file src/diagnostics.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Detailed Description
- Pat Scott
- Tomas Gonzalo (
- Markus Prim (
- 2013 Aug
- 2014 Mar, Aug, Dec
- 2017 Jun
- 2020 Dec
GAMBIT Core diagnostics implementation.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// GAMBIT Core diagnostics implementation.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Pat Scott
/// \date 2013 Aug
/// \date 2014 Mar, Aug, Dec
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2017 Jun
/// \author Markus Prim
/// (
/// \date 2020 Dec
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Core/core.hpp"
#include "gambit/Core/modelgraph.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/plugin_loader.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/screen_print_utils.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/table_formatter.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace Gambit
/// Basic module diagnostic function
void gambit_core::module_diagnostic()
YAML::Node gambit_bits_yaml = YAML::LoadFile(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/gambit_bits.yaml");
auto gambit_bits = gambit_bits_yaml["gambit_bits"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
// We need to manually add this here, can not be crawled by our script.
// We want to sort it again to keep alphabetical ordering from the python script after adding bits explicitly here.
std::sort(gambit_bits.begin(), gambit_bits.end());
table_formatter table("Modules", "Status", "#functions");
for (const auto &bit: gambit_bits)
table << bit;
auto result = std::find(std::begin(modules), std::end(modules), bit);
if (result == std::end(modules))
{ << "ditched";
table << "n/a";
int nf = 0;
for (const auto &functor : functorList)
if (functor->origin() == bit) nf++;
} << "OK";
table << nf;
std::stringstream out;
out << table.str();
print_to_screen(out.str(), "module");
/// Basic backend diagnostic function
void gambit_core::backend_diagnostic()
bool all_good = true;
table_formatter table("Backends", "Version", "Path to lib", "Status ", " #func ", "#types ", "#ctors");
table.default_widths(18, 7, 70, 13, 3, 3);
// Loop over all registered backends
for (const auto &backend : backend_versions)
// Loop over all registered versions of this backend
for (const auto &version : backend.second)
int nfuncs = 0;
int ntypes = 0;
int nctors = 0;
// Retrieve the status and path info.
const str path = backendData->path(backend.first, version); // Get the path of this backend
const str status = backend_status(backend.first, version, all_good); // Save the status of this backend
// Count up the number of functions in this version of the backend, using the registered functors.
for (const auto &functor : backendFunctorList)
if (functor->origin() == backend.first and functor->version() == version) nfuncs++; // If backend matches, increment the count of the functions in this version
// Do things specific to versions that provide classes
if (backendData-> + version))
const std::set<str> classes = backendData-> + version); // Retrieve classes loaded by this version
ntypes = classes.size(); // Get the number of classes loaded by this backend
for (const auto &class_ : classes) // class is a C++ keyword, so use class_ here which allows the same readability.
nctors += backendData-> + version + class_).size(); // Add the number of factories for this class to the total
// Print the info
const str firstentry = (&version == std::addressof(*backend.second.begin()) ? backend.first : "");
table << firstentry << version << path;
if (status == "OK") << status;
else << status;
table << " " + std::to_string(nfuncs) << std::to_string(ntypes) << std::to_string(nctors);
std::stringstream out;
out << "All relative paths are given with reference to " << GAMBIT_DIR << ".";
if (all_good)
out << endl
<< endl
<< "\033[032m"
<< "All your backend are belong to us."
<< "\033[0m" << endl;
out << endl;
out << table.str();
print_to_screen(out.str(), "backend");
/// Basic model diagnostic function
void gambit_core::model_diagnostic()
table_formatter table("Model", "Parent", "Parameters");
for (const auto &functor : primaryModelFunctorList)
const str model = functor->origin();
const str parentof = modelInfo->get_parent(model);
const int nparams = functor->valuePtr()->getNumberOfPars();
table << model << parentof << nparams;
std::stringstream out;
// Create and spit out graph of the model hierarchy.
