file modules/

[No description available]



Source code

#                                    #
#  File handling functions for BOSS  #
#                                    #

from __future__ import print_function
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import shutil
import glob
import pickle

# import modules.cfg as cfg
import modules.active_cfg as active_cfg
exec("import configs." + active_cfg.module_name + " as cfg")

import as gb
import modules.utils as utils
import modules.funcutils as funcutils

# ====== createOutputDirectories ========

# Creates the directory structure for the files generated by BOSS.
# Base directory is gb.boss_output_dir.

def createOutputDirectories(selected_dirs=['all']):

    if ('boss_output_dir' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 17:

    if ('temp' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
        if gb.boss_temp_dir != '':
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == 17:

    # if ('reset' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
    #     if gb.boss_reset_dir != '':
    #         try:
    #             os.makedirs(gb.boss_reset_dir)
    #         except OSError as e:
    #             if e.errno == 17:
    #                 pass
    #             else:
    #                 raise

    if ('backend_types_basedir' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
        if gb.backend_types_basedir != '':
                os.makedirs( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.backend_types_basedir) )
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == 17:
    if ('backend_types_dir_complete' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
            os.makedirs( gb.backend_types_dir_complete )
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 17:

    if ('for_gambit_basedir' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
            os.makedirs( gb.for_gambit_basedir )
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 17:

    if ('for_gambit_backend_types_dir_complete' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
            os.makedirs( gb.for_gambit_backend_types_dir_complete )
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 17:

    if ('frontend_dir_complete' in selected_dirs) or ('all' in selected_dirs):
            os.makedirs( gb.frontend_dir_complete )
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 17:

# ====== END: createOutputDirectories ========

# ====== moveFilesAround ========

# Copy & move files to their correct subdirectories within gb.boss_output_dir.

def moveFilesAround():

    # Copy files to gb.backend_types_dir_complete
    files_list  = []

    # -- abstract class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstr_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension) )

    # -- wrapper class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension) )

    # -- header with forward declarations for all abstract classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_abs_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- header with forward declarations for all wrapper classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # -- header with copies of all enum type declarations
    # files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.enum_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- identification.hpp
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'identification.hpp') ]

    for cp_source in files_list:
        cp_target = os.path.join(gb.backend_types_dir_complete, os.path.basename(cp_source))
        shutil.copy(cp_source, cp_target)

    # Copy files to gb.for_gambit_backend_types_dir_complete
    files_list  = []

    # -- abstract class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstr_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension + '.FOR_GAMBIT') )

    # -- wrapper class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension) )

    # -- header with forward declarations for all abstract classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_abs_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- header with forward declarations for all wrapper classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # -- header with copies of all enum type declarations
    # files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.enum_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- identification.hpp
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'identification.hpp') ]

    for cp_source in files_list:
        cp_target = os.path.join(gb.for_gambit_backend_types_dir_complete, os.path.basename(cp_source).rstrip('.FOR_GAMBIT'))
        shutil.copy(cp_source, cp_target)

    # Delete files from gb.boss_output_dir
    files_list  = []

    # -- abstract class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstr_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension) )
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstr_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension + '.FOR_GAMBIT') )

    # -- wrapper class headers
    files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_header_prefix + '*' + cfg.header_extension) )

    # -- header with forward declarations for all abstract classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_abs_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- header with forward declarations for all wrapper classes
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # -- header with copies of all enum type declarations
    # files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.enum_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # -- identification.hpp
    files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'identification.hpp') ]

    for rm_target in files_list:

    # # - To gb.backend_types_dir_complete
    # move_files_list  = []

    # # -- abstract class headers
    # move_files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstr_header_prefix + '*') )

    # # -- wrapper class headers
    # move_files_list += glob.glob( os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_header_prefix + '*') )

    # # -- header with forward declarations for all abstract classes
    # move_files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_abs_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # -- header with forward declarations for all wrapper classes
    # move_files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.frwd_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # # -- header with copies of all enum type declarations
    # # move_files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.enum_decls_wrp_fname + cfg.header_extension) ]

    # # -- identification.hpp
    # move_files_list += [ os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'identification.hpp') ]

    # for mv_file in move_files_list:
    #     shutil.move(mv_file, gb.backend_types_dir_complete)

# ====== END: moveFilesAround ========

# ====== createCommonHeaders ========

# Copy header files from common_headers/ to gb.boss_output_dir
# and replace any code template tags with proper code

def createCommonHeaders():

