namespace Gambit::DarkBit

[No description available]






enum classInterpolationOptions1D { linear, cspline}
Generic one-dimensional integration container for linear interpolation and cubic splines.
enum classInterpolationOptions2D { bilinear, bicubic}
Two-dimensional integration container for bilinear interpolation and bicubic splines.
enumcascadeMC_SpecialEvents { MC_INIT =-1, MC_NEXT_STATE =-2, MC_FINALIZE =-3}
Special events for event loop.


voidIC22_full(nudata & result)
Likelihood calculators for different IceCube event samples These functions all include the likelihood of the background-only model for the respective sample. We define the final log-likelihood as delta = sum over analyses of (lnL_model - lnL_BG), conservatively forbidding delta > 0 in order to always just use the neutrino likelihood as a limit. This ignores small low-E excesses caused by impending breakdown of approximations used in IceCube response data and the nulike likelihood at very low E. This implies conditioning on all but one parameter (e.g. the cross-section), such that including any particular IC analysis adds just one additional degree of freedom to the fit.
voidIC79WH_full(nudata & result)
79-string IceCube WH sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.
voidIC79WL_full(nudata & result)
79-string IceCube WL sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.
voidIC79SL_full(nudata & result)
79-string IceCube SL sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.
voidIC22_signal(double & result)
voidIC22_bg(double & result)
voidIC22_nobs(int & result)
voidIC22_loglike(double & result)
voidIC22_bgloglike(double & result)
voidIC22_pvalue(double & result)
voidIC79WH_signal(double & result)
voidIC79WH_bg(double & result)
voidIC79WH_nobs(int & result)
voidIC79WH_loglike(double & result)
voidIC79WH_bgloglike(double & result)
voidIC79WH_pvalue(double & result)
voidIC79WL_signal(double & result)
voidIC79WL_bg(double & result)
voidIC79WL_nobs(int & result)
voidIC79WL_loglike(double & result)
voidIC79WL_bgloglike(double & result)
voidIC79WL_pvalue(double & result)
voidIC79SL_signal(double & result)
voidIC79SL_bg(double & result)
voidIC79SL_nobs(int & result)
voidIC79SL_loglike(double & result)
voidIC79SL_bgloglike(double & result)
voidIC79SL_pvalue(double & result)
voidCMC_dummy(DarkBit::stringFunkMap & result)
voidcreateSpectrum(Spectrum & outSpec)
voidcreateDecays(DecayTable & outDecays)
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP(TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
voidDarkMatter_ID_WIMP(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_WIMP(std::string & result)
voidWIMP_properties_WIMP(WIMPprops & props)
voidDD_couplings_WIMP(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
doubleparabola(double x, const double params[])
H.E.S.S.-likelihood-related interpolation routines.
doubleintersect_parabola_line(double a, double b, double sign, const double pparams[])
doublerho_integrand(double rho, void * params)
doublerad_integrand(double rad, void * params)
doubleerg_integrand(double erg, void * params)
doublealt_erg_integrand(double erg, void * params)
doublegaussian_nuisance_lnL(double theo, double obs, double sigma)
doublegStar(double T)
Various capabilities and functions to provide SM physics as well as QCD input for axions.
doublegStar_S(double T)
voidQCDAxion_ZeroTemperatureMass_Nuisance_lnL(double & result)
voidQCDAxion_AxionPhotonConstant_Nuisance_lnL(double & result)
doublelog_chi(double T, double beta, double Tchi)
voidQCDAxion_TemperatureDependence_Nuisance_lnL(double & result)
doubleALPS1_signal_general(double power, double nm1, double m_ax, double gagg)
Likelihoods for ALPS 1 (LSW), CAST (helioscopes), and ADMX, UF, RBF (haloscopes).
voidcalc_ALPS1_signal_vac(double & result)
voidcalc_ALPS1_signal_gas(double & result)
doubleALPS1_lnL_general(double s, double mu, double sigma)
voidcalc_lnL_ALPS1(double & result)
voidcalc_CAST2007_signal_vac(std::vector< double > & result)
voidcalc_CAST2017_signal_vac(std::vector< std::vector< double > > & result)
doubleCAST_lnL_general(std::vector< double > s, const std::vector< double > bkg_counts, const std::vector< int > sig_counts)
voidcalc_lnL_CAST2007(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_CAST2017(double & result)
voidcalc_Haloscope_signal(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX1(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX2(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_Haloscope_UF(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_Haloscope_RBF(double & result)
doubleSpecialFun1(double T)
Capabilities relating to axion cosmology. Currently only provides the energy density in axions today due to the realignment mechanism.
doubleSpecialFun3(double T)
doublehubble_rad_dom(double T)
doubleaxion_mass_temp(double T, double beta, double Tchi)
doubleequation_Tosc(double T, void * params)
voidcalc_AxionOscillationTemperature(double & result)
intscal_field_eq(double tau, const double y[], double f[], void * params)
intscal_field_eq_jac(double tau, const double y[], double * dfdy, double dfdt[], void * params)
voidRD_oh2_Axions(double & result)
voidcalc_RParameter(double & result)
Capabilities relating to astrophysical observations (R-parameter, H.E.S.S. telescope search, cooling hints).
voidcalc_lnL_RParameter(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_WDVar_G117B15A(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_WDVar_R548(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_WDVar_PG1351489(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_WDVar_L192(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_SN1987A(double & result)
voidcalc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion(double & result)
voidcalc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_HESS_GCMF(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly(double & result)
Capability for the XENON1T likelihood from 2006.10035.
doubledRdE(double E, void * params)
voidcalc_lnL_XENON1T_DM_Anomaly(double & result)
voidcalc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly_NuisanceParameters(double & result)
voidcascadeMC_InitialStates(std::set< std::string > & result)
Identification of hard-process final states for which yield tables do not exist.
voidcascadeMC_FinalStates(std::set< std::string > & states)
Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_DecayTable(DarkBit::DecayChain::DecayTable & table)
Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.
voidcascadeMC_LoopManager(std::string & result)
Loop manager for cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_EventCount(std::map< std::string, int > & counts)
Event counter for cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_GenerateChain(DarkBit::DecayChain::ChainContainer & chain)
Function for generating decay chains.
voidcascadeMC_sampleSimYield(const SimYieldTable & table, const DarkBit::DecayChain::ChainParticle * endpoint, std::string finalState, const TH_ProcessCatalog & catalog, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & histList, std::string initialState, double weight, int cMC_numSpecSamples)
voidcascadeMC_Histograms(std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & result)
Function responsible for histogramming, and evaluating end conditions for event loop.
voidcascadeMC_fetchSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra, std::string finalState, const std::set< std::string > & ini, const std::set< std::string > & fin, const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & h, const std::map< std::string, int > & eventCounts)
voidprint_spectrum_debug_info(const str & fs, const std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Debug print function for cascase spectra.
voidcascadeMC_gammaSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_electronSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_positronSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Function requesting and returning pbar spectra from cascade decays.
voidcascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra(std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra)
Function requesting and returning Dbar spectra from cascade decays.
voidWIMP_properties(WIMPprops & props)
Retrieve the struct of WIMP properties.
voidmwimp_generic(double & result)
Retrieve the DM mass in GeV for generic models (GeV)
voidspinwimpx2_generic(unsigned int & result)
Retrieve the DM spin (times two) generic models.
voidwimp_sc_generic(bool & result)
Retrieve whether or not the DM is self conjugate or not.
voidsigmav_late_universe(double & result)
Retrieve the total thermally-averaged annihilation cross-section for indirect detection (cm^3 / s).
voidsigmav_late_universe_MicrOmegas(double & result)
voidDM_process_from_ProcessCatalog(std::string & result)
doubleprofile_gNFW(double rhos, double rs, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double r)
Generalized NFW dark matter halo profile function.
doubleprofile_Einasto(double rhos, double rs, double alpha, double r)
Einasto dark matter halo profile function.
voidGalacticHalo_gNFW(GalacticHaloProperties & result)
Module function to generate GalacticHaloProperties for gNFW profile.
voidGalacticHalo_Einasto(GalacticHaloProperties & result)
Module function to generate GalacticHaloProperties for Einasto profile.
voidExtractLocalMaxwellianHalo(LocalMaxwellianHalo & result)
Module function providing local density and velocity dispersion parameters.
voidUnitTest_DarkBit(int & result)
Central unit test routine.
doubleget_finalState_mass(const std::string & finalState)
Helper function to get the mass of a given final state particle.
voidDarkMatter_ID_DiracSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_DiracSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Direct detection couplings for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.
voidDD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2(map_str_dbl & result)
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.
