of the MSSM spectrum
// because it uses SM_slha rather than SM for the LE subspectrum
// TODO: Would be better to do this in a more elegant way than with exception
// handling
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::SM_slha> (specmap, mssmspec.get_LE());
fill_map_from_subspectrum<SpectrumContents::MSSM>(specmap, mssmspec.get_HE());
add_extra_MSSM_parameter_combinations(specmap, mssmspec.get_HE());
/// @}
/// Extract all parameters from a subspectrum and put them into a map
template<class Contents>
void fill_map_from_subspectrum(std::map<std::string,double>& specmap, const SubSpectrum& subspec)
/// Add everything... use spectrum contents routines to automate task (make sure to use correct template parameter!)
static const Contents contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters();
for(std::vector<SpectrumParameter>::const_iterator it = required_parameters.begin();
it != required_parameters.end(); ++it)
const Par::Tags tag = it->tag();
const std::string name = it->name();
const std::vector<int> shape = it->shape();
/// Verification routine should have taken care of invalid shapes etc, so won't check for that here.
// Check scalar case
if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]==1)
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<" "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name);
// Check again ignoring overrides (if the value has an override defined)
if(subspec.has(tag,name,overrides_only) and
label << " (unimproved)";
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name,ignore_overrides);
// Check vector case
else if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]>1)
for(int i = 1; i<=shape[0]; ++i) {
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<"_"<<i<<" "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name,i);
// Check again ignoring overrides
if(subspec.has(tag,name,i,overrides_only) and
label << " (unimproved)";
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name,i,ignore_overrides);
// Check matrix case
else if(shape.size()==2)
for(int i = 1; i<=shape[0]; ++i) {
for(int j = 1; j<=shape[0]; ++j) {
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<"_("<<i<<","<<j<<") "<<;
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name,i,j);
// Check again ignoring overrides
if(subspec.has(tag,name,i,j,overrides_only) and
label << " (unimproved)";
specmap[label.str()] = subspec.get(tag,name,i,j,ignore_overrides);
// Deal with all other cases
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error, invalid parameter received while converting SubSpectrum with contents \""<<contents.getName()<<"\" to map of strings! This should no be possible if the spectrum content verification routines were working correctly; they must be buggy, please report this.";
errmsg << "Problematic parameter was: "<< tag <<", " << name << ", shape="<< shape;
// add the scale!
specmap["scale(Q)"] = subspec.GetScale();
void FeynHiggs_HiggsMass(triplet<double>& result)
using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_HiggsMass;
//FH indices: 0=h0_1, 1=h0_2
int i = 0;
const SubSpectrum& spec = Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
int higgs = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(spec);
if (higgs == 25) i = 0;
else if (higgs == 35) i = 1;
else SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Urecognised SM-like Higgs PDG code!");
result.central = Dep::HiggsMasses->MH[i];
result.upper = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[i];
result.lower = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[i];
void FeynHiggs_HeavyHiggsMasses(map_int_triplet_dbl& result)
using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_HeavyHiggsMasses;
const int neutrals[2] = {25, 35};
int i = -1;
const SubSpectrum& spec = Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
int higgs = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(spec);
if (higgs == neutrals[0]) i = 1;
else if (higgs == neutrals[1]) i = 0;
else SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Urecognised SM-like Higgs PDG code!");
result[neutrals[i]].central = Dep::HiggsMasses->MH[i];
result[neutrals[i]].upper = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[i];
result[neutrals[i]].lower = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[i];
result[36].central = Dep::HiggsMasses->MH[2];
result[36].upper = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[2];
result[36].lower = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[2];
result[37].central = Dep::HiggsMasses->MH[3];
result[37].upper = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[3];
result[37].lower = Dep::HiggsMasses->deltaMH[3];
void SUSYHD_HiggsMass(triplet<double>& result)
using namespace Pipes::SUSYHD_HiggsMass;
const Spectrum& fullspectrum = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum;
SLHAea::Coll slhaea = fullspectrum.getSLHAea(1);
cout << "****** calling SUSYHD_HiggsMass ******" << endl;
MList<MReal> parameterList = {
SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(2).at(1)), // tanbeta
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(1).at(1)), // M1
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(2).at(1)), // M2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(3).at(1)), // M3
SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(1).at(1)), // mu
SLHAea::to<double>("AU").at(3).at(2)), // At
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(43).at(1)), // mQ3
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(46).at(1)), // mU3
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(49).at(1)), // mD3
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(42).at(1)), // mQ2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(45).at(1)), // mU2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(48).at(1)), // mD2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(41).at(1)), // mQ1
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(44).at(1)), // mU1
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(47).at(1)), // mD1
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(33).at(1)), // mL3
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(36).at(1)), // mE3
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(32).at(1)), // mL2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(35).at(1)), // mE2
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(31).at(1)), // mL1
SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(34).at(1)), // mE1
sqrt(SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(4).at(1))) // mA
MReal MHiggs = BEreq::SUSYHD_MHiggs(parameterList);
cout << "****** calling SUSYHD_DeltaHiggsMass ******" << endl;
MReal DeltaMHiggs = BEreq::SUSYHD_DeltaMHiggs(parameterList);
result.central = MHiggs;
bool use_SHD_uncertainty = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "use_SUSYHD_uncertainty");
result.upper = DeltaMHiggs;
result.lower = DeltaMHiggs;
result.upper = 0.0;
result.lower = 0.0;
/// @} End Gambit module functions
} // end namespace SpecBit
} // end namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:03 +0000