file src/CosmoBit_types.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
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Detailed Description
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Selim Hotinli
- Janina Renk (
- Sebastian Hoof (
- Pat Scott (
- 2017 Nov
- 2021 Sep
- 2018 Jan
- 2018 Oct
- 2020 Mar
- 2020 Apr
Source code for types for module CosmoBit. For instructions on adding new types, see the corresponding header.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Macros Documentation
#define GSL_SPLINE_TYPE gsl_interp_linear
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Source code for types for module CosmoBit.
/// For instructions on adding new types, see
/// the corresponding header.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2017 Nov
/// \date 2021 Sep
/// \author Selim Hotinli
/// \date 2018 Jan
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2018 Oct
/// \author Sebastian Hoof
/// (
/// \date 2020 Mar
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2020 Apr
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_types.hpp"
#define GSL_SPLINE_TYPE gsl_interp_linear
//#define GSL_SPLINE_TYPE gsl_interp_cspline
namespace Gambit
namespace CosmoBit
SM_time_evo::SM_time_evo(size_t grid_size, double t0, double tf, double Neff_SM, double rnu, double dNeff)
: grid_size(grid_size)
, Neff(Neff_SM) // In case the c'tor crashes Neff has a somehow valid state
// Check if implemented routines are valid for given initial time
if(t0 < 1e3)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Requested initial time for evolution of Temperature & Hubble rate for SM for Temperatures t_initial was "<< t0<<".";
err << " Implemented routines are only valid after e+/- annihilation (t > 10^3). Aborting now.";
CosmoBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
// Resize all vectors of the structure to hold 'grid_size' elements.
// Allocate the GSL spline object pointers.
T_spline = gsl_spline_alloc(GSL_SPLINE_TYPE, grid_size);
Tnu_spline = gsl_spline_alloc(GSL_SPLINE_TYPE, grid_size);
H_spline = gsl_spline_alloc(GSL_SPLINE_TYPE, grid_size);
lnR_spline = gsl_spline_alloc(GSL_SPLINE_TYPE, grid_size);
// Initialize time grid. (Evenly spaced in log space from t0 to tf)
double Delta_logt = (log(tf) - log(t0))/(grid_size-1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i)
t_grid[i] = exp(log(t0) + i*Delta_logt);
// Set Neff out of Neff_SM, rnu, and dNeff
Neff = pow(rnu,4.)*Neff_SM + dNeff;
// Throughout the code, we assume radiation domination such that
// H^2 = 8*pi*G/3 * gstar(T, Tnu) * pi^2/30 * T^4 . (i)
// In general, gstar(T,Tnu) is dependent on T and Tnu, as both quantities
// evolve independently from each other.
// gstar = g + gnu * 7./8. * Neff * (Tnu/T)^4 (ii)
// For the first iteration (i = 0), we assume that the ratio Tnu / T is given
// by its standard value (assuming instant decoupling)
// Tnu / T = (4/11)^(1/3) (iii)
// such that gstar(T, Tnu) is a constant
// gstar_0 = g + gnu * 7./8. * Neff * (4./11.)^(4./3.) (iv)
// In this case we can easily solve for H(t) = 1/(2.*t) [in 1/s]
// or H(t) = 1e6*hbar/(2t) [in keV].
const double gstar_0 = 2.+2.*7./8.*Neff*pow(4./11.,4./3.);
for (size_t i = 0; i<grid_size; ++i)
H_grid[i] = 1./2./t_grid[i];
// Initialise interpolation for H(t)
gsl_spline_init(H_spline,,, grid_size);
// Solve equation (i) for T and use m_planck = 1/sqrt(G) such that
// T^4 [keV] = 90 * (1e6*m_planck)^2 * (1e6*hbar)^2 / (32 * pi^3 * gstar_0 * t^2 )
const double T_prefactor = 1.e6 * pow(90.*m_planck*m_planck*hbar*hbar/32./pi/pi/pi/gstar_0, 1./4.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i)
T_grid[i] = T_prefactor / sqrt(t_grid[i]);
// Initialise interpolation for T(t)
gsl_spline_init(T_spline,,, grid_size);
// For the 0-th iteration assume Tnu = (4./11.)^(1./3.) * T (cf. eq (iii))
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i)
Tnu_grid[i] = pow((4./11.),(1./3.)) * T_grid[i];
// Initialise interpolation for Tnu(t)
gsl_spline_init(Tnu_spline,,, grid_size);
// Calculate lnR by integrating H over t.