voidDD_couplings_DarkSUSY_DS5(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Get direct detection couplings from initialized DarkSUSY 5.
voidDD_couplings_DarkSUSY_MSSM(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Get direct detection couplings from DarkSUSY 6 initialized with MSSM module.
voidDD_couplings_MicrOmegas(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Get direct detection couplings from initialized MicrOmegas.
voidsigma_SI_p_simple(double & result)
Simple calculator of the spin-independent WIMP-proton cross-section.
voidsigma_SI_n_simple(double & result)
Simple calculator of the spin-independent WIMP-neutron cross-section.
voidsigma_SD_p_simple(double & result)
Simple calculator of the spin-dependent WIMP-proton cross-section.
voidsigma_SD_n_simple(double & result)
Simple calculator of the spin-dependent WIMP-neutron cross-section.
voidsigma_SI_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal(map_intpair_dbl & result)
voidsigma_SD_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal(map_intpair_dbl & result)
voidDDCalc_Couplings_WIMP_nucleon(DD_coupling_container & result)
DDCalc initialisation.
voidDDCalc_Couplings_NR_WCs(DD_coupling_container & result)
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_DMEFT(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
voidDarkMatter_ID_DMEFT(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_DMEFT(std::string & result)
voidDD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMEFT(map_str_dbl & result)
voidDarkMatter_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatter_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(std::string & result)
voidenergy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog(DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum)
The energy injection spectrum from the ProcessCatalog and FCMC.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for AnnihilatingDM_mixture.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture(TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for DecayingDM_mixture.
daFunk::Funkboost_dNdE(daFunk::Funk dNdE, double gamma, double mass)
Boosts an energy spectrum of isotropic particles into another frame (and isotropizes again). Parameters: gamma: Lorentz boost factor dNdE: Spectrum mass: mass of particle.
daFunk::FunkgetYield(const str & yield, const bool is_annihilation, const str & DMid, const str & DMbarid, TH_ProcessCatalog catalog, SimYieldTable table, double line_width, stringFunkMap cascadeMC_spectra)
Helper function returning yield from a given DM process.
voidGA_AnnYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive gamma-ray annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of photons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.
voidGA_DecayYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive gamma-ray decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of photons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).
voidelectron_AnnYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive electron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of electrons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.
voidelectron_DecayYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive electron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of electrons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).
voidpositron_AnnYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive positron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of positrons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.
voidpositron_DecayYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive positron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of positrons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).
voidantiproton_AnnYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive antiproton annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of antiprotons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.
voidantiproton_DecayYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive antiproton decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of antiprotons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).
voidantideuteron_AnnYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive antideuteron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of antideuterons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.
voidantideuteron_DecayYield_General(daFunk::Funk & result)
General routine to derive antideuteron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of antideuterons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).
voidCombine_SimYields(SimYieldTable & result)
Combined SimYieldTable containing final yields of all stable particles.
voidGA_SimYieldTable_DS5(SimYieldTable & result)
Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY5 tabulated results. (DS6 below)
SimYieldTableSimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(const str & yield, const bool allow_yield_extrapolation, double(*)(double &, double &, int &, char *, int &, int &, int &) dsanyield, safe_ptr< Options > runOptions)
Construct a SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.
voidGA_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(SimYieldTable & result)
Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.
voidpositron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(SimYieldTable & result)
Positron SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.
voidantiproton_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(SimYieldTable & result)
Anti-proton SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.
voidantideuteron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(SimYieldTable & result)
Anti-deuteron SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.
voidGA_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas(SimYieldTable & result)
Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on MicrOmegas tabulated results.
voidpositron_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas(SimYieldTable & )
Positron SimYieldTable based on MicrOmegas tabulated results.
SimYieldTableSimYieldTable_PPPC(const str & yield, bool allow_yield_extrapolation, double(*)(double, double, std::string) PPPC_yield, safe_ptr< Options > runOptions)
doublePPPC_dNdE_gamma(double m, double x, std::string channel)
Conveninence function to get the gamma yield from the interpolated PPPC tables.
doublePPPC_dNdE_positron(double m, double x, std::string channel)
Conveninence function to get the positiron yield from the interpolated PPPC tables.
voidGA_SimYieldTable_PPPC(SimYieldTable & result)
Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on PPPC4DMID Cirelli et al. 2010.
voidpositron_SimYieldTable_PPPC(SimYieldTable & result)
Positron SimYieldTable based on PPPC4DMID Cirelli et al. 2010.
voidGA_SimYieldTable_empty(SimYieldTable & result)
Bypasses to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable.
voidpositron_SimYieldTable_empty(SimYieldTable & result)
voidantiproton_SimYieldTable_empty(SimYieldTable & result)
voidantideuteron_SimYieldTable_empty(SimYieldTable & result)
voidelectron_SimYieldTable_from_positron_SimYieldTable(SimYieldTable & result)
Electron SimYieldTable based on positron table.
intdump(const str & filename, const daFunk::Funk & spectrum)
Helper function to dump any spectra.
voiddump_gammaSpectrum(int & result)
Helper function to dump gamma-ray spectra.
voiddump_electronSpectrum(int & result)
Helper function to dump electron spectra.
voiddump_positronSpectrum(int & result)
Helper function to dump positron spectra.
voiddump_antiprotonSpectrum(int & result)
Helper function to dump anti-proton spectra.
voiddump_antideuteronSpectrum(int & result)
Helper function to dump anti-deuteron spectra.
voidDarkMatter_ID_MajoranaSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_MajoranaSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDD_nonrel_WCs_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
voidDD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(map_str_dbl & result)
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for the MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 model.
doubleDSgamma3bdy(double(*)(int &, double &, double &) IBfunc, int IBch, double Eg, double E1, double M_DM, double m_1, double m_2)
Fully initialize DarkSUSY to the current model point.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_DS5_MSSM(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Initialization of Process Catalog based on DarkSUSY 5 calculations.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_DS_MSSM(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Initialization of Process Catalog based on DarkSUSY 6 calculations.
voidDarkMatter_ID_MSSM(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_MSSM(std::string & result)
voidRD_spectrum_MSSM(RD_spectrum_type & result)
Collects spectrum information about coannihilating particles, resonances and threshold energies.
voidRD_spectrum_SUSY_DS5(RD_spectrum_type & result)
Collects spectrum information about coannihilating particles, resonances and threshold energies – directly from DarkSUSY 5.
voidRD_spectrum_from_ProcessCatalog(RD_spectrum_type & result)
Collects information about resonances and threshold energies directly from the ProcessCatalog [NB: this assumes no coannihilating particles!].
voidRD_spectrum_ordered_func(RD_spectrum_type & result)
Order RD_spectrum object and derive coannihilation thresholds.
voidRD_annrate_DS5prep_func(int & result)
Some helper function to prepare evaluation of Weff from DarkSUSY 5.
voidRD_annrate_DSprep_MSSM_func(int & result)
Some helper function to prepare evaluation of Weff from DarkSUSY 6.
voidRD_eff_annrate_DS_MSSM(double(*&)(double &) result)
Get Weff directly from initialized DarkSUSY. Note that these functions do not (and should not) correct Weff for non-self-conjugate dark matter.
voidRD_eff_annrate_DS5_MSSM(double(*&)(double &) result)
voidRD_eff_annrate_from_ProcessCatalog(double(*&)(double &) result)
