file src/backend_info.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Detailed Description
- Pat Scott (
- Patrick Stoecker (
- 2014 Dec
- 2017 Dec
- 2019 Jun
Container used for storing info about backends during initialisation time.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Container used for storing info about
/// backends during initialisation time.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2014 Dec
/// \date 2017 Dec
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2019 Jun
/// *********************************************
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_info.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_pybind11.hpp"
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"
#ifdef HAVE_LINK_H
#include <link.h>
namespace Gambit
// Public method definitions for backend_info class
/// Constructor
: filename(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/backend_locations.yaml")
, default_filename(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/backend_locations.yaml.default")
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
, python_started(false)
// Attempt to read user yaml configuration file
bepathfile = YAML::LoadFile(filename);
logger() << LogTags::backends << LogTags::debug << "Successfully loaded custom user backend location file "
<< filename << "." << EOM;
custom_bepathfile_exists = true;
catch (YAML::Exception &e)
logger() << LogTags::backends << LogTags::debug << "Custom user backend location file " << filename
<< " could not be read; employing default only." << EOM;
custom_bepathfile_exists = false;
// Attempt to read default yaml configuration file
default_bepathfile = YAML::LoadFile(default_filename);
logger() << LogTags::backends << LogTags::debug << "Successfully loaded default backend location file "
<< default_filename << "." << EOM;
catch (YAML::Exception &e)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Could not read default backend locations file \""<<filename<<"\"!" << endl;
msg << "Please check that file exists and contains valid YAML." << endl;
msg << "("<<e.what()<<")";
/// Destructor
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
if (python_started)
for (auto it = loaded_python_backends.begin();
it != loaded_python_backends.end();
delete it->second;
delete python_interpreter;
/// Indicate whether a custom backend locations file exists
bool Backends::backend_info::custom_locations_exist() const
return custom_bepathfile_exists;
/// Return the path to any custom user backend locations file
str Backends::backend_info::backend_locations() const
return filename;
/// Return the path to the default backend locations file
str Backends::backend_info::default_backend_locations() const
return default_filename;
/// Return the path to a backend library, given a backend name and version.
str Backends::backend_info::path(str be, str ver) const
const str default_path("no path in config/backend_locations.yaml.default");
str p;
auto be_it = bepathoverrides.find(be);
bool override_present = (be_it != bepathoverrides.end());
if (override_present)
auto ver_it = be_it->second.find(ver);
if (ver_it != be_it->second.end())
p = ver_it->second;
if (p.substr(0,2) == "./") p = p.substr(2,p.npos);
override_present = false;
if (not override_present)
if (custom_bepathfile_exists and bepathfile[be] and bepathfile[be][ver])
p = bepathfile[be][ver].as<str>();
if (p.substr(0,2) == "./") p = p.substr(2,p.npos);
if (default_bepathfile[be] and default_bepathfile[be][ver])
p = default_bepathfile[be][ver].as<str>();
if (p.substr(0,2) == "./") p = p.substr(2,p.npos);
p = default_path;
static bool warning_raised = false;
if (not warning_raised)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Could not find path for backend "<< be <<" v" << ver << endl;
msg << "in " << default_filename;
if (custom_bepathfile_exists) msg << " nor in " << filename;
msg << "." << endl;
msg << "Setting path to \"" << default_path << "\".";
warning_raised = true;
return p;
/// Return the complete path to a backend library, given a backend name and version.
str Backends::backend_info::corrected_path(str be, str ver) const
str p = path(be,ver);
if (p.substr(0,1) != "/")
p = GAMBIT_DIR "/"+p;
return p;
/// Return the path to the folder in which a backend library resides
str Backends::backend_info::path_dir(str be, str ver) const
str p = corrected_path(be,ver);
for (int i = p.length()-1; i >= 0; --i)
if (p[i] == '/') return p.substr(0,i);
return p;
/// Return the bare name of the library of a backend library, with no path or extension
str Backends::backend_info::lib_name(str be, str ver) const
str p = corrected_path(be,ver);
int i, end = p.length();
for (i = end-1; i >= 0; --i)
if (p[i] == '.') end = i-1;
if (p[i] == '/') break;
return p.substr(i+1,end-i);
/// Given a backend and a safe version (with no periods), return the true version
str Backends::backend_info::version_from_safe_version (str be, str sv) const
/// Given a backend and a true version (with periods), return the safe version
str Backends::backend_info::safe_version_from_version (str be, str v) const
/// Link a backend's version and safe version
void Backends::backend_info::link_versions(str be, str v, str sv)
safe_version_map[be].first[sv] = v;
safe_version_map[be].second[v] = sv;
/// Override a backend's config file location
void Backends::backend_info::override_path(const str& be, const str& ver, str path)
int l = str(GAMBIT_DIR).length();
if (path.substr(0,l) == GAMBIT_DIR) path.replace(0, l, ".");
bepathoverrides[be][ver] = path;
/// Get the default version of a BOSSed backend.
