file src/QedQcdWrapper.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::SpecBit |
Name | |
addtomap_EL(r, PRODUCT) TODO: wrap using BOSS at some point, i.e. get this from FlexibleSUSY or SoftSUSY. | |
addtomap(__KEYS, FPTR) |
Detailed Description
Author: Ben Farmer (
Date: 2015 Mar
This class is used to wrap the QedQcd object used by SoftSUSY and FlexibleSUSY in a Gambit SubSpectrum object. This is to enable access to the parameters of the SM defined as a low-energy effective theory (as opposed to correspending information defined in a UV model). Parameters defined this way are often used as input to a physics calculator.
Macros Documentation
define addtomap_EL
#define addtomap_EL(
{ \
str key = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,PRODUCT); /* string map key */ \
tmp_map[key] = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,PRODUCT); /* function pointer */ \
TODO: wrap using BOSS at some point, i.e. get this from FlexibleSUSY or SoftSUSY.
Macro to help assign the same function pointers to multiple string keys
define addtomap
#define addtomap(
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// This class is used to wrap the QedQcd object used by SoftSUSY
/// and FlexibleSUSY in a Gambit SubSpectrum object. This is to enable
/// access to the parameters of the SM defined as a low-energy effective theory
/// (as opposed to correspending information defined in a UV model).
/// Parameters defined this way are often used as input to a physics calculator.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors:
/// <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2015 Mar
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/sminputs.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spectrum.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/slhaea_spec_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/QedQcdWrapper.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each_product.hpp>
#include "lowe.h" ///TODO: wrap using BOSS at some point, i.e. get this from FlexibleSUSY or SoftSUSY
/// Macro to help assign the same function pointers to multiple string keys
// Relies on "tmp_map" being used as the variable name for the temporary maps
// inside the fill_map functions.
#define addtomap_EL(r, PRODUCT) \
{ \
str key = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,PRODUCT); /* string map key */ \
tmp_map[key] = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,PRODUCT); /* function pointer */ \
namespace Gambit
namespace SpecBit
/// @{ QedQcdWrapper member functions
/// @{ Constructors
: qedqcd()
, sminputs()
QedQcdWrapper::QedQcdWrapper(const softsusy::QedQcd& model, const SMInputs& input)
: qedqcd(model)
, sminputs(input) /***/
, hardup(get(Par::Pole_Mass,"u_3")) // QedQcd object will throw an error if we try to run above this, so set this as the limit /***/
, softup(get(Par::Pole_Mass,"u_3")) // Set top quark pole mass as soft upper limit of /***/
, softlow(2) // (GeV) QedQcd object sets beta functions to zero below here anyway
, hardlow(2) // (GeV) QedQcd object sets beta functions to zero below here anyway
/// @}
/// Destructor
QedQcdWrapper::~QedQcdWrapper() {}
/// Currently unused virtual functions
/// @{
int QedQcdWrapper::get_numbers_stable_particles() const {return -1;}
/// @}
/// Add QED x QCD information to an SLHAea object
void QedQcdWrapper::add_to_SLHAea(int, SLHAstruct& slha) const
// Here we assume that all SMINPUTS defined in SLHA2 are provided by the
// SMINPUTS object, so we don't bother repeating them here. We also assume
// that the HE spectrum is going to provide the gauge couplings, so we don't
// bother with those either. We ignore the first parameter, as it doesn't matter
// if we're helping make an SLHA1 or SLHA2 file.
// Add the b pole mass
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO, *this, Par::Pole_Mass,"d_3","MASS",5,"# mb (pole)");
/// Run masses and couplings to end_scale
void QedQcdWrapper::RunToScaleOverride(double end_scale)
const double tol = 1.0e-5; // Value used internally in QedQcd methods
double begin_scale = GetScale();, end_scale, tol); // Run masses and couplings
/// Retrieve the current renormalisation scale at which running parameters are defined
double QedQcdWrapper::GetScale() const { return qedqcd.get_scale(); }
/// Manually define the current renormalisation scale (do this at own risk!)
