file src/DiracSingletDM.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::DarkBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::DarkBit::DiracSingletDM |
Name | |
getSMmass(Name, spinX2) | |
addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) |
Detailed Description
- Ankit Beniwal (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- Pat Scott (
- Felix Kahlhofer (
- Oct 2016
- Jun, Sep 2017
- Mar 2018
- Nov 2017, Aug 2018
- Sep 2018
- 2020 May
Implementation of DiracSingletDM routines.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Macros Documentation
define getSMmass
#define getSMmass(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
(Name , TH_ParticleProperty(SM.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));
define addParticle
#define addParticle(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
(Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Implementation of DiracSingletDM routines.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ankit Beniwal
/// (
/// \date Oct 2016
/// \date Jun, Sep 2017
/// \date Mar 2018
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date Nov 2017, Aug 2018
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date Sep 2018
/// \author Felix Kahlhofer
/// (
/// \date 2020 May
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/virtual_higgs.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/ascii_table_reader.hpp"
#include "boost/make_shared.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_utils.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace DarkBit
class DiracSingletDM
/// Initialize DiracSingletDM object (branching ratios etc)
TH_ProcessCatalog* const catalog,
double gammaH,
double vev,
double alpha_strong)
: Gamma_mh(gammaH), v0 (vev),
alpha_s (alpha_strong)
mh = catalog->getParticleProperty("h0_1").mass;
mb = catalog->getParticleProperty("d_3").mass;
mc = catalog->getParticleProperty("u_2").mass;
mtau = catalog->getParticleProperty("e-_3").mass;
mt = catalog->getParticleProperty("u_3").mass;
mZ0 = catalog->getParticleProperty("Z0").mass;
mW = catalog->getParticleProperty("W+").mass;
~DiracSingletDM() {}
/// Helper function (Breit-Wigner)
double Dh2 (double s)
return 1/((s-mh*mh)*(s-mh*mh)+mh*mh*Gamma_mh*Gamma_mh);
/*! \brief Returns <sigma v> in cm3/s for given channel, velocity and
* model parameters.
* channel: bb, tautau, mumu, ss, cc, tt, gg, gammagamma, Zgamma, WW,
* ZZ, hh
double sv(std::string channel, double lambda, double mass, double cosXi, double v)
// Note: Valid for mass > 45 GeV
// Hardcoded velocity avoids NaN results.
v = std::max(v, 1e-6);
double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
double sqrt_s = sqrt(s);
if ( sqrt_s < 90 )
"DiracSingletDM sigmav called with sqrt_s < 90 GeV.");
return 0;
if ( channel == "hh" )
if ( sqrt_s > mh*2 )
return sv_hh(lambda, mass, v, cosXi);
else return 0;
if ( channel == "bb" and sqrt_s < mb*2 ) return 0;
if ( channel == "cc" and sqrt_s < mc*2 ) return 0;
if ( channel == "tautau" and sqrt_s < mtau*2 ) return 0;
if ( channel == "tt" and sqrt_s < mt*2 ) return 0;
if ( channel == "ZZ" and sqrt_s < mZ0*2) return 0;
if ( channel == "WW" and sqrt_s < mW*2) return 0;
if ( sqrt_s < 300 )
double br = virtual_SMHiggs_widths(channel,sqrt_s);
double Gamma_s = virtual_SMHiggs_widths("Gamma",sqrt_s);
double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
double cos2Xi = cosXi*cosXi;
double sin2Xi = 1 - cos2Xi;
double numerator = (cos2Xi*v*v/4 + sin2Xi);
// Explicitly close channel for off-shell top quarks
if ( channel == "tt" and sqrt_s < mt*2) return 0;
double res = numerator*lambda*lambda*v0*v0*sqrt_s
return res;
if ( channel == "bb" ) return sv_ff(lambda, mass, v, mb, cosXi, true);
if ( channel == "cc" ) return sv_ff(lambda, mass, v, mc, cosXi, true);
if ( channel == "tautau" ) return sv_ff(lambda, mass, v, mtau, cosXi, false);
if ( channel == "tt" ) return sv_ff(lambda, mass, v, mt, cosXi, true);
if ( channel == "ZZ" ) return sv_ZZ(lambda, mass, v, cosXi);
if ( channel == "WW" ) return sv_WW(lambda, mass, v, cosXi);
return 0;
// Annihilation into W bosons.