    # - abstractbase.hpp
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/abstractbase.hpp'
        target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'abstractbase.hpp')
        shutil.copy(source_file_name, target_file_name)

    # - wrapperbase.hpp

    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/wrapperbase.hpp'
        target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'wrapperbase.hpp')

        new_content = utils.replaceCodeTags(source_file_name, file_input=True)

        f_target = open(target_file_name, 'w')

    # - identification.hpp

    source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/identification.hpp'
    target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'identification.hpp')

    new_content = utils.replaceCodeTags(source_file_name, file_input=True)

    f_target = open(target_file_name, 'w')

    # - cats.hpp

    source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/cats.hpp'
    target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'cats.hpp')
    shutil.copy(source_file_name, target_file_name)

    # - backend_undefs.hpp

    source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/backend_undefs.hpp'
    target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'backend_undefs.hpp')
    shutil.copy(source_file_name, target_file_name)

    # - function_return_utils.hpp
    if len(gb.functions_done) > 0:
        source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_headers/function_return_utils.hpp'
        target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'function_return_utils.hpp')
        shutil.copy(source_file_name, target_file_name)

# ====== END: createCommonHeaders ========

# ====== createCommonSourceFiles ========

# Copy source files from common_source_files/ to gb.boss_output_dir
# and replace any code template tags with proper code

def createCommonSourceFiles():

    # - function_return_utils.cpp
    if len(gb.functions_done) > 0:
        source_file_name = gb.boss_dir+'/common_source_files/function_return_utils.cpp'
        target_file_name = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.func_return_utils_fname + cfg.source_extension)
        shutil.copy(source_file_name, target_file_name)

# ====== END: createCommonSourceFiles ========

# ====== replaceNamespaceTags ========

# Run through a list of files and use code tags open_tag and close_tag
# to construct the namespace constr_namespace.

def replaceNamespaceTags(files_list, constr_namespace, open_tag, close_tag):

    for file_path in files_list:

        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):

        f = open(file_path, 'r')
        content =

        new_content = utils.constrNamespaceFromTags(content, constr_namespace, open_tag, close_tag)

        f = open(file_path, 'w')

# ====== END: replaceNamespaceTags ========

# ====== removeCodeTagsFromFiles ========

# Run through a list of files and remove code tags.

def removeCodeTagsFromFiles(files_list, remove_tags_list):

    for file_path in files_list:

        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):

        # Read file.
        f = open(file_path, 'r')
        content =

        # Generate new file content by removing code tags.
        new_content = utils.removeCodeTags(content, remove_tags_list)

        # Write new content to file.
        f = open(file_path,'w')

# ====== END: removeCodeTagsFromFiles ========

# ====== copyFilesToSourceTree ========

# Copy generated files to original source tree.

def copyFilesToSourceTree(verbose=False):

    # Construct a list of (source,target) tuples for all copy operations.
    source_target_tuples = []

    # Lists of file paths. One list for original files that BOSS edit,
    # and one for new files created by BOSS.
    manipulated_files = []
    new_files = []

    # - Add standard BOSS files that are to be copied to the original source tree
    # -- abstractbase.hpp
    cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'abstractbase.hpp')
    cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, 'abstractbase.hpp')
    source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- abstracttypedefs.hpp
    cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.abstract_typedefs_fname + cfg.header_extension)
    cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, gb.abstract_typedefs_fname + cfg.header_extension)
    source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- backend_undefs.hpp
    cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'backend_undefs.hpp')
    cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, 'backend_undefs.hpp')
    source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- cats.hpp
    cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'cats.hpp')
    cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_utils_incl_dir, 'cats.hpp')
    source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- wrapperbase.hpp
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'wrapperbase.hpp')
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, 'wrapperbase.hpp')
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- wrapperutils.hpp
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_utils_fname + cfg.header_extension)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, gb.wrapper_utils_fname + cfg.header_extension)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- function_return_utils.hpp
    if len(gb.functions_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, 'function_return_utils.hpp')
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, 'function_return_utils.hpp')
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- wrappertypedefs.hpp
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_typedefs_fname + cfg.header_extension)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, gb.wrapper_typedefs_fname + cfg.header_extension)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- wrapperutils.cpp
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.wrapper_utils_fname + cfg.source_extension)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, gb.wrapper_utils_fname + cfg.source_extension)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # -- function_return_utils.cpp
    if len(gb.functions_done) > 0:
        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.func_return_utils_fname + cfg.source_extension)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, gb.func_return_utils_fname + cfg.source_extension)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # - Add all files in the backend_types/ directory.
    #   Will create a similar directory in the include path of the original source tree
    if len(gb.classes_done) > 0:
        source_dir = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, gb.backend_types_basedir, gb.gambit_backend_name_full)
        target_dir = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.backend_types_basedir, gb.gambit_backend_name_full)
        source_files = [ os.path.join(source_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(source_dir) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(source_dir,f) ) ]
        for file_path in source_files:
            target_file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
            cp_source = file_path
            cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.backend_types_basedir, gb.gambit_backend_name_full, target_file_name)
            source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # - Add all manipulated original files
    for original_file_short_name, original_file_full_path in gb.original_file_paths.items():