void QedQcdWrapper::SetScale(double scale) { qedqcd.set_scale(scale); }
/// @}
/// Plain C-function wrappers for QedQcd running mass getters
double get_mUp (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mUp); }
double get_mCharm (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mCharm); }
double get_mTop (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mTop); }
double get_mDown (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mDown); }
double get_mStrange (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mStrange); }
double get_mBottom (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mBottom); }
double get_mElectron(const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mElectron); }
double get_mMuon (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mMuon); }
double get_mTau (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayMass(softsusy::mTau); }
// Might as well add photon and gluon for good measure, someone might need them for a loop or something.
double get_mPhoton (const softsusy::QedQcd&) { return 0.; }
double get_mGluon (const softsusy::QedQcd&) { return 0.; }
/// Plain C-function wrappers for QedQcd running coupling getters
// Note: often people want 1/alpha, but here we return alpha itself
// Might want to change these to g1,g3, to be consistent with MSSMSpec
double get_alpha (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayAlpha(softsusy::ALPHA); }
double get_alphaS (const softsusy::QedQcd& model) { return model.displayAlpha(softsusy::ALPHAS); }
/// All 3 SM gauge couplings.
/// The QedQcd documenation has the following to say about this calculations:
/// {
/// This will calculate the three gauge couplings of the Standard Model at
/// the scale m2.
/// It's a simple one-loop calculation only and no
/// thresholds are assumed. Range of validity is electroweak to top scale.
// alpha1 is in the GUT normalisation. sinth = sin^2 thetaW(Q) in MSbar
// scheme
// }
// Note that it computes that couplings at scale "m2". I think other quantities
// are taken as calculated more accurately at some initial scale, and then this
// simple 1-loop computation is used just to get these couplings at a nearby
// scale m2.
double get_a1 (const softsusy::QedQcd&)
// We need sin^2 thetaW(Q) for this; i.e. I think it is supposed to be
// supplied at whatever scale the rest of the parameters are currently
// defined at. Not sure how to handle this.
//QedQcd::getGaugeMu(const double m2, const double sinth)
return 0.;
/// Plain C-function wrappers for extra pole mass getters (manually specified masses)
// Note: model object not needed for these, but required by function signature
double get_Pole_mElectron(const SMInputs& inputs) { return inputs.mE; }
double get_Pole_mMuon (const SMInputs& inputs) { return inputs.mMu; }
double get_Pole_mNu1 (const SMInputs& inputs) { return inputs.mNu1; }
double get_Pole_mNu2 (const SMInputs& inputs) { return inputs.mNu2; }
double get_Pole_mNu3 (const SMInputs& inputs) { return inputs.mNu3; }
// for good measure.
double get_Pole_mPhoton (const SMInputs&) { return 0.; }
double get_Pole_mGluon (const SMInputs&) { return 0.; }
double get_sinthW2_pole(const softsusy::QedQcd &qedqcd)
return (1 - Utils::sqr(qedqcd.displayPoleMW()) / Utils::sqr(qedqcd.displayPoleMZ()));
// Filler function for getter function pointer maps
QedQcdWrapper::GetterMaps QedQcdWrapper::fill_getter_maps()
GetterMaps map_collection;
/// @{ mass1 - mass dimension 1 parameters
// Functions utilising the "extraM" function signature
// (Zero index, model object as argument)
{ // scope so we can reuse the name 'tmp_map' several times, so that our macro works.
// could make a better macro, or an actual function, but I'm in a hurry
MTget::fmap0_extraM tmp_map;
tmp_map["u_1"] = &get_mUp; // u
tmp_map["u_2"] = &get_mCharm; // c
tmp_map["u_3"] = &get_mTop; // t
tmp_map["d_1"] = &get_mDown; // d
tmp_map["d_2"] = &get_mStrange; // s
tmp_map["d_3"] = &get_mBottom; // b
tmp_map["e-_1"] = &get_mElectron; // e-
tmp_map["e-_2"] = &get_mMuon; // mu-
tmp_map["e-_3"]= &get_mTau; // tau-
tmp_map["gamma"] = &get_mPhoton;
tmp_map["g"] = &get_mGluon;
map_collection[Par::mass1].map0_extraM = tmp_map;
/// @}
/// @{ dimensionless - mass dimension 0 parameters
// Functions utilising the "extraM" function signature
// (Zero index, model object as argument)
MTget::fmap0_extraM tmp_map;
tmp_map["alpha"] = &get_alpha;
tmp_map["alphaS"] = &get_alphaS;
map_collection[Par::dimensionless].map0_extraM = tmp_map;
/// @}
/// @{ Pole_Mass - Pole mass parameters
// Functions utilising the plain-vanilla function signature ("fmap")
// (Zero-argument member functions of model object)
// String names correspond to those defined in particle_database.cpp. If
// there is a mismatch, please change the ones here!
