file src/SimpleLikelihoods.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::DarkBit |
Detailed Description
- Christoph Weniger (
- Sebastian Wild (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- Ankit Beniwal (
- 2013 Jul - 2015 May
- 2016 Aug
- 2020 Mar
- 2020 Dec
Various simple likelihood functions.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Various simple likelihood functions.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Christoph Weniger
/// (
/// \date 2013 Jul - 2015 May
/// \author Sebastian Wild
/// (
/// \date 2016 Aug
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date 2020 Mar
/// \author Ankit Beniwal
/// (
/// \date 2020 Dec
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/statistics.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp"
namespace Gambit {
namespace DarkBit {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// // Simple likelihood functions
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /*! \brief Fermi LAT dwarf likelihoods, based on arXiv:1108.2914.
// */
// void lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple(double &result)
// {
// using namespace Pipes::lnL_FermiLATdwarfsSimple;
// // Koushiappas' limits [arXiv:1108.2914]
// //
// // This is the tabulated Phi-Likelihood function from Koushiappas et al.
// // Above L = 36, we use linear extrapolation up to L = 360000
// //
// // phi (defined as phi = sigmav/mDM**2*Ntot/8/pi * 1e26)
// double xgridArray [101] = { 0. , 6.74308086122e-05 , 0.000123192463137 ,
// 0.000171713798503 , 0.000215245918518 , 0.000255093268618 , 0.00029207805123 ,
// 0.000326751732695 , 0.000359503469472 , 0.000390620122006 , 0.000420321264006,
// 0.00044878042576 , 0.000476138421008 , 0.000502511975672 , 0.000527999496499,
// 0.000552685056887 , 0.000576641243501 , 0.000599931255273 ,
// 0.000622610497068 , 0.000644727821172 , 0.000666326515638 , 0.000687445105269,
// 0.000708118010141 , 0.000728376093388 , 0.000748247120993 , 0.00076775615078,
// 0.000786925863514 , 0.000805776846231 , 0.000824327835809 , 0.00084259592922,
// 0.000860596765645 , 0.000878344684789 , 0.000895852864914 ,
// 0.000913133443547 , 0.000930197623331 , 0.0009470557651 , 0.000963717469925 ,
// 0.00098019165163 , 0.000996486601006 , 0.00101261004288 , 0.00102856918685 ,
// 0.00104437077256 , 0.00106002111016 , 0.00107552611658 , 0.00109089134805 ,
// 0.00110612202935 , 0.00112122308019 , 0.00113619913897 , 0.00115105458439 ,
// 0.00116579355487 , 0.00118041996631 , 0.00119493752815 , 0.00120934975806 ,
// 0.00122365999528 , 0.00123787141289 , 0.00125198702892 , 0.00126600971667 ,
// 0.00127994221404 , 0.00129378713223 , 0.00130754696367 , 0.00132122408935 ,
// 0.00133482078559 , 0.00134833923028 , 0.00136178150869 , 0.0013751496188 ,
// 0.00138844547626 , 0.00140167091906 , 0.00141482771173 , 0.00142791754942 ,
// 0.00144094206154 , 0.0014539028153 , 0.00146680131887 , 0.00147963902447 ,
// 0.00149241733116 , 0.00150513758749 , 0.00151780109399 , 0.00153040910553 ,
// 0.00154296283341 , 0.00155546344754 , 0.00156791207827 , 0.00158030981824 ,
// 0.00159265772411 , 0.00160495681814 , 0.00161720808976 , 0.00162941249692 ,
// 0.00164157096757 , 0.00165368440081 , 0.00166575366823 , 0.00167777961494 ,
// 0.00168976306076 , 0.00170170480119 , 0.00171360560841 , 0.00172546623219 ,
// 0.00173728740083 , 0.00174906982191 , 0.00176081418314 , 0.00177252115315 ,
// 0.00178419138212 , 0.00179582550256 , 0.00180742412988 , 18.0 };
