file src/core.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:



Detailed Description



  • 2013 Aug
  • 2014 Mar, Aug, Dec
  • 2017 Jun
  • 2021 Sep
  • 2020 Jun, Dec

GAMBIT Core driver class implementation.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation

define GET_RANK

#define GET_RANK 0

define GET_SIZE

#define GET_SIZE 1

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  GAMBIT Core driver class implementation.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///  \date 2013 Aug
///  \date 2014 Mar, Aug, Dec
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2017 Jun
///  \date 2021 Sep
///  \author Markus Prim
///          (
///  \date 2020 Jun, Dec
///  *********************************************

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

// Headers for GNU getopt command line parsing library
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Gambit headers
#include "gambit/Core/core.hpp"
#include "gambit/Core/error_handlers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Core/yaml_description_database.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/plugin_loader.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/version.hpp"
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"

// Boost
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>

// MPI
#ifdef WITH_MPI
#include "gambit/Utils/mpiwrapper.hpp"
#define GET_RANK GMPI::Comm().Get_rank()
#define GET_SIZE GMPI::Comm().Get_size()
#define GET_RANK 0
#define GET_SIZE 1

namespace Gambit
  /// Definitions of public methods in GAMBIT core class.

  /// Constructor
  gambit_core::gambit_core(const Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw, const Backends::backend_info &beinfo)
      : modelInfo(&claw), backendData(&beinfo), input_capability_descriptions(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/capabilities.dat"), input_model_descriptions(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/models.dat"),
        /* command line flags */
        processed_options(false), show_runorder(false), show_backends(false), resume(true), verbose_flag(false), found_inifile(false)

  /// Getter for precision to use for cout
  int gambit_core::get_outprec() const { return outprec; }

  /// Inform the user of the ways to invoke GAMBIT, then die.
  void gambit_core::bail(int mpirank)
    if (mpirank < 0) mpirank = GET_RANK;
    if (mpirank == 0)
      cout << "\nusage: gambit [options] [<command>]                                        "
              "\n                                                                           "
              "\nRun scan:                                                                  "
              "\n   gambit -f <inifile>   Start a scan using instructions from inifile      "
              "\n                           e.g.: gambit -f gambit.yaml                     "
              "\n                                                                           "
              "\nAvailable commands:                                                        "
              "\n   modules               List registered modules                           "
              "\n   backends              List registered backends and their status         "
              "\n   models                List registered models and output model graph     "
              "\n   capabilities          List all registered function capabilities         "
              "\n   scanners              List registered scanners                          "
              "\n   test-functions        List registered scanner test objective functions  "
              "\n   <name>                Give info on a specific module, backend, model,   "
              "\n                           capability or scanner                           "
              "\n                           e.g.: gambit DarkBit                            "
              "\n                                 gambit Pythia                             "
              "\n                                 gambit MSSM                               "
              "\n                                 gambit IC79WL_loglike                     "
              "\n                                 gambit MultiNest                          "
              "\n                                                                           "
              "\nBasic options:                                                             "
              "\n   --version             Display GAMBIT version information                "
              "\n   -h/--help             Display this usage information                    "
              "\n   -f <inifile>          Start scan using <inifile>                        "
              "\n   -v/--verbose          Turn on verbose mode                              "
              "\n   -d/--dryrun           List the function evaluation order computed based "
              "\n                           on inifile                                      "
              "\n   -b/--backends         List the backends required to fulfil dependencies "
              "\n                           based on inifile                                "
              "\n   -r/--restart          Restart the scan defined by <inifile>. Existing   "
              "\n                         output files for the run will be overwritten.     "
              "\n                         Default behaviour in the absence of this option is"
              "\n                         to attempt to resume the scan from any existing   "
              "\n                         output.                                           "
           << endl
           << endl;
    throw SilentShutdownException();

  /// Process default mode command line options and return filename
  str gambit_core::process_primary_options(int argc, char **argv)
    int index;
    int iarg = 0;
    str filename;

