file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:


ATLAS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 139/fb of data.

Source code

// -*- C++ -*-
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Cutflow.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"

#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_eigen.hpp"
#include "Eigen/Eigen"
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"

namespace Gambit {
  namespace ColliderBit {

    using namespace std;
    using namespace HEPUtils;

    /// @brief ATLAS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 139/fb of data
    /// Based on:
    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb : public Analysis {

      // Required detector sim
      static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";

      // Numbers passing cuts
      std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
        {"2j-1600", EventCounter("2j-1600")},
        {"2j-2200", EventCounter("2j-2200")},
        {"2j-2800", EventCounter("2j-2800")},
        {"4j-1000", EventCounter("4j-1000")},
        {"4j-2200", EventCounter("4j-2200")},
        {"4j-3400", EventCounter("4j-3400")},
        {"5j-1600", EventCounter("5j-1600")},
        {"6j-1000", EventCounter("6j-1000")},
        {"6j-2200", EventCounter("6j-2200")},
        {"6j-3400", EventCounter("6j-3400")},

      Cutflows _cutflows;

      // static const size_t NUMSR = 10;
      // double _srnums[NUMSR] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
      // enum SRNames { SR2J_1600=0, "2j_2200", "2j_2800",
      //                "4j_1000", "4j_2200", "4j_3400", "5j_1600",
      //                "6j_1000", "6j_2200", "6j_3400" };

      Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb() {


        // Book cut-flows
        const vector<string> cutnames = {"Pre-sel + MET + pT1 + meff",
                                         "Njet >= 2", "Cleaning",
                                         "Njet > x + pT1",
                                         "Dphi(j123,MET)min", "Dphi(j4+,MET)min",
                                         "pTx", "|eta_x|",
                                         "Aplanarity", "MET/sqrt(HT)", "m_eff(incl)",};
        _cutflows.addCutflow("2j-1600", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("2j-2200", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("2j-2800", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("4j-1000", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("4j-2200", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("4j-3400", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("5j-1600", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("6j-1000", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("6j-2200", cutnames);
        _cutflows.addCutflow("6j-3400", cutnames);


      void run(const Event* event) {
        //cout << "PROCESSING EVENT!!!" << endl;

        // Missing energy
        /// @todo Compute from hard objects instead?
        const P4 pmiss = event->missingmom();
        const double met = event->met();

        // Get baseline jets
        /// @todo Drop b-tag if pT < 50 GeV or |eta| > 2.5?
        vector<const Jet*> baselineJets;
        for (const Jet* jet : event->jets()) {
          if (jet->pT() > 20. && jet->abseta() < 2.8) {

        /// @todo Apply a random 9% loss / 0.91 reweight for jet quality criteria?

        // Get baseline electrons and apply efficiency
        vector<const Particle*> baselineElectrons;
        for (const Particle* electron : event->electrons()) {
          if (electron->pT() > 7. && electron->abseta() < 2.47)

        // Get baseline muons and apply efficiency
        vector<const Particle*> baselineMuons;
        for (const Particle* muon : event->muons()) {
          if (muon->pT() > 6. && muon->abseta() < 2.7)

        // Remove any |eta| < 2.8 jet within dR = 0.2 of an electron
        vector<const Jet*> signalJets;
        for (const Jet* j : baselineJets)
          if (all_of(baselineElectrons, [&](const Particle* e){ return deltaR_rap(*e, *j) > 0.2; }))

        // Remove electrons with dR = shrinking cone of surviving |eta| < 2.8 jets
        vector<const Particle*> signalElectrons;
        for (const Particle* e : baselineElectrons)
          if (all_of(signalJets, [&](const Jet* j){ return deltaR_rap(*e, *j) > min(0.4, 0.04+10/e->pT()); }))
        // Apply electron ID selection
        /// @todo And tight ID for high purity... used where?

        // Remove muons with dR = 0.4 of surviving |eta| < 2.8 jets
        /// @note Within 0.2, discard the *jet* based on jet track vs. muon criteria... can't be done yet
        vector<const Particle*> signalMuons;
        for (const Particle* m : baselineMuons)
          if (all_of(signalJets, [&](const Jet* j){ return deltaR_rap(*m, *j) > min(0.4, 0.04+10/m->pT()); }))
        /// @todo And tight ID for high purity... used where?