// //
// // Normalization w.r.t. p-value of phi=0
// //
// // chi^2
// double ygridArray [101] = { 0.0,
// 0.0513551, 0.177438, 0.35228, 0.561353, 0.795726, 1.04953, 1.3187, 1.60032,
// 1.89222, 2.19274, 2.50059, 2.81476, 3.13441, 3.45887, 3.78757, 4.12006,
// 4.45594, 4.79486, 5.13653, 5.48072, 5.82719, 6.17576, 6.52625, 6.87853,
// 7.23244, 7.58789, 7.94475, 8.30294, 8.66236, 9.02294, 9.38462, 9.74731,
// 10.111, 10.4755, 10.841, 11.2072, 11.5742, 11.9419, 12.3104, 12.6795, 13.0492,
// 13.4195, 13.7904, 14.1619, 14.5339, 14.9063, 15.2793, 15.6527, 16.0266,
// 16.4008, 16.7755, 17.1506, 17.5261, 17.9019, 18.2781, 18.6546, 19.0315,
// 19.4087, 19.7861, 20.1639, 20.542, 20.9203, 21.2989, 21.6778, 22.0569,
// 22.4362, 22.8158, 23.1957, 23.5757, 23.956, 24.3365, 24.7171, 25.098, 25.4791,
// 25.8604, 26.2418, 26.6235, 27.0053, 27.3872, 27.7694, 28.1517, 28.5342,
// 28.9168, 29.2996, 29.6825, 30.0655, 30.4487, 30.8321, 31.2155, 31.5992,
// 31.9829, 32.3667, 32.7507, 33.1348, 33.519, 33.9034, 34.2878, 34.6724,
// 35.0571, 350000.0 };
// // Convert arrays to vectors.
// std::vector<double> xgrid(xgridArray,
// xgridArray + sizeof xgridArray / sizeof xgridArray[0]);
// std::vector<double> ygrid(ygridArray,
// ygridArray + sizeof ygridArray / sizeof ygridArray[0]);
// // Construct interpolated function, using GAMBIT base functions.
// auto dwarf_likelihood = daFunk::interp("phi", xgrid, ygrid);
// double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;
// // Integate spectrum
// // (the zero velocity limit of the differential annihilation
// // cross-section as function of individual final state photons)
// double AnnYieldint = (*Dep::GA_Yield)->
// set("v", 0.)->gsl_integration("E", 1, 100)->set_epsabs(0)->set_epsrel(1e-3)->bind()->eval();
// logger() << "AnnYieldInt (1-100 GeV): " << AnnYieldint << EOM;
// // Calculate phi-value
// double phi = AnnYieldint / 8. / M_PI * 1e26 * fraction * fraction;
// // And return final likelihood
// result = 0.5*dwarf_likelihood->bind("phi")->eval(phi);
// logger() << "dwarf_likelihood: " << result << EOM;
// logger() << "phi: " << phi << EOM;
// }
// module function which sets the Milky Way halo profile for the gamlike backend
void set_gamLike_GC_halo(bool &result)
using namespace Pipes::set_gamLike_GC_halo;
daFunk::Funk profile = (Dep::GalacticHalo)->DensityProfile;
auto r = daFunk::logspace(-3, 2, 100);
auto rho = daFunk::logspace(-3, 2, 100);
double dist = (Dep::GalacticHalo)->r_sun;
for ( size_t i = 0; i<r.size(); i++ )
rho[i] = profile->bind("r")->eval(r[i]);
BEreq::set_halo_profile(0, r, rho, byVal(dist));
result = true;
/*! \brief Fermi LAT dwarf likelihoods, using gamLike backend.
void lnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike;
double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;
int mode = 0;
result = 0;
/// Option version \code <string> \endcode : Set Fermi LAT dwarf likelihood version (default: pass8)
std::string version = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("pass8", "version");
if ( version == "pass8" ) mode = 1;
else if ( version == "pass7" ) mode = 0;
else DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Fermi LAT dwarf likelihood version unknown.");
// from 0.5 to 500 GeV
std::vector<double> x = daFunk::logspace(-0.301, 2.699, 100);
x = daFunk::augmentSingl(x, (*Dep::GA_Yield)->set("v",0));
std::vector<double> y;
// Get the correct scaling in terms of rho for annihilation or decay processes.
