file src/gambit.cpp
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Name | |
void | do_cleanup() Cleanup function. |
int | main(int argc, char * argv[]) Main GAMBIT program. |
Detailed Description
Author: The GAMBIT Collaboration
Date: 2012 Oct onwards
GAMBIT executable.
Functions Documentation
function do_cleanup
void do_cleanup()
Cleanup function.
function main
int main(
int argc,
char * argv[]
Main GAMBIT program.
Idea by Tom Fogal, for optionally preventing execution of code until debugger allows it Source:
Special catch block for silent shutdown This exception is designed to be thrown during diagnostic mode
Special catch block for controlled shutdown This exception should only be thrown if it is safe to call MPI_Finalise, as this will occur once we leave the catch block.
Special catch block for hard shutdown No MPI_Finalise called, nor MPI_Abort. Should only be triggered when all processes are supposed to be trying to shut themselves down quickly, for example if synchronising for soft shutdown fails.
Shut down due receipt of MPI emergency shutdown message
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// GAMBIT executable.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors:
/// \author The GAMBIT Collaboration
/// \date 2012 Oct onwards
/// *********************************************
#include <csignal>
#include "gambit/Core/gambit.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/mpiwrapper.hpp"
using namespace Gambit;
using namespace LogTags;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
bool use_mpi_abort = true; // Set later via inifile value
/// Cleanup function
void do_cleanup()
Gambit::Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info.dump(); // Also calls printer finalise() routine
/// Main GAMBIT program
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << std::setprecision(Core().get_outprec());
// Default exit behaviour in cases where no exceptions are raised
int return_value(EXIT_SUCCESS);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
bool allow_finalize(true);
/// Idea by Tom Fogal, for optionally preventing execution of code until debugger allows it
/// Source:
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm temp_comm;
int rank = temp_comm.Get_rank();
if( getenv("GAMBIT_MPI_DEBUG") != NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "pid %li (rank %i) waiting for debugger \n", (long)getpid(), rank);
if( rank==0 )
volatile int i = 0;
while(i == 0) { /* change āiā in the debugger */ }
fprintf(stderr, "Variable 'i' changed externally; resuming execution! \n");
// All processes wait at the barrier until process 0 is "released" by debugger.
// If try/catch etc needs to be set for other processes, do those first before
// releasing process zero.
{ // Scope to ensure that all MPI communicators get destroyed before Finalize is called.
// Set up signal handling function
// We attempt a clean shutdown on any of these signals
signal(SIGTERM, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGINT, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler_soft);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/// Create an MPI communicator group for use by error handlers
GMPI::Comm errorComm;
errorComm.dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"errorComm"); // duplicates the COMM_WORLD context
const int ERROR_TAG=1; // Tag for error messages
errorComm.mytag = ERROR_TAG;
signaldata().set_MPI_comm(&errorComm); // Provide a communicator for signal handling routines to use.
/// Create an MPI communicator group for ScannerBit to use
GMPI::Comm scanComm;
scanComm.dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"scanComm"); // duplicates the COMM_WORLD context
/// MPI rank for use in error messages;
int rank = scanComm.Get_rank();
int size = scanComm.Get_size();
int rank = 0;
//int size = 0; // Unused if not WITH_MPI
// Check number of OpenMP threads used
int n_omp_threads = 1;
#pragma omp parallel
if(omp_get_thread_num()==0) n_omp_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
// Parse command line arguments, launching into the appropriate diagnostic mode
// if the argument passed warrants it. Otherwise just get the filename.
const str filename = Core().run_diagnostic(argc,argv);
if (rank == 0)
cout << endl << "Starting GAMBIT" << endl;
cout << "----------" << endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
cout << "Running in MPI-parallel mode with "<<size<<" processes" << endl;
cout << "WARNING! Running in SERIAL (no MPI) mode! Recompile with -DWITH_MPI=1 for MPI parallelisation" << endl;
cout << "----------" << endl;
cout << "Running with "<< n_omp_threads << " OpenMP threads per MPI process (set by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS)." << endl;
if(Core().found_inifile) cout << "YAML file: "<< filename << endl;
std::vector<std::string> arguments(argv, argv + argc);
logger() << core << "Command invoked: ";
for(int i=0;i<argc;i++){ logger() << arguments[i] << " "; }
logger() << endl;
logger() << core << "Starting GAMBIT" << EOM;
logger() << core;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
logger() << "Running in MPI-parallel mode with "<<size<<" processes" << endl;
logger() << "WARNING! Running in SERIAL (no MPI) mode!" << endl;
logger() << "Running with "<< n_omp_threads << " OpenMP threads per MPI process (set by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS)." << EOM;
if( Core().resume ) logger() << core << "Attempting to resume scan..." << EOM;
logger() << core << "Registered module functors [Core().getModuleFunctors().size()]: ";
logger() << Core().getModuleFunctors().size() << endl;
logger() << "Registered backend functors [Core().getBackendFunctors().size()]: ";
logger() << Core().getBackendFunctors().size() << EOM;
// Read YAML file, which also initialises the logger.
IniParser::IniFile iniFile;
// Check if user wants to disable use of MPI_Abort (since it does not work correctly in all MPI implementations)
#ifdef WITH_MPI
use_mpi_abort = iniFile.getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "use_mpi_abort");
// Initialise the random number generator, letting the RNG class choose its own defaults.
Options rng(iniFile.getValueOrDef<YAML::Node>(YAML::Node(), "rng"));
str generator = rng.getValueOrDef<str>("default", "generator");
int seed = rng.getValueOrDef<int>(-1, "seed");
Random::create_rng_engine(generator, seed);
// Determine selected model(s)
std::set<str> selectedmodels = iniFile.getModelNames();
// Activate "primary" model functors
Core().registerActiveModelFunctors( Models::ModelDB().getPrimaryModelFunctorsToActivate( selectedmodels, Core().getPrimaryModelFunctors() ) );
// Deactivate module functions reliant on classes from missing backends
// Set up the printer manager for redirection of scan output.
