file src/SpecBit_VS.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::SpecBit |
Detailed Description
- James McKay (
- José Eliel Camargo-Molina (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- Janina Renk (
- Tomas Gonzalo (
- 2015 Nov - 2016 Mar
- Jun 2018++
- Sep 2019
- 2019 July, Dec
- 2020 Sep
Functions of module SpecBit
Vacuum stability functions, including interface to VevaciousPlusPlus.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functions of module SpecBit
/// Vacuum stability functions,
/// including interface to VevaciousPlusPlus.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author James McKay
/// (
/// \date 2015 Nov - 2016 Mar
/// \author José Eliel Camargo-Molina
/// (
/// \date Jun 2018++
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date Sep 2019
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2019 July, Dec
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2020 Sep
/// *********************************************
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spectrum.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/QedQcdWrapper.hpp"
#include "SLHAea/slhaea.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_min.h>
#ifdef WITH_MPI
#include "mpi.h"
// Switch for debug mode
namespace Gambit
namespace SpecBit
using namespace LogTags;
using namespace flexiblesusy;
void check_EW_stability_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(double &result)
// check that the electroweak scale stability conditions are satisfied
namespace myPipe = Pipes::check_EW_stability_ScalarSingletDM_Z3;
const Spectrum& fullspectrum = *myPipe::Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum;
double lambda_h = fullspectrum.get(Par::dimensionless,"lambda_h");
double lambda_s = fullspectrum.get(Par::dimensionless,"lambda_S");
double lambda_hs = fullspectrum.get(Par::dimensionless,"lambda_hS");
double mu3 = fullspectrum.get(Par::mass1,"mu3");
double ms = fullspectrum.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"S");
double check = 0;
if ( (lambda_h*lambda_s > 0 ) )
check = 2 * pow( lambda_h * lambda_s , 0.5) + lambda_hs;
double check_2 = 2.*pow(abs(lambda_s),0.5)*ms - mu3;
result = 0;
// if any condition not satisfied set bad likelihood and invalidate point
if ( lambda_hs < 0 || lambda_s < 0 || check < 0 || check_2 < 0)
invalid_point().raise("Electroweak vacuum is unstable at low scale.");
result = -1e100;
bool check_perturb_to_min_lambda(const Spectrum& spec,double scale,int pts
,const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters)
std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum> subspec = spec.clone_HE();
double step = log10(scale) / pts;
double runto;
double ul=3.5449077018110318; // sqrt(4*Pi)
for (int i=0;i<pts;i++)
runto = pow(10,step*float(i+1.0)); // scale to run spectrum to
if (runto<100){runto=200.0;}// avoid running to low scales
subspec -> RunToScale(runto);
catch (const Error& error)
return false;
for(std::vector<SpectrumParameter>::const_iterator it = required_parameters.begin();
it != required_parameters.end(); ++it)
const Par::Tags tag = it->tag();
const std::string name = it->name();
const std::vector<int> shape = it->shape();
std::ostringstream label;
label << name <<" "<<;
if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]==1)
if (abs(subspec->get(tag,name))>ul)
return false;
else if(shape.size()==1 and shape[0]>1)
for(int k = 1; k<=shape[0]; ++k) {
if (abs(subspec->get(tag,name,k))>ul)
return false;
else if(shape.size()==2)
for(int k = 1; k<=shape[0]; ++k) {
for(int j = 1; j<=shape[0]; ++j) {
if (abs(subspec->get(tag,name,k,j))>ul)
return false;
return true;
double run_lambda(double scale , void *params)
std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum>* spec=(std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum>* )params;
SubSpectrum& speccloned = **spec;
// clone the original spectrum incase the running takes the spectrum
// into a non-perturbative scale and thus the spectrum is no longer reliable
std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum> speccloned2 = speccloned.clone();
if (scale>1.0e21){scale=1.0e21;}// avoid running to high scales
if (scale<100.0){scale=100.0;}// avoid running to very low scales
double lambda;
lambda = speccloned2->get(Par::dimensionless,"lambda_h");
catch (const Error& error)
// ERROR(error.what());
//cout << "error encountered" << endl;
lambda = 0;
// return EXIT_FAILURE;
return lambda;
void find_min_lambda_Helper(dbl_dbl_bool& vs_tuple, const Spectrum& fullspectrum,
double high_energy_limit, int check_perturb_pts,
const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters)
std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum> speccloned = fullspectrum.clone_HE();
// three scales at which we choose to run the quartic coupling up to, and then use a Lagrange interpolating polynomial
// to get an estimate for the location of the minimum, this is an efficient way to narrow down over a huge energy range
double u_1 = 1, u_2 = 5, u_3 = 12;
double lambda_1,lambda_2,lambda_3;
double lambda_min = 0;
bool min_exists = 1;// check if gradient is positive at electroweak scale
if ( run_lambda(101.0, &speccloned ) > run_lambda(100.0, &speccloned ) )
// gradient is positive, the minimum is less than electroweak scale so
// lambda_h must be monotonally increasing
min_exists = 0;
lambda_min = run_lambda(100.0,&speccloned);
double mu_min = 0;
if (min_exists)
// fit parabola (in log space) to the 3 trial points and use this to estimate the minimum
for (int i=1;i<2;i++)
lambda_1 = run_lambda(pow(10,u_1),&speccloned);
lambda_2 = run_lambda(pow(10,u_2),&speccloned);
lambda_3 = run_lambda(pow(10,u_3),&speccloned);
double min_u= (lambda_1*(pow(u_2,2)-pow(u_3,2)) - lambda_2*(pow(u_1,2)-pow(u_3,2)) + lambda_3*(pow(u_1,2)-pow(u_2,2)));
double denominator = ( lambda_1*(u_2-u_3)+ lambda_2*(u_3-u_1) +lambda_3*(u_1-u_2));
// run downhill minimization routine to find exact minimum
double mu_lower = pow(10,u_1);
double mu_upper = pow(10,u_3);
mu_min = pow(10,u_2);
gsl_function F;
F.function = &run_lambda;
F.params = &speccloned;
int status;
int iteration = 0, max_iteration = 1000;
const gsl_min_fminimizer_type *T;
gsl_min_fminimizer *s;
T = gsl_min_fminimizer_brent;
s = gsl_min_fminimizer_alloc (T);
gsl_min_fminimizer_set (s, &F, mu_min, mu_lower, mu_upper);
status = gsl_min_fminimizer_iterate (s);
mu_min = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_minimum (s);
mu_lower = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_lower (s);
mu_upper = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_upper (s);
status = gsl_min_test_interval (mu_lower, mu_upper, 0.0001, 0.0001);
// cout << "mu_lower = " << mu_lower << " mu_upper = " << mu_upper << endl;
while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iteration < max_iteration);
if (iteration == max_iteration)
SpecBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"The minimum of the quartic coupling could not be found");
gsl_min_fminimizer_free (s);
lambda_min = run_lambda(mu_min,&speccloned);
std::cout<< "minimum value of quartic coupling is "<< lambda_min << " at " << mu_min <<" GeV"<<std::endl;
double lifetime,LB;
if (lambda_min<0) // second minimum exists, now determine stability and lifetime
double p=exp(4*140-26/(abs(0.5*lambda_min)))*pow(LB/(1.2e19),4); // compute tunnelling rate
if (p>1)
cout<< "vacuum is unstable" << endl;
cout<< "vacuum is metastable" << endl;
double pi2_8_over3 = 8.* pow ( pi , 2 ) / 3.;
double conversion = (6.5821195e-25)/(31536000);
// top factor is hbar in units of GeV.s and bottom factor is number of seconds in a year
else // quartic coupling always positive, set output to default values
cout << "vacuum is absolutely stable" << endl;
// vacuum is stable
// now do a check on the perturbativity of the couplings up to this scale
bool perturbative=check_perturb_to_min_lambda(fullspectrum,LB,check_perturb_pts,required_parameters);
double perturb=float(!perturbative);
cout << "perturbativity checked up to " << LB << " result = " << perturbative << endl;
cout << "Higgs pole mass = " << fullspectrum.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "h0_1") << endl;
vs_tuple = dbl_dbl_bool(lifetime,LB,perturb);
void find_min_lambda_ScalarSingletDM_Z2(dbl_dbl_bool& vs_tuple)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::find_min_lambda_ScalarSingletDM_Z2;
double high_energy_limit = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1.22e19,"set_high_scale");
int check_perturb_pts = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(10,"check_perturb_pts");
static const SpectrumContents::ScalarSingletDM_Z2 contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters_with_tag(Par::dimensionless);
find_min_lambda_Helper(vs_tuple, *myPipe::Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, high_energy_limit, check_perturb_pts, required_parameters);
void find_min_lambda_ScalarSingletDM_Z3(dbl_dbl_bool& vs_tuple)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::find_min_lambda_ScalarSingletDM_Z3;
double high_energy_limit = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1.22e19,"set_high_scale");
int check_perturb_pts = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(10,"check_perturb_pts");
static const SpectrumContents::ScalarSingletDM_Z2 contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters_with_tag(Par::dimensionless);
find_min_lambda_Helper(vs_tuple, *myPipe::Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum, high_energy_limit, check_perturb_pts, required_parameters);
void find_min_lambda_MDM(dbl_dbl_bool& vs_tuple)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::find_min_lambda_MDM;
double high_energy_limit = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1.22e19,"set_high_scale");
int check_perturb_pts = myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(10,"check_perturb_pts");
static const SpectrumContents::MDM contents;
static const std::vector<SpectrumParameter> required_parameters = contents.all_parameters_with_tag(Par::dimensionless);
find_min_lambda_Helper(vs_tuple, *myPipe::Dep::MDM_spectrum, high_energy_limit, check_perturb_pts, required_parameters);
// the functions below are used to extract the desired outputs from find_min_lambda
// gives expected lifetime in units of years, if stable give extremly large number (1e300)
void get_expected_vacuum_lifetime(double &lifetime)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_expected_vacuum_lifetime;
dbl_dbl_bool vs_tuple = *myPipe::Dep::high_scale_vacuum_info;
if (vs_tuple.first<1e300)
// log of the likelihood
void lnL_highscale_vacuum_decay_single_field(double &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::lnL_highscale_vacuum_decay_single_field;
dbl_dbl_bool vs_tuple = *myPipe::Dep::high_scale_vacuum_info;
const Options& runOptions=*myPipe::runOptions;
bool demand_stable = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"demand_stable");
double stability_scale = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.22e19,"set_stability_scale");
if (demand_stable && (vs_tuple.second < stability_scale))
result = -1e100;
double conversion = (6.5821195e-25)/(31536000);
result=((- ( 1 / ( vs_tuple.first/conversion ) ) * exp(140) * (1/ (1.2e19) ) ) );
// Get the scale of the high-scale minimum
void get_lambdaB(double &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_lambdaB;
dbl_dbl_bool vs_tuple = *myPipe::Dep::high_scale_vacuum_info;
// Returns poor likelihood and invalidates point if couplings go non-perturbative at or below the scale of the high-scale minimum of the potential
void check_perturb_min_lambda(double &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::check_perturb_min_lambda;
dbl_dbl_bool vs_tuple = *myPipe::Dep::high_scale_vacuum_info;
if (vs_tuple.flag)
invalid_point().raise("Couplings are non-perturbative before scale of vacuum instability");
result = -1e100;
result = 0;
/* Vacuum stability likelihoods & results */
/// Vacuum stability likelihood from a Vevacious run
/// calculating the lifetime of & tunneling probability to the
/// vacuua
void get_likelihood_VS(double &result)
using namespace Pipes::get_likelihood_VS;
// Compute all vacuum stability results
VevaciousResultContainer vevacious_results = *Dep::check_vacuum_stability;
// Add the decay width for global and nearest vacua
double width = 0.0;
for(auto vacua : *Dep::compare_panic_vacua)
if (vacua.second != "JustThermal")
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Adding " << vevacious_results.get_width(vacua.first) << " to decay withd for " << vacua.second << " contribution" << EOM;
width += vevacious_results.get_width(vacua.first);
if (vacua.second != "JustQuantum")
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Adding " << vevacious_results.get_thermalWidth(vacua.first) << " to decay withd for " << vacua.second << " contribution" << EOM;
width += vevacious_results.get_thermalWidth(vacua.first);
double lifetime = hbar/width;
// This is based on the estimation of the past lightcone from 1806.11281
double conversion = (6.5821195e-25)/(31536000);
result= - 1 / ( lifetime/conversion ) * exp(140) * (1/1.2e19) ;
/// get all results from VS as str to dbl map to easily print them
void get_VS_results(map_str_dbl &result)
using namespace Pipes::get_VS_results;
VevaciousResultContainer vevacious_results = *Dep::check_vacuum_stability;
for(auto vacua : *Dep::compare_panic_vacua)
map_str_dbl tempmap;
if (vacua.first == "global")
tempmap = vevacious_results.get_global_results();
else if(vacua.first == "nearest")
tempmap = vevacious_results.get_nearest_results();
for(auto it = tempmap.begin(); it != tempmap.end(); ++it)
result[it->first + "::" + vacua.first] = it->second;
/// Helper function that takes any YAML options and makes the vevacious input,
/// in the form of .xml files.