Infer Weff from process catalog.
voidRD_oh2_DS_general(double & result)
General routine for calculation of relic density, using DarkSUSY 6+ Boltzmann solver.
voidRD_oh2_DS5_general(double & result)
General routine for calculation of relic density, using DarkSUSY 5 Boltzmann solver.
voidRD_oh2_Xf_MicrOmegas(ddpair & result)
Relic density directly from a call of initialized MicrOmegas.
voidRD_oh2_DarkSUSY_DS5(double & result)
Relic density directly from a call of initialized DarkSUSY 5.
voidRD_oh2_MicrOmegas(double & result)
voidXf_MicrOmegas(double & result)
voidprint_channel_contributions_MicrOmegas(double & result)
voidget_semi_ann_MicrOmegas(double & result)
voidvSigma_freezeout_MicrOmegas(double & result)
Return the thermally averaged cross-section at T_freezeout.
voidRD_fraction_one(double & result)
voidRD_fraction_leq_one(double & result)
voidRD_fraction_rescaled(double & result)
voidRD_fraction_rescaled_LCDM(double & result)
voidDarkMatter_ID_ScalarSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_ScalarSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidget_ScalarSingletDM_DD_couplings(const Spectrum & spec, DM_nucleon_couplings & result, Models::safe_param_map< safe_ptr< const double > > & Param)
Common code for different scalar singlet direct detection coupling routines.
voidDD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z2(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Direct detection couplings for Z2 scalar singlet DM.
voidDD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Direct detection couplings for Z3 scalar singlet DM.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z2(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for Z2 scalar singlet DM.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for Z3 scalar singlet DM.
voidlnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike(double & result)
Fermi LAT dwarf likelihoods, based on arXiv:1108.2914. / void lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple(double &result) { using namespace Pipes::lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple; // Koushiappas’ limits [arXiv:1108.2914] // // This is the tabulated Phi-Likelihood function from Koushiappas et al. // Above L = 36, we use linear extrapolation up to L = 360000 // // phi (defined as phi = sigmav/mDM**2*Ntot/8/pi * 1e26) double xgridArray [101] = { 0. , 6.74308086122e-05 , 0.000123192463137 , 0.000171713798503 , 0.000215245918518 , 0.000255093268618 , 0.00029207805123 , 0.000326751732695 , 0.000359503469472 , 0.000390620122006 , 0.000420321264006, 0.00044878042576 , 0.000476138421008 , 0.000502511975672 , 0.000527999496499, 0.000552685056887 , 0.000576641243501 , 0.000599931255273 , 0.000622610497068 , 0.000644727821172 , 0.000666326515638 , 0.000687445105269, 0.000708118010141 , 0.000728376093388 , 0.000748247120993 , 0.00076775615078, 0.000786925863514 , 0.000805776846231 , 0.000824327835809 , 0.00084259592922, 0.000860596765645 , 0.000878344684789 , 0.000895852864914 , 0.000913133443547 , 0.000930197623331 , 0.0009470557651 , 0.000963717469925 , 0.00098019165163 , 0.000996486601006 , 0.00101261004288 , 0.00102856918685 , 0.00104437077256 , 0.00106002111016 , 0.00107552611658 , 0.00109089134805 , 0.00110612202935 , 0.00112122308019 , 0.00113619913897 , 0.00115105458439 , 0.00116579355487 , 0.00118041996631 , 0.00119493752815 , 0.00120934975806 , 0.00122365999528 , 0.00123787141289 , 0.00125198702892 , 0.00126600971667 , 0.00127994221404 , 0.00129378713223 , 0.00130754696367 , 0.00132122408935 , 0.00133482078559 , 0.00134833923028 , 0.00136178150869 , 0.0013751496188 , 0.00138844547626 , 0.00140167091906 , 0.00141482771173 , 0.00142791754942 , 0.00144094206154 , 0.0014539028153 , 0.00146680131887 , 0.00147963902447 , 0.00149241733116 , 0.00150513758749 , 0.00151780109399 , 0.00153040910553 , 0.00154296283341 , 0.00155546344754 , 0.00156791207827 , 0.00158030981824 , 0.00159265772411 , 0.00160495681814 , 0.00161720808976 , 0.00162941249692 , 0.00164157096757 , 0.00165368440081 , 0.00166575366823 , 0.00167777961494 , 0.00168976306076 , 0.00170170480119 , 0.00171360560841 , 0.00172546623219 , 0.00173728740083 , 0.00174906982191 , 0.00176081418314 , 0.00177252115315 , 0.00178419138212 , 0.00179582550256 , 0.00180742412988 , 18.0 }; // // Normalization w.r.t. p-value of phi=0 // // chi^2 double ygridArray [101] = { 0.0, 0.0513551, 0.177438, 0.35228, 0.561353, 0.795726, 1.04953, 1.3187, 1.60032, 1.89222, 2.19274, 2.50059, 2.81476, 3.13441, 3.45887, 3.78757, 4.12006, 4.45594, 4.79486, 5.13653, 5.48072, 5.82719, 6.17576, 6.52625, 6.87853, 7.23244, 7.58789, 7.94475, 8.30294, 8.66236, 9.02294, 9.38462, 9.74731, 10.111, 10.4755, 10.841, 11.2072, 11.5742, 11.9419, 12.3104, 12.6795, 13.0492, 13.4195, 13.7904, 14.1619, 14.5339, 14.9063, 15.2793, 15.6527, 16.0266, 16.4008, 16.7755, 17.1506, 17.5261, 17.9019, 18.2781, 18.6546, 19.0315, 19.4087, 19.7861, 20.1639, 20.542, 20.9203, 21.2989, 21.6778, 22.0569, 22.4362, 22.8158, 23.1957, 23.5757, 23.956, 24.3365, 24.7171, 25.098, 25.4791, 25.8604, 26.2418, 26.6235, 27.0053, 27.3872, 27.7694, 28.1517, 28.5342, 28.9168, 29.2996, 29.6825, 30.0655, 30.4487, 30.8321, 31.2155, 31.5992, 31.9829, 32.3667, 32.7507, 33.1348, 33.519, 33.9034, 34.2878, 34.6724, 35.0571, 350000.0 }; // Convert arrays to vectors. std::vector xgrid(xgridArray, xgridArray + sizeof xgridArray / sizeof xgridArray[0]); std::vector ygrid(ygridArray, ygridArray + sizeof ygridArray / sizeof ygridArray[0]); // Construct interpolated function, using GAMBIT base functions. auto dwarf_likelihood = daFunk::interp(“phi”, xgrid, ygrid);.
voidlnL_HESSGC_gamLike(double & result)
voidlnL_CTAGC_gamLike(double & result)
voidlnL_FermiGC_gamLike(double & result)
Fermi LAT galactic center likelihoods, using gamLike backend.
voidlnL_oh2_Simple(double & result)
Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints. Default data: Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209 theory error: 5% S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.
voidlnL_oh2_upperlimit(double & result)
Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints, implemented as an upper limit only Default data: Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209 theory error: 5% S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.
voidlnL_sigmas_sigmal(double & result)
Likelihoods for spin independent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment of Cline, et. al. Phys. Rev. D. 88, 055025 (2013) Default data: sigma_s = 43 +/- 8 MeV arXiv:1112.2435v1 sigma_l = 58 +/- 9 MeV.
voidlnL_deltaq(double & result)
Likelihoods for spin dependent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment of Akrami, et. al. JCAP04 (2011) 012. (Note that all deltaq are for proton.) Default data: a3 = deltau - deltad = 1.2723 +/- 0.0023 PDG 2015 lambda parameter from neutron beta decay a8 = deltau + deltad - 2*deltas = 0.585 +/- 0.025 deltas = -0.09 +/- 0.03 COMPASS:
voidlnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2(double & result)
Likelihoods for nuclear parameters (ChPT) as used in DirectDM v2.2.0 Default data: sigmapiN = 0.050 +/- 0.015 GeV Deltas = -0.035 +/- 0.009 gTs = -0.027 +/- 0.016 rs2 = -0.115 +/- 0.035 GeV^-2.
voidlnL_rho0_lognormal(double & result)
Likelihoods for halo parameters. The likelihood for the local DM density follows a log normal distribution while for the velocities the distribution is Gaussian. For discussion of the default values for measured halo paramters and their errors, see JCAP04(2011)012.
voidlnL_vrot_gaussian(double & result)
voidlnL_v0_gaussian(double & result)
voidlnL_vesc_gaussian(double & result)
voidcapture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_DS5(double & result)
Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1). DarkSUSY 5 version.
voidcapture_rate_Sun_const_xsec(double & result)
Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1). DarkSUSY 6 version.
voidcapture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_capgen(double & result)
Alternative to the darkSusy fct, using captn_specific from capgen instead.
voidcapture_rate_Sun_vnqn(double & result)
voidcapture_rate_Sun_NREO(double & result)
voidequilibration_time_Sun(double & result)
Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)
voidannihilation_rate_Sun(double & result)
Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)
voidnuyield_from_DS(nuyield_info & result)
Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.
voidIC79_loglike(double & result)
Composite IceCube 79-string likelihood function.
voidIC_loglike(double & result)
Complete composite IceCube likelihood function.
voidDarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func(bool & result)
Function to set Local Halo Parameters in DarkSUSY (DS5 only)
voidDarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo_func(bool & result)
Function to set Local Halo Parameters in DarkSUSY (DS 6)
voidDarkMatter_ID_VectorSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_VectorSingletDM(std::string & result)
voidDD_couplings_VectorSingletDM_Z2(DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
Direct detection couplings for the VectorSingletDM_Z2 model.
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_VectorSingletDM_Z2(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for the VectorSingletDM_Z2 model.
voidDarkMatter_ID_EFT(std::string & result)
DarkMatter_ID string for generic EFT dark matter.
voidDarkMatterConj_ID_EFT(std::string & result)
DarkMatterConj_ID string for generic EFT dark matter.
voidNREO_couplings_from_parameters(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & NREO_couplings)
voidNREO_from_DD_couplings(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & NREO_couplings)
voidDD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result)
voidExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters(map_str_dbl & result)
voidTH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result)
Set up process catalog for a generic parameterisation of (two body) WIMP dark matter decays and annihilations.