Printers::PrinterManager printerManager(iniFile.getPrinterNode(),Core().resume);
// Assign printer manager to a global variable from which it can be retrieved in module functions that need it
// Set up dependency resolver
DRes::DependencyResolver dependencyResolver(Core(), Models::ModelDB(), iniFile, Utils::typeEquivalencies(), *(printerManager.printerptr));
// Log module function info
// Do the dependency resolution
if (rank == 0) cout << "Resolving dependencies and backend requirements. Hang tight..." << endl;
if (rank == 0) cout << "...done!" << endl;
// Print the citation keys required for the used backends
if (rank == 0) dependencyResolver.printCitationKeys();
// Check that all requested models are used for at least one computation
// Report the proposed (output) functor evaluation order
// If true, bail out (just wanted the run order or backend list, not a scan); otherwise, keep going.
if (not Core().show_runorder and not Core().show_backends)
//Define the likelihood container object for the scanner
Likelihood_Container_Factory factory(Core(), dependencyResolver, iniFile, *(printerManager.printerptr));
//Make scanner yaml node
YAML::Node scanner_node;
scanner_node["Scanner"] = iniFile.getScannerNode();
scanner_node["Parameters"] = iniFile.getParametersNode();
scanner_node["Priors"] = iniFile.getPriorsNode();
//Create the master scan manager
Scanner::Scan_Manager scan(scanner_node, &printerManager, &factory);
// Set cleanup function to call during premature shutdown
// For extra speed with fast likelihood evaluations, disable the logs while the scans runs
bool disable_logs_during_scan = iniFile.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "disable_logs_during_scan");
if(disable_logs_during_scan) logger().disable();
//Do the scan!
logger() << core << "Starting scan." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) std::cerr << "Starting scan." << std::endl;
scan.Run(); // Note: the likelihood container will unblock signals when it is safe to receive them.
logger().enable(); // Turn logs back on (in case they were disabled for speed)
// Check why we have exited the scanner; scan may have been terminated early by a signal.
// We assume here that because the scanner has exited that it has already down whatever
// cleanup it requires, including finalising the printers, i.e. the 'do_cleanup()' function will NOT run.
logger() << "GAMBIT has performed a controlled early shutdown due to early termination of the scanner plugin." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) cout << "GAMBIT has performed a controlled early shutdown." << endl << endl;
//Scan is done; inform signal handlers
logger() << "GAMBIT run completed successfully." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) cout << endl << "GAMBIT has finished successfully!" << endl << endl;
/// Special catch block for silent shutdown
/// This exception is designed to be thrown during diagnostic mode
catch (const SilentShutdownException& e)
// No need to do anything, just let program shut down normally from here
/// Special catch block for controlled shutdown
/// This exception should only be thrown if it is safe to call MPI_Finalise,
/// as this will occur once we leave the catch block.
catch (const SoftShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "GAMBIT has performed a controlled early shutdown." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << signaldata().display_received_signals() << EOM;
// Let program shutdown normally from here
/// Special catch block for hard shutdown
/// No MPI_Finalise called, nor MPI_Abort. Should only be triggered when all
/// processes are supposed to be trying to shut themselves down quickly, for
/// example if synchronising for soft shutdown fails.
catch (const HardShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "GAMBIT has shutdown (but could not finalise or abort MPI)." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << signaldata().display_received_signals() << EOM;
/// Shut down due receipt of MPI emergency shutdown message
catch (const MPIShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "GAMBIT has shutdown due to an error on another process." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << EOM;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
catch (const std::exception& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
cerr << endl << " \033[00;31;1mFATAL ERROR\033[00m" << endl << endl;
cerr << "GAMBIT has exited with fatal exception: " << e.what() << endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
catch (str& e)
cout << endl << " \033[00;31;1mFATAL ERROR\033[00m" << endl << endl;
cout << "GAMBIT has exited with a fatal and uncaught exception " << endl;
cout << "thrown from a backend code. Due to poor code design in " << e << endl;
cout << "the backend, the exception has been thrown as a string. " << endl;
cout << "If you are the author of the backend, please throw only " << endl;
cout << "exceptions that inherit from std::exception. Error string: " << endl;
cout << e << endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
// Synchronise all processes before discarding shutdown messages, to make sure that
// they have all been sent.
if(allow_finalize and signaldata().shutdown_begun()) //signaldata().discard_excess_shutdown_messages();
// Need to clean up excess shutdown messages
// Only do this if MPI_Finalize will be called
// (it is needed to prevent MPI_Finalize from locking up,
// but there is no point doing it if we aren't going to
// call MPI_Finalize)
signaldata().broadcast_shutdown_signal(SignalData::NO_MORE_MESSAGES); // Tell all other processes that we are done sending messages
logger()<<"All shutdown messages successfully Recv'd on this process!"<<EOM;
// DEBUG: Check for unreceived messages of any tag
// int timeout_sec(10);
// errorComm.check_for_unreceived_messages(timeout_sec);
// scanComm.check_for_unreceived_messages(0); // No need to wait again
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if(rank == 0) cout << "Calling MPI_Finalize..." << endl;
} // End main scope; want to destruct all communicators before MPI_Finalize() is called
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (allow_finalize)
logger()<<"Calling MPI_Finalize..."<<EOM;
logger()<<"MPI successfully finalized!"<<EOM;
logger()<<"MPI_Finalize has been disabled (e.g. due to an error) and will not be called."<<EOM;
return return_value;
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:58 +0000