double sv_WW(double lambda, double mass, double v, double cosXi)
double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
double cos2Xi = cosXi*cosXi;
double sin2Xi = 1 - cos2Xi;
double numerator = (cos2Xi*v*v/4 + sin2Xi);
double x = pow(mW,2)/s;
double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
return pow(lambda,2)*pow(s,2)/16/M_PI*sqrt(1-4*x)*Dh2(s)*numerator*(1-4*x+12*pow(x,2))
// Annihilation into Z bosons.
double sv_ZZ(double lambda, double mass, double v, double cosXi)
double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
double cos2Xi = cosXi*cosXi;
double sin2Xi = 1 - cos2Xi;
double numerator = (cos2Xi*v*v/4 + sin2Xi);
double x = pow(mZ0,2)/s;
double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
return pow(lambda,2)*pow(s,2)/32/M_PI*sqrt(1-4*x)*Dh2(s)*numerator*(1-4*x+12*pow(x,2))
// Annihilation into fermions
double sv_ff(
double lambda, double mass, double v, double mf, double cosXi, bool is_quark)
double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
double cos2Xi = cosXi*cosXi;
double sin2Xi = 1 - cos2Xi;
double numerator = (cos2Xi*v*v/4 + sin2Xi);
double vf = sqrt(1-4*pow(mf,2)/s);
double Xf = 1;
if ( is_quark ) Xf = 3 *
double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
return pow(lambda,2)*s*
/// Annihilation into hh
double sv_hh(double lambda, double mass, double v, double cosXi)
double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4); // v is relative velocity
double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
double xh = mh*mh/s;
double xpsi = mass*mass/s;
double xG = Gamma_mh*mh/s;
double beta = (s - 2*pow(mh,2))/sqrt((s - 4*pow(mh,2))*(s - 4*pow(mass,2)));
return (pow(lambda,2)*sqrt(1 - 4*xh)/(32.*M_PI*s)*(
s - 4*pow(cosXi,2)*s*xpsi - 8*cosXi*lambda*pow(v0,2)*mass +
(3*xh*(8*cosXi*lambda*pow(v0,2)*(-1 + xh)*sqrt(s*xpsi) - s*(2 + xh)*(-1 + 4*pow(cosXi,2)*xpsi)))/(pow(xG,2) + pow(-1 + xh,2))
- (2*pow(lambda,2)*pow(v0,4)*(3*pow(xh,2) - 8*(1 + pow(cosXi,2))*xh*xpsi + 2*xpsi*(1 + 8*pow(cosXi,4)*xpsi)))/(pow(xh,2) + xpsi - 4*xh*xpsi)
+ (4*beta*lambda*pow(v0,2)*(2*cosXi*(-1 + 2*xh)*(-1 - pow(xG,2) + xh*(-1 + 2*xh))*sqrt(s*xpsi)*(-1 - 2*xh + 8*pow(cosXi,2)*xpsi) + lambda*pow(v0,2)*(pow(xG,2) + pow(-1 + xh,2))*
(1 - 4*xh + 6*pow(xh,2) - 16*pow(cosXi,2)*(-1 + xh)*xpsi - 32*pow(cosXi,4)*pow(xpsi,2)))*atanh(1/beta))/((pow(xG,2) + pow(-1 + xh,2))*pow(1 - 2*xh,2)))
double Gamma_mh, mh, v0, alpha_s, mb, mc, mtau, mt, mZ0, mW;
void DarkMatter_ID_DiracSingletDM(std::string & result) { result = "F"; }
void DarkMatterConj_ID_DiracSingletDM(std::string & result) { result = "F"; }
/// Direct detection couplings for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.