        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir,original_file_short_name)
        cp_target = original_file_full_path
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # - Add factory source files
    for class_name in gb.classes_done:

        factory_source_fname_short = gb.factory_file_prefix + class_name['short'] + cfg.source_extension

        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, factory_source_fname_short)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, factory_source_fname_short)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # - Add source files for wrapper versions of global functions
    for func_name in gb.functions_done:

        source_file_path = gb.function_file_dict[func_name['long_templ_args']]
        source_file_name = os.path.basename(source_file_path)

        # function_source_fname_short = gb.function_files_prefix + func_name['short'] + gb.code_suffix + cfg.source_extension

        # cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, function_source_fname_short)
        cp_source = os.path.join(source_file_path)
        # cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, function_source_fname_short)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, source_file_name)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # - Add 'extras' source files (containing implementations for the helper functions that BOSS adds to the original classes)
    for class_name in gb.classes_done:

        extra_source_fname_short = gb.general_src_file_prefix + class_name['short'] + cfg.source_extension

        cp_source = os.path.join(gb.boss_output_dir, extra_source_fname_short)
        cp_target = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, extra_source_fname_short)
        source_target_tuples.append( (cp_source, cp_target) )

    # Perform copy operations
    for cp_source, cp_target in source_target_tuples:

        is_dir = False
        if os.path.isfile(cp_source):
            target_dir_name = os.path.dirname(cp_target)
            if not os.path.exists(target_dir_name):
            shutil.copy(cp_source, cp_target)

        elif os.path.isdir(cp_source):
            shutil.copytree(cp_source, cp_target)
            is_dir = True


        if verbose:
            n_spaces = 2
            sep = 50
            while n_spaces == 2:
                n_spaces = max(sep-len(cp_source), 2)
                sep += 20
            print('  ' + cp_source + ' '*n_spaces  + '--->   ' + cp_target + '  (directory)'*is_dir)

    # Construct list of new directories
    new_dirs = [
                  os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir),
                  os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.gambit_utils_incl_dir),
                  os.path.join(cfg.header_files_to, gb.backend_types_basedir, gb.gambit_backend_name_full),

    # Return the list of manipulated file, new files and new directories
    return manipulated_files, new_files, new_dirs

# ====== END: copyFilesToSourceTree ========

# # ====== parseFactoryFunctionFiles ========

# # Parse the factory function source files using castxml.
# # The harvested information will later be used to
# # generate the file loaded_types.hpp

# def parseFactoryFunctionFiles():

#     factory_xml_files = OrderedDict()

#     for i, class_name in enumerate(gb.classes_done):

#         # Check that this class has a factory file and get the path
#         if class_name['long_templ'] not in gb.class_factory_file_dict.keys():
#             continue
#         factory_source_dir, factory_source_fname = os.path.split( gb.class_factory_file_dict[class_name['long_templ']] )
#         factory_source_path = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, factory_source_fname)

#         # Construct file name for xml file produced by castxml
#         xml_output_path = os.path.join(gb.boss_temp_dir, 'factory_tempfile_' + str(i) + '_' + factory_source_fname.replace('.','_') + '.xml' )

#         # List all include paths
#         # include_paths_list = [cfg.include_path] + cfg.additional_include_paths

#         # Timeout limit and process poll interval [seconds]
#         timeout = 300.
#         poll = 0.2

#         # Run castxml
#         try:
#             utils.castxmlRunner(factory_source_path, cfg.include_paths, xml_output_path, timeout_limit=timeout, poll_interval=poll)
#         except:
#             raise

