file src/WIMP_EFT.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:




getSMmass(Name, spinX2)
addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2)

Detailed Description



  • 2019 Jul
  • 2020 May
  • 2020 Dec
  • 2021 Sep

Module functions associated with creating and translating WIMP-nucleon and WIMP-quark effective operator couplings from GAMBIT ModelParameters. Functions which compute these EFT couplings for specific “UV” models live in DarkBit sources files named after those models.

Includes module functions to compute non-relativistic operator couplings from relativistic ones using DirectDM.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation

define getSMmass

#define getSMmass(
       catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
       (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));

define addParticle

#define addParticle(
       catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
       (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Module functions associated with creating
///  and translating WIMP-nucleon and WIMP-quark 
///  effective operator couplings from GAMBIT
///  ModelParameters. Functions which compute
///  these EFT couplings for specific "UV" models 
///  live in DarkBit sources files named after those
///  models.
///  Includes module functions to compute
///  non-relativistic operator couplings from
///  relativistic ones using DirectDM.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2019 Jul
///  \author Felix Kahlhofer
///          (
///  \date 2020 May
///  \author Ankit Beniwal
///          (
///  \date 2020 Dec
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2021 Sep
///  *********************************************

#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_utils.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/ProcessCatalog.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/numerical_constants.hpp"


namespace Gambit

  namespace DarkBit

    // Helper class used for WIMP EFT process catalog construction
    class WIMP_EFT_DM
        /// Initialize object (branching ratios etc)
            TH_ProcessCatalog* const catalog)
            : mh   (catalog->getParticleProperty("h0_1").mass)
            , mb   (catalog->getParticleProperty("d_3").mass)
            , mc   (catalog->getParticleProperty("u_2").mass)
            , mtau (catalog->getParticleProperty("e-_3").mass)
            , mt   (catalog->getParticleProperty("u_3").mass)
            , mZ0  (catalog->getParticleProperty("Z0").mass)
            , mW   (catalog->getParticleProperty("W+").mass)

        /*! \brief Returns <sigma v> in cm3/s for given channel, velocity and
         *         model parameters.
         * channel: bb, tautau, mumu, ss, cc, tt, gg, gammagamma, Zgamma, WW,
         * ZZ, hh
         * Parameterises <sigma v> as A + Bv^2, i.e. s + p wave annihilation
         * with no resonances, subject to basic kinematic constraints. 
        double sv(std::string channel, double mass, double A, double B, double v)

          // Hardcoded minimum velocity avoids NaN results.
          // Pat didn't like the hardcoded velocity
          v = std::max(v, 1e-6);

          double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
          double sqrt_s = sqrt(s);

          if ( channel == "hh" )
            if ( sqrt_s > mh*2 )
              return A + B*v*v;
            else return 0;

          if ( channel == "bb" and sqrt_s < mb*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "cc" and sqrt_s < mc*2  ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "tautau" and sqrt_s < mtau*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "tt" and sqrt_s < mt*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "ZZ" and sqrt_s < mZ0*2) return 0;
          if ( channel == "WW" and sqrt_s < mW*2) return 0;

          if ( sqrt_s < 300 )
            // Explicitly close channel for off-shell top quarks
            if ( channel == "tt" and sqrt_s < mt*2) return 0;

            return A + B*v*v;
            return A + B*v*v;
          return 0;

        double mh, mb, mc, mtau, mt, mZ0, mW;

    /// DarkMatter_ID string for generic EFT dark matter 
    void DarkMatter_ID_EFT(std::string& result)
       using namespace Pipes::DarkMatter_ID_EFT;
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_scalarDM")) result = "phi";
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_MajoranaDM")) result = "psi";
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_DiracDM")) result = "chi";

    /// DarkMatterConj_ID string for generic EFT dark matter 
    void DarkMatterConj_ID_EFT(std::string& result)
       using namespace Pipes::DarkMatterConj_ID_EFT;
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_scalarDM")) result = "phi";
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_MajoranaDM")) result = "psi";
       if(ModelInUse("NREO_DiracDM")) result = "chi~";