str Backends::backend_info::default_version(const str& be) const
if (default_safe_versions.find(be) == default_safe_versions.end())
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "The backend \"" << be << "\" does not contain any classes for loading, "
<< endl << "and therefore has no default version.";
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
return version_from_safe_version(be,;
/// Get all versions of a given backend that are successfully loaded.
std::vector<str> Backends::backend_info::working_versions(const str& be)
std::vector<str> working_versions;
// Retrieve the versions known of the given backend.
if (safe_version_map.find(be) == safe_version_map.end())
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "The backend \"" << be << "\" is not known to GAMBIT.";
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
std::map<str,str> versions = safe_version_map[be].second;
// Iterate over all known versions of the given backend, retaining only those that work.
for (auto it = versions.begin(); it != versions.end(); ++it)
if ( + it->first)) working_versions.push_back(it->first);
return working_versions;
/// Get all safe versions of a given backend that are successfully loaded.
std::vector<str> Backends::backend_info::working_safe_versions(const str& be)
// Get the working versions, then iterate over them and convert them to safe versions.
std::vector<str> safe_versions;
const std::vector<str> versions = working_versions(be);
for (auto it = versions.begin(); it != versions.end(); ++it)
safe_versions.push_back(safe_version_from_version(be, *it));
return safe_versions;
/// Try to resolve a pointer to a partial path to a shared library and use it to override the stored backend path.
void Backends::backend_info::attempt_backend_path_override(const str& be, const str& ver, const char* name)
char *fullname = realpath(name, NULL);
if (not fullname)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Problem retrieving absolute library path for " << be << " v" << ver << "." << endl
<< "The path to this library has not been fully determined.";
override_path(be, ver, fullname);
/// Attempt to load a backend library.
int Backends::backend_info::loadLibrary(const str& be, const str& ver, const str& sv, bool with_BOSS, const str& lang)
// Initialize variable to avoid issues later
needsMathematica[be+ver] = false;
needsPython[be+ver] = false;
classloader[be+ver] = false;
missingPythonVersion[be+ver] = -1;
// Now switch according to the language of the backend
if (lang == "MATHEMATICA"
or lang == "Mathematica")
needsMathematica[be+ver] = true;
// And switch according to whether the language has its dependencies met or not
loadLibrary_Mathematica(be, ver, sv);
works[be+ver] = false;
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Backend requires Mathematica and WSTP, but one of them is not found in the system. "
<< "Please install/buy Mathematica and/or WSTP before using this backend." << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
// and so on.
else if (lang == "PYTHON" or lang == "Python" or
lang == "PYTHON2" or lang == "Python2" or
lang == "PYTHON3" or lang == "Python3")
needsPython[be+ver] = true;
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
loadLibrary_Python(be, ver, sv, lang);
works[be+ver] = false;
std::ostringstream err;
err << "GAMBIT requires pybind11 to interface with Python, but it was not found in "
<< "the system. Please install it before using this backend." << endl
<< "You can do this with 'make pybind11' from the GAMBIT build directory." << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
else if (lang == "C"
or lang == "C++"
or lang == "CC"
or lang == "CXX"
or lang == "CPP"
or lang == "F90"
or lang == "F95"
or lang == "F2003"
or lang == "FORTRAN"
or lang == "Fortran")
loadLibrary_C_CXX_Fortran(be, ver, sv, with_BOSS);
else if (lang == "DATA" or lang == "Data")
loadLibrary_data(be, ver, sv);
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Unrecognised/unsupported backend language: " << lang << endl;
err << "Issue comes from " << be << " " << ver << endl;
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "GAMBIT has failed to initialise due to fatal exception when trying to load backends: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
/// Load a data-only backend library.
void Backends::backend_info::loadLibrary_data(const str& be, const str& ver, const str& sv)
const str path = corrected_path(be,ver);
link_versions(be, ver, sv);
classloader[be+ver] = false;
needsMathematica[be+ver] = false;
needsPython[be+ver] = false;
if (Utils::file_exists(path))
logger() << "Succeeded in locating data library at " << path << "."