const doublegagg_conversion
Supporting classes and functions for the axion module.
const doublegaee_conversion
const std::map< InterpolationOptions1D, std::string >int_type_name
const std::map< InterpolationOptions2D, std::string >int_2d_type_name
const doubleabs_prec
const doublerel_prec
const intmethod
std::vector< std::string >colnames
std::vector< std::string >channels

Types Documentation

enum InterpolationOptions1D


Generic one-dimensional integration container for linear interpolation and cubic splines.

enum InterpolationOptions2D


Two-dimensional integration container for bilinear interpolation and bicubic splines.

enum cascadeMC_SpecialEvents


Special events for event loop.

Functions Documentation

function IC22_full

void IC22_full(
    nudata & result

Likelihood calculators for different IceCube event samples These functions all include the likelihood of the background-only model for the respective sample. We define the final log-likelihood as delta = sum over analyses of (lnL_model - lnL_BG), conservatively forbidding delta > 0 in order to always just use the neutrino likelihood as a limit. This ignores small low-E excesses caused by impending breakdown of approximations used in IceCube response data and the nulike likelihood at very low E. This implies conditioning on all but one parameter (e.g. the cross-section), such that including any particular IC analysis adds just one additional degree of freedom to the fit.

22-string IceCube sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.

Option nulike_speed: Speed setting for nulike backend (default 3)

function IC79WH_full

void IC79WH_full(
    nudata & result

79-string IceCube WH sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.

Option nulike_speed: Speed setting for nulike backend (default 3)

function IC79WL_full

void IC79WL_full(
    nudata & result

79-string IceCube WL sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.

Option nulike_speed: Speed setting for nulike backend (default 3)

function IC79SL_full

void IC79SL_full(
    nudata & result

79-string IceCube SL sample: predicted signal and background counts, observed counts and likelihoods.

Option nulike_speed: Speed setting for nulike backend (default 3)

function IC22_signal

void IC22_signal(
    double & result

22-string extractor module functions

function IC22_bg

void IC22_bg(
    double & result

function IC22_nobs

void IC22_nobs(
    int & result

function IC22_loglike

void IC22_loglike(
    double & result

function IC22_bgloglike

void IC22_bgloglike(
    double & result

function IC22_pvalue

void IC22_pvalue(
    double & result

function IC79WH_signal

void IC79WH_signal(
    double & result

79-string WH extractor module functions

function IC79WH_bg

void IC79WH_bg(
    double & result

function IC79WH_nobs

void IC79WH_nobs(
    int & result

function IC79WH_loglike

void IC79WH_loglike(
    double & result

function IC79WH_bgloglike

void IC79WH_bgloglike(
    double & result

function IC79WH_pvalue

void IC79WH_pvalue(
    double & result

function IC79WL_signal

void IC79WL_signal(
    double & result

79-string WL extractor module functions

function IC79WL_bg

void IC79WL_bg(
    double & result

function IC79WL_nobs

void IC79WL_nobs(
    int & result

function IC79WL_loglike

void IC79WL_loglike(
    double & result

function IC79WL_bgloglike

void IC79WL_bgloglike(
    double & result

function IC79WL_pvalue

void IC79WL_pvalue(
    double & result

function IC79SL_signal

void IC79SL_signal(
    double & result

79-string SL extractor module functions

function IC79SL_bg

void IC79SL_bg(
    double & result

function IC79SL_nobs

void IC79SL_nobs(
    int & result

function IC79SL_loglike

void IC79SL_loglike(
    double & result

function IC79SL_bgloglike

void IC79SL_bgloglike(
    double & result

function IC79SL_pvalue

void IC79SL_pvalue(
    double & result

function CMC_dummy

void CMC_dummy(
    DarkBit::stringFunkMap & result

function createSpectrum

void createSpectrum(
    Spectrum & outSpec

function createDecays

void createDecays(
    DecayTable & outDecays

function TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP

void TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP(
    TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Option mWIMP: WIMP mass in GeV (required)

Option sv: Cross-section in cm3/s (required)

Option brList<std::vector>: List of branching ratios (required)

Option mWIMP: WIMP mass in GeV (required)

function DarkMatter_ID_WIMP

void DarkMatter_ID_WIMP(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_WIMP

void DarkMatterConj_ID_WIMP(
    std::string & result

function WIMP_properties_WIMP

void WIMP_properties_WIMP(
    WIMPprops & props

function DD_couplings_WIMP

void DD_couplings_WIMP(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Option gps: gps (default 0)

Option gns: gns (default 0)

Option gpa: gpa (default 0)

Option gna: gna (default 0)

function parabola

double parabola(
    double x,
    const double params[]

H.E.S.S.-likelihood-related interpolation routines.

function intersect_parabola_line

double intersect_parabola_line(
    double a,
    double b,
    double sign,
    const double pparams[]

function rho_integrand

double rho_integrand(
    double rho,
    void * params

function rad_integrand

double rad_integrand(
    double rad,
    void * params

function erg_integrand

double erg_integrand(
    double erg,
    void * params

function alt_erg_integrand

double alt_erg_integrand(
    double erg,
    void * params

function gaussian_nuisance_lnL

double gaussian_nuisance_lnL(
    double theo,
    double obs,
    double sigma

function gStar

double gStar(
    double T

Various capabilities and functions to provide SM physics as well as QCD input for axions.

Supported models: QCDAxion

function gStar_S

double gStar_S(
    double T

function QCDAxion_ZeroTemperatureMass_Nuisance_lnL

void QCDAxion_ZeroTemperatureMass_Nuisance_lnL(
    double & result

function QCDAxion_AxionPhotonConstant_Nuisance_lnL

void QCDAxion_AxionPhotonConstant_Nuisance_lnL(
    double & result

function log_chi

double log_chi(
    double T,
    double beta,
    double Tchi

function QCDAxion_TemperatureDependence_Nuisance_lnL

void QCDAxion_TemperatureDependence_Nuisance_lnL(
    double & result

function ALPS1_signal_general

double ALPS1_signal_general(
    double power,
    double nm1,
    double m_ax,
    double gagg

Likelihoods for ALPS 1 (LSW), CAST (helioscopes), and ADMX, UF, RBF (haloscopes).

Supported models: GeneralALP

function calc_ALPS1_signal_vac

void calc_ALPS1_signal_vac(
    double & result

function calc_ALPS1_signal_gas

void calc_ALPS1_signal_gas(
    double & result

function ALPS1_lnL_general

double ALPS1_lnL_general(
    double s,
    double mu,
    double sigma

function calc_lnL_ALPS1

void calc_lnL_ALPS1(
    double & result

function calc_CAST2007_signal_vac

void calc_CAST2007_signal_vac(
    std::vector< double > & result

function calc_CAST2017_signal_vac

void calc_CAST2017_signal_vac(
    std::vector< std::vector< double > > & result

function CAST_lnL_general

double CAST_lnL_general(
    std::vector< double > s,
    const std::vector< double > bkg_counts,
    const std::vector< int > sig_counts

function calc_lnL_CAST2007

void calc_lnL_CAST2007(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_CAST2017

void calc_lnL_CAST2017(
    double & result

function calc_Haloscope_signal

void calc_Haloscope_signal(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX1

void calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX1(
    double & result

Approximated likelihood for the AxionDarkMatterEXperiment (ADMX).

function calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX2

void calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX2(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_Haloscope_UF

void calc_lnL_Haloscope_UF(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_Haloscope_RBF

void calc_lnL_Haloscope_RBF(
    double & result

function SpecialFun1

double SpecialFun1(
    double T

Capabilities relating to axion cosmology. Currently only provides the energy density in axions today due to the realignment mechanism.

Supported models: GeneralALP

function SpecialFun3

double SpecialFun3(
    double T

function hubble_rad_dom

double hubble_rad_dom(
    double T

function axion_mass_temp

double axion_mass_temp(
    double T,
    double beta,
    double Tchi

function equation_Tosc

double equation_Tosc(
    double T,
    void * params

function calc_AxionOscillationTemperature

void calc_AxionOscillationTemperature(
    double & result

function scal_field_eq

int scal_field_eq(
    double tau,
    const double y[],
    double f[],
    void * params

function scal_field_eq_jac

int scal_field_eq_jac(
    double tau,
    const double y[],
    double * dfdy,
    double dfdt[],
    void * params

function RD_oh2_Axions

void RD_oh2_Axions(
    double & result

function calc_RParameter

void calc_RParameter(
    double & result

Capabilities relating to astrophysical observations (R-parameter, H.E.S.S. telescope search, cooling hints).

Supported models: GeneralALP

function calc_lnL_RParameter

void calc_lnL_RParameter(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_WDVar_G117B15A

void calc_lnL_WDVar_G117B15A(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_WDVar_R548

void calc_lnL_WDVar_R548(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_WDVar_PG1351489

void calc_lnL_WDVar_PG1351489(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_WDVar_L192

void calc_lnL_WDVar_L192(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_SN1987A

void calc_lnL_SN1987A(
    double & result

function calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion

void calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion(
    double & result

function calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay

void calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_HESS_GCMF

void calc_lnL_HESS_GCMF(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly

void calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly(
    double & result

Capability for the XENON1T likelihood from 2006.10035.

The signal model consists of 3 components: Primakoff, ABC, and Fe57.

function dRdE

double dRdE(
    double E,
    void * params

function calc_lnL_XENON1T_DM_Anomaly

void calc_lnL_XENON1T_DM_Anomaly(
    double & result

function calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly_NuisanceParameters

void calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly_NuisanceParameters(
    double & result

function cascadeMC_InitialStates

void cascadeMC_InitialStates(
    std::set< std::string > & result

Identification of hard-process final states for which yield tables do not exist.


  1. Go through process catalog and find all hard-process final states that require yields to be calculated with the cascade code. These will constitute initial states for the cascade code. To this end, check whether yield tables exist for two-body channels, and whether one-particle decay yield tables exist for single particles.

  2. Calculate via the cascade code the missing energy spectra.

  3. Put together the full spectrum.

Option ignore_all: Ignore all missing hard process final states (default false)

Option ignore_two_body: Ignore two-body missing final states (default false)

Option ignore_three_body: Ignore three-body missing final states (default false)

function cascadeMC_FinalStates

void cascadeMC_FinalStates(
    std::set< std::string > & states

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_DecayTable

void cascadeMC_DecayTable(
    DarkBit::DecayChain::DecayTable & table

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

function cascadeMC_LoopManager

void cascadeMC_LoopManager(
    std::string & result

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Option cMC_maxEvents: Maximum number of cascade MC runs (default 20000)

function cascadeMC_EventCount

void cascadeMC_EventCount(
    std::map< std::string, int > & counts

Event counter for cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_GenerateChain

void cascadeMC_GenerateChain(
    DarkBit::DecayChain::ChainContainer & chain

Function for generating decay chains.