std::string proc = *Dep::DM_process;
if (proc == "annihilation")
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/8./M_PI*fraction*fraction)->set("v", 0)->bind("E")->vect(x);
else if (proc == "decay")
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sorry, decaying DM is not supported yet in gamlike.");
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/4./M_PI*fraction)->bind("E")->vect(x);
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Process type " + proc + " unknown.");
result = BEreq::lnL(byVal(mode), x, y);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "GamLike dSph likelihood is lnL = " << result << EOM;
void lnL_HESSGC_gamLike(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_HESSGC_gamLike;
double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;
int mode = 0;
result = 0;
/// Option version \code <string> \endcode : Set HESS GC likelihood version (default: spectral_externalJ)
std::string version = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("spectral_externalJ", "version");
if ( version == "integral_fixedJ" ) mode = 6;
else if ( version == "spectral_fixedJ" ) mode = 7;
else if ( version == "integral_externalJ" ) mode = 9;
else if ( version == "spectral_externalJ" ) mode = 10;
else DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "HESS GC likelihood version unknown.");
// from 230(265) GeV to 30 TeV
std::vector<double> x = daFunk::logspace(2.36, 4.48, 100);
x = daFunk::augmentSingl(x, (*Dep::GA_Yield)->set("v",0));
std::vector<double> y;
// Get the correct scaling in terms of rho for annihilation or decay processes.
std::string proc = *Dep::DM_process;
if (proc == "annihilation")
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/8./M_PI*fraction*fraction)->set("v", 0)->bind("E")->vect(x);
else if (proc == "decay")
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sorry, decaying DM is not supported yet in gamlike.");
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/4./M_PI*fraction)->bind("E")->vect(x);
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Process type " + proc + " unknown.");
result = BEreq::lnL(byVal(mode), x, y);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "GamLike HESS GC likelihood is lnL = " << result << EOM;
void lnL_CTAGC_gamLike(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_CTAGC_gamLike;
double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;
result = 0;
// from 25 GeV to 10 TeV
std::vector<double> x = daFunk::logspace(1.39, 4.00, 100);
x = daFunk::augmentSingl(x, (*Dep::GA_Yield)->set("v",0));
std::vector<double> y;
// Get the correct scaling in terms of rho for annihilation or decay processes.
std::string proc = *Dep::DM_process;
if (proc == "annihilation")
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/8./M_PI*fraction*fraction)->set("v", 0)->bind("E")->vect(x);
else if (proc == "decay")
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sorry, decaying DM is not supported yet in gamlike.");
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/4./M_PI*fraction)->bind("E")->vect(x);
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Process type " + proc + " unknown.");
result = BEreq::lnL(5, x, y);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "GamLike CTA GC likelihood is lnL = " << result << EOM;
/*! \brief Fermi LAT galactic center likelihoods, using gamLike backend.
void lnL_FermiGC_gamLike(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_FermiGC_gamLike;
double fraction = *Dep::RD_fraction;
int mode = 0;
result = 0;
/// Option version \code <string> \endcode : Set Fermi LAT GC likelihood version (default: externalJ)
std::string version = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("externalJ", "version");
if ( version == "fixedJ" ) mode = 2;
else if ( version == "margJ" ) mode = 3;
else if ( version == "margJ_HEP" ) mode = 4;
else if ( version == "externalJ" ) mode = 8;
else DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Fermi LAT GC likelihood version unknown.");
// from 0.3 to 500 GeV
std::vector<double> x = daFunk::logspace(-0.523, 2.699, 100);
x = daFunk::augmentSingl(x, (*Dep::GA_Yield)->set("v",0));
std::vector<double> y;
// Get the correct scaling in terms of rho for annihilation or decay processes.
std::string proc = *Dep::DM_process;
if (proc == "annihilation")
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/8./M_PI*fraction*fraction)->set("v", 0)->bind("E")->vect(x);
else if (proc == "decay")
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sorry, decaying DM is not supported yet in gamlike.");
y = ((*Dep::GA_Yield)/4./M_PI*fraction)->bind("E")->vect(x);
DarkBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Process type " + proc + " unknown.");
result = BEreq::lnL(byVal(mode), x, y);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "GamLike Fermi GC likelihood is lnL = " << result << EOM;
/// \brief Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints.