MTget::fmap0 tmp_map;
tmp_map["Z0"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMZ;
tmp_map["W+"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMW;
tmp_map["u_3"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMt; // t
// "Pole" for b quark is quoted in SoftSUSY (lowe.h) documentation, so I guess this is an approximation; need to check details.
tmp_map["d_3"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMb; // b
tmp_map["e-_3"]= &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMtau; // tau
// Nearest flavour 'aliases' for the SM mass eigenstates
tmp_map["t"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMt;
tmp_map["b"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMb;
tmp_map["tau-"]= &softsusy::QedQcd::displayPoleMtau;
map_collection[Par::Pole_Mass].map0 = tmp_map;
/// Functions utilising the "extraI" signature
/// (Zero-index, "Inputs" object used as argument)
/// "Inputs" is intended as a generic container for anything needed to
/// compute the function results. Could have used this exclusively, rather
/// than having "extraM" and "extraI" versions of these functions, but it
/// seemed nicer to have a version dedicated to the host Model class.
MTget::fmap0_extraI tmp_map;
tmp_map["e-_1"] = &get_Pole_mElectron; // e-
tmp_map["e-_2"] = &get_Pole_mMuon; // mu-
tmp_map["nu_1"] = &get_Pole_mNu1;
tmp_map["nu_2"] = &get_Pole_mNu2;
tmp_map["nu_3"] = &get_Pole_mNu3;
// Nearest flavour 'aliases' for the SM mass eigenstates
tmp_map["e-"] = &get_Pole_mElectron; // e-
tmp_map["mu-"] = &get_Pole_mMuon; // mu-
tmp_map["gamma"] = &get_Pole_mPhoton;
tmp_map["g"] = &get_Pole_mGluon;
map_collection[Par::Pole_Mass].map0_extraI = tmp_map;
// Functions utilising the "extraM" function signature
// (Zero index, model object as argument)
MTget::fmap0_extraM tmp_map;
tmp_map["sinW2"] = &get_sinthW2_pole;
map_collection[Par::Pole_Mixing].map0_extraM = tmp_map;
/// @}
return map_collection;
/// Plain C-function wrappers for extra pole mass setters (manually specified masses)
void set_Pole_mElectron(SMInputs& inputs, double set_value) { inputs.mE = set_value; }
// Filler function for setter function pointer maps
QedQcdWrapper::SetterMaps QedQcdWrapper::fill_setter_maps()
SetterMaps map_collection;
/// @{ Pole_Mass - Pole mass parameters
// Functions utilising the plain-vanilla function signature ("fmap")
// (Zero-argument member functions of model object)
MTset::fmap0 tmp_map;
// Do something like this, though the demo function here is a getter
// not a setter so you can't use that one of course :). If the
// function signature doesn't match what you need I can change it,
// otherwise need to use one of the "extra" map fillers, see e.g.
// below (there is also one that takes the model object as an
// input, as in the getter case)
tmp_map["Z0"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::setPoleMZ;
tmp_map["W+"] = &softsusy::QedQcd::setPoleMW;
map_collection[Par::Pole_Mass].map0 = tmp_map;
/// Functions utilising the "extraI" signature
/// (Zero-index, "Inputs" object used as argument)
MTset::fmap0_extraI tmp_map;
tmp_map["e-_1"] = &set_Pole_mElectron;
map_collection[Par::Pole_Mass].map0_extraI = tmp_map;
/// @}
return map_collection;
} // end SpecBit namespace
} // end Gambit namespace
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:57 +0000