        // The subset of jets with pT > 50 GeV is used for several calculations
        vector<const Jet*> signalJets50;
        for (const Jet* j : signalJets)
          if (j->pT() > 50) signalJets50.push_back(j);

        // Calculate common variables and cuts

        // Multiplicities
        const size_t nElectrons = signalElectrons.size();
        const size_t nMuons = signalMuons.size();
        const size_t nJets50 = signalJets50.size();
        // const size_t nJets = signalJets.size();

        // HT-related quantities (calculated over all >50 GeV jets)
        double sumptj = 0;
        for (const Jet* j : signalJets50) sumptj += j->pT();
        const double HT = sumptj;
        const double sqrtHT = sqrt(HT);
        const double met_sqrtHT = met/sqrtHT;

        // Meff-related quantities (calculated over >50 GeV jets only)
        double sumptj50_incl = 0; // sumptj50_4 = 0, sumptj50_5 = 0, sumptj50_6 = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < signalJets50.size(); ++i) {
          const Jet* j = signalJets50[i];
          // if (i < 4) sumptj50_4 += j->pT();
          // if (i < 5) sumptj50_5 += j->pT();
          // if (i < 6) sumptj50_6 += j->pT();
          sumptj50_incl += j->pT();
        // const double meff_4 = met + sumptj50_4;
        // const double meff_5 = met + sumptj50_5;
        // const double meff_6 = met + sumptj50_6;
        // const double meff_incl = met + sumptj50_incl;
        const double meff = met + sumptj50_incl;
        // const double met_meff_4 = met / meff_4;
        // const double met_meff_5 = met / meff_5;
        // const double met_meff_6 = met / meff_6;

        // Jet |eta|s
        double etamax_2 = 0, etamax_4 = 0, etamax_5 = 0, etamax_6 = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < signalJets50.size(); ++i) {
          const Jet* j = signalJets50[i];
          if (i < 2) etamax_2 = max(etamax_2, j->abseta());
          if (i < 4) etamax_4 = max(etamax_4, j->abseta());
          if (i < 5) etamax_5 = max(etamax_5, j->abseta());
          if (i < 6) etamax_6 = max(etamax_6, j->abseta());

        // Jet--MET dphis
        double dphimin_123 = DBL_MAX, dphimin_more = DBL_MAX;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < min(3lu,signalJets50.size()); ++i)
          dphimin_123 = min(dphimin_123, acos(cos(signalJets50[i]->phi() - pmiss.phi())));
        for (size_t i = 3; i < signalJets50.size(); ++i)
          dphimin_more = min(dphimin_more, acos(cos(signalJets50[i]->phi() - pmiss.phi())));

        // Jet aplanarity (on 50 GeV jets only, cf. paper)
        Eigen::Matrix3d momtensor = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
        double norm = 0;
        for (const Jet* jet : signalJets50) {
          const P4& p4 = jet->mom();
          norm += p4.p2();
          for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            const double pi = (i == 0) ? p4.px() : (i == 1) ? : p4.pz();
            for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
              const double pj = (j == 0) ? p4.px() : (j == 1) ? : p4.pz();
              momtensor(i,j) += pi*pj;
        momtensor /= norm;
        const double mineigenvalue = momtensor.eigenvalues().real().minCoeff();
        const double aplanarity = 1.5 * mineigenvalue;

        // Fill signal regions and cutflows

        const double w = event->weight();

        // Preselection
        if (nElectrons + nMuons != 0) return;
        if (nJets50 < 1 || signalJets50[0]->pT() < 200) return;
        if (met < 300) return;
        if (meff < 800) return;
        if (dphimin_123 < 0.4) return;

        // Njet >= 2
        if (nJets50 < 2) return;

        // Cleaning emulation
        /// @todo Use weighting instead
        if (random_bool(0.02)) return;