Option cMC_maxChainLength: Maximum chain length, -1 is infinite (default -1)

Option cMC_Emin: Cutoff energy for cascade particles (default 0)

function cascadeMC_sampleSimYield

void cascadeMC_sampleSimYield(
    const SimYieldTable & table,
    const DarkBit::DecayChain::ChainParticle * endpoint,
    std::string finalState,
    const TH_ProcessCatalog & catalog,
    std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & histList,
    std::string initialState,
    double weight,
    int cMC_numSpecSamples

Function for sampling SimYieldTables (tabulated spectra). This is a convenience function used in cascadeMC_Histograms, and does not have an associated capability.

function cascadeMC_Histograms

void cascadeMC_Histograms(
    std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & result

Function responsible for histogramming, and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Option cMC_numSpecSamples: number of samples to draw from tabulated spectra (default 25)

Option cMC_endCheckFrequency: number of events to wait between successive checks of the convergence criteria (default 25)

Option cMC_gammaBGPower: power-law slope to assume for astrophysical background (default -2.5)

Option cMC_gammaRelError: max allowed relative error in bin with highest expected signal-to-background (default 0.20)

Option cMC_NhistBins: Number of histogram bins (default 140)

Option cMC_binLow: Histogram min energy in GeV (default 0.001)

Option cMC_binHigh: Histogram max energy in GeV (default 10000)

@TODO: consider implementing specific convergence criteria for other final states

function cascadeMC_fetchSpectra

void cascadeMC_fetchSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra,
    std::string finalState,
    const std::set< std::string > & ini,
    const std::set< std::string > & fin,
    const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, SimpleHist > > & h,
    const std::map< std::string, int > & eventCounts

Convenience function for getting a daFunk::Funk object of a given spectrum. This function has no associated capability. Function retrieving specific spectra (like cascadeMC_gammaSpectra) should call this function.

function print_spectrum_debug_info

void print_spectrum_debug_info(
    const str & fs,
    const std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Debug print function for cascase spectra.

function cascadeMC_gammaSpectra

void cascadeMC_gammaSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_electronSpectra

void cascadeMC_electronSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_positronSpectra

void cascadeMC_positronSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra

void cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Function requesting and returning pbar spectra from cascade decays.

function cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra

void cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra(
    std::map< std::string, daFunk::Funk > & spectra

Function requesting and returning Dbar spectra from cascade decays.

function WIMP_properties

void WIMP_properties(
    WIMPprops & props

Retrieve the struct of WIMP properties.

function mwimp_generic

void mwimp_generic(
    double & result

Retrieve the DM mass in GeV for generic models (GeV)

function spinwimpx2_generic

void spinwimpx2_generic(
    unsigned int & result

Retrieve the DM spin (times two) generic models.

function wimp_sc_generic

void wimp_sc_generic(
    bool & result

Retrieve whether or not the DM is self conjugate or not.

function sigmav_late_universe

void sigmav_late_universe(
    double & result

Retrieve the total thermally-averaged annihilation cross-section for indirect detection (cm^3 / s).

function sigmav_late_universe_MicrOmegas

void sigmav_late_universe_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

function DM_process_from_ProcessCatalog

void DM_process_from_ProcessCatalog(
    std::string & result

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling for ID in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.

function profile_gNFW

double profile_gNFW(
    double rhos,
    double rs,
    double alpha,
    double beta,
    double gamma,
    double r

Generalized NFW dark matter halo profile function.

function profile_Einasto

double profile_Einasto(
    double rhos,
    double rs,
    double alpha,
    double r

Einasto dark matter halo profile function.

function GalacticHalo_gNFW

void GalacticHalo_gNFW(
    GalacticHaloProperties & result

Module function to generate GalacticHaloProperties for gNFW profile.

function GalacticHalo_Einasto

void GalacticHalo_Einasto(
    GalacticHaloProperties & result

Module function to generate GalacticHaloProperties for Einasto profile.

function ExtractLocalMaxwellianHalo

void ExtractLocalMaxwellianHalo(
    LocalMaxwellianHalo & result

Module function providing local density and velocity dispersion parameters.

function UnitTest_DarkBit

void UnitTest_DarkBit(
    int & result

Central unit test routine.

Dumps various DM related results into yaml files for later inspection.

Option filenamestd::string: Output filename (default UnitTest.yaml)

Option GA_AnnYield::Emin: Minimum energy in GeV (default 0.1)

Option GA_AnnYield::Emax: Maximum energy in GeV (default 1e4)

Option GA_AnnYield::nbins: Number of energy bins (default 26)

function get_finalState_mass

double get_finalState_mass(
    const std::string & finalState

Helper function to get the mass of a given final state particle.

function DarkMatter_ID_DiracSingletDM

void DarkMatter_ID_DiracSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_DiracSingletDM

void DarkMatterConj_ID_DiracSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2

void DD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2(
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Direct detection couplings for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.

function DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2

void DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2(
    map_str_dbl & result

Relativistic Wilson Coefficients for direct detection, defined in the flavour scheme

function TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2

void TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.

function DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_DS5

void DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_DS5(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Get direct detection couplings from initialized DarkSUSY 5.

Option rescale_couplings: Rescaling factor for WIMP-nucleon couplings (default 1.)

function DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_MSSM

void DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_MSSM(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Get direct detection couplings from DarkSUSY 6 initialized with MSSM module.

Option rescale_couplings: Rescaling factor for WIMP-nucleon couplings (default 1.)

function DD_couplings_MicrOmegas

void DD_couplings_MicrOmegas(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Get direct detection couplings from initialized MicrOmegas.

function sigma_SI_p_simple

void sigma_SI_p_simple(
    double & result

Simple calculator of the spin-independent WIMP-proton cross-section.

function sigma_SI_n_simple

void sigma_SI_n_simple(
    double & result

Simple calculator of the spin-independent WIMP-neutron cross-section.

function sigma_SD_p_simple

void sigma_SD_p_simple(
    double & result

Simple calculator of the spin-dependent WIMP-proton cross-section.

function sigma_SD_n_simple

void sigma_SD_n_simple(
    double & result

Simple calculator of the spin-dependent WIMP-neutron cross-section.

function sigma_SI_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal

void sigma_SI_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal(
    map_intpair_dbl & result

Calculation of SI cross sections at a reference momentum q0 for the fermionic Higgs portal models If required add equivalent function for spin-dependent cross section

function sigma_SD_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal

void sigma_SD_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal(
    map_intpair_dbl & result

Calculation of SD cross section at a reference momentum q0 for the fermionic Higgs portal models

There is no SD contribution to fermionic Higgs portal models So this is just set to 0 (or close enough) Modify if needed

function DDCalc_Couplings_WIMP_nucleon

void DDCalc_Couplings_WIMP_nucleon(
    DD_coupling_container & result

DDCalc initialisation.

function DDCalc_Couplings_NR_WCs

void DDCalc_Couplings_NR_WCs(
    DD_coupling_container & result

function TH_ProcessCatalog_DMEFT

void TH_ProcessCatalog_DMEFT(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

function DarkMatter_ID_DMEFT

void DarkMatter_ID_DMEFT(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_DMEFT

void DarkMatterConj_ID_DMEFT(
    std::string & result

function DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMEFT

void DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMEFT(
    map_str_dbl & result

Relativistic Wilson Coefficients for direct detection DMEFT basis is the same as that used in DirectDM

function DarkMatter_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture

void DarkMatter_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture

void DarkMatterConj_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatter_ID_DecayingDM_mixture

void DarkMatter_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_DecayingDM_mixture

void DarkMatterConj_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(
    std::string & result

function energy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog

void energy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog(
    DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum

The energy injection spectrum from the ProcessCatalog and FCMC.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture

void TH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(
    TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for AnnihilatingDM_mixture.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture

void TH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture(
    TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for DecayingDM_mixture.

function boost_dNdE

daFunk::Funk boost_dNdE(
    daFunk::Funk dNdE,
    double gamma,
    double mass

Boosts an energy spectrum of isotropic particles into another frame (and isotropizes again). Parameters: gamma: Lorentz boost factor dNdE: Spectrum mass: mass of particle.

function getYield

daFunk::Funk getYield(
    const str & yield,
    const bool is_annihilation,
    const str & DMid,
    const str & DMbarid,
    TH_ProcessCatalog catalog,
    SimYieldTable table,
    double line_width,
    stringFunkMap cascadeMC_spectra

Helper function returning yield from a given DM process.

function GA_AnnYield_General

void GA_AnnYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive gamma-ray annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of photons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function GA_DecayYield_General

void GA_DecayYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive gamma-ray decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of photons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function electron_AnnYield_General

void electron_AnnYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive electron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of electrons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function electron_DecayYield_General

void electron_DecayYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive electron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of electrons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function positron_AnnYield_General

void positron_AnnYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive positron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of positrons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function positron_DecayYield_General

void positron_DecayYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive positron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of positrons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function antiproton_AnnYield_General

void antiproton_AnnYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive antiproton annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of antiprotons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function antiproton_DecayYield_General

void antiproton_DecayYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive antiproton decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of antiprotons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function antideuteron_AnnYield_General

void antideuteron_AnnYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive antideuteron annihilation yield. This function returns kdN/dE(sv)/mDM**2 (E, v) [cm^3/s/GeV^3] the energy spectrum of antideuterons times sigma*v/m^2, as function of energy (in GeV) and velocity (as a fraction of c), multiplied by k=1 for self-conjugate DM or k=1/2 for non-self conjugate. By default, only the v=0 component is calculated.