    //   Translation of NREO ModelParameters into NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings

    void NREO_couplings_from_parameters(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings& NREO_couplings)
       using namespace Pipes::NREO_couplings_from_parameters;
       NREO_couplings = NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings(Param); // Constructor takes care of the parameter copying for us
       NREO_couplings.CPTbasis = 0;

    //   Translation of DD_couplings into NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings

    void NREO_from_DD_couplings(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings& NREO_couplings)
       using namespace Pipes::NREO_from_DD_couplings;
       DM_nucleon_couplings ddc = *Dep::DD_couplings;

       NREO_couplings.c0[1] = (ddc.gps + ddc.gns);
       NREO_couplings.c1[1] = (ddc.gps - ddc.gns);
       NREO_couplings.c0[4] = (ddc.gpa + ddc.gna);
       NREO_couplings.c1[4] = (ddc.gpa - ddc.gna);
       NREO_couplings.CPTbasis = 0;

    /* Non-relativistic Wilson Coefficients, model independent */

    /// Obtain the non-relativistic Wilson Coefficients from a set of model
    /// specific relativistic Wilson Coefficients from DirectDM in the flavour
    /// matching scheme (default 5 flavours). NR WCs defined at 2 GeV.
    void DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings &result)
      using namespace Pipes::DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme;

      // Number of quark flavours used for matching (default 5)
      int scheme = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(5, "flavs");

      // Only defined for 3, 4, + 5 flavour scheme.
      if (scheme != 3 && scheme != 4 && scheme != 5)
        DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme quark flavour matching "
          "scheme must be for 3, 4 or 5 quark flavors only. Please check your YAML file.");

      // Obtain spin of DM particle, plus identify whether DM is self-conjugate
      double mDM = Dep::WIMP_properties->mass;
      unsigned int sDM  = Dep::WIMP_properties->spinx2;
      bool is_SC = Dep::WIMP_properties->sc;

      // Set DM_type based on the spin and & conjugacy of DM
      std::string DM_type;

      // Nuisance params
      map_str_dbl inputs = *Dep::DirectDMNuisanceParameters;

      // Fermion case
      if (sDM == 1) { is_SC ? DM_type = "M" : DM_type = "D"; }
      // Scalar
      else if (sDM == 0) { is_SC ? DM_type = "R" : DM_type = "C"; }
      // Vector etc. DM not supported by DirectDM
      else DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme only usable for spin-0 and spin-1/2 DM.");

      // Relativistic Wilson Coefficients
      map_str_dbl relativistic_WCs = *Dep::DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme;

      // Get non-relativistic coefficients
      result = BEreq::get_NR_WCs_flav(relativistic_WCs, mDM, scheme, DM_type, inputs);

    /// Module function providing nuisance parameters for
    /// to be passed to DirectDM directly from the model parameters.
    void ExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters(map_str_dbl &result)
      using namespace Pipes::ExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters;

      // Kick things off with SMInputs
      SMInputs sminputs = *Dep::SMINPUTS; 

      result["aMZinv"] = sminputs.alphainv;    // 1: Inverse electromagnetic coupling at the Z pole in the MSbar scheme (with 5 active flavours)
      result["GF"] = sminputs.GF;              // 2: Fermi constant (in units of GeV^-2)
      result["asMZ"] = sminputs.alphaS;        // 3: Strong coupling at the Z pole in the MSbar scheme (with 5 active flavours).
      result["Mz"] = sminputs.mZ;              // 4: Z pole mass
      result["mb_at_mb"] = sminputs.mBmB;      // 5: b quark running mass in the MSbar scheme (at mB)
      result["mt_pole"] = sminputs.mT;         // 6: Top quark pole mass
      result["mtau"] = sminputs.mTau;          // 7: Tau pole mass
      result["me"] = sminputs.mE;              // 11: Electron pole mass
      result["mmu"] = sminputs.mMu;            // 13: Muon pole mass
      result["md_at_2GeV"] = sminputs.mD;      // 21: d quark running mass in the MSbar scheme at 2 GeV
      result["mu_at_2GeV"] = sminputs.mU;      // 22: u quark running mass in the MSbar scheme at 2 GeV
      result["ms_at_2GeV"] = sminputs.mS;      // 23: s quark running mass in the MSbar scheme at 2 GeV
      result["mc_at_mc"] = sminputs.mCmC;      // 24: c quark running mass in the MSbar scheme at mC