#         # Add factory xml file to dict
#         factory_xml_files[class_name['long']] = xml_output_path

#     return factory_xml_files

# # ====== END: parseFactoryFunctionFiles ========

# ====== createLoadedTypesHeader ========

# Generate the header file loaded_types.hpp. This header will
# contain the symbol names and function signatures for all
# the generated factory functions.

def createLoadedTypesHeader():

    # Generate the code for loaded_types.hpp
    loaded_types_header_content = utils.constrLoadedTypesHeaderContent()

    # Write to file
    loaded_types_output_path = os.path.join(gb.for_gambit_backend_types_dir_complete, 'loaded_types.hpp')
    f = open(loaded_types_output_path, 'w')

# ====== END: createLoadedTypesHeader ========

# ====== parseFunctionSourceFiles ========

# Parse the global function source files using castxml.
# The harvested information will later be used to
# generate the GAMBIT frontend header file.

def parseFunctionSourceFiles():

    function_xml_files = OrderedDict()

    for i, func_name in enumerate(gb.functions_done):

        # Check that this function has a source file and get the path
        if func_name['long_templ_args'] not in gb.function_file_dict.keys():
        function_source_dir, function_source_fname = os.path.split( gb.function_file_dict[func_name['long_templ_args']] )
        function_source_path = os.path.join(cfg.src_files_to, function_source_fname)

        # Construct file name for xml file produced by castxml
        # xml_output_path = os.path.join(gb.boss_temp_dir, function_source_path.replace('../','').replace('/','_').replace('.','_') + '.xml' )
        xml_output_path = os.path.join(gb.boss_temp_dir, 'function_tempfile_' + str(i) + '_' + function_source_fname.replace('.','_') + '.xml' )

        # Construct file name for xml file produced by castxml

        # List all include paths
        # include_paths_list = [cfg.include_path] + cfg.additional_include_paths

        # Run castxml
            utils.castxmlRunner(function_source_path, cfg.include_paths, xml_output_path)

        # Add factory xml file to dict
        function_xml_files[func_name['long_templ_args']] = xml_output_path

    return function_xml_files

# ====== END: parseFunctionSourceFiles ========

# ====== createFrontendHeader ========

# Generate the header file loaded_types.hpp. This header will
# contain the symbol names and function signatures for all
# the generated factory functions.

def createFrontendHeader(function_xml_files_dict):

    # Read all xml files

    # Generate typedefs for loaded classes, from ::BACKENDNAME_SAFE_VERSION::class_name
    # to ::Gambit::Backends::BACKENDNAME_SAFE_VERSION::class_name

    outer_namespace_list = ['Gambit', 'Backends', gb.gambit_backend_name_full]

    typedef_code  = ''
    typedef_code += utils.constrNamespace(outer_namespace_list, 'open', indent=cfg.indent)

    # Loop over all classes
    for class_name in gb.classes_done:

        if not class_name['long'] in gb.factory_info.keys():

            class_typedef_code = ''

            class_namespace, class_name_short = utils.removeNamespace(class_name['long'], return_namespace=True)

            if class_namespace == '':
                class_typedef_code += 'typedef ::' + gb.gambit_backend_name_full + '::' + class_name['long'] + ' ' + class_name['short'] + ';\n'
                class_namespace_list = class_namespace.split('::')

                class_typedef_code += utils.constrNamespace(class_namespace_list, 'open', indent=cfg.indent)
                class_typedef_code += ' '*cfg.indent*len(class_namespace_list) + 'typedef ::' + gb.gambit_backend_name_full + '::' + class_name['long'] + ' ' + class_name['short'] + ';\n'
                class_typedef_code += utils.constrNamespace(class_namespace_list, 'close', indent=cfg.indent)

            class_typedef_code = utils.addIndentation(class_typedef_code, 3*cfg.indent)
            typedef_code += class_typedef_code

    typedef_code += utils.constrNamespace(outer_namespace_list, 'close', indent=cfg.indent)

    # Generate code for all the BE_FUNCTION macros

    be_function_macro_code = ''

    for i,func_name in enumerate(gb.functions_done):

        # Set useful variables
        xml_file = function_xml_files_dict[func_name['long_templ_args']]

        # If new xml file, initialise global dicts
        if xml_file != gb.xml_file_name:
            gb.xml_file_name = xml_file
            utils.initGlobalXMLdicts(xml_file, id_and_name_only=True)