    /// Gambit 'standard mode' command line option definitions (needed by getopt)
    // Basically this is a clone of the example in the getopt_long documentation
    // (
    // Note that specialised versions of this structure exist for some of the special run modes.
    const struct option primary_options[] = {
        {"version", no_argument, 0, 1}, /*1 is just a unique integer key to identify this argument*/
        {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
        {"dryrun", no_argument, 0, 'd'},  {"backends", no_argument, 0, 'b'},
        {"restart", no_argument, 0, 'r'}, {0, 0, 0, 0},

    // Must at least have one argument.
    if (argc < 2) bail();

    while (iarg != -1)
      iarg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vhdbrf:", primary_options, &index);
      switch (iarg)
      case 1:
        // Shut down.
        throw SilentShutdownException();
      case 'v':
        // Turn on verbose mode
        verbose_flag = true;
      case 'h':
      case '?':
        // display usage message and quit (also happens on unrecognised options)
      case 'd':
        // Display proposed functor evaluation order and quit
        show_runorder = true; // Sorted out in dependency resolver
        // Should not allow this on multiple processes, just produces
        // mixed up junk output.
        if (GET_SIZE > 1)
          cout << "Tried to run GAMBIT dry-run mode in parallel! This is not allowed, please use only one process when performing dry-runs." << endl;
          throw SilentShutdownException();
      case 'b':
        // Show the list of backends that need to be built and then quit
        show_backends = true;
      case 'r':
        // Restart scan (turn off "resume" mode, activate output overwrite)
        resume = false;
      case 'f':
        // Argument must contain the ini-filename
        filename = optarg;
        found_inifile = true;
    if (show_runorder and not resume)
      cout << "This is a dry-run, ignoring the restart flag (-r/--restart), i.e. not deleting any files." << endl;
      resume = true;
    // Set flag telling core object that command line option processing is complete
    processed_options = true;
    return filename;

  /// Add a new module to modules list
  void gambit_core::registerModule(str module, str ref)
    if(ref == "REFERENCE")
      module_citation_keys[module] = "";
      module_citation_keys[module] = ref;

  /// Add a new module functor to functorList
  void gambit_core::registerModuleFunctor(functor &f)

  /// Add a new module functor to nestFunctorList
  void gambit_core::registerNestedModuleFunctor(functor &f) { nestedFunctorList.push_back(&f); }

  /// Add a new backend functor to backendFunctorList
  void gambit_core::registerBackendFunctor(functor &f)

  /// Register a new backend
  void gambit_core::registerBackend(str be, str version, str ref)
     if(ref == "REFERENCE")
       backend_citation_keys[sspair(be,version)] = "";
       backend_citation_keys[sspair(be,version)] = ref;

  /// Add a new primary model functor to primaryModelFunctorList
  void gambit_core::registerPrimaryModelFunctor(primary_model_functor &f)

  /// Add entries to the map of activated primary model functors
  void gambit_core::registerActiveModelFunctors(const gambit_core::pmfVec &fvec)
    for (const auto &f : fvec) { activeModelFunctorList[f->origin()] = f; }

  /// Get a reference to the list of module functors
  const gambit_core::fVec &gambit_core::getModuleFunctors() const { return functorList; }

  /// Get a reference to the list of nested module functors
  const gambit_core::fVec &gambit_core::getNestedModuleFunctors() const { return nestedFunctorList; }

  /// Get a reference to the list of backend functors
  const gambit_core::fVec &gambit_core::getBackendFunctors() const { return backendFunctorList; }

  /// Get a reference to the list of primary model functors
  const gambit_core::pmfVec &gambit_core::getPrimaryModelFunctors() const { return primaryModelFunctorList; }

  /// Get a reference to the map of all user-activated primary model functors
  const gambit_core::pmfMap &gambit_core::getActiveModelFunctors() const { return activeModelFunctorList; }

  /// Get a reference to the map of module citaton keys
  const std::map<str,str> &gambit_core::getModuleCitationKeys() const {  return module_citation_keys; }

  /// Get a reference to the map of backend citation keys
  const std::map<sspair, str> &gambit_core::getBackendCitationKeys() const { return backend_citation_keys; }