void make_vpp_inputs(map_str_str &opts)
static bool firstrun = true;
int rank;
// Here we make sure files are only written the first time this is run
std::string vevaciouslibpath = Backends::backendInfo().path_dir("vevacious", "1.0");
std::string vevaciouspath = vevaciouslibpath + "/../";
// Get MPI rank
#ifdef WITH_MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
rank = 0;
//Creating string with rank number
std::string rankstring = std::to_string(rank);
// Getting the run folder for saving initialization files
std::string inputspath = opts["inputspath"];
// Declare some filenames before we make 'em.'
std::string initfilesPath = inputspath + "/InitializationFiles/mpirank_"+ rankstring + "/";
std::string modelfilesPath = inputspath + "/ModelFiles/mpirank_"+ rankstring + "/";
std::string potentialfunctioninitpath = initfilesPath + "/PotentialFunctionInitialization.xml";
std::string potentialminimizerinitpath = initfilesPath +"/PotentialMinimizerInitialization.xml";
std::string tunnelingcalculatorinitpath = initfilesPath +"/TunnelingCalculatorInitialization.xml";
// Creating folders for initialization files
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error creating vevacious initialization and model files folders for MPI process " << rankstring;
// Copy model files.
std::ifstream ScaleAndBlocksrc("ScaleAndBlockFileSource") , std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream ScaleAndBlockdst("ScaleAndBlockFile") , std::ios::binary);
ScaleAndBlockdst << ScaleAndBlocksrc.rdbuf();
std::ifstream ModelFilesrc("ModelFileSource") , std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream ModelFiledst("ModelFile") , std::ios::binary);
ModelFiledst << ModelFilesrc.rdbuf();
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error copying model and scale/block vevacious files. Check they exist." << rankstring;
// Writing potential function initialization file
// File contents
std::string potentialfunctioninit =
" <LagrangianParameterManagerClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" SlhaCompatibleWithSarahManager\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <ScaleAndBlockFile>\n"
" " +"ScaleAndBlockFile") + "\n"
" </ScaleAndBlockFile>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </LagrangianParameterManagerClass>\n"
" <PotentialFunctionClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" " +"PotentialFunctionClassType") + "\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <ModelFile>\n"
" " +"ModelFile") +
" </ModelFile>\n"
" <AssumedPositiveOrNegativeTolerance>\n"
" 0.5\n"
" </AssumedPositiveOrNegativeTolerance>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PotentialFunctionClass>\n"
std::ofstream potentialfunctioninitwrite(potentialfunctioninitpath);
potentialfunctioninitwrite << potentialfunctioninit;
std::string potentialminimizerinit;
// Writing potential minimizer initialization file
// Check whether user wants hom4ps2 or PHC as homotopy continuation backend
if("homotopybackend") == "hom4ps")
// Getting Path to hom4ps2
std::string PathToHom4ps2 = Backends::backendInfo().path_dir("hom4ps", "2.0");
// File contents
potentialminimizerinit =
" <PotentialMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" GradientFromStartingPoints\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <StartingPointFinderClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" PolynomialAtFixedScalesSolver\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <NumberOfScales>\n"
" 1\n"
" </NumberOfScales>\n"
" <ReturnOnlyPolynomialMinima>\n"
" No\n"
" </ReturnOnlyPolynomialMinima>\n"
" <PolynomialSystemSolver>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" Hom4ps2Runner\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <PathToHom4ps2>\n"
" " + PathToHom4ps2 + "\n"
" </PathToHom4ps2>\n"
" <Hom4ps2Argument>\n"
" 1\n"
" </Hom4ps2Argument>\n"
" <ResolutionSize>\n"
" 1.0\n"
" </ResolutionSize>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PolynomialSystemSolver>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </StartingPointFinderClass>\n"
" <GradientMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" MinuitPotentialMinimizer\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <InitialStepSizeFraction>\n"
" 0.1\n"
" </InitialStepSizeFraction>\n"
" <MinimumInitialStepSize>\n"
" 1.0\n"
" </MinimumInitialStepSize>\n"
" <MinuitStrategy>\n"
" "+"MinuitStrategy") +"\n"
" </MinuitStrategy>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </GradientMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ExtremumSeparationThresholdFraction>\n"
" 0.05\n"
" </ExtremumSeparationThresholdFraction>\n"
" <NonDsbRollingToDsbScalingFactor>\n"
" 4.0\n"
" </NonDsbRollingToDsbScalingFactor>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PotentialMinimizerClass>\n"
else if("homotopybackend") == "phc")
// Getting path to PHC
std::string PathToPHC = Backends::backendInfo().path_dir("phc", "2.4.58");
// Creating symlink to PHC in run folder
std::string PHCSymlink = inputspath + "Homotopy/mpirank_"+ rankstring + "/";
// random seed for phc (can be fixed as input option)
std::string randomseed = opts["phc_random_seed"];
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error creating PHC folder for MPI process " << rankstring;
// Here we check whether the symlink to phc already exists.
