file src/Backends/src/ini_functions.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Detailed Description
Functions specifically for triggering backend initialisation code.
(add name and date if you modify)
Pat Scott (
2015 Feb
Tomas Gonzalo (
2016 Sep
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functions specifically for triggering
/// backend initialisation code.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors
/// =======
/// (add name and date if you modify)
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2015 Feb
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2016 Sep
/// *********************************************
#include <regex>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/functors.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/ini_catch.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_singleton.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/ini_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/claw_singleton.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logging.hpp"
namespace Gambit
/// Get back the "::" from things that use NS_SEP instead
str fixns(str s)
const str cc = "::";
std::regex rgx1(ns), rgx2("my_ns"+cc), rgx3(cc+"\\("), rgx4(cc+"$");
s = std::regex_replace(s, rgx1, cc);
s = std::regex_replace(s, rgx2, str(""));
s = std::regex_replace(s, rgx3, str("("));
s = std::regex_replace(s, rgx4, str(""));
return s;
/// Call push back on a vector of strings
int vectorstr_push_back(std::vector<str>& vec, str s)
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Notify a backend functor of which models it can be used with
int set_allowed_models(functor& be_functor, std::vector<str>& allowed_at_be_level, str models_string)
// Strip out parentheses
models_string = models_string.substr(1,models_string.length()-2);
// Get the models explicitly allowed in this command
std::vector<str> models = Utils::delimiterSplit(models_string, ",");
// Harmonise any models declared as allowed for the backend as a whole with those exlicitly allowed in this command.
if (not allowed_at_be_level.empty())
// If there are no models explicitly allowed, just inherit the allowed models from the backend as a whole.
if (models.empty())
models.insert(models.end(), allowed_at_be_level.begin(), allowed_at_be_level.end());
// If there are models explicitly allowed, and models allowed at the whole-backend level, make sure their declarations are consistent.
// Loop over all the models explicitly allowed here, and make sure they fit with at least one of those declared at the backend level.
for (std::vector<str>::const_iterator it = models.begin(); it != models.end(); ++it)
bool found_match = false;
for (std::vector<str>::const_iterator jt = allowed_at_be_level.begin(); jt != allowed_at_be_level.end(); ++jt)
found_match = Models::ModelDB().upstream_of(*jt,*it);
if (found_match) break;
if (not found_match)
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Conflicting model compatibility information provided for backend function or variable" << endl
<< be_functor.origin() << "::" << << "." << endl
<< "The frontend header for " << be_functor.origin() << " declares that this function or variable" << endl
<< "can be used with model " << *it << ", but that model is not interpretable (via ancestry or friend" << endl
<< "relationships) as any of the models declared as allowed for the entire backend with the BE_ALLOW_MODELS" << endl
<< "directive. If the current declarations were to be taken at face value, this function/variable would " << endl
<< "*never* be activated, for any model. Please correct one or the other of these declarations." << endl;
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
// Allow the models
if (not models.empty())
for (std::vector<str>::const_iterator it = models.begin(); it != models.end(); ++it)
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Register a backend with the logging system
int register_backend_with_log(str s)
int mytag = Logging::getfreetag();
Logging::tag2str()[mytag] = s;
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Register a bossed type with the rollcall system
int register_type(str bever, str classname)
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Disable a C, C++ or Fortran backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.
void set_backend_functor_status_C_CXX_Fortran(functor& be_functor, const std::vector<str>& symbol_names)
bool present = Backends::backendInfo() + be_functor.version());
if (not present)
else if(dlerror() != NULL and symbol_names[0] != "no_symbol")
std::ostringstream err;
err << "None of the library symbols (";
for(str smb : symbol_names) { err << smb << ", "; }
err.seekp(-2, std::ios_base::end);
err << ") was found." << std::endl
<< "The backend function from this symbol will be disabled (i.e. get status = -2)" << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
/// Disable a Mathematica backend functor if its package is missing or the function is not found in the package
void set_backend_functor_status_Mathematica(functor& be_functor, str symbol_name)
const str be = be_functor.origin() + be_functor.version();
bool present = Backends::backendInfo();
if (not present)
else if(symbol_name != "no_symbol")
WSLINK pHandle = Backends::backendInfo();
std::ostringstream err;
// Replace \[ for \\[ so that names can have non-ASCII characters
boost::replace_all(symbol_name, "\\[", "\\\\[");
if(!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "NameQ", 1) or
!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "StringDrop",2) or
!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "StringDrop",2) or
!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "ToString", 1) or
!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "ToExpression", 3) or
!WSPutString(pHandle, symbol_name.c_str()) or
!WSPutSymbol(pHandle, "StandardForm") or
!WSPutSymbol(pHandle, "Hold") or
!WSPutInteger(pHandle, 5) or
!WSPutInteger(pHandle, -1))
err << "Error sending packet through WSTP." << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
int pkt;
while( (pkt = WSNextPacket(pHandle), pkt) && pkt != RETURNPKT)
if (WSError(pHandle))
err << "Error reading packet from WSTP" << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
const char *symbol_exists;
if(!WSGetString(pHandle, &symbol_exists))
err << "Error retrieving packet from WSTP." << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
if(str(symbol_exists) == "False")
err << "Mathematica function " << symbol_name << " not found." << std::endl
<< "The backend function from this symbol will be disabled (i.e. get status = -2)" << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
/// Disable a Python backend functor if its module is missing or the function is not found in the module
void set_backend_functor_status_Python(functor& be_functor, const str& symbol_name)
const str be = be_functor.origin() + be_functor.version();
bool present = Backends::backendInfo();
if (not present)
else if(symbol_name != "no_symbol")
if (Backends::backendInfo().dlerrors[be] == symbol_name) be_functor.setStatus(-2);
/// Disable a backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.