<< LogTags::backends << LogTags::info << EOM;
works[be+ver] = true;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Failed to locate data library at " + path + ".");
works[be+ver] = false;
/// Load a backend library written in C, C++ or Fortran.
void Backends::backend_info::loadLibrary_C_CXX_Fortran(const str& be, const str& ver, const str& sv, bool with_BOSS)
const str path = corrected_path(be,ver);
link_versions(be, ver, sv);
classloader[be+ver] = with_BOSS;
needsMathematica[be+ver] = false;
needsPython[be+ver] = false;
if (with_BOSS) classes_OK[be+ver] = true;
void* pHandle = dlopen(path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
if (pHandle)
// If dlinfo is available, use it to verify the path of the backend that was just loaded.
#ifdef HAVE_LINK_H
link_map *map;
dlinfo(pHandle, RTLD_DI_LINKMAP, &map);
if (not map)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Problem retrieving library path. The sought lib is " << path << "." << endl
<< "The path to this library has not been fully verified.";
attempt_backend_path_override(be, ver, map->l_name);
override_path(be, ver, ".so loaded but path unverified (system lacks dlinfo)");
logger() << "Succeeded in loading " << corrected_path(be,ver)
<< LogTags::backends << LogTags::info << EOM;
works[be+ver] = true;
loaded_C_CXX_Fortran_backends[be+ver] = pHandle;
std::ostringstream err;
str error = dlerror();
dlerrors[be+ver] = error;
err << "Failed loading library from " << path << " due to: " << endl
<< error << endl
<< "All functions in this backend library will be disabled (i.e. given status = -1).";
works[be+ver] = false;
/// Load WSTP for Mathematica backends
void Backends::backend_info::loadLibrary_Mathematica(const str& be, const str& ver, const str& sv)
const str path = corrected_path(be,ver);
link_versions(be, ver, sv);
classloader[be+ver] = false;
needsMathematica[be+ver] = true;
needsPython[be+ver] = false;
int WSerrno;
WSLINK pHandle;
std::ostringstream err;
// If the file does not exists do not wait for Mathematica to figure it out
std::ifstream f(path.c_str());
err << "Failed loading Mathematica package; package not found at " << path << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
// This initializes WSTP library functions.
WSENV WSenv = WSInitialize(0);
if(WSenv == NULL)
err << "Unable to initialize WSTP environment" << endl;
works[be+ver] = false;
// This opens a WSTP connection
std::stringstream WSTPflags;
#ifdef __APPLE__
WSTPflags << "-linkname " << MATHEMATICA_KERNEL << " -mathlink";
WSTPflags << "-linkname math -mathlink";
pHandle = WSOpenString(WSenv, WSTPflags.str().c_str(), &WSerrno);
if(pHandle == NULL || WSerrno != WSEOK)
if(pHandle != NULL)
err << "Received the following error message from WSErrorMessage: \"" << WSErrorMessage(pHandle) << "\"" << endl;
err << "Failed to establish link with the Mathematica kernel. Make sure that Mathematica is working or rebuild GAMBIT without Mathematica support by using the CMake flag -Ditch=\"Mathematica\".";
// Tell WSTP to load up the Mathematica package of the backend
if(!WSPutFunction(pHandle, "Once", 1)
or !WSPutFunction(pHandle, "Get", 1)
or !WSPutString(pHandle, path.c_str())
or !WSEndPacket(pHandle))
err << "Error sending packet through WSTP" << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, WSErrorMessage(pHandle));
works[be+ver] = false;
// Jump to the end of this packet, discarding all output
// We do not care about errors here because the package exists
int pkt;
while( (pkt = WSNextPacket(pHandle), pkt) && pkt != RETURNPKT)
logger() << "Succeeded in loading " << corrected_path(be,ver)
<< LogTags::backends << LogTags::info << EOM;
works[be+ver] = true;
loaded_mathematica_backends[be+ver] = pHandle;
//TODO: Add this to die functions
//WSPutFunction(pHandle, "Exit", 0);
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
/// Load a Python backend module
void Backends::backend_info::loadLibrary_Python(const str& be, const str& ver, const str& sv, const str& lang)
// Set the internal info for this backend
const str path = corrected_path(be,ver);
link_versions(be, ver, sv);
// Bail now if the backend is not present.