const str graphfile = Utils::runtime_scratch() + "GAMBIT_model_hierarchy.gv";
ModelHierarchy modelGraph(*modelInfo, primaryModelFunctorList, graphfile, false);
out << endl << "Created graphviz model hierarchy graph in " + graphfile + "." << endl;
out << endl << "To get postscript plot of model hierarchy, please run: " << endl;
out << GAMBIT_DIR << "/Core/scripts/./ " + graphfile << endl;
out << endl << "To get postscript plot of model hierarchy, please install graphviz, rerun cmake and remake GAMBIT." << endl;
out << table.str();
print_to_screen(out.str(), "model");
/// Basic capability diagnostic function
void gambit_core::capability_diagnostic()
// Default, list-format output header
table_formatter table("Capabilities", "Available in (modules/models)", "Available in (backends)");
table.default_widths(35, 25);
for (const auto &capability : capabilities)
// Make sets of matching modules and backends
std::set<str> modset;
for (const auto &functor : functorList)
if (functor->capability() == capability) modset.insert(functor->origin());
std::set<str> beset;
for (const auto &functor : backendFunctorList)
if (functor->capability() == capability) beset.insert(functor->origin());
// Make strings out of the sets
std::string mods("");
for (const auto &mod : modset)
if (&mod != std::addressof(*modset.begin())) mods += ", ";
mods += mod;
std::string bes("");
for (const auto &be : beset)
if (&be != std::addressof(*beset.begin())) bes += ", ";
bes += be;
// Identify the primary model parameters with their models.
if (mods.empty() and bes.empty()) mods = capability.substr(0, capability.length() - 11);
// Print the entry in the table (list format)
table << capability << mods << bes;
std::stringstream out;
out << table.str();
print_to_screen(out.str(), "capability");
/// Basic scanner diagnostic function
void gambit_core::scanner_diagnostic()
// Import scanner plugin info from ScannerBit
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_all("scanner");
print_to_screen(output, "scanners");
/// Basic test function diagnostic function
void gambit_core::test_function_diagnostic()
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_all("objective");
print_to_screen(output, "objectives");
void gambit_core::prior_diagnostic()
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_priors("priors");
print_to_screen(output, "priors");
void gambit_core::ff_prior_diagnostic(const str &command)
if (command != "priors")
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_priors(command);
print_to_screen(output, command);
/// Free-form module diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_module_diagnostic(const str &command)
std::stringstream out;
for (const auto &module : modules)
if (command == module)
out << "Information for module " << module << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
table_formatter table("", "", "", "LOOP MANAGER:", "DEPENDENCIES / BACKEND REQUIREMENTS");
table.new_titles("Function", "Capability", "Result Type", " IS NEEDS", "[type] {type}");
table.default_widths(30, 35, 35, 19, 27);
for (const auto &functor : functorList)
if (functor->origin() == module) // Module matches
const str f = functor->name();
const str c = functor->capability();
const str t = functor->type();
const str islm = functor->canBeLoopManager() ? "Yes" : "No ";
const str nlm = functor->loopManagerCapability();
const std::set<sspair> deps = functor->dependencies();
const std::set<sspair> reqs = functor->backendreqs();
table.no_newline() << f << c << t << (" " + islm + " " + nlm);
if (not deps.empty())
for (const auto &dep : deps)
if (&dep != std::addressof(*deps.begin()))
table.no_newline() << ""
<< ""
<< ""
<< "" << dep.first + " [" + dep.second + "]";
table << dep.first + " [" + dep.second + "]";
if (not reqs.empty())
for (const auto &req : reqs)
if (&req != std::addressof(*reqs.begin()) or not deps.empty())
table.no_newline() << ""
<< ""
<< ""
<< "" << req.first + " {" + req.second + "}";
table << req.first + " {" + req.second + "}";
if (reqs.empty() and deps.empty()) table << "";
table.newline(table.row_pos() - 1);
out << table.str();
print_to_screen(out.str(), command);
/// Free-form backend diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_backend_diagnostic(const str &command)
std::stringstream out;
// Iterate over all backends to see if command matches one of them
for (const auto &backend : backend_versions)
if (command == backend.first)
bool has_classloader = false;
out << "Information for backend " << backend.first << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
// Loop over all registered versions of this backend
for (const auto &version : backend.second)
bool who_cares;
const str path = backendData->corrected_path(backend.first, version); // Save the path of this backend
const str status = backend_status(backend.first, version, who_cares); // Save the status of this backend
out << "Version: " << version << std::endl;
out << "Path to library: " << path << std::endl;
out << "Library status: " << status << std::endl;
table_formatter back_table(" Function/Variable", "Capability", "Type", "Status");
back_table.default_widths(27, 35, 40, 40);
// Loop over all the backend functions and variables
for (const auto &functor : backendFunctorList)
if ((functor->origin() == backend.first) and (functor->version() == version))
const str f = functor->name();
const str c = functor->capability();
const str t = functor->type();
const int s = functor->status();
back_table << (" " + f) << c << t;
if (s == -5) << "Mathematica absent";
else if (s == -2) << "Function absent";
else if (s == -1) << "Backend absent";
else if (s >= 0) << "Available";
back_table << "";
if (back_table.rows() > 0) out << back_table.str();
table_formatter class_table(" Class", "Constructor overload", "Status");
class_table.default_widths(46, 60, 60);
// If this version has classes to offer, print out info on them too
if (backendData-> + version))
std::set<str> classes;
if (backendData->classes.find(backend.first + version) != backendData->classes.end()) classes = backendData-> + version);
has_classloader = true;
// Loop over the classes
for (const auto &class_ : classes) // class is a C++ keyword, so use class_ here which allows the same readability.
