file SpecBit/QedQcdWrapper.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.

Detailed Description

Author: Ben Farmer (

Date: 2015 Mar

This class is used to wrap the QedQcd object used by SoftSUSY and FlexibleSUSY in a Gambit SubSpectrum object. This is to enable access to the parameters of the SM defined as a low-energy effective theory (as opposed to correspending information defined in a UV model). Parameters defined this way are often used as input to a physics calculator.

This is one of the simplest wrappers possible, so it is useful as a guide for designing other SubSpectrum wrappers. To assist this, code is documented with the following markings to distinguish pieces that are essential for all wrappers from those which are specific to this wrapper: /***/ - Required by all wrappers. /O/ - Optional (e.g. unused maps fillers can be left undeclared) /P/ - Required if map fillers are protected, which is sensible.


Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  This class is used to wrap the QedQcd object used by SoftSUSY
///  and FlexibleSUSY in a Gambit SubSpectrum object. This is to enable
///  access to the parameters of the SM defined as a low-energy effective theory
///  (as opposed to correspending information defined in a UV model).
///  Parameters defined this way are often used as input to a physics calculator.
///  This is one of the simplest wrappers possible, so it is useful as a guide
///  for designing other SubSpectrum wrappers. To assist this, code is documented
///  with the following markings to distinguish pieces that are essential for
///  all wrappers from those which are specific to this wrapper:
///  /***/ - Required by all wrappers.
///  /*O*/ - Optional (e.g. unused maps fillers can be left undeclared)
///  /*P*/ - Required if map fillers are protected, which is sensible.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors:
///  <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2015 Mar
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __QedQcdWrapper_hpp__
#define __QedQcdWrapper_hpp__

#include "gambit/Elements/sminputs.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spec.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/SpectrumContents/RegisteredSpectra.hpp"

// This is a horrible hack to suppress the millions of warnings that get generated by flexiblesusy.
// It basically kills all warnings from the entire remainder of this header.
#pragma GCC system_header
#include "lowe.h" ///TODO: wrap using BOSS at some point, i.e. get this from FlexibleSUSY or SoftSUSY

namespace Gambit
   namespace SpecBit
      class QedQcdWrapper;

   /// Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types
   template <>
   struct SpecTraits<SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper>
      static std::string name() { return "QedQcdWrapper"; }
      typedef SpectrumContents::SM Contents;
      typedef softsusy::QedQcd Model;
      typedef SMInputs         Input;

   namespace SpecBit
      class QedQcdWrapper : public Spec<QedQcdWrapper>
            // Keep copies of Model and Input objects internally
            Model qedqcd;
            Input sminputs;

            // Constructors/destructors
            QedQcdWrapper(const softsusy::QedQcd&, const SMInputs&);
            virtual ~QedQcdWrapper();        /***/

            // Functions to interface Model and Input objects with the base 'Spec' class
            Model& get_Model() { return qedqcd; }
            Input& get_Input() { return sminputs; }
            const Model& get_Model() const { return qedqcd; }
            const Input& get_Input() const { return sminputs; }

            virtual int get_numbers_stable_particles() const;  /***/

            /// Add QEDQCD information to an SLHAea object
            virtual void add_to_SLHAea(int, SLHAstruct& slha) const;

            /// RunningPars interface overrides
            virtual double GetScale() const;      /***/
            virtual void SetScale(double scale);  /***/
            virtual void RunToScaleOverride(double);      /***/

            /// Limits for running
            /// @{
            double hardup; // Be careful of order in constructor!
            double softup;
            double softlow;
            double hardlow;
            virtual double hard_upper() const {return hardup;} /*O*/
            virtual double soft_upper() const {return softup;} /*O*/
            virtual double soft_lower() const {return softlow;}/*O*/
            virtual double hard_lower() const {return hardlow;}/*O*/
            /// @}

            /// Map fillers
            static GetterMaps fill_getter_maps(); /*O*/
            static SetterMaps fill_setter_maps(); /*O*/


   } // end SpecBit namespace
} // end Gambit namespace


Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:06 +0000