file backend_types/classy.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Detailed Description
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Janina Renk (
- Sebastian Hoof (
- Pat Scott (
- 2017 Nov
- 2018 May
- 2018 Oct
- 2019 Mar
- 2020 Aug
- 2020 Mar
- 2020 Apr
Definitions of the Classy_input class used for communicating with the backend classy.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Definitions of the Classy_input class used for
/// communicating with the backend classy.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2017 Nov
/// \date 2018 May
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2018 Oct
/// \date 2019 Mar
/// \date 2020 Aug
/// \author Sebastian Hoof
/// (
/// \date 2020 Mar
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2020 Apr
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_types/classy.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp> // case-insensitive string comparison
namespace Gambit
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
void Classy_input::add_entry(str key, double value) {input_dict[key.c_str()]=std::to_string(value).c_str();}
void Classy_input::add_entry(str key, int value) {input_dict[key.c_str()]=std::to_string(value).c_str();}
void Classy_input::add_entry(str key, str value) {input_dict[key.c_str()]=value.c_str();}
void Classy_input::add_entry(str key, std::vector<double>& values)
// get pointers to arrays holding the information that needs
// to be passed on to class, convert to uintptr_t (type large enough
// to store memory address of the used system) and pass to class
input_dict[key.c_str()] = std::to_string(memaddress_to_uint(&values[0])).c_str();
bool Classy_input::has_key(str key){return input_dict.contains(key.c_str());}
/// CLASS specific function to merge python dictionary extra_dict into input_dict
/// (member of Classy_input). If both dictionaries have the same key it decides
/// on a case-by-case basis how to deal with that.
/// Some examples are already implemented, might have to be extended in the future
/// if more CLASS features are used.
/// typical example for this would be the key 'output':
/// dict input_dict: 'output' : 'tCl nCl' and
/// dict extra_dict: 'output' : 'tCl mPk' => mPk has to be added
/// => results in 'output' : 'tCl nCl mPk'
void Classy_input::merge_input_dicts(pybind11::dict extra_dict)
// Loop through extra_dict (should typically be the shorter one)
for (auto item : extra_dict)
pybind11::str key = pybind11::str(item.first);
pybind11::str arg = pybind11::str(item.second);
// If item not contained in extra_dict but not in input_dict it
// will be added to input_dict
input_dict[key] = arg;
// If item contained in both: have to decide on a case-by-case basis what to do!
// 1) If 'output' or 'modes' is defined twice the entries have to be merged
// e.g. input_dict['output'] = 'A B C'
// extra_dict['output'] = 'A B X Y'
// should result in input_dict['output'] = 'A B C X Y'
// (python string.find("x") returns -1 if "x" not contained)
else if(key.attr("find")(pybind11::str("output")).cast<int>()!=-1 ||
// split string of extra_dict['output'] by spaces into list
// (-> in the example above this would give list = ['A', 'B', 'X', 'Y'])
pybind11::list list = extra_dict[key].attr("split")();
// iterate through list and check if current item is also contained in input_dict['output']
// if it is not it will be added
for(auto it : list)
std::string list_entry = std::string(pybind11::str(it));
// add entry if it is not already in input_dict['output']
// add part of extra_dict[key] string that is not contained in input_dict[key] string to input_dict[key]
std::string new_arg=std::string(pybind11::str(input_dict[key]))+std::string(" ")+std::string(list_entry);
input_dict[key]= new_arg;
// 2) both dictionaries have entry for non-linear treatment
else if(key.attr("find")(pybind11::str("non linear")).cast<int>()!=-1)
std::string nonlin_input_dict = (std::string(pybind11::str(input_dict[key])));
std::string nonlin_extra_dict = (std::string(pybind11::str(extra_dict[key])));
// throw error if the treatment of non-linearities disagree
// (need case-insensitive comparison as CLASS accepts 'halofit' and 'HALOFIT' as input)
if (not boost::iequals(nonlin_input_dict, nonlin_extra_dict))
std::ostringstream errormsg;
errormsg << "A problem occurred when trying to compose the input dictionary for CLASS:" << std::endl;
errormsg << "The included likelihoods requested contradicting treatments for non linearities:" << std::endl;
errormsg << nonlin_input_dict << " and " << nonlin_extra_dict << std::endl;
errormsg << "This will lead to inconsistent results, so we are stopping here now." << std::endl;
// 3) input parameter contained in the string set 'keep_larger_val' is set in both dictionaries,
// keep the larger value.
// e.g. input_dict['l_max_scalars'] = '500'
// extra_dict['l_max_scalars'] = '2500'
// should result in input_dict['l_max_scalars'] = '2500'
else if(keep_larger_val.count(key))
// cast pybind11::detail::item_accessor to pybind11::str, to c++ string and then to double
// (I know... the problem is that the yaml file entries are all parsed as strings so
// we don't have to distinguish between the different types of different CLASS input keys.
// The python wrapper parses everything as string so it is fine. But here, where we actually
// have to compare the passed numbers so we have to cast to double from a python
// string be able to tell which entry is the larger one. If you have an idea
// to make this nicer --> go for it!! :) )
float val_input_dict = std::stof(std::string(pybind11::str(input_dict[key])));
float val_extra_dict = std::stof(std::string(pybind11::str(extra_dict[key])));
// if val_extra_dict is higher than the entry in the input_dict, replace it
if (val_input_dict < val_extra_dict){input_dict[key] = extra_dict[key];}
// if not 'input_dict'already contains the higher value and there is nothing to do here.
// 4) same as above, but for parameters for which we want to keep the smaller value
else if(keep_smaller_val.count(key))
// cast pybind string to double
float val_input_dict = std::stof(std::string(pybind11::str(input_dict[key])));
float val_extra_dict = std::stof(std::string(pybind11::str(extra_dict[key])));
// if val_extra_dict is smaller than the entry in the input_dict, replace it
if (val_input_dict > val_extra_dict){input_dict[key] = extra_dict[key];}
// if not 'input_dict' already contains the smaller value and there is nothing to do here.
// Throw an error if a key appears in both dictionaries that
// should be merged, but no rule for this key is implemented.
std::ostringstream errormsg;
errormsg << "A problem occurred when trying to compose the input dictionary for CLASS:"<<std::endl;
errormsg << "The entry '" << std::string(key) << "' was passed to the dictionary twice."<<std::endl;
errormsg << "This can occur when: "<<std::endl;
errormsg << " 1) You are either trying to overwrite a model parameter. If that is the case,"<<std::endl;
errormsg << " you should implement an extra function to set the CLASS input parameters for your model."<<std::endl;
errormsg << " 2) Different (MontePython) likelihoods both set a value for one precision parameter."<<std::endl;
errormsg << " At the moment, GAMBIT does not how to handle this for this parameter. If you want to keep"<<std::endl;
errormsg << " the larger (smaller) value add the entry to the string set 'keep_larger_val'"<<std::endl;
errormsg << " ('keep_smaller_val') defined in Backends/backend_types/classy.hpp"<<std::endl;
errormsg << " If you need a more involved rule for that parameter, implement it in"<<std::endl;
errormsg << " 'Classy_input::merge_input_dicts'"<<std::endl;
// clears all entries from input_dict
void Classy_input::clear(){input_dict.attr("clear")();}
// return input_dict
pybind11::dict Classy_input::get_input_dict(){return input_dict;}
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:10 +0000