const std::set<str> ctors = backendData-> + version + class_);
// Loop over the constructors in each class
for (const auto &ctor : ctors)
str args = ctor;
boost::replace_all(args, "my_ns::", "");
const str ss = backendData-> + version + class_ + args);
const str firstentry = (&ctor == std::addressof(*ctors.begin()) ? class_ : "");
class_table << (" " + firstentry) << args;
if (ss == "OK") << status;
else << status;
if (class_table.rows() > 0) out << class_table.str();
// Tell the user what the default version is for classes of this backend (if there are any).
if (has_classloader)
const std::map<str, str> defs = backendData->default_safe_versions;
const str my_def = (defs.find(backend.first) != defs.end() ? backendData->version_from_safe_version(backend.first, : "none");
out << std::endl << "Default version for loaded classes: " << my_def << std::endl << std::endl;
print_to_screen(out.str(), command);
/// Free-form model diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_model_diagnostic(const str &command)
std::stringstream out;
// Iterate over all models to see if command matches one of them
for (const auto &functor : primaryModelFunctorList)
const str model = functor->origin();
if (command == model)
out << "Information for model " << model << "." << endl << endl;
// Retrieve info on this capability from the database file
const model_info mod = get_model_info(model);
// Need copies of lineage and descendant vectors with self-reference removed
std::vector<str> lin_X = mod.lineage;
std::vector<str> des_X = mod.descendants;
// Erase element matching name
lin_X.erase(std::remove(lin_X.begin(), lin_X.end(),, lin_X.end());
des_X.erase(std::remove(des_X.begin(), des_X.end(),, des_X.end());
out << " Parent Model: " << mod.parent << std::endl;
out << " Number of parameters: " << mod.nparams << std::endl;
out << " Parameter names:" << mod.parameters << std::endl;
out << " 'Ancestor' models:" << lin_X << std::endl;
out << " 'Descendant' models:" << des_X << std::endl;
out << " Description: " << endl << mod.description << std::endl;
print_to_screen(out.str(), command);
/// Free-form capability diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_capability_diagnostic(const str &command)
std::stringstream out;
// Iterate over all capabilities to see if command matches one of them
for (const auto &capability : capabilities)
if (command == capability)
out << "Information for capability " << capability << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
// Retrieve info on this capability from the database file
const capability_info cap = get_capability_info(capability);
std::vector<std::pair<str, std::map<str, std::set<std::pair<str, str>>>>> origins;
origins.push_back(std::pair<str, std::map<str, std::set<std::pair<str, str>>>>("modules", cap.modset));
origins.push_back(std::pair<str, std::map<str, std::set<std::pair<str, str>>>>("backends", cap.beset));
// Loop over {modules, backends}
for (const auto &origin : origins)
if (not origin.second.empty())
out << " Available in " << origin.first << ": " << std::endl;
// Loop over modules or backends
for (const auto &module_or_backend : origin.second)
out << " " << module_or_backend.first << ": " << std::endl;
// Loop over matching module/backend functions
for (const auto &function : module_or_backend.second)
// Spit out: function name [function type]
out << " function " << function.first << " [type " << function.second << "]" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
out << " Description: " << std::endl << cap.description << std::endl;
print_to_screen(out.str(), command);
/// Free-form scanner diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_scanner_diagnostic(const str &command)
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_plugin("scanner", command);
print_to_screen(output, command);
/// Free-form test function diagnostic function
void gambit_core::ff_test_function_diagnostic(const str &command)
const std::string output = Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info().print_plugin("objective", command);
print_to_screen(output, command);
} // namespace Gambit
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:58 +0000