        # Get wrapper function element
        tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
        root = tree.getroot()
        wr_func_el = None

        for el in root.findall('Function'):

            if el.get('name') == gb.wr_func_names[i]:
                wr_func_el = el

        if wr_func_el is None:

        # Get information about the return type.
        return_type_dict = utils.findType(wr_func_el)
        return_el     = return_type_dict['el']
        pointerness   = return_type_dict['pointerness']
        is_ref        = return_type_dict['is_reference']
        return_kw     = return_type_dict['cv_qualifiers']

        return_kw_str = ' '.join(return_kw) + ' '*bool(len(return_kw))

        return_type   = return_type_dict['name'] + '*'*pointerness + '&'*is_ref

        # Construct argument bracket
        args = funcutils.getArgs(wr_func_el)
        args_bracket = funcutils.constrArgsBracket(args, include_arg_name=False, include_arg_type=True, include_namespace=True)

        # Get mangled symbol
        # symbol = wr_func_el.get('mangled')
        symbol = wr_func_el.get('name')

        be_function_macro_code += 'BE_FUNCTION('
        be_function_macro_code += func_name['short'] + ', '
        be_function_macro_code += return_type + ', '
        be_function_macro_code += args_bracket + ', '
        be_function_macro_code += '"' + symbol + '"' + ', '
        be_function_macro_code += '"' + func_name['short'] + '"' + ')\n'

    # Generate code for the frontend header

    frontend_content = ''

    # - Comment at beginning
    backend_name_and_version = cfg.gambit_backend_name + ' ' + cfg.gambit_backend_version
    frontend_content += '//\n'
    frontend_content += '// Frontend header generated by BOSS for GAMBIT backend %s.\n' % (backend_name_and_version)
    frontend_content += '//\n'

    # - Include statement for the identification header
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '#include "' + os.path.join(gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, gb.backend_types_basedir, gb.gambit_backend_name_full, 'identification.hpp') + '"\n'

    # - LOAD_LIBRARY macro
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += 'LOAD_LIBRARY\n'

    # - Class typedefs
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += typedef_code

    # - BE_FUNCTION macros
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// Functions\n'
    frontend_content += be_function_macro_code

    # - Descriptions of different things that can go into a frontend header
    frontend_content += '// Variables\n'
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// Initialisation function (dependencies)\n'
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// Convenience functions (registration)\n'
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// Initialisation function (definition)\n'
    frontend_content += 'BE_INI_FUNCTION{} END_BE_INI_FUNCTION\n'
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// Convenience functions (definitions)\n'

    # - Include statement for backend_undefs.hpp
    frontend_content += '\n'
    frontend_content += '// End\n'
    frontend_content += '#include "' + os.path.join(gb.gambit_backend_incl_dir, 'backend_undefs.hpp') + '"\n'

    # Write to file
    f = open(gb.frontend_path, 'w')

# ====== END: createFrontendHeader ========

# ====== resetSourceCode ========

# Undo changes to a BOSSed source tree.
# Files for which a .backup.boss version exists will be reset,
# while all new files created by BOSS will be deleted.

def resetSourceCode(reset_info_file_name):

    # Load reset info file
    with open(reset_info_file_name, 'rb') as f:
        manipulated_files, new_files, new_dirs = pickle.load(f)

    # Restore the files that were changed in the source tree
    # by replacing them with the backup files
    for target_path in manipulated_files:

        # Check if target file exists
            f = open(target_path, 'r')
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == 2:
                print("  WARNING: Could not find %s. No reset action permformed." % (target_path))
                raise e

        # Check for backup file
        backup_file_path = target_path + '.backup.boss'
            f = open(backup_file_path, 'r')
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == 2:
                print("  WARNING: Could not find backup file %s. No reset action permformed." % (backup_file_path))
                raise e

        # If backup exists, use it to replace target file
        shutil.move(backup_file_path, target_path)
        print("  Restored %s from %s" % (target_path, backup_file_path))

    # Delete new files that BOSS added to the source tree.
    for target_path in new_files:

        # Check if target file exists
            f = open(target_path, 'r')
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == 2:
                print("  WARNING: Could not find %s. No reset action permformed." % (target_path))
                raise e

        print("  Deleted %s" % (target_path))

    # Remove new directories created by BOSS.
    for dir_path in new_dirs:

            print("  Removed directory %s" % (dir_path))
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == 2:
                print("  WARNING: Could not find directory %s. No reset action permformed." % (dir_path))
                raise e


# ====== END: resetSourceCode ========

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:09 +0000