        // 2 jet regions
        if (nJets50 >= 2) {
          if (_cutflows["2j-1600"].filltail({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 250,
                dphimin_123 > 0.8, dphimin_more > 0.4,
                signalJets[1]->pT() > 250, etamax_2 < 2.0,
                true, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 1600}, w))"2j-1600").add_event(event);

          if (_cutflows["2j-2200"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 600,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.2,
                signalJets[1]->pT() >  50, etamax_2 < 2.8,
                true, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 2200}, w))"2j-2200").add_event(event);
          if (_cutflows["2j-2800"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 250,
                dphimin_123 > 0.8, dphimin_more > 0.4,
                signalJets[1]->pT() > 250, etamax_2 < 1.2,
                true, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 2800}, w))"2j-2800").add_event(event);

        // 4 jet regions
        if (nJets50 >= 4) {
          if (_cutflows["4j-1000"].fillnext({
      >pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.4,
      >pT() > 100, etamax_4 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.04, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 1000}, w))"4j-1000").add_event(event);
          if (_cutflows["4j-2200"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.4,
                signalJets[3]->pT() > 100, etamax_4 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.04, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 2200}, w))"4j-2200").add_event(event);
          if (_cutflows["4j-3400"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.4,
                signalJets[3]->pT() > 100, etamax_4 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.04, met_sqrtHT > 10, meff > 3400}, w))"4j-3400").add_event(event);

        // 5 jet region
        if (nJets50 >= 5) {
          if (_cutflows["5j-1600"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 600,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.2,
                signalJets[4]->pT() > 50, etamax_5 < 2.8,
                true, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 1600}, w))"5j-1600").add_event(event);

        // 6 jet regions
        if (nJets50 >= 6) {
          if (_cutflows["6j-1000"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.2,
                signalJets[5]->pT() > 75, etamax_6 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.08, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 1000}, w))"6j-1000").add_event(event);
          if (_cutflows["6j-2200"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.2,
                signalJets[5]->pT() > 75, etamax_6 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.08, met_sqrtHT > 16, meff > 2200}, w))"6j-2200").add_event(event);
          if (_cutflows["6j-3400"].fillnext({
                signalJets[0]->pT() > 200,
                dphimin_123 > 0.4, dphimin_more > 0.2,
                signalJets[5]->pT() > 75, etamax_6 < 2.0,
                aplanarity > 0.08, met_sqrtHT > 10, meff > 3400}, w))"6j-3400").add_event(event);


      /// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
      void combine(const Analysis* other)
        const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb* specificOther = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb*>(other);
        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }

      /// Register results objects with the results for each SR; obs & bkg numbers from the CONF note
      void collect_results() {
        add_result(SignalRegionData("2j-1600"), 2111, {2190., 130.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("2j-2200"),  971, { 980.,  50.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("2j-2800"),   78, {  87.,   8.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("4j-1000"),  535, { 536.,  31.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("4j-2200"),   60, {  60.,   5.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("4j-3400"),    4, {  5.7,  1.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("5j-1600"),  320, { 319.,  19.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("6j-1000"),   25, {  21.,  2.9}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("6j-2200"),    5, {  4.6,  1.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("6j-3400"),    0, {  0.8,  0.4}));

        // Cutflow printout
        // const double sf = 139*crossSection()/femtobarn/sumOfWeights();
        _cutflows["2j-1600"].normalize(1763, 1);
        _cutflows["2j-2200"].normalize(1763, 1);
        _cutflows["2j-2800"].normalize(1763, 1);
        _cutflows["4j-1000"].normalize(2562, 1);
        _cutflows["4j-2200"].normalize(2562, 1);
        _cutflows["4j-3400"].normalize(2562, 1);
        _cutflows["5j-1600"].normalize(6101, 1);
        _cutflows["6j-1000"].normalize(6101, 1);
        _cutflows["6j-2200"].normalize(6101, 1);
        _cutflows["6j-3400"].normalize(6101, 1);
        cout << "\nCUTFLOWS:\n" << _cutflows << endl;
        cout << "\nSRCOUNTS:\n";
        // for (double x : _srnums) cout << x << "  ";
        for (auto& pair : _counters) cout << pair.second.weight_sum() << "  ";
        cout << "\n" << endl;


      void analysis_specific_reset() {
        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }


    // Factory fn


Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:07 +0000