  /// Tell the module functors which backends are actually present,
  /// so that they can deactivate themselves if they require a class
  /// that is supposed to be provided by a backend that is AWOL.
  void gambit_core::accountForMissingClasses() const
    // Create a map of all the registered backends that are connected and fully functional (including factories for classloading)
    std::map<str, std::set<str>> working_bes;
    // Start by looping over all registered backends
    for (const auto &backend : backend_versions)
      // Then loop over all registered versions of this backend
      for (const auto &version : backend.second)
        const str be_ver = backend.first + version;
        if (backendData->
          if (backendData->
            if (backendData-> working_bes[backend.first].insert(version);
    // Feed the new map to each of the module functors.
    for (const auto &functor : functorList) { functor->notifyOfBackends(working_bes); }

  /// Check the capability and model databases for conflicts and missing descriptions
  void gambit_core::check_databases()
    // Loop through registered capabilities and try to find their descriptions (potentially from many files, but for now just checking one)
    DescriptionDatabase description_file(input_capability_descriptions); // Load descriptions file
    // std::set<str> parsed_descriptions; // Set of capabilities whose description we have parsed
    bool missing_flag = false; // Lets us know if any missing descriptions identified

    // Check for duplicate description keys
    std::map<str, int> duplicates = description_file.check_for_duplicates();

    // Search through GAMBIT for information about registered capabilities to match to the descriptions
    for (const auto &capability : capabilities)
      capability_info capinfo; = capability;

      // Make sets of matching module and backend functions
      for (const auto &functor : functorList)
        if (functor->capability() == capability)
          const str origin(functor->origin());
          const std::pair<str, str> name_type(functor->name(), functor->type());
          if (capinfo.modset.find(origin) == capinfo.modset.end()) capinfo.modset[origin] = std::set<std::pair<str, str>>();
      for (const auto &functor : backendFunctorList)
        if (functor->capability() == capability)
          const str origin(functor->origin() + " v" + functor->version());
          const std::pair<str, str> name_type(functor->name(), functor->type());
          if (capinfo.beset.find(origin) == capinfo.beset.end()) capinfo.beset[origin] = std::set<std::pair<str, str>>();

      // Check original description files for descriptions matching this capability
      if (description_file.hasKey(capability))
        // Check whether there are duplicates of this key
        if (duplicates[capability] > 0)
          const std::vector<str> dups = description_file.get_all_values(capability);
          std::ostringstream errmsg;
          errmsg << "Error! Duplicate capability descriptions found for capability \"" << capability
                 << "\"! Only one description is permitted, since all capabilities going by the same name "
                    "must provide the same information. Please rename a capability or delete one of the descriptions."
                 << endl;
          errmsg << "The duplicate descriptions are:" << endl;
          errmsg << "---------------------" << endl;
          int dup_num = 0;
          for (const auto &dup : dups)
            errmsg << dup_num << ":" << endl;
            errmsg << dup;
            errmsg << "----------------------" << endl;
          core_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
          capinfo.description = description_file.getValue<str>(capability);
          capinfo.has_description = true;
        // Record that this description is missing
        capinfo.description = "Missing!";
        capinfo.has_description = false;
        missing_flag = true;

    missing_capability_description = false;

    if (missing_flag)
      // Warn user of missing descriptions
      missing_capability_description = true;

    // Write out the centralised database file containing all this information
    // (we could also keep this in memory for other functions to use; it's probably not that large)
    // Should probably sort it by module or something.

    // Could have built this directly in the other loop, but for now it is separate.
    YAML::Emitter out;
    out << YAML::BeginSeq;
    for (const auto &capability : capability_dbase)
      out << capability; // custom emitter to do this is in yaml_description_database.hpp
    out << YAML::EndSeq;
    // Create file and write YAML output there
    std::ofstream outfile; + "central_capabilities.dat");
    outfile << "# Auto-generated capability description library. Edits will be erased." << endl;
    outfile << "# Edit \"" << input_capability_descriptions << "\" instead." << endl << endl << out.c_str();

    // Now the models
    // This is distressingly similar to the capabilities case, but it doesn't seem so straightforward to modularise any further...