/// Default data:
/// Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209
/// theory error: 5%
/// S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.
void lnL_oh2_Simple(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_oh2_Simple;
double oh2_theory = *Dep::RD_oh2;
/// option oh2_fractional_theory_err<double>: Relic density fractional 1 sigma theory
/// error (default: 0.05)
double oh2_theoryerr = oh2_theory*runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.05, "oh2_fractional_theory_err");
/// option oh2_obs<double>: Observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.11933)
double oh2_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.11933, "oh2_obs");
/// option oh2_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.00091)
double oh2_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.00091, "oh2_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(oh2_theory, oh2_obs, oh2_theoryerr, oh2_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_oh2_Simple yields " << result << EOM;
/// \brief Likelihood for cosmological relic density constraints, implemented as an upper limit only
/// Default data:
/// Omega_c h^2 = 0.11933 +/- 0.00091 (1 sigma), Gaussian. Planck TT,TE,EE+lowP+lensing+BAO 2018, arxiv:1807.06209
/// theory error: 5%
/// S.B. 19/3/20 Updated with 2018 Planck results.
void lnL_oh2_upperlimit(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_oh2_upperlimit;
double oh2_theory = *Dep::RD_oh2;
/// option oh2_fractional_theory_err<double>: Relic density fractional 1 sigma theory
/// error (default: 0.05)
double oh2_theoryerr = oh2_theory*runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.05, "oh2_fractional_theory_err");
/// option oh2_obs<double>: Observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.11933)
double oh2_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.11933, "oh2_obs");
/// option oh2_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on observed value of Omega h^2 (default: 0.00091)
double oh2_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.00091, "oh2_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_upper_limit(oh2_theory, oh2_obs, oh2_theoryerr, oh2_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_oh2_upperlimit yields " << result << EOM;
/// \brief Likelihoods for spin independent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment
/// of Cline, et. al. Phys. Rev. D. 88, 055025 (2013)
/// Default data:
/// sigma_s = 43 +/- 8 MeV arXiv:1112.2435v1
/// sigma_l = 58 +/- 9 MeV
void lnL_sigmas_sigmal(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_sigmas_sigmal;
double sigmas = *Param["sigmas"];
double sigmal = *Param["sigmal"];
/// Option sigmas_obs<double>: Experimental value of sigma_s (default 43.)
double sigmas_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(43., "sigmas_obs");
/// Option sigmas_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on sigma_s (default 8.)
double sigmas_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(8., "sigmas_obserr");
/// Option sigmal_obs<double>: Experimental value of sigma_l (default 58.)
double sigmal_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(58., "sigmal_obs");
/// Option sigmal_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on sigma_l (default 9.)
double sigmal_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(9., "sigmal_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(sigmas, sigmas_obs, 0, sigmas_obserr, profile)
+ Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(sigmal, sigmal_obs, 0, sigmal_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL for SI nuclear parameters is " << result << EOM;
/// \brief Likelihoods for spin dependent nuclear parameters. Follows treatment
/// of Akrami, et. al. JCAP04 (2011) 012. (Note that all deltaq are for proton.)
