file frontends/FeynHiggs_2_11_3.hpp

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LOAD_LIBRARYBE_FUNCTION(FHSetSMPara , void , (int &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &) , “fhsetsmpara_” , “FHSetSMPara” )
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetParaBE_FUNCTION(FHSetNMFV , void , (int &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &) , “fhsetnmfv_” , “FHSetNMFV” )
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFVBE_FUNCTION(FHConstraints , void , (int &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, int &) , “fhconstraints_” , “FHConstraints” )
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetParaBE_FUNCTION(FHHiggsCorr , void , (int &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > &, fh_complex &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > &) , “fhhiggscorr_” , “FHHiggsCorr” )
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetPara int Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_complex Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > FHUncertaintiesBE_FUNCTION(FHCouplings , void , (int &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 681 > &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 231 > &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 978 > &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 250 > &, int &) , “fhcouplings_” , “FHCouplings” )


LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_crealfhsetpara_
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplexfhsetlfv_
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_realfhgetpara_
LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetPara int Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_complex Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 >fhuncertainties_



Detailed Description


  • Christopher Rogan
  • Pat Scott


  • Sep 2015
  • Dec 2015

Frontend for FeynHiggs backend

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Functions Documentation

function BE_FUNCTION

    FHSetSMPara ,
    void ,
    (int &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &, fh_creal &) ,
    "fhsetsmpara_" ,

function BE_FUNCTION

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara BE_FUNCTION(
    FHSetNMFV ,
    void ,
    (int &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &, fh_ccomplex &) ,
    "fhsetnmfv_" ,

function BE_FUNCTION

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV BE_FUNCTION(
    FHConstraints ,
    void ,
    (int &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, fh_real &, int &) ,
    "fhconstraints_" ,

function BE_FUNCTION

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetPara BE_FUNCTION(
    FHHiggsCorr ,
    void ,
    (int &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > &, fh_complex &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > &) ,
    "fhhiggscorr_" ,

function BE_FUNCTION

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetPara int Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_complex Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > FHUncertainties BE_FUNCTION(
    FHCouplings ,
    void ,
    (int &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 681 > &, Farray< fh_complex, 1, 231 > &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 978 > &, Farray< fh_real, 1, 250 > &, int &) ,
    "fhcouplings_" ,

Attributes Documentation

variable void


variable fhsetpara_

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fhsetpara_;

variable fhsetlfv_

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fhsetlfv_;

variable fhgetpara_

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real fhgetpara_;

variable fhuncertainties_

LOAD_LIBRARY int fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_creal fh_creal fh_creal FHSetPara int fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex fh_ccomplex FHSetLFV int int Farray< fh_real, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 6, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 36, 1, 5 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 2 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 16 > fh_complex fh_real Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_real FHGetPara int Farray< fh_real, 1, 4 > fh_complex Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > Farray< fh_complex, 1, 3, 1, 3 > fhuncertainties_;

Macros Documentation


#define BACKENDNAME FeynHiggs



define VERSION

#define VERSION 2.11.3


#define SAFE_VERSION 2_11_3


#define REFERENCE Bahl:2017aev,Bahl:2016brp,Hahn:2013ria,Frank:2006yh,Degrassi:2002fi,Heinemeyer:1998np,Heinemeyer:1998yj

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
/// Frontend for FeynHiggs backend
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Christopher Rogan
///  \date Sep 2015
///  \author Pat Scott
///  \date Dec 2015
///  *****************************************

#define BACKENDNAME FeynHiggs
#define VERSION 2.11.3
#define SAFE_VERSION 2_11_3
#define REFERENCE Bahl:2017aev,Bahl:2016brp,Hahn:2013ria,Frank:2006yh,Degrassi:2002fi,Heinemeyer:1998np,Heinemeyer:1998yj

/* The following macro loads the library using dlopen
 * when this header file is included somewhere. */



/* Next we use macros BE_VARIABLE and BE_FUNCTION to load pointers
 * (using dlsym) to the variables and functions within the library.
 * The macros also set up a minimal interface providing 'get/set'
 * functions for the library variables and function pointers
 * for the library functions.
 * These functions are then wrapped in functors that the core can connect
 * to the modules via the rollcall system */

/* Syntax for BE_FUNCTION:
 * BE_FUNCTION([choose function name], [type], [arguement types], "[exact symbol name]", "[choose capability name]") */

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetFlags, void, (int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&), "fhsetflags_", "FHSetFlags")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetDebug, void, (int&), "fhsetdebug_", "FHSetDebug")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetSMPara, void, (int&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,
        fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&), "fhsetsmpara_", "FHSetSMPara")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetPara, void, (int&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,
            fh_ccomplex&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&,fh_creal&), "fhsetpara_", "FHSetPara")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetNMFV, void, (int&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,
            fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&), "fhsetnmfv_", "FHSetNMFV")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSetLFV, void, (int&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,
           fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&,fh_ccomplex&), "fhsetlfv_", "FHSetLFV")

BE_FUNCTION(FHConstraints, void, (int&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,
          fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,int&), "fhconstraints_", "FHConstraints")

BE_FUNCTION(FHFlavour, void, (int&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&,fh_real&), "fhflavour_", "FHFlavour")

BE_FUNCTION(FHGetPara, void, (int&,int&,
            Farray<fh_real, 1,2, 1,5, 1,3>&, Farray<fh_complex, 1,2, 1,2, 1,5, 1,3>&,
            Farray<fh_real, 1,6, 1,5>&, Farray<fh_complex, 1,36, 1,5>&,
            Farray< fh_real,1,2>&, Farray< fh_complex,1,4>&,
            Farray< fh_complex,1,4>&, Farray< fh_real,1,4>&,
            Farray< fh_complex,1,16>&, fh_complex&, fh_real&,
            Farray< fh_real,1,4>&, fh_real&), "fhgetpara_", "FHGetPara")

BE_FUNCTION(FHHiggsCorr, void, (int&, Farray< fh_real,1,4>&, fh_complex&, Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3>&,
        Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3>&), "fhhiggscorr_", "FHHiggsCorr")

BE_FUNCTION(FHUncertainties, void, (int&, Farray< fh_real,1,4>&, fh_complex&, Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3>&,
            Farray<fh_complex, 1,3, 1,3>&), "fhuncertainties_", "FHUncertainties")

BE_FUNCTION(FHSelectUZ, void, (int&,int&,int&,int&), "fhselectuz_", "FHSelectUZ")

BE_FUNCTION(FHCouplings, void, (int&, Farray< fh_complex,1,681>&, Farray< fh_complex,1,231>&,
                                Farray< fh_real,1,978>&, Farray< fh_real,1,250>&, int&), "fhcouplings_", "FHCouplings")

BE_FUNCTION(FHHiggsProd, void, (int&, fh_real&, Farray< fh_real,1,52>&), "fhhiggsprod_", "FHHiggsProd")

// Initialisation function (dependencies)
BE_INI_DEPENDENCY(unimproved_MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)   // Need MSSM spectrum inputs to initialize FH

// Undefine macros to avoid conflict with other backends
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_undefs.hpp"

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:09 +0000