file 0.1.0/
[No description available]
Name |
salami_gambit |
Source code
# Work in progress: Backend interface for salami
from __future__ import print_function
# Prefix for screen output
prefix = "salami_gambit:"
# # This will run when this backend is first loaded, i.e. during GAMBIT startup
# print(prefix, "Starting up...")
import salami
SLHA = None
# Import SLHA content as string
def import_slha_string(slha_string):
global SLHA
print(prefix, "Reading SLHA input...")
print(prefix, "DEBUG: SLHA content:\n", slha_string)
import pyslha
SLHA = pyslha.readSLHA(slha_string)
# Set parameters
def set_parameters(params):
# We can use this function to set any scan-level
# Return the cross-section for a given process, identified by a PID pair
def get_xsection(proc, energy, xsec_lo_fb):
print(prefix, "DEBUG: ====== Beginning of get_xsection ====== ", flush=True)
print(prefix, "DEBUG: proc = ", proc)
print(prefix, "DEBUG: xsec_lo_fb = ", xsec_lo_fb)
pids_to_prosids = {
# nn
( 1000022, 1000022) : "11",
( 1000022, 1000023) : "12",
( 1000022, 1000025) : "13",
( 1000022, 1000035) : "14",
( 1000023, 1000023) : "22",
( 1000023, 1000025) : "23",
( 1000023, 1000035) : "24",
( 1000025, 1000025) : "33",
( 1000025, 1000035) : "34",
( 1000035, 1000035) : "44",
# nc
( 1000022, 1000024) : "15",
( 1000022, 1000037) : "16",
( 1000022, -1000024) : "17",
( 1000022, -1000037) : "18",
( 1000023, 1000024) : "25",
( 1000023, 1000037) : "26",
( 1000023, -1000024) : "27",
( 1000023, -1000037) : "28",
( 1000024, 1000025) : "35",
( 1000025, 1000037) : "36",
(-1000024, 1000025) : "37",
( 1000025, -1000037) : "38",
( 1000024, 1000035) : "45",
( 1000035, 1000037) : "46",
(-1000024, 1000035) : "47",
( 1000035, -1000037) : "48",
# cc
( 1000024, -1000024) : "57",
( 1000024, -1000037) : "58",
(-1000024, 1000037) : "67",
( 1000037, -1000037) : "68",
# Load/cache predictor for this process
energy = str(int(energy))
pidkey = tuple(sorted(proc, key=lambda x : [abs(x), x < 0]))
proskey = pids_to_prosids[pidkey]
key = "{}_{}".format(energy, proskey)
# DEBUG: Taking this out of the try except block below,
# to make sure we see all errors
print(prefix, "DEBUG: proskey =", proskey)
if proskey not in KPREDS:
KPREDS[key] = salami.KPred(energy, proskey)
# try:
# print(prefix, "DEBUG: proskey =", proskey)
# if proskey not in KPREDS:
# KPREDS[key] = salami.KPred(energy, proskey)
# except:
# print(prefix, "Unknown process", proc, "-- using LO cross-section")
# KPREDS[key] = salami.KPredConst(1.0)
# Get cross-sections and errors
kpred = KPREDS[key]
result_dict = {}
result_dict["central"] = kpred.predict_xsec(SLHA, xsec_lo_fb, kmin=0.0, kmax=None, freeze_xpol=True)
# result_dict["regdown_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["regup_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["scaledown_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["scaleup_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["pdfdown_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["pdfup_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["alphasdown_rel"] = 0.0
# result_dict["alphasup_rel"] = 0.0
result_dict["tot_err_down"] = 0.05 * result_dict["central"] # <-- Fixed 5% error for now
result_dict["tot_err_up"] = 0.05 * result_dict["central"] # <-- Fixed 5% error for now
result_dict["trust_level"] = 1 # 1: all is well; 0: questionable; -1: don't trust this
print("DEBUG: result: ", result_dict, flush=True)
return result_dict
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:59 +0000