/// Default data:
/// a3 = deltau - deltad = 1.2723 +/- 0.0023
/// PDG 2015 lambda parameter from neutron beta decay
/// a8 = deltau + deltad - 2*deltas = 0.585 +/- 0.025
/// deltas = -0.09 +/- 0.03
void lnL_deltaq(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_deltaq;
double deltad = *Param["deltad"];
double deltau = *Param["deltau"];
double deltas = *Param["deltas"];
double a3 = deltau - deltad;
double a8 = deltau + deltad - 2*deltas;
/// Option a3_obs<double>: Experimental value of a3 (default 1.2723)
double a3_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1.2723, "a3_obs");
/// Option a3_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on a3 (default 0.0023)
double a3_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.0023, "a3_obserr");
/// Option a8_obs<double>: Experimental value of a8 (default 0.585)
double a8_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.585, "a8_obs");
/// Option a8_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on a8 (default 0.025)
double a8_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.025, "a8_obserr");
/// Option deltas_obs<double>: Experimental value of Delta_s (default -0.09)
double deltas_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-0.09, "deltas_obs");
/// Option deltas_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on Delta_s (default 0.03)
double deltas_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.03, "deltas_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(a3, a3_obs, 0, a3_obserr, profile) +
Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(a8, a8_obs, 0, a8_obserr, profile) +
Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(deltas, deltas_obs, 0, deltas_obserr, profile);
/// \brief Likelihoods for nuclear parameters (ChPT) as used in DirectDM v2.2.0
/// Default data:
/// sigmapiN = 0.050 +/- 0.015 GeV
/// Deltas = -0.035 +/- 0.009
/// gTs = -0.027 +/- 0.016
/// rs2 = -0.115 +/- 0.035 GeV^-2
void lnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2;
double sigmapiN = *Param["sigmapiN"];
double Deltas = *Param["Deltas"];
double gTs = *Param["gTs"];
double rs2 = *Param["rs2"];
double sigmapiN_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.050, "sigmapiN_obs");
double sigmapiN_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.015, "sigmapiN_obserr");
double Deltas_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-0.035, "Deltas_obs");
double Deltas_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.009, "Deltas_obserr");
double gTs_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-0.027, "gTs_obs");
double gTs_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.016, "gTs_obserr");
double rs2_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(-0.115, "rs2_obs");
double rs2_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.035, "rs2_obserr");
/// Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(sigmapiN, sigmapiN_obs, 0, sigmapiN_obserr, profile)
+ Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Deltas, Deltas_obs, 0, Deltas_obserr, profile)
+ Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(gTs, gTs_obs, 0, gTs_obserr, profile)
+ Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(rs2, rs2_obs, 0, rs2_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL for nuclear parameters (ChPT) is " << result << EOM;
/// \brief Likelihoods for halo parameters. The likelihood for the local DM density follows a
/// log normal distribution while for the velocities the distribution is Gaussian.
/// For discussion of the default values for measured halo paramters and their errors,
/// see JCAP04(2011)012.
void lnL_rho0_lognormal(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_rho0_lognormal;
LocalMaxwellianHalo LocalHaloParameters = *Dep::LocalHalo;
double rho0 = LocalHaloParameters.rho0;
/// Option rho0_obs<double>: Best fit value for local dark matter density (default .4)
double rho0_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(.4, "rho0_obs");
/// Option rho0_obserr<double>: Error on local dark matter density (default .15)
double rho0_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(.15, "rho0_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::lognormal_loglikelihood(rho0, rho0_obs, 0.,
rho0_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_rho0 yields " << result << EOM;
void lnL_vrot_gaussian(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_vrot_gaussian;
LocalMaxwellianHalo LocalHaloParameters = *Dep::LocalHalo;
double vrot = LocalHaloParameters.vrot;
/// Option vrot_obs<double>: Best fit value for local disk rotational speed (default 235)
double vrot_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(235, "vrot_obs");
/// Option vrot_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on local disk rotational speed (default 20)
double vrot_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(20, "vrot_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(vrot, vrot_obs, 0., vrot_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_vrot yields " << result << EOM;
void lnL_v0_gaussian(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_v0_gaussian;
LocalMaxwellianHalo LocalHaloParameters = *Dep::LocalHalo;
double v0 = LocalHaloParameters.v0;
/// Option v0_obs<double>: Best fit value for most-probable DM speed (default 235)
double v0_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(235, "v0_obs");
/// Option v0_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on most-probable DM speed (default 20)
double v0_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(20, "v0_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(v0, v0_obs, 0., v0_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_v0 yields " << result << EOM;
void lnL_vesc_gaussian(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::lnL_vesc_gaussian;
LocalMaxwellianHalo LocalHaloParameters = *Dep::LocalHalo;
double vesc = LocalHaloParameters.vesc;
/// Option vesc_obs<double>: Best fit value for escape velocity (default 550)
double vesc_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(550, "vesc_obs");
/// Option vesc_obserr<double>: 1 sigma error on escape velocity (default 35)
double vesc_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(35, "vesc_obserr");
/// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(vesc, vesc_obs, 0., vesc_obserr, profile);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "lnL_vesc yields " << result << EOM;
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:07 +0000