std::string filename(PHCSymlink + "/phc");
std::ifstream in(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Symlink for phc already exists, skipping creating it." << EOM;
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Creating PHC symlink" << EOM;
std::string systemCommand( "ln -s " + PathToPHC + "/phc" + " " + PHCSymlink );
int systemReturn = system( systemCommand.c_str() ) ;
if( systemReturn == -1 )
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Error making symlink for PHC in process " << rankstring;
// File contents
potentialminimizerinit =
" <PotentialMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" GradientFromStartingPoints\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <StartingPointFinderClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" PolynomialAtFixedScalesSolver\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <NumberOfScales>\n"
" 1\n"
" </NumberOfScales>\n"
" <ReturnOnlyPolynomialMinima>\n"
" No\n"
" </ReturnOnlyPolynomialMinima>\n"
" <PolynomialSystemSolver>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" PHCRunner\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <PathToPHC>\n"
" " + PHCSymlink + "\n"
" </PathToPHC>\n"
" <ResolutionSize>\n"
" 1.0\n"
" </ResolutionSize>\n"
" <RandomSeed>\n"
" " + randomseed + "\n"
" </Randomseed>\n"
" <Tasks>\n "
" 1 "
" </Tasks>\n "
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PolynomialSystemSolver>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </StartingPointFinderClass>\n"
" <GradientMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" MinuitPotentialMinimizer\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <InitialStepSizeFraction>\n"
" 0\n"
" </InitialStepSizeFraction>\n"
" <MinimumInitialStepSize>\n"
" 0.5\n"
" </MinimumInitialStepSize>\n"
" <MinuitStrategy>\n"
" "+"MinuitStrategy") +"\n"
" </MinuitStrategy>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </GradientMinimizerClass>\n"
" <ExtremumSeparationThresholdFraction>\n"
" 0.1\n"
" </ExtremumSeparationThresholdFraction>\n"
" <NonDsbRollingToDsbScalingFactor>\n"
" 4.0\n"
" </NonDsbRollingToDsbScalingFactor>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PotentialMinimizerClass>\n"
} else
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "The homotopy_backend option in the YAML file has not been set up properly. Check the input YAML file." << std::endl;
std::ofstream potentialminimizerinitwrite(potentialminimizerinitpath);
potentialminimizerinitwrite << potentialminimizerinit;
// Writing tunneling calculator initialization file
// File contents
std::string tunnelingcalculatorinit =
" <TunnelingClass>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" BounceAlongPathWithThreshold\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <TunnelingStrategy>\n"
" " +"TunnelingStrategy") + "\n"
" </TunnelingStrategy>\n"
" <SurvivalProbabilityThreshold>\n"
" " +"SurvivalProbabilityThreshold") + "\n"
" </SurvivalProbabilityThreshold>\n"
" <ThermalActionResolution>\n"
" 5\n"
" </ThermalActionResolution>\n"
" <CriticalTemperatureAccuracy>\n"
" 4\n"
" </CriticalTemperatureAccuracy>\n"
" <PathResolution>\n"
" " +"PathResolution") + "\n"
" </PathResolution>\n"
" <Timeout>\n"
" "+"pathFindingTimeout") +"\n"
" </Timeout>\n"
" <MinimumVacuumSeparationFraction>\n"
" 0.2\n"
" </MinimumVacuumSeparationFraction>\n"
" <BouncePotentialFit>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" BubbleShootingOnPathInFieldSpace\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <NumberShootAttemptsAllowed>\n"
" 32\n"
" </NumberShootAttemptsAllowed>\n"
" <RadialResolution>\n"
" "+"radialResolution") +"\n"
" </RadialResolution>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </BouncePotentialFit>\n"
" <TunnelPathFinders>\n"
" <PathFinder>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" MinuitOnPotentialOnParallelPlanes\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <NumberOfPathSegments>\n"
" 50 \n"
" </NumberOfPathSegments>\n"
" <MinuitStrategy>\n"
" "+"MinuitStrategy") +"\n"
" </MinuitStrategy>\n"
" <MinuitTolerance>\n"
" 1\n"
" </MinuitTolerance>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PathFinder>\n"
" <PathFinder>\n"
" <ClassType>\n"
" MinuitOnPotentialPerpendicularToPath\n"
" </ClassType>\n"
" <ConstructorArguments>\n"
" <NumberOfPathSegments>\n"
" 50\n"
" </NumberOfPathSegments>\n"
" <NumberOfAllowedWorsenings>\n"
" 3\n"
" </NumberOfAllowedWorsenings>\n"
" <ConvergenceThresholdFraction>\n"
" 0.5\n"
" </ConvergenceThresholdFraction>\n"
" <MinuitDampingFraction>\n"
" 0.75\n"
" </MinuitDampingFraction>\n"
" <NeighborDisplacementWeights>\n"
" 0.5\n"
" 0.25\n"
" </NeighborDisplacementWeights>\n"
" <MinuitStrategy>\n"
" "+"MinuitStrategy") +"\n"
" </MinuitStrategy>\n"
" <MinuitTolerance>\n"
" 1\n"
" </MinuitTolerance>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </PathFinder>\n"
" </TunnelPathFinders>\n"
" </ConstructorArguments>\n"
" </TunnelingClass>\n"
std::ofstream tunnelingcalculatorinitwrite(tunnelingcalculatorinitpath);
tunnelingcalculatorinitwrite << tunnelingcalculatorinit;
//Finally write the main input file for VevaciousPlusPlus
std::string inputFilename =
inputspath + "/InitializationFiles/VevaciousPlusPlusObjectInitialization_mpirank_"+ rankstring +".xml";
// File contents
std::string inputfile =
" <PotentialFunctionInitializationFile>\n"
" " + potentialfunctioninitpath + "\n"
" </PotentialFunctionInitializationFile>\n"
" <PotentialMinimizerInitializationFile>\n"
" " + potentialminimizerinitpath + "\n"
" </PotentialMinimizerInitializationFile>\n"
" <TunnelingCalculatorInitializationFile>\n"
" " +
tunnelingcalculatorinitpath + "\n"
" </TunnelingCalculatorInitializationFile>\n"
std::ofstream inputwrite(inputFilename);
inputwrite << inputfile;
firstrun = false;
/// Create a string set containing a list with all likelihoods that vevacious
/// should calculate. The options are tunneling to
/// - the global minimum -> "global"
/// - the nearest minimum -> "nearest"
/// Default behaviour (if no sub-capabilities are set): calculate both
void set_panic_vacua(std::set<std::string> & result)
using namespace Pipes::set_panic_vacua;
static bool firstrun = true;
// Get the list of likelihoods given in the YAML file as sub-capabilities.