    // Loop through registered models and try to find their descriptions (potentially from many files, but for now just checking one)
    DescriptionDatabase model_description_file(input_model_descriptions); // Load descriptions file
    missing_flag = false;                                                 // reset this flag

    // Check for duplicate description keys
    duplicates = description_file.check_for_duplicates();

    // Search through GAMBIT for information about registered models to match to the descriptions
    for (const auto &functor : primaryModelFunctorList)
      model_info model; = functor->origin();

      // Check original description files for descriptions matching this capability
      if (model_description_file.hasKey(
        // Check whether there are duplicates of this key
        if (duplicates[] > 0)
          const std::vector<str> dups = model_description_file.get_all_values(;
          std::ostringstream errmsg;
          errmsg << "Error! Duplicate model descriptions found for model \"" <<
                 << "\"! Only one description is permitted, since model names must be unique. "
                    "Please rename a model or delete one of the descriptions."
                 << endl;
          errmsg << "The duplicate descriptions are:" << endl;
          errmsg << "---------------------" << endl;
          int dup_num = 0;
          for (const auto &dup : dups)
            errmsg << dup_num << ":" << endl;
            errmsg << dup;
            errmsg << "----------------------" << endl;
          core_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
          model.description = model_description_file.getValue<str>(;
          model.has_description = true;
        // Record that this description is missing
        model.description = "Missing!";
        model.has_description = false;
        missing_flag = true;

      // Get the rest of the info
      model.nparams = functor->valuePtr()->getNumberOfPars();
      model.parameters = functor->valuePtr()->getKeys();
      model.parent = modelInfo->get_parent(;
      model.lineage = modelInfo->get_lineage(;
      model.descendants = modelInfo->get_descendants(;


    if (missing_flag)
      // Warn user of missing descriptions
      cout << "Descriptions are missing for the following models:" << endl;
      for (const auto &model : model_dbase)
        if (not model.has_description) { cout << "   " << << endl; }
      cout << "Please add descriptions of these to " << input_model_descriptions << endl;

    // Write out the centralised database file containing all this information
    // (we could also keep this in memory for other functions to use; it's probably not that large)
    // Should probably sort it by module or something.

    // Could have built this directly in the other loop, but for now it is separate.
    YAML::Emitter out2;
    out2 << YAML::BeginSeq;
    for (const auto &model : model_dbase)
      out2 << model; // custom emitter to do this is in yaml_description_database.hpp
    out2 << YAML::EndSeq;
    // Create file and write YAML output there
    std::ofstream outfile2; + "central_models.dat");
    outfile2 << "# Auto-generated model description library. Edits will be erased." << endl;
    outfile2 << "# Edit \"" << input_model_descriptions << "\" instead." << endl << endl << out2.c_str();

  void gambit_core::check_capability_descriptions()

    if (missing_capability_description)
      cout << "Descriptions are missing for the following capabilities:" << endl;
      for (const auto &capability : capability_dbase)
        if (not capability.has_description) { cout << "   " << << endl; }
      cout << "Please add descriptions of these to " << input_capability_descriptions << endl;

  /// Get the description of the named capability from the description database
  capability_info gambit_core::get_capability_info(const str &name) const
    for (const auto &capability : capability_dbase)
      if ( == name)
        return capability; // Should only be one match possible after database check
    // if no match...
    std::ostringstream errmsg;
    errmsg << "No capability with the name \"" << name
           << "\" could be found in the capability database. "
              "This function should not run when we don't know if the capability exists! Either there is a bug "
              "in the calling code, or something went wrong creating the capability database.";
    core_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
    return capability_info();

  model_info gambit_core::get_model_info(const str &name) const
    for (const auto &model : model_dbase)
      if ( == name)
        return model; // Should only be one match possible after database check
    // if no match...
    std::ostringstream errmsg;
    errmsg << "No model with the name \"" << name
           << "\" could be found in the model database. This function "
              "should not run when we don't know if the model exists! Either there is a bug in the calling code, or "
              "something went wrong creating the model database.";
    core_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
    return model_info();

  /// Compute the status of a given backend
  str gambit_core::backend_status(const str &be, const str &version, bool &no_failures)
    const str OK = "OK";
    const str bad = "absent/broken";
    const str badclass = "bad types";
    const str missingMath = "Mathematica absent";
    str status;
    if (backendData-> + version))
      if (backendData-> + version)) { status = (backendData-> + version) ? OK : badclass); }
        status = OK;
    else if (backendData-> + version))
      status = bad;
      status = missingMath;
    else if (backendData-> + version) > 0)
      std::ostringstream status_stream;
      status_stream << "needs Python " << backendData-> + version);
      status = status_stream.str();
      status = bad;
    if (status == bad or status == badclass) no_failures = false;
    return status;