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function antideuteron_DecayYield_General

void antideuteron_DecayYield_General(
    daFunk::Funk & result

General routine to derive antideuteron decay yield. This function returns dN/dE*(Gamma)/mDM (E) [1/s/GeV^2] the energy spectrum of antideuterons times Gamma/m, as function of energy (in GeV).

Option line_width: Set relative line width used in gamma-ray spectra (default 0.03)

function Combine_SimYields

void Combine_SimYields(
    SimYieldTable & result

Combined SimYieldTable containing final yields of all stable particles.

function GA_SimYieldTable_DS5

void GA_SimYieldTable_DS5(
    SimYieldTable & result

Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY5 tabulated results. (DS6 below)

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY

SimYieldTable SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(
    const str & yield,
    const bool allow_yield_extrapolation,
    double(*)(double &, double &, int &, char *, int &, int &, int &) dsanyield,
    safe_ptr< Options > runOptions

Construct a SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.

function GA_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY

void GA_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(
    SimYieldTable & result

Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function positron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY

void positron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(
    SimYieldTable & result

Positron SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function antiproton_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY

void antiproton_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(
    SimYieldTable & result

Anti-proton SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function antideuteron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY

void antideuteron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY(
    SimYieldTable & result

Anti-deuteron SimYieldTable based on DarkSUSY6 tabulated results.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function GA_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas

void GA_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas(
    SimYieldTable & result

Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on MicrOmegas tabulated results.

function positron_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas

void positron_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas(
    SimYieldTable & 

Positron SimYieldTable based on MicrOmegas tabulated results.

function SimYieldTable_PPPC

SimYieldTable SimYieldTable_PPPC(
    const str & yield,
    bool allow_yield_extrapolation,
    double(*)(double, double, std::string) PPPC_yield,
    safe_ptr< Options > runOptions

function PPPC_dNdE_gamma

double PPPC_dNdE_gamma(
    double m,
    double x,
    std::string channel

Conveninence function to get the gamma yield from the interpolated PPPC tables.

function PPPC_dNdE_positron

double PPPC_dNdE_positron(
    double m,
    double x,
    std::string channel

Conveninence function to get the positiron yield from the interpolated PPPC tables.

function GA_SimYieldTable_PPPC

void GA_SimYieldTable_PPPC(
    SimYieldTable & result

Gamma-ray SimYieldTable based on PPPC4DMID Cirelli et al. 2010.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function positron_SimYieldTable_PPPC

void positron_SimYieldTable_PPPC(
    SimYieldTable & result

Positron SimYieldTable based on PPPC4DMID Cirelli et al. 2010.

Option allow_yield_extrapolation: Spectra extrapolated for masses beyond Pythia results (default false)

function GA_SimYieldTable_empty

void GA_SimYieldTable_empty(
    SimYieldTable & result

Bypasses to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable.

function positron_SimYieldTable_empty

void positron_SimYieldTable_empty(
    SimYieldTable & result

function antiproton_SimYieldTable_empty

void antiproton_SimYieldTable_empty(
    SimYieldTable & result

function antideuteron_SimYieldTable_empty

void antideuteron_SimYieldTable_empty(
    SimYieldTable & result

function electron_SimYieldTable_from_positron_SimYieldTable

void electron_SimYieldTable_from_positron_SimYieldTable(
    SimYieldTable & result

Electron SimYieldTable based on positron table.

function dump

int dump(
    const str & filename,
    const daFunk::Funk & spectrum

Helper function to dump any spectra.

function dump_gammaSpectrum

void dump_gammaSpectrum(
    int & result

Helper function to dump gamma-ray spectra.

function dump_electronSpectrum

void dump_electronSpectrum(
    int & result

Helper function to dump electron spectra.

function dump_positronSpectrum

void dump_positronSpectrum(
    int & result

Helper function to dump positron spectra.

function dump_antiprotonSpectrum

void dump_antiprotonSpectrum(
    int & result

Helper function to dump anti-proton spectra.

function dump_antideuteronSpectrum

void dump_antideuteronSpectrum(
    int & result

Helper function to dump anti-deuteron spectra.

function DarkMatter_ID_MajoranaSingletDM

void DarkMatter_ID_MajoranaSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_MajoranaSingletDM

void DarkMatterConj_ID_MajoranaSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DD_nonrel_WCs_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2

void DD_nonrel_WCs_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Direct detection couplings for the MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 model. Non-relativistic Wilson Coefficients for direct detection

function DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2

void DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(
    map_str_dbl & result

Relativistic Wilson Coefficients for direct detection, defined in the flavour scheme

function TH_ProcessCatalog_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2

void TH_ProcessCatalog_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for the MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 model.

function DSgamma3bdy

double DSgamma3bdy(
    double(*)(int &, double &, double &) IBfunc,
    int IBch,
    double Eg,
    double E1,
    double M_DM,
    double m_1,
    double m_2

Fully initialize DarkSUSY to the current model point.

Only selected MSSM parameter spaces are implemented. Returns bool indicating if point initialization was successful, which is essentially always true for models that satisfy the dependency resolver.

Supported models: MSSM63atQ Wrapper around DarkSUSY kinematic functions

function TH_ProcessCatalog_DS5_MSSM

void TH_ProcessCatalog_DS5_MSSM(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Initialization of Process Catalog based on DarkSUSY 5 calculations.

Option ignore_three_body: Ignore three-body final states (default false)

function TH_ProcessCatalog_DS_MSSM

void TH_ProcessCatalog_DS_MSSM(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Initialization of Process Catalog based on DarkSUSY 6 calculations.

Option ignore_three_body: Ignore three-body final states (default false)

function DarkMatter_ID_MSSM

void DarkMatter_ID_MSSM(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_MSSM

void DarkMatterConj_ID_MSSM(
    std::string & result

function RD_spectrum_MSSM

void RD_spectrum_MSSM(
    RD_spectrum_type & result

Collects spectrum information about coannihilating particles, resonances and threshold energies.

Option CoannCharginosNeutralinos: Specify whether charginos and neutralinos are included in coannihilations (default: true)

Option CoannSfermions: Specify whether sfermions are included in coannihilations (default: true)

Option CoannMaxMass: Maximal sparticle mass to be included in coannihilations, in units of DM mass (default: 1.6)

function RD_spectrum_SUSY_DS5

void RD_spectrum_SUSY_DS5(
    RD_spectrum_type & result

Collects spectrum information about coannihilating particles, resonances and threshold energies – directly from DarkSUSY 5.

Option CoannCharginosNeutralinos: Specify whether charginos and neutralinos are included in coannihilations (default: true)

Option CoannSfermions: Specify whether sfermions are included in coannihilations (default: true)

Option CoannMaxMass: Maximal sparticle mass to be included in coannihilations, in units of DM mass (default: 1.6)

function RD_spectrum_from_ProcessCatalog

void RD_spectrum_from_ProcessCatalog(
    RD_spectrum_type & result

Collects information about resonances and threshold energies directly from the ProcessCatalog [NB: this assumes no coannihilating particles!].

function RD_spectrum_ordered_func

void RD_spectrum_ordered_func(
    RD_spectrum_type & result

Order RD_spectrum object and derive coannihilation thresholds.

function RD_annrate_DS5prep_func

void RD_annrate_DS5prep_func(
    int & result

Some helper function to prepare evaluation of Weff from DarkSUSY 5.

function RD_annrate_DSprep_MSSM_func

void RD_annrate_DSprep_MSSM_func(
    int & result

Some helper function to prepare evaluation of Weff from DarkSUSY 6.

function RD_eff_annrate_DS_MSSM

void RD_eff_annrate_DS_MSSM(
    double(*&)(double &) result

Get Weff directly from initialized DarkSUSY. Note that these functions do not (and should not) correct Weff for non-self-conjugate dark matter.

function RD_eff_annrate_DS5_MSSM

void RD_eff_annrate_DS5_MSSM(
    double(*&)(double &) result

function RD_eff_annrate_from_ProcessCatalog

void RD_eff_annrate_from_ProcessCatalog(
    double(*&)(double &) result

Infer Weff from process catalog.

function RD_oh2_DS_general

void RD_oh2_DS_general(
    double & result

General routine for calculation of relic density, using DarkSUSY 6+ Boltzmann solver.