std::vector<str> subcaps = Downstream::subcaps->getNames();
// if no sub-capabilities are set, fix default behaviour: calculate tunneling to global and
// nearest minimum
std::set<std::string> default_choice = {"global","nearest"};
// read in yaml options or ..
if(not subcaps.empty()) for (const auto& x : subcaps) {result.insert(x);}
// .. use default behaviour
else {result = default_choice;}
// add info which contributions will be added up to logger
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "The LogLike calculation 'VS_likelihood' will add up the contributions" << endl;
for (const auto& x : result) ss << "- "<< x << endl;
ss << "from the tunneling calculations. " << endl
<< "You can change this in the ObsLikes section of your YAML file," << endl
<< "by setting sub_capabilities 'VS_likelihood', e.g." << endl
<< " sub_capabilities:" << endl
<< " - nearest" << endl
<< "to only calculate the tunneling probabilities to the nearest minimum." << endl;
logger() << LogTags::debug << ss.str() << EOM;
// just need to set this once
firstrun = false;
/// Create a string set containing a list of the tunnelling strategies
/// that vevacious should use. This could be
/// - quantum (zero-T) tunnelling to new minimum -> "quantum"
/// - thermal (finiite-T) tunnelling to new minimum -> "thermal"
/// Default behaviour is both
void set_tunnelling_strategy(std::set<std::string> &result)
using namespace Pipes::set_tunnelling_strategy;
static bool firstrun = true;
// Get the tunnelling strategies given in the YAML file from the sub-capabilities.
YAML::Node subcaps = Downstream::subcaps->getNode();
// Default behavious is to do both
std::set<std::string> default_choice = {"quantum","thermal"};
// Iterate over sub-capabilites to extract the strategies
// If list is a sequence it will just take the default
if(subcaps.IsNull() or subcaps.IsSequence())
result = default_choice;
// If list is a map then it probably has options
for(const auto& subcap : subcaps)
std::set<str> temp;
if (subcap.second.IsNull())
temp = default_choice;
else if(subcap.second.IsScalar())
else if(subcap.second.IsSequence())
for (size_t i=0; i<subcap.second.size();i++) temp.insert(subcap.second[i].as<str>());
if (not result.empty() and temp != result)
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "Different tunnelling processes selected for different vacua, please select the same for both ";
result = temp;
firstrun = false;
/// Set tunnelling strategy for the different minima, either
/// - JustQuantum -> only quantum
/// - JustThermal -> only thermal or
/// - QuantumThenThermal -> both
/// depending on the strategy provided from the sub-capabilities
str helper_set_tunnelingStrategy(std::set<std::string> tunnelling_strategy)
// quantum and thermal tunnelling
if(tunnelling_strategy.size() == 2 and
tunnelling_strategy.find("quantum") != tunnelling_strategy.end() and
tunnelling_strategy.find("thermal") != tunnelling_strategy.end())
return "QuantumThenThermal";
// only thermal requested
else if(tunnelling_strategy.size() == 1 and
tunnelling_strategy.find("thermal") != tunnelling_strategy.end())
return "JustThermal";
// only quantum requested
else if(tunnelling_strategy.size() == 1 and
tunnelling_strategy.find("quantum") != tunnelling_strategy.end())
return "JustQuantum";
std::ostringstream errmsg;
errmsg << "No valid tunnelling stragety selected. You must select a valid option via";
errmsg << "the sub-capabilities of capability VS_likelihood in the following way";
errmsg << " - capability: VS_likelihood\n";
errmsg << " purpose: LogLike\n";
errmsg << " sub_capabilities:\n";
errmsg << " - global: [quantum, thermal]\n";
errmsg << " - nearest: [quantum, thermal]" << std::endl;
return "";
/// Parses the YAML file for any settings, then passes to make_vpp_inputs to create
/// .xml files for vevacious to run with.
void initialize_vevacious(std::string &inputspath)
using namespace Pipes::initialize_vevacious;
static bool firstrun = true;
if (firstrun)
// Create a map of opts to pass to the helper function
map_str_str opts;
// Generating a Random seed from Gambit random generator
std::string randomseed_gen = std::to_string(int(Random::draw() * 2 * 1987.));
opts["phc_random_seed"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>(randomseed_gen, "phc_random_seed");
opts["MinuitStrategy"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("0", "minuit_strategy");
opts["PotentialFunctionClassType"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("FixedScaleOneLoopPotential", "potential_type");
opts["homotopybackend"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("hom4ps", "homotopy_backend");
opts["pathFindingTimeout"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("3600", "path_finding_timeout");
opts["SurvivalProbabilityThreshold"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("0.01", "survival_probability_threshold");
opts["radialResolution"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("0.1", "radial_resolution_undershoot_overshoot");
opts["PathResolution"] = runOptions->getValueOrDef<std::string>("1000", "PathResolution");
// Tunnelling strategy is given by the capability tunnelling_strategy that extracts the info from the subcaps
opts["TunnelingStrategy"] = helper_set_tunnelingStrategy(*Dep::tunnelling_strategy);
// Insert the file location info to the options map
map_str_str file_locations = *Dep::vevacious_file_location;
opts.insert(file_locations.begin(), file_locations.end());
// Pass to the helper function and make some vevacious input.
inputspath = opts["inputspath"];
firstrun = false;
// Done.
/// Execute the passing of the spectrum object (as SLHAea) to vevacious. It is a helper function and not a
/// capability since this has to be executed before every single vevacious run. vevacious can run multiple times for
/// a single point in parameter space depending on settings:
/// -> global and/or nearest minimum for tunneling requested?
