file Pythia8/Py8Collider.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


A specializable, recyclable class interfacing ColliderBit and Pythia.
An exception for when Pythia fails to initialize.
An exception for when Pythia fails to generate events.

Detailed Description


  • Abram Krislock
  • Pat Scott


  • July 2016
  • Jan 2019

The Py8Collider class.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  The Py8Collider class.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Abram Krislock
///  \date July 2016
///  \author Pat Scott
///  \date Jan 2019
///  *********************************************

#pragma once

#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "gambit/Elements/shared_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/colliders/BaseCollider.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/colliders/Pythia8/SetHooksClass.hpp"
#include "SLHAea/slhaea.h"

namespace Gambit

  namespace ColliderBit

    /// A specializable, recyclable class interfacing ColliderBit and Pythia.
    template <typename PythiaT, typename EventT, typename hepmc_writerT>
    class Py8Collider : public BaseCollider


        PythiaT* _pythiaInstance;
        PythiaT* _pythiaBase;
        std::vector<std::string> _pythiaSettings;


        /// Get the Pythia instance.
        const PythiaT* pythia() const { return _pythiaInstance; }

        // Setting up the CombineMatchingInput UserHook
        bool SetupMatchingUserHook()
            SetHooks<PythiaT, EventT> Hook;
            return true;

        /// @name Custom exceptions:

        /// An exception for when Pythia fails to initialize.
        class InitializationError : public std::exception
          virtual const char* what() const throw()
            return "Pythia could not initialize.";
        /// An exception for when Pythia fails to generate events.
        class EventGenerationError : public std::exception
          virtual const char* what() const throw()
            return "Pythia could not make the next event.";


        /// @name Construction, Destruction, and Recycling:

        Py8Collider() : _pythiaInstance(nullptr), _pythiaBase(nullptr) {}

          if (_pythiaInstance) delete _pythiaInstance;
          if (_pythiaBase) delete _pythiaBase;

        void clear()
          if (_pythiaInstance)
            delete _pythiaInstance;


        /// @name (Re-)Initialization functions

        /// Add a command to the list of settings used by "init".
        void addToSettings(const std::string& command) { _pythiaSettings.push_back(command); }
        /// Create a useless Pythia instance just to print the banner.
        void banner(const std::string pythiaDocPath) { PythiaT myPythia(pythiaDocPath); }
        /// Initialize with no settings (error): override version.
        void init() { std::cout<<"No settings given to Pythia!\n\n"; throw InitializationError(); }

        /// Initialize from some external settings: override version.
        /// @note A string denoting the path to Pythia's xmldoc directory is
        /// @note assumed to be at the end of the settings vector:
        void init(const std::vector<std::string>& externalSettings)
          std::string docPath = externalSettings.back();
          std::vector<std::string> settings(externalSettings);
          init(docPath, settings);

        /// Initialize from some external settings.
        /// @note This override is most commonly used in ColliderBit.
        void init(const std::string pythiaDocPath,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& externalSettings,
                  const SLHAea::Coll* slhaea=nullptr, std::ostream& os=std::cout)
          // Settings acquired externally (ex from a gambit yaml file)
          for(const str& command : externalSettings) _pythiaSettings.push_back(command);

          if (!_pythiaBase)
            _pythiaBase = new PythiaT(pythiaDocPath, false);

          // Pass all settings to _pythiaBase
          for(const str& command : _pythiaSettings) _pythiaBase->readString(command);

          // Create new _pythiaInstance from _pythiaBase
          if (_pythiaInstance) delete _pythiaInstance;
          _pythiaInstance = new PythiaT(_pythiaBase->particleData, _pythiaBase->settings);

          // Send along the SLHAea::Coll pointer, if it exists
          if (slhaea) _pythiaInstance->slhaInterface.slha.setSLHAea(slhaea);

          // Read command again to get SM decay table change from yaml file
          for(const str& command : _pythiaSettings)

          if (!_pythiaInstance->init(os)) throw InitializationError();

        /// Initialize from some external settings.
        /// Special version of the init function for user defined models
        /// Needs to directly construct the new matrix elements (rather than use flags)
        void init_user_model(const std::string pythiaDocPath,
                             const std::vector<std::string>& externalSettings,
                             const SLHAea::Coll* slhaea=nullptr, std::ostream& os=std::cout)
          // Settings acquired externally (for example, from a gambit yaml file)
          for(const str& command : externalSettings) _pythiaSettings.push_back(command);

          if (!_pythiaBase)
            _pythiaBase = new PythiaT(pythiaDocPath, false);

          // Pass all settings to _pythiaBase
          for(const str& command : _pythiaSettings) _pythiaBase->readString(command);

          // Create new _pythiaInstance from _pythiaBase
          if (_pythiaInstance) delete _pythiaInstance;
          _pythiaInstance = new PythiaT(_pythiaBase->particleData, _pythiaBase->settings);

          // Send along the SLHAea::Coll pointer, if it exists
          if (slhaea) _pythiaInstance->slhaInterface.slha.setSLHAea(slhaea);

          if (!_pythiaInstance->init(os)) throw InitializationError();

        /// Initialize from some external settings, assuming no given SLHAea instance.
        void init(const std::string pythiaDocPath,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& externalSettings, std::ostream& os)
          init(pythiaDocPath, externalSettings, nullptr, os);

        /// Initialize from some external settings, assuming no given SLHAea instance.
        void init_user_model(const std::string pythiaDocPath,
                             const std::vector<std::string>& externalSettings, std::ostream& os)
          init_user_model(pythiaDocPath, externalSettings, nullptr, os);


        /// @name Event generation and cross section functions

        /// Event generation for any Pythia interface to Gambit.
        void nextEvent(EventT& event) const
          // Try to make and populate an event
          bool accepted_event = _pythiaInstance->next();
          event = _pythiaInstance->event;
          if (!accepted_event)
            throw EventGenerationError();

        /// Report the total or process-specific cross section (in fb or pb).
        double xsec_fb() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaGen() * 1e12; }
        double xsec_fb(int process_code) const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaGen(process_code) * 1e12; }
        double xsec_pb() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaGen() * 1e9; }
        double xsec_pb(int process_code) const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaGen(process_code) * 1e9; }

        /// Report the uncertainty in the total or process-specific cross section (in fb or pb).
        double xsecErr_fb() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaErr() * 1e12; }
        double xsecErr_fb(int process_code) const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaErr(process_code) * 1e12; }
        double xsecErr_pb() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaErr() * 1e9; }
        double xsecErr_pb(int process_code) const { return _pythiaInstance->info.sigmaErr(process_code) * 1e9; }

        /// Report an integer process code for the last generated event
        int process_code() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.code(); }

        /// Report the list of all active process codes
        std::vector<int> all_active_process_codes() const { return _pythiaInstance->info.codesHard(); }




Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:58 +0000