void DD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2(NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings &result)
using namespace Pipes::DD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2;
const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
const SubSpectrum& he = spec.get_HE();
double mass = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"F");
double lambda = he.get(Par::dimensionless,"lF");
double cosXI = std::cos(he.get(Par::dimensionless,"xi"));
double sinXI = std::sin(he.get(Par::dimensionless,"xi"));
double mh = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"h0_1");
// Expressions taken from Cline et al. (2013, PRD 88:055025, arXiv:1306.4710)
double fp = 2./9. + 7./9.*(*Param["fpu"] + *Param["fpd"] + *Param["fps"]);
double fn = 2./9. + 7./9.*(*Param["fnu"] + *Param["fnd"] + *Param["fns"]);
// Coefficients
double fsp = lambda*fp*m_proton*cosXI/pow(mh,2);
double fsn = lambda*fn*m_neutron*cosXI/pow(mh,2);
double app = lambda*fp*m_proton*sinXI/pow(mh,2);
double apn = lambda*fn*m_neutron*sinXI/pow(mh,2);
result.c0[1] = fsp + fsn;
result.c1[1] = fsp - fsn;
result.c0[11] = (app + apn)*m_proton/mass;
result.c1[11] = (app - apn)*m_proton/mass;
result.CPTbasis = 0;
/// Relativistic Wilson Coefficients for direct detection,
/// defined in the flavour scheme
void DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2(map_str_dbl &result)
using namespace Pipes::DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2;
// Get values of non-relativistic operators from Spectrum
Spectrum spec = *Dep::DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
double lambda = spec.get(Par::dimensionless, "lF");
double xi = spec.get(Par::dimensionless, "xi");
double mh = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "h0_1");
// Contribution from integrating out top quark comes from
// Eqs. (92--94) of arXiv:1809.03506
double prefactor = lambda / pow(mh, 2);
// Gluon operators
result["C71"] = prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C72"] = prefactor*std::sin(xi);
// Quark operators (scalar mediator)
result["C75d"] = -prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C75u"] = -prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C75s"] = -prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C75c"] = -prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C75b"] = -prefactor*std::cos(xi);
result["C76d"] = -prefactor*std::sin(xi);
result["C76u"] = -prefactor*std::sin(xi);
result["C76s"] = -prefactor*std::sin(xi);
result["C76c"] = -prefactor*std::sin(xi);
result["C76b"] = -prefactor*std::sin(xi);
/// Set up process catalog for the DiracSingletDM_Z2 model.
void TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2(DarkBit::TH_ProcessCatalog &result)
using namespace Pipes::TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
// Initialize empty catalog
TH_ProcessCatalog catalog;
TH_Process process_ann("F", "F");
// Explicitly state that Dirac DM is not self-conjugate to add extra
// factors of 1/2 where necessary
process_ann.isSelfConj = false;
// Import particle masses and couplings
// Convenience macros
#define getSMmass(Name, spinX2) \
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
(Name , TH_ParticleProperty(SM.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));
#define addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) \
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> \
(Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
// Import Spectrum objects
const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
const SubSpectrum& he = spec.get_HE();
const SubSpectrum& SM = spec.get_LE();
const SMInputs& SMI = spec.get_SMInputs();
// Import couplings
double lambda = he.get(Par::dimensionless,"lF");
double v = he.get(Par::mass1,"vev");
double alpha_s = SMI.alphaS; // alpha_s(mZ)^MSbar
double cosXi = std::cos(he.get(Par::dimensionless, "xi"));
// Get SM pole masses
getSMmass("e-_1", 1)
getSMmass("e+_1", 1)
getSMmass("e-_2", 1)
getSMmass("e+_2", 1)
getSMmass("e-_3", 1)
getSMmass("e+_3", 1)
getSMmass("Z0", 2)
getSMmass("W+", 2)
getSMmass("W-", 2)
getSMmass("g", 2)
getSMmass("gamma", 2)
getSMmass("u_3", 1)
getSMmass("ubar_3", 1)
getSMmass("d_3", 1)
getSMmass("dbar_3", 1)
// Pole masses not available for the light quarks.
addParticle("u_1" , SMI.mU, 1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("ubar_1", SMI.mU, 1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("d_1" , SMI.mD, 1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("dbar_1", SMI.mD, 1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("u_2" , SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("ubar_2", SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("d_2" , SMI.mS, 1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
addParticle("dbar_2", SMI.mS, 1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar, not pole mass
// Masses for neutrino flavour eigenstates. Set to zero.