      // Then top it up with parameters from nuclear_params_ChPT.
      result["gA"]      = *Param["gA"];
      result["mG"]      = *Param["mG"];
      result["sigmaup"] = *Param["sigmaup"];
      result["sigmadp"] = *Param["sigmadp"];
      result["sigmaun"] = *Param["sigmaun"];
      result["sigmadn"] = *Param["sigmadn"];
      result["sigmas"]  = *Param["sigmas"];

      result["DeltauDeltad"] = *Param["DeltauDeltad"];
      result["Deltas"]       = *Param["Deltas"];

      result["B0mu"]    = *Param["B0mu"];
      result["B0md"]    = *Param["B0md"];
      result["B0ms"]    = *Param["B0ms"];

      result["mup"]     = *Param["mup"];
      result["mun"]     = *Param["mun"];
      result["mus"]     = *Param["mus"];

      result["gTu"]     = *Param["gTu"];
      result["gTd"]     = *Param["gTd"];
      result["gTs"]     = *Param["gTs"];

      // Note! Setting BT10dn equal to BT10up
      result["BT10up"]  = *Param["BT10up"];
      result["BT10dn"]  = *Param["BT10up"];

      // Note! Setting BT10un equal to BT10dp
      result["BT10dp"]  = *Param["BT10dp"];
      result["BT10un"]  = *Param["BT10dp"];

      result["BT10s"]   = *Param["BT10s"];
      result["rs2"]     = *Param["rs2"];

    //   Process catalog setup

    /// Set up process catalog for a generic parameterisation of (two body) WIMP dark matter decays and annihilations.
    void TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog &result)
      using namespace Pipes::TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT;
      using std::vector;
      using std::string;

      // Initialize empty catalog
      TH_ProcessCatalog catalog;

      // Select initial state particles from particle database
      std::string DMstr = Dep::WIMP_properties->name;
      std::string DMbarstr = Dep::WIMP_properties->conjugate;
      double WIMP_mass = Dep::WIMP_properties->mass;
      unsigned int WIMP_spinx2 = Dep::WIMP_properties->spinx2;

      // Create container for annihilation processes for dark matter initial state
      TH_Process process_ann(DMstr, DMbarstr);

      // Explicitly state that Dirac DM is not self-conjugate to add extra
      // factors of 1/2 where necessary
      process_ann.isSelfConj = Dep::WIMP_properties->sc;

      /// Generic parameterisation of WIMP self-annihilation cross-section to various SM two-body final states
      WIMP_annihilation annihilationProps;
      std::vector<std::string> finalstates {"bb", "WW", "cc", "tautau", "ZZ", "tt", "hh"};
      for(auto channel = finalstates.begin(); channel!=finalstates.end(); ++channel)
        std::string A("A_");
        std::string B("B_");

      // Import particle masses and couplings

      // Convenience macros
      #define getSMmass(Name, spinX2)                                           \
       catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
       (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));
      #define addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2)                                   \
       catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
       (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));

      // Import Standard Model spectrum object
      const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::SM_spectrum;
      const SMInputs& SMI  = spec.get_SMInputs();

      // Import couplings

      // Get SM pole masses
      getSMmass("e-_1",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_1",     1)
      getSMmass("e-_2",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_2",     1)
      getSMmass("e-_3",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_3",     1)
      getSMmass("Z0",     2)
      getSMmass("W+",     2)
      getSMmass("W-",     2)
      getSMmass("g",      2)
      getSMmass("gamma",  2)
      getSMmass("u_3",      1)
      getSMmass("ubar_3",   1)
      getSMmass("d_3",      1)
      getSMmass("dbar_3",   1)