/// -> multiple attempts for one vevacious run allowed?
vevacious_1_0::VevaciousPlusPlus::VevaciousPlusPlus exec_pass_spectrum_to_vevacious(SpectrumEntriesForVevacious &pass_spectrum )
// get inputFilename and initialise vevaciousPlusPlus object with it
static std::string inputFilename = pass_spectrum.get_inputFilename();
vevacious_1_0::VevaciousPlusPlus::VevaciousPlusPlus vevaciousPlusPlus(inputFilename);
// get scale and the map containing all spectrum entries that need to be passed to vevacious
double scale = pass_spectrum.get_scale();
map_str_SpectrumEntry spec_entry_map = pass_spectrum.get_spec_entry_map();
// iterate through map and call vevacious' 'ReadLhaBlock' to read spectrum entries
for (auto it=spec_entry_map.begin(); it!=spec_entry_map.end(); ++it)
SpectrumEntry entry = it->second;
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Passing ReadLhaBlock option "<< << " scale " << scale << " parameters" << entry.parameters <<" and dimension " << entry.dimension << " to vevacious" << EOM;
vevaciousPlusPlus.ReadLhaBlock(, scale , entry.parameters, entry.dimension );
return vevaciousPlusPlus;
/// Call vevacious, the result is either "Stable", "Metastable" or "Inconclusive" in case
/// a vevacious run failed for some reason
void helper_run_vevacious(vevacious_1_0::VevaciousPlusPlus::VevaciousPlusPlus &vevaciousPlusPlus,VevaciousResultContainer& result, std::string panic_vacuum, std::string inputPath)
double lifetime, thermalProbability, thermalWidth;
//Checking if file exists, fastest method.
struct stat buffer;
std::string HomotopyLockfile = inputPath + "/Homotopy/busy.lock";
// Check if homotopy binary is being used
//Here I check it the busy.lock file exists and if it does I go into a
// while loop that either breaks when the file is deleted or after
// 30 seconds have passed.
// This deals with the problem of MARCONI not liking a binary accessed by too many
// processes at the same time
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tStart = Utils::get_clock_now();
while(stat(HomotopyLockfile.c_str(), &buffer)==0)
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tNow = Utils::get_clock_now();
std::chrono::seconds tSofar = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(tNow - tStart);
if(tSofar >= std::chrono::seconds(30) )
remove( HomotopyLockfile.c_str());
// call vevacious and pass the setting for which vacuum is supposed
// to be used for tunneling calculation as string
// get vevacious results
lifetime = vevaciousPlusPlus.GetLifetimeInSeconds();
thermalProbability = vevaciousPlusPlus.GetThermalProbability();
thermalWidth = vevaciousPlusPlus.GetThermalDecayWidth();
// decide how to deal with different vevacious outcomes
// here -1 from Vevacious means that the point is stable.
if(lifetime == -1 && thermalProbability == -1 )
lifetime = 3.0E+100;
thermalProbability = 1;
else if(lifetime == -1 && thermalProbability != -1)
lifetime = 3.0E+100;
else if(lifetime != -1 && thermalProbability == -1)
thermalProbability = 1;
// return a vector containing the results from vevacious, these are filled
// in any successfully run case with the entries
// BounceActionsThermal = ["Bounce Action Threshold", "straight path bounce action",
// "best result from path_finder 1", "best result from path_finder 2",...]
// Note that the entries "best result from path_finder x" are only filled if the
// "straight path bounce action" (entry 1) is higher than the "bounce Action Threshold"
// (entry 0). The vector length depends on how many different path finders are implemented in
// vevacious
std::vector<double> BounceActionsThermal_vec = vevaciousPlusPlus.GetThermalThresholdAndActions();
std::vector<double> BounceActions_vec = vevaciousPlusPlus.GetThresholdAndActions();
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Vevacious result size "<< BounceActions_vec.size();
logger() << LogTags::debug << "\nVevacious thermal result size "<< BounceActionsThermal_vec.size();
// set bounce actions values & the threshold if they were calculated
for(std::size_t ii=0; ii<BounceActions_vec.size(); ++ii)
logger() << LogTags::debug << "\nSetting bounceActionThreshold_[" << ii << "]"<<;
result.set_results(panic_vacuum, "bounceActionThreshold_[" + std::to_string(ii) + "]",;
// set thermal bounce actions values & the threshold if they were calculated
for(std::size_t ii=0; ii<BounceActionsThermal_vec.size(); ++ii)
logger() << LogTags::debug << "\nSetting bounceActionThresholdThermal_[" << ii << "]"<<;
result.set_results(panic_vacuum, "bounceActionThresholdThermal_[" + std::to_string(ii) + "]",;
// add entry 'straightPathGoodEnough' to result map
// -> -1 if no bounce actions calculated
// -> 1 if threshold > straightPath
// -> 0 else
// Note that this has to be done after the bounceActionThreshold results are set
// set lifetime & thermal probability
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"lifetime", lifetime);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"width", hbar/lifetime);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"thermalwidth", thermalWidth);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"thermalProbability", thermalProbability);
/// Decide how to deal with a failed vevacious run --> set lifetime and thermalProbability
/// conservatively to a value easy to identify in analysis
void helper_catch_vevacious(VevaciousResultContainer& result, std::string panic_vacuum)
//Vevacious has crashed -- set results to fixed values
double lifetime = 2.0E+100;
double thermalWidth = 0.;
double thermalProbability= 1;
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Vevacious could not calculate lifetime. Conservatively setting it to large value."<<EOM;
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"lifetime", lifetime);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"width", hbar/lifetime);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"thermalwidth", thermalWidth);
result.set_results(panic_vacuum,"thermalProbability", thermalProbability);
/// If tunnelling to global and nearest vacuum are requested, this
/// capability compares if the two vacua are the same.
/// Return true if they coincide, false if not.
void compare_panic_vacua(map_str_str &result)
using namespace Pipes::compare_panic_vacua;
// get the object that holds all inputs that needs to be passed to vevacious
SpectrumEntriesForVevacious pass_spectrum = (*Dep::pass_spectrum_to_vevacious);
// create vev object to check if global and near panic vacuum are the same
vevacious_1_0::VevaciousPlusPlus::VevaciousPlusPlus vevaciousPlusPlus = exec_pass_spectrum_to_vevacious(pass_spectrum);
// get set with contributions to likelihood that should be calculated
std::set<std::string> panic_vacua = *Dep::panic_vacua;
// Check if global and nearest are requested, if so test if the happen to be
// the same minimum for this point in parameters space.