std::ifstream f(path.c_str());
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Failed loading Python backend; source file not found at " << path << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
// Bail now if the backend requires a version of Python that GAMBIT is not configured with.
err << "Unrecognised version of Python: " << PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR << endl;
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
if (PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR != 2 and (lang == "Python2" or lang == "PYTHON2"))
err << "Failed loading Python backend " << be << " " << ver << "." << endl
<< "GAMBIT was configured with Python " << PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR << " but this backend needs Python 2." << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
missingPythonVersion[be+ver] = 2;
if (PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR != 3 and (lang == "Python3" or lang == "PYTHON3"))
err << "Failed loading Python backend " << be << "." << endl
<< "GAMBIT was configured with Python " << PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR << " but this backend needs Python 3." << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
missingPythonVersion[be+ver] = 3;
// Fire up the Python interpreter if it hasn't been started yet.
if (not python_started) start_python();
// Add the path to the backend to the Python system path
pybind11::object sys_path = sys->attr("path");
pybind11::object sys_path_insert = sys_path.attr("insert");
sys_path_insert(0,path_dir(be, ver));
// Function to remove the location of the library after we attempted to load it.
pybind11::object sys_path_remove = sys_path.attr("remove");
// Attempt to import the module
const str name = lib_name(be, ver);
pybind11::module* new_module;
new_module = new pybind11::module(pybind11::module::import(name.c_str()));
catch (std::exception& e)
err << "Failed to import Python module from " << path << "." << endl
<< "Python error was: " << e.what() << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
// Remove the path to the backend from the Python system path
sys_path_remove(path_dir(be, ver));
// Check if the loaded moule has actually come from the expected path.
// First get the relevant os functions.
pybind11::object os_path = os->attr("path");
pybind11::object os_path_split = os_path.attr("split");
// Get the path to the loaded module (Split the path at the last '/')
pybind11::tuple full_loaded_path = os_path_split( new_module->attr("__file__") );
// For Python modules with an underlying '' script we need to repeat this split step
if ((full_loaded_path[1]).cast<str>().find("__init__") != str::npos)
full_loaded_path = os_path_split(full_loaded_path[0]);
// Compare the expected and the actual location. If they differ, declare the module as broken.
const str loaded_loc = (full_loaded_path[0]).cast<str>();
const str expected_loc = path_dir(be,ver);
if ( != 0)
err << "Failed to import Python module from " << path << "." << endl
<< "A module with the same name was loaded but its location is not what is expected" << endl
<< "Got: " << loaded_loc << " (expected: " << expected_loc << ")" << endl;
backend_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
works[be+ver] = false;
// Remove the path to the backend from the Python system path
sys_path_remove(path_dir(be, ver));
// Remove the path to the backend from the Python system path
sys_path_remove(path_dir(be, ver));
logger() << "Succeeded in loading " << path << LogTags::backends << LogTags::info << EOM;
works[be+ver] = true;
loaded_python_backends[be+ver] = new_module;
/// Fire up the Python interpreter
void Backends::backend_info::start_python()
// Create an instance of the interpreter.
python_interpreter = new pybind11::scoped_interpreter;
// Import the sys module, and save a wrapper to it for later.
static pybind11::module local_sys = pybind11::module::import("sys");
sys = &local_sys;
// Import the os module, and save a wrapper to it for later.
static pybind11::module local_os = pybind11::module::import("os");
os = &local_os;
logger() << LogTags::backends << LogTags::debug << "Python interpreter successfully started." << EOM;
python_started = true;
pybind11::module& Backends::backend_info::getPythonBackend(const str& be, const str& ver)
static pybind11::module empty_python_module;
return ( ? * : empty_python_module);
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:58:00 +0000