  /// Launch non-interactive command-line diagnostic mode, for printing info about current GAMBIT configuration.
  str gambit_core::run_diagnostic(int argc, char **argv)
    const int mpirank = GET_RANK; // Get MPI rank (assume MPI already initialised)
    str filename;
    str command = "none";
    std::vector<std::string> didyoumean;

    // Parse the arguments, ignoring everything before gambit executable
    if (argc > 1)
      for (int i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++)
        const str arg = argv[i];
        const str x(GAMBIT_EXECUTABLE);
        const int len = arg.length();
        const int xlen = x.length();
        if (len >= xlen and arg.substr(len - xlen, xlen) == x)
          command = argv[i + 1];

    // Initial list of valid diagnostic commands
    std::vector<str> valid_commands = initVector<str>("modules", "backends", "models", "capabilities", "scanners", "test-functions");

    // Test if the user has requested one of the basic diagnostics
    if (std::find(valid_commands.begin(), valid_commands.end(), command) == valid_commands.end())
      // If we aren't just checking what stuff is registered, we could end up running a scan, or needing the descriptions of things.
      // Therefore we must construct the description databases and make sure there are no naming conflicts etc.

      // Add other valid diagnostic commands
      valid_commands.insert(valid_commands.end(), modules.begin(), modules.end());
      valid_commands.insert(valid_commands.end(), capabilities.begin(), capabilities.end());
      for (const auto &backend_version : backend_versions) valid_commands.push_back(backend_version.first);
      for (const auto &primaryModelFunctor : primaryModelFunctorList) valid_commands.push_back(primaryModelFunctor->origin());
      const std::vector<std::string> scanner_names = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_plugin_names("scanner");
      const std::vector<std::string> objective_names = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_plugin_names("objective");
      const std::vector<std::string> prior_groups = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().list_prior_groups();
      valid_commands.insert(valid_commands.end(), scanner_names.begin(), scanner_names.end());
      valid_commands.insert(valid_commands.end(), objective_names.begin(), objective_names.end());
      valid_commands.insert(valid_commands.end(), prior_groups.begin(), prior_groups.end());

      // If the user hasn't asked for a diagnostic at all, process the command line options for the standard run mode and get out.
      if (std::find(valid_commands.begin(), valid_commands.end(), command) == valid_commands.end())
        if (not processed_options)
          filename = process_primary_options(argc, argv);
          // Check if we indeed received a valid filename (needs the -f option)
          if (found_inifile) return filename;
          // Ok then, report an unrecognised command and bail
          if (mpirank == 0) cout << "Unrecognised command received!" << endl;
          // Give a list of valid commands that user might have mistyped
          for (const auto &valid_command : valid_commands)
            if (Utils::are_similar(command, valid_command)) didyoumean.push_back(valid_command);
          if (didyoumean.size() > 0)
            if (mpirank == 0)
              cout << "Did you mean one of the following?" << endl;
              for (const auto &proposedCommand : didyoumean)
                if (Utils::are_similar(command, proposedCommand)) { cout << "  " << proposedCommand << endl; }
              cout << endl;
              cout << "Run \"gambit --help\" for a full list of options and usage instructions" << endl;
            throw SilentShutdownException();
          if (mpirank == 0)
            cout << "Command line options have already been "
                    "processed in a special run mode... GAMBIT should not reach this "
                    "point. Quitting..."
                 << endl;
          throw SilentShutdownException();

    // Guaranteed from this point that no scans (nor scanners) will be invoked.

    // Disable all but the master MPI node
    if (mpirank == 0)
      if (command == "modules") module_diagnostic();
      if (command == "backends") backend_diagnostic();
      if (command == "models") model_diagnostic();
      if (command == "capabilities") capability_diagnostic();
      if (command == "scanners") scanner_diagnostic();
      if (command == "test-functions") test_function_diagnostic();
      if (command == "priors") prior_diagnostic();
      cout << endl;

    // Silently print the logs to scratch/run_time/<processID>/default.log
    // Split.
    throw SilentShutdownException();
    return "";

} // namespace Gambit

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:07 +0000