// If that is the case, remove the global points from the
if( panic_vacua.find("global") != panic_vacua.end() and panic_vacua.find("nearest") != panic_vacua.end() )
// get vector pair with VEVs of global and nearest vacua
std::pair<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>> vevs = vevaciousPlusPlus.RunVacua("internal");
std::vector<double> global = vevs.first;
std::vector<double> nearest = vevs.second;
// check if vectors are equal
bool compare = std::equal(global.begin(), global.end(), nearest.begin());
// if the minima are the same, remove global entries if the corresponding nearest
// entry is contained
if (panic_vacua.find("global") != panic_vacua.end() and panic_vacua.find("nearest") != panic_vacua.end())
// add info to logger
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Global and nearest minimum are the same. Will only calculate tunnelling" << endl;
ss << "probability once." << endl;
logger() << LogTags::debug << ss.str() << EOM;
// add info to debug logger
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Global and nearest minimum are not the same. Will calculate tunnelling" << endl;
ss << "probability to both." << endl;
logger() << LogTags::debug << ss.str() << EOM;
// Fill result map and set tunnelling strategy for the minima
for (auto &panic_vacuum: panic_vacua)
result[panic_vacuum] = helper_set_tunnelingStrategy(*Dep::tunnelling_strategy);
/// Check stability of global vacuum of the potential with vevacious
void check_vacuum_stability_vevacious(VevaciousResultContainer &result)
using namespace Pipes::check_vacuum_stability_vevacious;
// get a str-str map with valculations vevacious has to execute for this parameter point
// note: this has to be executed for each point as it can happen that the nearest and the
// global panic vaccum are the same.
map_str_str panic_vacua = *Dep::compare_panic_vacua;
// This is the number of different pathFinders implemented in vevacious. It should be
// returned by a BE convenience function, I tried to do it but didn't manage to
// with the BOSS stuff -- that should probably be fixed # todo
static int pathFinder_number = 2;
// get the object that holds all inputs that needs to be passed to vevacious
SpectrumEntriesForVevacious pass_spectrum = (*Dep::pass_spectrum_to_vevacious);
// run vevacious for different panic vacua, respecting the choices for thermal
// or only quantum tunnelling calculations
for(auto x : panic_vacua)
// set panic vacuum and tunnelling strategy for vevacious run
std::string panic_vacuum = x.first;
std::string tunnellingStrategy = x.second;
// reset all entries of the of VevaciousResultContainer map holding the results
// to avoid that any value could be carried over from a previous calculated point
result.clear_results(panic_vacuum, pathFinder_number);
// create vevaciousPlusPlus object new for every try since spectrum
// vevacious deletes spectrum after each run => to be able to do this
// we need the non-rollcalled helper function that gets executed every time
// we get to this line (unlike a dependency)
vevacious_1_0::VevaciousPlusPlus::VevaciousPlusPlus vevaciousPlusPlus = exec_pass_spectrum_to_vevacious(pass_spectrum);
// helper function to set lifetime & thermal probability accordingly
// (this is a separate function s.t. we don't have to reproduce code
// for different panic vacua)
helper_run_vevacious(vevaciousPlusPlus, result, panic_vacuum, pass_spectrum.get_inputPath());
catch(const std::exception& e)
// call function that sets the lifetime & thermal probability if vevacious
// has crashed for some reason
helper_catch_vevacious(result, panic_vacuum);
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Error occurred: " << e.what() << EOM;
/* MSSM */
/// Tell GAMBIT which files to work with for the MSSM.
void vevacious_file_location_MSSM(map_str_str &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::vevacious_file_location_MSSM;
const Options& runOptions = *myPipe::runOptions;
int rank;
// Get mpi rank
#ifdef WITH_MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
rank = 0;
//Creating string with rank number
std::string rankstring = std::to_string(rank);
// Get the path to the library and results dir
std::string vevaciouslibpath = Backends::backendInfo().path_dir("vevacious", "1.0");
std::string vevaciouspath = vevaciouslibpath + "/../";
std::string vevaciousresultspath = vevaciouspath + "/results";
// Getting the run folder for saving initialization files
std::string inputspath = runOptions.getValueOrDef<std::string>(vevaciousresultspath,"where_to_save_input");
result["inputspath"] = inputspath;
std::string modelfilesPath = inputspath + "/ModelFiles/mpirank_"+ rankstring + "/";
result["ScaleAndBlockFileSource"] = vevaciouspath + "ModelFiles/LagrangianParameters/MSSM.xml";
result["ModelFileSource"] = vevaciouspath + "ModelFiles/PotentialFunctions/";
result["ScaleAndBlockFile"] = modelfilesPath + "ScaleAndBlockFile.xml";
result["ModelFile"] = modelfilesPath + "";
/// This function adds all entries of the spectrum object (as SLHAea) that need to be passed to vevacious
/// to an instance of type SpectrumEntriesForVevacious. The actual passing happens in the helper function
/// exec_pass_spectrum_to_vevacious which gets executed every time before a vevacious call.