  • RD_thresholds_resonances from RD_spectrum_ordered
  • RD_eff_annrate (Weff)

Option fast: Numerical performance of Boltzmann solver in DS (default: 1) [NB: accurate is fast = 0 !]

Option timeout: Maximum core time to allow for relic density calculation, in seconds (default: 600s)

function RD_oh2_DS5_general

void RD_oh2_DS5_general(
    double & result

General routine for calculation of relic density, using DarkSUSY 5 Boltzmann solver.


  • RD_thresholds_resonances
  • RD_eff_annrate (Weff)

Option timeout: Maximum core time to allow for relic density calculation, in seconds (default: 600s)

Option fast: Numerical performance of Boltzmann solver in DS (default: 1) [NB: accurate is fast = 0 !]

function RD_oh2_Xf_MicrOmegas

void RD_oh2_Xf_MicrOmegas(
    ddpair & result

Relic density directly from a call of initialized MicrOmegas.

function RD_oh2_DarkSUSY_DS5

void RD_oh2_DarkSUSY_DS5(
    double & result

Relic density directly from a call of initialized DarkSUSY 5.

Option omtype: 0 no coann, 1 all coann (default 1)

Option fast: 0 standard, 1 fast, 2 dirty (default 0)

Option timeout: Maximum core time to allow for relic density calculation, in seconds (default: 600s)

function RD_oh2_MicrOmegas

void RD_oh2_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

function Xf_MicrOmegas

void Xf_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

function print_channel_contributions_MicrOmegas

void print_channel_contributions_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

function get_semi_ann_MicrOmegas

void get_semi_ann_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

function vSigma_freezeout_MicrOmegas

void vSigma_freezeout_MicrOmegas(
    double & result

Return the thermally averaged cross-section at T_freezeout.

function RD_fraction_one

void RD_fraction_one(
    double & result

function RD_fraction_leq_one

void RD_fraction_leq_one(
    double & result

Option oh2_obs: Set reference dark matter density (Oh2) for this module function (default 0.1188)

function RD_fraction_rescaled

void RD_fraction_rescaled(
    double & result

Option oh2_obs: Set reference dark matter density (Oh2) for this module function (default 0.1188)

function RD_fraction_rescaled_LCDM

void RD_fraction_rescaled_LCDM(
    double & result

function DarkMatter_ID_ScalarSingletDM

void DarkMatter_ID_ScalarSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_ScalarSingletDM

void DarkMatterConj_ID_ScalarSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function get_ScalarSingletDM_DD_couplings

void get_ScalarSingletDM_DD_couplings(
    const Spectrum & spec,
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result,
    Models::safe_param_map< safe_ptr< const double > > & Param

Common code for different scalar singlet direct detection coupling routines.

function DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z2

void DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z2(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Direct detection couplings for Z2 scalar singlet DM.

function DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z3

void DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Direct detection couplings for Z3 scalar singlet DM.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z2

void TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z2(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for Z2 scalar singlet DM.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z3

void TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for Z3 scalar singlet DM.

function lnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike

void lnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike(
    double & result

Fermi LAT dwarf likelihoods, based on arXiv:1108.2914. / void lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple(double &result) { using namespace Pipes::lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple; // Koushiappas’ limits [arXiv:1108.2914] // // This is the tabulated Phi-Likelihood function from Koushiappas et al. // Above L = 36, we use linear extrapolation up to L = 360000 // // phi (defined as phi = sigmav/mDM**2*Ntot/8/pi * 1e26) double xgridArray [101] = { 0. , 6.74308086122e-05 , 0.000123192463137 , 0.000171713798503 , 0.000215245918518 , 0.000255093268618 , 0.00029207805123 , 0.000326751732695 , 0.000359503469472 , 0.000390620122006 , 0.000420321264006, 0.00044878042576 , 0.000476138421008 , 0.000502511975672 , 0.000527999496499, 0.000552685056887 , 0.000576641243501 , 0.000599931255273 , 0.000622610497068 , 0.000644727821172 , 0.000666326515638 , 0.000687445105269, 0.000708118010141 , 0.000728376093388 , 0.000748247120993 , 0.00076775615078, 0.000786925863514 , 0.000805776846231 , 0.000824327835809 , 0.00084259592922, 0.000860596765645 , 0.000878344684789 , 0.000895852864914 , 0.000913133443547 , 0.000930197623331 , 0.0009470557651 , 0.000963717469925 , 0.00098019165163 , 0.000996486601006 , 0.00101261004288 , 0.00102856918685 , 0.00104437077256 , 0.00106002111016 , 0.00107552611658 , 0.00109089134805 , 0.00110612202935 , 0.00112122308019 , 0.00113619913897 , 0.00115105458439 , 0.00116579355487 , 0.00118041996631 , 0.00119493752815 , 0.00120934975806 , 0.00122365999528 , 0.00123787141289 , 0.00125198702892 , 0.00126600971667 , 0.00127994221404 , 0.00129378713223 , 0.00130754696367 , 0.00132122408935 , 0.00133482078559 , 0.00134833923028 , 0.00136178150869 , 0.0013751496188 , 0.00138844547626 , 0.00140167091906 , 0.00141482771173 , 0.00142791754942 , 0.00144094206154 , 0.0014539028153 , 0.00146680131887 , 0.00147963902447 , 0.00149241733116 , 0.00150513758749 , 0.00151780109399 , 0.00153040910553 , 0.00154296283341 , 0.00155546344754 , 0.00156791207827 , 0.00158030981824 , 0.00159265772411 , 0.00160495681814 , 0.00161720808976 , 0.00162941249692 , 0.00164157096757 , 0.00165368440081 , 0.00166575366823 , 0.00167777961494 , 0.00168976306076 , 0.00170170480119 , 0.00171360560841 , 0.00172546623219 , 0.00173728740083 , 0.00174906982191 , 0.00176081418314 , 0.00177252115315 , 0.00178419138212 , 0.00179582550256 , 0.00180742412988 , 18.0 }; // // Normalization w.r.t. p-value of phi=0 // // chi^2 double ygridArray [101] = { 0.0, 0.0513551, 0.177438, 0.35228, 0.561353, 0.795726, 1.04953, 1.3187, 1.60032, 1.89222, 2.19274, 2.50059, 2.81476, 3.13441, 3.45887, 3.78757, 4.12006, 4.45594, 4.79486, 5.13653, 5.48072, 5.82719, 6.17576, 6.52625, 6.87853, 7.23244, 7.58789, 7.94475, 8.30294, 8.66236, 9.02294, 9.38462, 9.74731, 10.111, 10.4755, 10.841, 11.2072, 11.5742, 11.9419, 12.3104, 12.6795, 13.0492, 13.4195, 13.7904, 14.1619, 14.5339, 14.9063, 15.2793, 15.6527, 16.0266, 16.4008, 16.7755, 17.1506, 17.5261, 17.9019, 18.2781, 18.6546, 19.0315, 19.4087, 19.7861, 20.1639, 20.542, 20.9203, 21.2989, 21.6778, 22.0569, 22.4362, 22.8158, 23.1957, 23.5757, 23.956, 24.3365, 24.7171, 25.098, 25.4791, 25.8604, 26.2418, 26.6235, 27.0053, 27.3872, 27.7694, 28.1517, 28.5342, 28.9168, 29.2996, 29.6825, 30.0655, 30.4487, 30.8321, 31.2155, 31.5992, 31.9829, 32.3667, 32.7507, 33.1348, 33.519, 33.9034, 34.2878, 34.6724, 35.0571, 350000.0 }; // Convert arrays to vectors. std::vector xgrid(xgridArray, xgridArray + sizeof xgridArray / sizeof xgridArray[0]); std::vector ygrid(ygridArray, ygridArray + sizeof ygridArray / sizeof ygridArray[0]); // Construct interpolated function, using GAMBIT base functions. auto dwarf_likelihood = daFunk::interp(“phi”, xgrid, ygrid);.

double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;

// Integate spectrum // (the zero velocity limit of the differential annihilation // cross-section as function of individual final state photons) double AnnYieldint = (*Dep::GA_Yield)-> set(“v”, 0.)->gsl_integration(“E”, 1, 100)->set_epsabs(0)->set_epsrel(1e-3)->bind()->eval(); logger() « “AnnYieldInt (1-100 GeV): " « AnnYieldint « EOM;

// Calculate phi-value double phi = AnnYieldint / 8. / M_PI * 1e26 * fraction * fraction;

// And return final likelihood result = 0.5*dwarf_likelihood->bind(“phi”)->eval(phi); logger() « “dwarf_likelihood: " « result « EOM; logger() « “phi: " « phi « EOM; }

module function which sets the Milky Way halo profile for the gamlike backend void set_gamLike_GC_halo(bool &result) { using namespace Pipes::set_gamLike_GC_halo;

daFunk::Funk profile = (Dep::GalacticHalo)->DensityProfile; auto r = daFunk::logspace(-3, 2, 100); auto rho = daFunk::logspace(-3, 2, 100); double dist = (Dep::GalacticHalo)->r_sun; for ( size_t i = 0; i<r.size(); i++ ) { rho[i] = profile->bind(“r”)->eval(r[i]); } BEreq::set_halo_profile(0, r, rho, byVal(dist)); result = true; }

/*! \brief Fermi LAT dwarf likelihoods, using gamLike backend.

