struct Chunk

Struct to describe start and end indices for a chunk of data. More…

#include <chunks.hpp>

Public Functions

Chunk(std::size_t s, std::size_t e)
booliContain(std::size_t index) const
std::size_tlength() const
Chunk(std::size_t s, std::size_t e, std::size_t el)
Chunk(std::size_t s, std::size_t e)
booliContain(std::size_t index) const
std::size_tlength() const
booloperator==(const Chunk & other) const

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

struct Chunk;

Struct to describe start and end indices for a chunk of data.

Author: Ben Farmer (

Date: 2016 Mar, 2017 Jan, Feb, Mar

Public Functions Documentation

function Chunk

inline Chunk(
    std::size_t s,
    std::size_t e

function Chunk

inline Chunk()

function iContain

inline bool iContain(
    std::size_t index
) const

function length

inline std::size_t length() const

function Chunk

inline Chunk(
    std::size_t s,
    std::size_t e,
    std::size_t el

function Chunk

inline Chunk(
    std::size_t s,
    std::size_t e

function Chunk

inline Chunk()

function iContain

inline bool iContain(
    std::size_t index
) const

function length

inline std::size_t length() const

function operator==

inline bool operator==(
    const Chunk & other
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable start

std::size_t start;

variable end

std::size_t end;

variable eff_length

std::size_t eff_length;

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:54 +0000