/// Model dependent.
void prepare_pass_MSSM_spectrum_to_vevacious(SpectrumEntriesForVevacious &result)
namespace myPipe = Pipes::prepare_pass_MSSM_spectrum_to_vevacious;
static std::string inputspath = *myPipe::Dep::init_vevacious;
// print input parameters for vevaciouswith full precision to be able to reproduce
// vevacious run with the exact same parameters
std::ostringstream InputsForLog;
InputsForLog << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << "Passing parameters to Vevacious with values: ";
for (auto it=myPipe::Param.begin(); it != myPipe::Param.end(); it++)
std::string name = it->first;
double value = *myPipe::Param[name];
InputsForLog << "\n " << name << ": " << value;
std::string InputsForLogString = InputsForLog.str();
logger() << LogTags::debug << InputsForLogString << EOM;
// Getting mpi rank
int rank;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
rank = 0;
std::string rankstring = std::to_string(rank);
std::string inputFilename = inputspath + "/InitializationFiles/VevaciousPlusPlusObjectInitialization_mpirank_"+ rankstring +".xml";
// Get the spectrum object for the MSSM
const Spectrum& fullspectrum = *myPipe::Dep::MSSM_spectrum;
const SubSpectrum& spectrumHE = fullspectrum.get_HE();
// Get the SLHAea::Coll object & scale from the spectrum
SLHAea::Coll slhaea = spectrumHE.getSLHAea(2);
double scale = spectrumHE.GetScale();
// safe parameters form the SLHAea::Coll object in SpectrumEntriesForVevacious
// by calling the method .add_entry => pass name, vector with <int,double> pairs
// and the third setting (some int, don't know what it does @Sanjay? )
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> gaugecouplings = { { 1 , SLHAea::to<double>("GAUGE").at(1).at(1)) },
{ 2, SLHAea::to<double>("GAUGE").at(2).at(1)) },
{ 3, SLHAea::to<double>("GAUGE").at(3).at(1)) }};
result.add_entry("GAUGE", gaugecouplings, 1);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Hmix = { { 1 , SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(1).at(1))},
{ 101, SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(101).at(1))},
{ 102, SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(102).at(1))},
{ 103, SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(103).at(1))},
{ 3, SLHAea::to<double>("HMIX").at(3).at(1))}};
result.add_entry("HMIX", Hmix, 1);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> minpar = {{ 3, SLHAea::to<double>("MINPAR").at(3).at(1))}};
result.add_entry("MINPAR", minpar, 1);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> msoft = { { 21 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(21).at(1))},
{ 22 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(22).at(1))},
{ 1 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(1).at(1))},
{ 2 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(2).at(1))},
{ 3 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSOFT").at(3).at(1))}};
result.add_entry("MSOFT", msoft, 1);
// Check if the block "TREEMSOFT" is present
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> treemsoft = {{21, SLHAea::to<double>("TREEMSOFT").at(21).at(1))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("TREEMSOFT").at(22).at(1))} };
result.add_entry("TREEMSOFT", treemsoft, 1);
catch (const std::exception& e){ logger() << LogTags::debug << "No TREEMSOFT, skipping" << EOM;}
// Check if the block "LOOPMSOFT" is present
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> loopmsoft = {{21, SLHAea::to<double>("LOOPMSOFT").at(21).at(1))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("LOOPMSOFT").at(22).at(1))}};
result.add_entry("LOOPMSOFT", loopmsoft, 1);
catch (const std::exception& e) {logger() << LogTags::debug <<"No LOOPMSOFT, skipping" << EOM;}
bool diagonalYukawas = false;
// Here we check if the Yukawas are diagonal or not, i.e if the "YX" blocks have off-diagonal entries.
catch (const std::exception& e) {diagonalYukawas = true; logger() << LogTags::debug << "Diagonal Yukawas detected"<< EOM;}
// If diagonal pass the diagonal values to Vevacious
if (diagonalYukawas)
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Yu = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, 0},
{ 13, 0},
{ 21, 0},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, 0},
{ 31, 0},
{ 32, 0},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YU", Yu, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Yd = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, 0},
{ 13, 0},
{ 21, 0},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, 0},
{ 31, 0},
{ 32, 0},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YD", Yd, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Ye = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, 0},
{ 13, 0},
{ 21, 0},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, 0},
{ 31, 0},
{ 32, 0},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YE", Ye, 2);
// If NOT diagonal pass values to Vevacious
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> Yu = {{11, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(1, 1).at(2))},
{12, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(1, 2).at(2))},
{13, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(1, 3).at(2))},
{21, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(2, 1).at(2))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(2, 2).at(2))},
{23, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(2, 3).at(2))},
{31, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(3, 1).at(2))},
{32, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(3, 2).at(2))},
{33, SLHAea::to<double>("YU").at(3, 3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YU", Yu, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> Yd = {{11, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(1, 1).at(2))},
{12, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(1, 2).at(2))},
{13, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(1, 3).at(2))},
{21, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(2, 1).at(2))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(2, 2).at(2))},
{23, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(2, 3).at(2))},
{31, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(3, 1).at(2))},
{32, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(3, 2).at(2))},
{33, SLHAea::to<double>("YD").at(3, 3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YD", Yd, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> Ye = {{11, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(1, 1).at(2))},
{12, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(1, 2).at(2))},
{13, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(1, 3).at(2))},
{21, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(2, 1).at(2))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(2, 2).at(2))},
{23, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(2, 3).at(2))},
{31, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(3, 1).at(2))},
{32, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(3, 2).at(2))},
{33, SLHAea::to<double>("YE").at(3, 3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("YE", Ye, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> Tu = {{11, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(1, 1).at(2))},
{12, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(1, 2).at(2))},
{13, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(1, 3).at(2))},
{21, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(2, 1).at(2))},
{22, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(2, 2).at(2))},
{23, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(2, 3).at(2))},
{31, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(3, 1).at(2))},
{32, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(3, 2).at(2))},
{33, SLHAea::to<double>("TU").at(3, 3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("TU", Tu, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Td = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("TD").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("TD", Td, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> Te = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("TE").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("TE", Te, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> msq2 = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("MSQ2").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("MSQ2", msq2, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> msl2 = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("MSL2").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("MSL2", msl2, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> msd2 = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("MSD2").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("MSD2", msd2, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> mse2 = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("MSE2").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("MSE2", mse2, 2);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> msu2 = { { 11 , SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(1,1).at(2))},
{ 12, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(1,2).at(2))},
{ 13, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(1,3).at(2))},
{ 21, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(2,1).at(2))},
{ 22, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(2,2).at(2))},
{ 23, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(2,3).at(2))},
{ 31, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(3,1).at(2))},
{ 32, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(3,2).at(2))},
{ 33, SLHAea::to<double>("MSU2").at(3,3).at(2))}};
result.add_entry("MSU2", msu2, 2);
} // end namespace SpecBit
} // end namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:06 +0000