Option version


: Set Fermi LAT dwarf likelihood version (default: pass8)

function lnL_HESSGC_gamLike

void lnL_HESSGC_gamLike(
    double & result

Option version


: Set HESS GC likelihood version (default: spectral_externalJ)

function lnL_CTAGC_gamLike

void lnL_CTAGC_gamLike(
    double & result

function lnL_FermiGC_gamLike

void lnL_FermiGC_gamLike(
    double & result

Fermi LAT galactic center likelihoods, using gamLike backend.

Option version


: Set Fermi LAT GC likelihood version (default: externalJ)

function lnL_oh2_Simple

void lnL_oh2_Simple(
    double & result

Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints. Default data: Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209 theory error: 5% S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.

option oh2_fractional_theory_err: Relic density fractional 1 sigma theory error (default: 0.05)

option oh2_obs: Observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.11933)

option oh2_obserr: 1 sigma error on observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.00091)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_oh2_upperlimit

void lnL_oh2_upperlimit(
    double & result

Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints, implemented as an upper limit only Default data: Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209 theory error: 5% S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.

option oh2_fractional_theory_err: Relic density fractional 1 sigma theory error (default: 0.05)

option oh2_obs: Observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.11933)

option oh2_obserr: 1 sigma error on observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.00091)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_sigmas_sigmal

void lnL_sigmas_sigmal(
    double & result

Likelihoods for spin independent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment of Cline, et. al. Phys. Rev. D. 88, 055025 (2013) Default data: sigma_s = 43 +/- 8 MeV arXiv:1112.2435v1 sigma_l = 58 +/- 9 MeV.

Option sigmas_obs: Experimental value of sigma_s (default 43.)

Option sigmas_obserr: 1 sigma error on sigma_s (default 8.)

Option sigmal_obs: Experimental value of sigma_l (default 58.)

Option sigmal_obserr: 1 sigma error on sigma_l (default 9.)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_deltaq

void lnL_deltaq(
    double & result

Likelihoods for spin dependent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment of Akrami, et. al. JCAP04 (2011) 012. (Note that all deltaq are for proton.) Default data: a3 = deltau - deltad = 1.2723 +/- 0.0023 PDG 2015 lambda parameter from neutron beta decay a8 = deltau + deltad - 2*deltas = 0.585 +/- 0.025 deltas = -0.09 +/- 0.03 COMPASS:

Option a3_obs: Experimental value of a3 (default 1.2723)

Option a3_obserr: 1 sigma error on a3 (default 0.0023)

Option a8_obs: Experimental value of a8 (default 0.585)

Option a8_obserr: 1 sigma error on a8 (default 0.025)

Option deltas_obs: Experimental value of Delta_s (default -0.09)

Option deltas_obserr: 1 sigma error on Delta_s (default 0.03)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2

void lnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2(
    double & result

Likelihoods for nuclear parameters (ChPT) as used in DirectDM v2.2.0 Default data: sigmapiN = 0.050 +/- 0.015 GeV Deltas = -0.035 +/- 0.009 gTs = -0.027 +/- 0.016 rs2 = -0.115 +/- 0.035 GeV^-2.

Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_rho0_lognormal

void lnL_rho0_lognormal(
    double & result

Likelihoods for halo parameters. The likelihood for the local DM density follows a log normal distribution while for the velocities the distribution is Gaussian. For discussion of the default values for measured halo paramters and their errors, see JCAP04(2011)012.

Option rho0_obs: Best fit value for local dark matter density (default .4)

Option rho0_obserr: Error on local dark matter density (default .15)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_vrot_gaussian

void lnL_vrot_gaussian(
    double & result

Option vrot_obs: Best fit value for local disk rotational speed (default 235)

Option vrot_obserr: 1 sigma error on local disk rotational speed (default 20)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_v0_gaussian

void lnL_v0_gaussian(
    double & result

Option v0_obs: Best fit value for most-probable DM speed (default 235)

Option v0_obserr: 1 sigma error on most-probable DM speed (default 20)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function lnL_vesc_gaussian

void lnL_vesc_gaussian(
    double & result

Option vesc_obs: Best fit value for escape velocity (default 550)

Option vesc_obserr: 1 sigma error on escape velocity (default 35)

Option profile_systematics: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)

function capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_DS5

void capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_DS5(
    double & result

Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1). DarkSUSY 5 version.

function capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec

void capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec(
    double & result

Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1). DarkSUSY 6 version.

function capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_capgen

void capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_capgen(
    double & result

Alternative to the darkSusy fct, using captn_specific from capgen instead.

function capture_rate_Sun_vnqn

void capture_rate_Sun_vnqn(
    double & result

Capture rate for v^n and q^n-dependent cross sections. Isoscalar (same proton/neutron coupling) SD only couples to Hydrogen. See DirectDetection.cpp to see how to define the cross sections sigma_SD_p, sigma_SI_pi

function capture_rate_Sun_NREO

void capture_rate_Sun_NREO(
    double & result

function equilibration_time_Sun

void equilibration_time_Sun(
    double & result

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

function annihilation_rate_Sun

void annihilation_rate_Sun(
    double & result

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

function nuyield_from_DS

void nuyield_from_DS(
    nuyield_info & result

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

function IC79_loglike

void IC79_loglike(
    double & result

Composite IceCube 79-string likelihood function.

function IC_loglike

void IC_loglike(
    double & result

Complete composite IceCube likelihood function.

function DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

void DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func(
    bool & result

Function to set Local Halo Parameters in DarkSUSY (DS5 only)

Option v_earth: Keplerian velocity of the Earth around the Sun in km/s (default 29.78)

function DarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

void DarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo_func(
    bool & result

Function to set Local Halo Parameters in DarkSUSY (DS 6)

Option v_earth: Keplerian velocity of the Earth around the Sun in km/s (default 29.78)

function DarkMatter_ID_VectorSingletDM

void DarkMatter_ID_VectorSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DarkMatterConj_ID_VectorSingletDM

void DarkMatterConj_ID_VectorSingletDM(
    std::string & result

function DD_couplings_VectorSingletDM_Z2

void DD_couplings_VectorSingletDM_Z2(
    DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Direct detection couplings for the VectorSingletDM_Z2 model.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_VectorSingletDM_Z2

void TH_ProcessCatalog_VectorSingletDM_Z2(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for the VectorSingletDM_Z2 model.

function DarkMatter_ID_EFT

void DarkMatter_ID_EFT(
    std::string & result

DarkMatter_ID string for generic EFT dark matter.

function DarkMatterConj_ID_EFT

void DarkMatterConj_ID_EFT(
    std::string & result

DarkMatterConj_ID string for generic EFT dark matter.

function NREO_couplings_from_parameters

void NREO_couplings_from_parameters(
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & NREO_couplings

function NREO_from_DD_couplings

void NREO_from_DD_couplings(
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & NREO_couplings

function DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme

void DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme(
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings & result

Obtain the non-relativistic Wilson Coefficients from a set of model specific relativistic Wilson Coefficients from DirectDM in the flavour matching scheme (default 5 flavours). NR WCs defined at 2 GeV.

function ExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters

void ExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters(
    map_str_dbl & result

Module function providing nuisance parameters for to be passed to DirectDM directly from the model parameters.

function TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT

void TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT(
    DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog & result

Set up process catalog for a generic parameterisation of (two body) WIMP dark matter decays and annihilations.

Generic parameterisation of WIMP self-annihilation cross-section to various SM two-body final states

Attributes Documentation

variable gagg_conversion

const double gagg_conversion = 1.0E-9;

Supporting classes and functions for the axion module.

variable gaee_conversion

const double gaee_conversion = 1.0E+13;

variable int_type_name

const std::map< InterpolationOptions1D, std::string > int_type_name = { { InterpolationOptions1D::linear, "linear" }, { InterpolationOptions1D::cspline, "cspline"} };

variable int_2d_type_name

const std::map< InterpolationOptions2D, std::string > int_2d_type_name = { { InterpolationOptions2D::bilinear, "bilinear" }, { InterpolationOptions2D::bicubic, "bicubic"} };

variable abs_prec

const double abs_prec = 1.0E-1;

variable rel_prec

const double rel_prec = 1.0E-6;

variable method

const int method = 5;

variable colnames

static std::vector< std::string > colnames {"mass", "log10x", 
                                             "e_L", "e_R", "e",
                                             "mu_L", "mu_R", "mu",
                                             "tau_L", "tau_R", "tau",
                                             "q", "c", "b", "t",
                                             "W_L", "W_T", "W",
                                             "Z_L", "Z_T", "Z",
                                             "g", "gamma", "h",
                                             "nu_e", "nu_mu", "nu_tau",
                                             "VV_to_4e", "VV_to_4mu", "VV_to_4tau"};

variable channels

static std::vector< std::string > channels {"e", "mu", "tau",
                                              "q", "c", "b", "t",
                                              "W","Z", "g", "gamma", "h",
                                              "nu_e", "nu_mu", "nu_tau"};

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:03 +0000