int set_backend_functor_status(functor& be_functor, const std::vector<str>& symbol_names)
// Extract the backend that we're dealing with from the functor metadata.
str be = be_functor.origin() + be_functor.version();
// Now switch according to the language of the backend
if (Backends::backendInfo()
if (symbol_names.size() != 1) backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, be+" is a Mathematica backend; "
+be_functor.origin()+"::"" can have only one symbol.");
// And switch according to whether the language has its dependencies met or not
set_backend_functor_status_Mathematica(be_functor, symbol_names[0]);
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Mathematica is not found or it is disabled. " << std::endl
<< "The backend function for the symbol " << symbol_names[0] << " will be disabled (i.e. get status = -5)" << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
// and so on.
else if (Backends::backendInfo()
if (symbol_names.size() != 1) backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, be+" is a Python backend; "
+be_functor.origin()+"::"" can have only one symbol.");
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
set_backend_functor_status_Python(be_functor, symbol_names[0]);
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Pybind11 for interfacing with Python backends is not found or disabled. " << std::endl
<< "The backend function for the symbol " << symbol_names[0] << " will be disabled (i.e. get status = -6)" << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
set_backend_functor_status_C_CXX_Fortran(be_functor, symbol_names);
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Disable a backend initialisation function if the backend is missing.
int set_BackendIniBit_functor_status(functor& ini_functor, str be, str v)
bool present = Backends::backendInfo() + v);
if (not present)
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Get the status of a factory pointer to a BOSSed type's wrapper constructor.
int get_ctor_status(str be, str ver, str name, str barename, str args, const std::vector<str>& symbol_names)
bool present = Backends::backendInfo();
const str path = Backends::backendInfo().corrected_path(be,ver);
if (not present)
std::ostringstream err;
Backends::backendInfo().classes_OK[be+ver] = false;
Backends::backendInfo().constructor_status[be+ver+fixns(barename+args)] = "lib absent";
return -1;
else if (dlerror() != NULL)
std::ostringstream err;
Backends::backendInfo().classes_OK[be+ver] = false;
Backends::backendInfo().constructor_status[be+ver+fixns(barename+args)] = "broken";
err << "None of the library symbols (";
for(str smb : symbol_names) { err << smb << ", "; }
err.seekp(-2, std::ios_base::end);
err << ") was found in " << path << "."
<< std::endl << "The BOSSed type relying on factory " << name << args
<< " will be unavailable." << std::endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
return -2;
logger() << "Succeeded in loading constructor " << fixns(barename+args) << " from "<< std::endl
<< path << "." << LogTags::backends << LogTags::info << EOM;
Backends::backendInfo().constructor_status[be+ver+fixns(barename+args)] = "OK";
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Set a backend rule for one or more models.
int set_backend_rule_for_model(module_functor_common& f, str models, str tags)
f.makeBackendRuleForModel(models, tags);
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
/// Set the classloading requirements of a given functor.
int set_classload_requirements(module_functor_common& f, str be, str verstr, str default_ver)
// Split up the passed version string into individual versions
std::vector<str> versions = Utils::delimiterSplit(verstr, ",");
// Add each version individually as required for classloading
for (auto it = versions.begin() ; it != versions.end(); ++it)
// Retrieve the version corresponding to the default if needed
if (*it == "default") *it = Backends::backendInfo().version_from_safe_version(be, default_ver);
// Retrieve the safe version corresponding to this version
str sv = Backends::backendInfo().safe_version_from_version(be, *it);
// Set the requirement in the functor
catch (std::exception& e) { ini_catch(e); }
return 0;
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:10 +0000