// After the lnR array is set here, it will never change throughout the code.
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i)
lnR_grid[i] = gsl_spline_eval_integ(H_spline, t_grid[0], t_grid[i], nullptr);
// Initialise interpolation for lnR(t)
gsl_spline_init(lnR_spline,,, grid_size);
void SM_time_evo::update_grid(const std::vector<double>& T_grid_new, const std::vector<double>& Tnu_grid_new, const bool& unchecked)
// Before we start, let's assert that the inputs T_grid_new and Tnu_grid_new have the right size.
// (unless the user promisses that their sizes are fine and 'unchecked' is set false)
if (unchecked) {
check_size(T_grid_new, "T_grid_new");
check_size(Tnu_grid_new, "Tnu_grid_new");
// Update the internal arrays 'T_grid' and 'Tnu_grid'.
// Do not update the respective splines yet as t_grid will be modified (see below).
std::memcpy(,, grid_size*sizeof(double) );
std::memcpy(,, grid_size*sizeof(double) );
// In general we assume that the T and Tnu arrays are modified through some differential equation.
// Based on the updated values of T and Tnu we calculate gstar which enters the calculation of H [in 1/s].
// This is done in the private function SM_time_evo::H_at_T_and_Tnu (defined in SM_evo.hpp)
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i)
H_grid[i] = H_at_T_and_Tnu( T_grid_new[i], Tnu_grid_new[i] );
// As 'H' is now modified and we assume 'lnR' to be fixed, we need to update 't'.
// To this end we use the definition of H
// H = dlnR / dt ,
// solve for dt and integrate over dlnR from lnR_grid[0] (which is 0 by construction) to lnR_grid[i].
// Furthermore we add the constant t0 = t_grid[0] such that the starting point of the new t_grid is
// aligned with the old one.
// (1) Define the integrand (1/H) and respective spline as function of lnR.
std::vector<double> one_over_H_grid(grid_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i) {
one_over_H_grid[i] = 1/H_grid[i];
gsl_spline* one_over_H_spline = gsl_spline_alloc(GSL_SPLINE_TYPE, grid_size);
gsl_spline_init(one_over_H_spline,,, grid_size);
// (2) Determine t[i] by integrating the spline.
const double t0 = t_grid[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i) {
t_grid[i] = gsl_spline_eval_integ(one_over_H_spline, lnR_grid[0], lnR_grid[i], nullptr) + t0;
// (3) Get rid of the spline.
// As 't' is now updated, all tables are self consistent.
// Before we return, update all splines (in terms of 't')
gsl_spline_init(T_spline,,, grid_size);
gsl_spline_init(Tnu_spline,,, grid_size);
gsl_spline_init(H_spline,,, grid_size);
gsl_spline_init(lnR_spline,,, grid_size);
// return Parametrised_ps members A_s, n_s, r, and N_pivot as str to double map for printing
map_str_dbl Parametrised_ps::get_parametrised_ps_map()
map_str_dbl result;
result["ln10A_s"] = ln10A_s;
result["n_s"] = n_s;
result["r"] = r;
result["N_pivot"] = N_pivot;
return result;
void Primordial_ps::fill_k(double *k_array, int len)
std::vector<double> K(k_array, k_array+len);
k = std::move(K);
vec_size = len;
void Primordial_ps::fill_P_s(double *P_s_array, int len)
std::vector<double> ps(P_s_array, P_s_array+len);
P_s = std::move(ps);
void Primordial_ps::fill_P_s_iso(double *P_s_iso_array, int len)
std::vector<double> psi(P_s_iso_array, P_s_iso_array+len);
P_s_iso = std::move(psi);
void Primordial_ps::fill_P_t(double *P_t_array, int len)
std::vector<double> pt(P_t_array, P_t_array+len);
P_t = std::move(pt);
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:58 +0000