// (presently not required)
addParticle("nu_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nubar_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nu_mu", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nubar_mu", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nu_tau", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nubar_tau",0.0, 1)
// Higgs-sector masses
double mF = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"F");
double mH = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"h0_1");
addParticle("F", mF, 1) // Dirac DM
addParticle("h0_1", mH, 0) // SM-like Higgs
// Meson, baryon and nuclear masses
addParticle("pi0", meson_masses.pi0, 0)
addParticle("pi+", meson_masses.pi_plus, 0)
addParticle("pi-", meson_masses.pi_minus, 0)
addParticle("eta", meson_masses.eta, 0)
addParticle("rho0", meson_masses.rho0, 1)
addParticle("rho+", meson_masses.rho_plus, 1)
addParticle("rho-", meson_masses.rho_minus, 1)
addParticle("omega",, 1)
addParticle("p", m_proton, 1)
addParticle("pbar", m_proton, 1)
addParticle("n", m_neutron, 1)
addParticle("nbar", m_neutron, 1)
addParticle("D", m_deuteron, 2)
addParticle("Dbar", m_deuteron, 2)
// Get rid of convenience macros
#undef getSMmass
#undef addParticle
// Import Decay information
// Import decay table from DecayBit
const DecayTable* tbl = &(*Dep::decay_rates);
// Save Higgs width for later
double gammaH = tbl->at("h0_1").width_in_GeV;
// Set of imported decays
std::set<string> importedDecays;
// Minimum branching ratio to include
double minBranching = 0;
// Import relevant decays (only Higgs and subsequent decays)
using DarkBit_utils::ImportDecays;
// Notes: Virtual Higgs decays into offshell W+W- final states are not
// imported. All other channels are correspondingly rescaled. Decay
// into FF final states is accounted for, leading to zero photons.
ImportDecays("h0_1", catalog, importedDecays, tbl, minBranching,
daFunk::vec<std::string>("Z0", "W+", "W-", "e+_2", "e-_2", "e+_3", "e-_3"));
// Instantiate new DiracSingletDM object
auto diracDM = boost::make_shared<DiracSingletDM>(&catalog, gammaH, v, alpha_s);
// Populate annihilation channel list and add thresholds to threshold
// list.
// (remark: the lowest threshold is here = 2*mF, whereas in DS-internal
// conventions, this lowest threshold is not listed)
auto channel =
daFunk::vec<string>("bb", "WW", "cc", "tautau", "ZZ", "tt", "hh");
auto p1 =
daFunk::vec<string>("d_3", "W+", "u_2", "e+_3", "Z0", "u_3", "h0_1");
auto p2 =
daFunk::vec<string>("dbar_3","W-", "ubar_2","e-_3", "Z0", "ubar_3","h0_1");
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < channel.size(); i++ )
double mtot_final =
catalog.getParticleProperty(p1[i]).mass +
// Include final states that are open for T~m/20
if ( mF*2 > mtot_final*0.5 )
daFunk::Funk kinematicFunction = daFunk::funcM(diracDM,
&DiracSingletDM::sv, channel[i], lambda, mF, cosXi, daFunk::var("v"));
TH_Channel new_channel(
daFunk::vec<string>(p1[i], p2[i]), kinematicFunction
if ( mF*2 > mtot_final )
// Populate resonance list
if ( mH >= mF*2 ) process_ann.resonances_thresholds.resonances.
push_back(TH_Resonance(mH, gammaH));
// Add process to previous list
// Validate
// Return the finished process catalog
result = catalog;
} // function TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:07 +0000