page Todo List
Member BACKEND_REQ (prospino_run,(libprospino), map_str_dbl,(const PID_pair &, const Options &)) BACKEND_REQ(prospino_read_slha1_input
- Extend to also allow models ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model, ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis::add (Analysis *other)
- Access by name, including merging disjoint region sets?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Use weighting instead And tight ID for high purity… used where? And tight ID for high purity… used where? Apply a random 9% loss / 0.91 reweight for jet quality criteria? Drop b-tag if pT < 50 GeV or |eta| > 2.5? Compute from hard objects instead?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Drop b-tag if pT < 50 GeV or |eta| > 2.5? Unless b-tagged (and pT > 50 && abseta < 2.5) Actually only within 0.2–0.4… Actually only within 0.2–0.4…
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_36invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Drop b-tag if pT < 50 GeV or |eta| > 2.5? Unless b-tagged (and pT > 50 && abseta < 2.5) Actually only within 0.2–0.4… Actually only within 0.2–0.4…
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MultiLEP_strong_139invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Compute from hard objects instead? Drop b-tag if |eta| > 2.5? Use applyElectronIsolationEfficiency2019 or something similar?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_137invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Sum should actually be over all calo particles Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Need access to charged hadrons to do this isolation Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_36invfb::run (const Event *event)
- Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles Need access to charged hadrons to do this isolation
Class Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MONOJET_36invfb
- Add W/Z region with AKT8 jets and 2/1 n-subjettiness ratio cut
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MONOJET_36invfb::analysis_specific_reset ()
- Need to also clear/reset cutflow, but it currently has no method for that
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_8TeV_1LEPDMTOP_20invfb::loglikelihood ()
- Implement!
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_8TeV_2LEPDMTOP_20invfb::loglikelihood ()
- Implement!
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::AnalysisContainer::clear ()
- Storing smart ptrs to Analysis would make this way easier
Class Gambit::ColliderBit::AnalysisData
- Access by name? Guarantee ordering? How to combine covariance matrices – require?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::AnalysisData::add (const SignalRegionData &srd)
- Allow naming the SRs?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::AnalysisData::clear ()
- It’d be good to not have to re-enter most of the SRData and the covariance on every point: they don’t change
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::applyLooseIDElectronSelectionR2 (std::vector< const HEPUtils::Particle * > &electrons)
- What about faking by jets or non-electrons?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::applyMediumIDElectronSelection (std::vector< const HEPUtils::Particle * > &electrons)
- This is an exact duplication of the below filtering code – split into a single util fn (in unnamed namespace?) when binned fns are static
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::applyTauEfficiencyR1 (std::vector< const HEPUtils::Particle * > &taus)
- Use– it is more accurate and has pT-dependence
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::applyTightIDElectronSelection (std::vector< const HEPUtils::Particle * > &electrons)
- This is an exact duplication of the above filtering code – split into a single util fn (in unnamed namespace?) when binned fns are static
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::smearJets (std::vector< HEPUtils::Jet * > &jets)
- Is this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the mean jet energy, or pT, or direction?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::ATLAS::smearTaus (std::vector< HEPUtils::Particle * > &taus)
- Is this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the mean jet energy, or pT, or direction?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::BuckFast::processEvent (HEPUtils::Event &) const
- Run-dependence? Run-dependence?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::calc_loglikes_for_analysis (const AnalysisData &, bool, bool, bool, bool)
- Only compute this once per run Support NSL, i.e. skewness correction Unify this for both cov and no-cov, feeding in one-element Eigen blocks as Ref<>s for the latter? Compute the background-only covariance decomposition and likelihood only once Only compute this once per run Or compute all the exp DLLs first, then only the best-expected SR’s obs DLL? Use newer (?) one-step Eigen constructors for (const) single-element arrays Only compute this once per run
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::CMS::smearJets (std::vector< HEPUtils::Jet * > &jets)
- Update cf. Matthias study for ATLAS This is the ATLAS number… I can’t find values for the CMS parameterisation, cf.
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::CMS::smearTaus (std::vector< HEPUtils::Particle * > &taus)
- Update cf. Matthias study for ATLAS Is this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the mean jet energy, or pT, or direction?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::convertParticleEvent (const EventT &pevt, HEPUtils::Event &result, double antiktR, double jet_pt_min)
- Hard-coded radius!!! Hard-coded radius!!! Temporarily using quark-based tagging instead – fix Temporarily using quark-based tagging instead – fix What’s wrong with having a W daughter? Doesn’t that just mark a final tau? Hard-coded radius!!! Replace with HEPUtils::any(bhadrons, [&](const auto& pb){ pj.delta_R(pb) < 0.4 }) Use ghost tagging? Choose jet algorithm via detector _settings? Run several algs? Overlap between jets and prompt containers: need some isolation in MET calculation Move out-of-acceptance MET contribution to BuckFast
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::convertPartonEvent (const EventT &pevt, HEPUtils::Event &result, double antiktR, double jet_pt_min)
- Only include hadronic tau fraction? choose jet algorithm via _settings? Lepton dressing Some photons should be included in jets!!! Ignore for now since no FSR We should leave this for the detector sim / analysis to deal with
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::Cutflows::normalize (double norm, size_t icut=0)
- Provide a version that takes a vector of norms?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::filter_reject (const JetPtrs &jets, std::function< bool(const Jet *)> rejfn, bool do_delete=true)
- Optimise by only copying those which are selected (filter_select is canonical)
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::filter_reject (const ParticlePtrs &particles, std::function< bool(const Particle *)> rejfn, bool do_delete=true)
- Optimise by only copying those which are selected (filter_select is canonical)
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::fromBottom (int n, const EventT &evt)
- Rewrite using the Pythia > 8.176 particle-based methods What about partonic decays?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::fromHadron (int n, const EventT &evt)
- Rewrite using the Pythia > 8.176 particle-based methods
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::fromTau (int n, const EventT &evt)
- Rewrite using the Pythia > 8.176 particle-based methods
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::get_LHC_LogLike_SR_indices (map_str_dbl &result)
- Switch result type to map_str_int once we have implemented a printer for this type
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::getAndReplaceSLHAContent (pair_str_SLHAstruct &result)
- Add option to save the new SLHA content to file
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::has_tag (const HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D< double > &effmap, double eta, double pt)
- Also need 1D? Sampling in what variable?
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::marg_loglike_cov (const Eigen::ArrayXd &n_preds, const Eigen::ArrayXd &n_obss, const Eigen::ArrayXd &sqrtevals, const Eigen::MatrixXd &evecs)
- Should also implement a check of relative difference
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::mkAnalysis (const str &name)
- Move to a separate file
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::profile_loglike_cov (const Eigen::ArrayXd &n_preds, const Eigen::ArrayXd &n_obss, const Eigen::ArrayXd &sqrtevals, const Eigen::MatrixXd &evecs)
- Pass in the cov, and compute the fixed evals, evecs, and corr matrix as fixed params in here? Via a helper function to reduce duplication
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::random_bool (double eff)
- Handle out-of-range eff values
Member Gambit::ColliderBit::SignalRegionData::check () const
- Add SR consistency checks
Member Gambit::SpecBit::get_MSSM_spectrum_from_SLHAstruct (Spectrum &result)
- FIXME this needs to be fixed – is it needed any more? Where is this GAMBIT block supposed to be written?
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:06 +0000