      // Pole masses not available for the light quarks.
      addParticle("u_1"   , SMI.mU,  1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("ubar_1", SMI.mU,  1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("d_1"   , SMI.mD,  1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("dbar_1", SMI.mD,  1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("u_2"   , SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("ubar_2", SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("d_2"   , SMI.mS,  1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
      addParticle("dbar_2", SMI.mS,  1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass

      // Masses for neutrino flavour eigenstates. Set to zero.
      // (presently not required)
      addParticle("nu_e",     0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_e",  0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nu_mu",    0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_mu", 0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nu_tau",   0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_tau",0.0, 1)

      // Higgs-sector masses
      double mH = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"h0_1");
      addParticle("h0_1",     mH, 0)  // SM-like Higgs
      addParticle("pi0",   meson_masses.pi0,       0)
      addParticle("pi+",   meson_masses.pi_plus,   0)
      addParticle("pi-",   meson_masses.pi_minus,  0)
      addParticle("eta",   meson_masses.eta,       0)
      addParticle("rho0",  meson_masses.rho0,      1)
      addParticle("rho+",  meson_masses.rho_plus,  1)
      addParticle("rho-",  meson_masses.rho_minus, 1)
      addParticle("omega",,     1)

      // Dark matter
      addParticle(DMstr, WIMP_mass, WIMP_spinx2)
      if (not process_ann.isSelfConj)
        addParticle(DMbarstr, WIMP_mass, WIMP_spinx2)

      // Get rid of convenience macros
      #undef getSMmass
      #undef addParticle

      // Import Decay information

      // Import decay table from DecayBit
      const DecayTable* tbl = &(*Dep::decay_rates);

      // Set of imported decays
      std::set<string> importedDecays;

      // Minimum branching ratio to include
      double minBranching = 0;

      // Import relevant decays (only Higgs and subsequent decays)
      using DarkBit_utils::ImportDecays;
      // Notes: Virtual Higgs decays into offshell W+W- final states are not
      // imported.  All other channels are correspondingly rescaled.  Decay
      // into FF final states is accounted for, leading to zero photons.
      ImportDecays("h0_1", catalog, importedDecays, tbl, minBranching,
          daFunk::vec<std::string>("Z0", "W+", "W-", "e+_2", "e-_2", "e+_3", "e-_3"));

      // Instantiate new WIMP_EFT_DM object
      auto wimpDM = boost::make_shared<WIMP_EFT_DM>(&catalog);

      // Populate annihilation channel list and add thresholds to threshold
      // list.
      // (remark: the lowest threshold is here = 2*WIMP_mass, whereas in DS-internal
      // conventions, this lowest threshold is not listed)
      auto channel =
        daFunk::vec<string>("bb", "WW", "cc", "tautau", "ZZ", "tt", "hh");
      auto p1 =
        daFunk::vec<string>("d_3",   "W+", "u_2",   "e+_3", "Z0", "u_3",   "h0_1");
      auto p2 =
        daFunk::vec<string>("dbar_3","W-", "ubar_2","e-_3", "Z0", "ubar_3","h0_1");
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < channel.size(); i++ )
          double mtot_final =
            catalog.getParticleProperty(p1[i]).mass +
          // Include final states that are open for T~m/20
          if ( WIMP_mass*2 > mtot_final*0.5 )
            double A = annihilationProps.A(channel[i]);
            double B = annihilationProps.B(channel[i]);
            daFunk::Funk kinematicFunction = daFunk::funcM(wimpDM,
                &WIMP_EFT_DM::sv, channel[i], WIMP_mass, A, B, daFunk::var("v"));
            TH_Channel new_channel(
                daFunk::vec<string>(p1[i], p2[i]), kinematicFunction
          if ( WIMP_mass*2 > mtot_final )

      // Populate resonance list
      // None for this model 

      // Add process to previous list

      // Validate

      // Return the finished process catalog
      result = catalog;

    } // function TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:04 +0000