file scripts/
[No description available]
Name |
scanner+_harvester |
Source code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
# \file
# Script to find scanner (and test function)
# libraries and write various ScannerBit-
# related config and compilation files.
# Authors (add name and date if you modify):
# \author Pat Scott
# (
# \date 2014 Dec
# \date 2015 Jan
# \author Jonathan Cornell
# \date 2015 February (removed -rdynamic from
# OSX linker flags)
# \author Greg Martinez
# \date 2015
# \author Ben Farmer
# (
# \date 2018 Oct
import re
import os
import yaml
import shutil
import itertools
import datetime
import sys
import getopt
exec(compile(open(toolsfile, "rb").read(), toolsfile, 'exec')) # Python 2/3 compatible version of 'execfile'
# Updater program
def main(argv):
plugins = []
static_links = ""
flag = {"missing": "0", "found": "1", "excluded": "2"}
# Handle command line options
verbose = False
build_dir = argv[0]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],"vx:",["verbose","exclude-scanners="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print( 'Usage: build_dir [flags]' )
print( ' flags:' )
print( ' -v : More verbose output' )
print( ' -x scanner1,scanner2,... : Exclude scanner1, scanner2, etc.' )
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-v','--verbose'):
verbose = True
print(' verbose=True')
elif opt in ('-x','--exclude-plugins','--exclude-plugin'):
# info for the different plugin types
src_paths = sorted(["./ScannerBit/src/scanners", "./ScannerBit/src/objectives"])
inc_paths = sorted(["./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/scanners", "./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/objectives"])
plug_type = sorted(["scanner", "objective"])
config_files = []
for ptype in plug_type:
config_files += ["./config/" + ptype + "_locations.yaml"]
# these map the linking flags and library paths to the appropriate plugin library
scanbit_plugins = dict()
scanbit_incs = dict()
scanbit_libs = dict()
scanbit_links = dict()
scanbit_reqs = dict()
scanbit_auto_libs = dict()
scanbit_auto_incs = dict()
scanbit_link_libs = dict()
scanbit_lib_hints = dict()
scanbit_inc_files = dict()
scanbit_flags = dict()
scanbit_cxx_flags = dict()
#scanbit_static_links = dict()
## begin adding scannerbit files to CMakeLists.txt ##
scanbit_srcs = [ name for name in os.listdir("./ScannerBit/src") if os.path.isfile('./ScannerBit/src/' + name) if name.endswith(".cpp") or name.endswith(".c") or name.endswith(".cc") or name.endswith(".cxx") ]
scanbit_hdrs = [ name for name in os.listdir("./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit") if os.path.isfile('./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/' + name) if name.endswith(".hpp") or name.endswith(".h") ]
prior_srcs = []
prior_hdrs = []
if os.path.exists("./ScannerBit/src/priors"):
prior_srcs = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk("./ScannerBit/src/priors") for f in files if f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".c") or f.endswith(".cc") or f.endswith(".cxx") ]
if os.path.exists("./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/priors"):
prior_hdrs = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk("./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/priors") for f in files if f.endswith(".hpp") or f.endswith(".h") ]
prior_txt_out = "#ifndef PRIOR_LIST_HPP\n#define PRIOR_LIST_HPP\n\n"
cmakelist_txt_out = "set( scannerbit_sources\n"
for source in sorted(scanbit_srcs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "src/" + source + "\n"
for source in sorted(prior_srcs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "src/" + source.split('/ScannerBit/src/')[1] + "\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += ")\n\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += "set( scannerbit_headers\n"
for header in sorted(scanbit_hdrs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "include/gambit/ScannerBit/" + header + "\n"
for header in sorted(prior_hdrs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "include/gambit/ScannerBit/" + header.split('/ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/')[1] + "\n"
prior_txt_out += "#include \"" + "gambit/ScannerBit/" + header.split('/ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/')[1] + "\"\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += ")\n\nadd_gambit_library( ScannerBit OPTION OBJECT SOURCES ${scannerbit_sources} HEADERS ${scannerbit_headers} )\n\n"
prior_txt_out += "\n#endif\n"
## end adding scannerbit files to CMakeLists.txt ##
## begin adding scanlibs to CMakeLists.txt ##
scan_helper_srcs = []
scan_helper_hdrs = []
if os.path.exists("./ScannerBit/src/scanlibs"):
scan_helper_srcs = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk("./ScannerBit/src/scanlibs") for f in files if f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".c") or f.endswith(".cc") or f.endswith(".cxx") ]
if os.path.exists("./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/scanlibs"):
scan_helper_hdrs = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk("./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/scanlibs") for f in files if f.endswith(".hpp") or f.endswith(".h") ]
cmakelist_txt_out += "set( scanner_scanlibs_sources\n"
for source in sorted(scan_helper_srcs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "src/" + source.split('/ScannerBit/src/')[1] + "\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += ")\n\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += "set( scanner_scanlibs_headers\n"
for header in sorted(scan_helper_hdrs):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "include/gambit/ScannerBit/" + header.split('/ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/')[1] + "\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += ")\n\n"
## end adding scanlibs to CMakeLists.txt ##
# loop through the different plugin types
for i in range(len(plug_type)):
scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_incs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_libs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_links[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_lib_hints[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_inc_files[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]] = dict()
scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]] = dict()
#scanbit_static_links[plug_type[i]] = dict()
# loop through the different plugin types
for i in range(len(plug_type)):
scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]] = dict()
#scanbit_static_links[plug_type[i]] = dict()
directories = [ name for name in os.listdir(src_paths[i]) if os.path.isdir(src_paths[i] + "/" + name) ]
for directory in sorted(directories):
scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]][directory] = []
exclude_list = []
cmakelist_txt_out_tmp = ""
# Find all source files in the ScannerBit scanner and test_function plugin directories
sources = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk(src_paths[i] + "/" + directory) for f in files if f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".c") or f.endswith(".cc") or f.endswith(".cxx") ]
headers = []
if os.path.exists(inc_paths[i] + "/" + directory):
headers = [ root + "/" + f for root,dirs,files in os.walk(inc_paths[i] + "/" + directory) for f in files if f.endswith(".hpp") or f.endswith(".h") ]
# Work through the source files to find all plugins that need external linkage
for source in sorted(sources):
with open(source) as f:
last_plugin = ""
last_version= ""
processed = False
if verbose: print(" Scanning source file {0} for ScannerBit plugin declarations.".format(source))
text = comment_remover(
it = re.finditer(r'\breqd_inifile_entries\s*?\(.*?\)|\bREQD_INIFILE_ENTRIES\s*?\(.*?\)', text, re.DOTALL)
ini_finds = [[m.span()[0], -1, re.sub(r'\s', '',] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\bobjective_plugin\s*?\(.*?\)\s*?\{|\bOBJECTIVE_PLUGIN\s*?\(.*?\)\s*?\{', text, re.DOTALL)
obj_finds = [[m.span()[0], 0,] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\bscanner_plugin\s*?\(.*?\)\s*?\{|\bSCANNER_PLUGIN\s*?\(.*?\)\s*?\{', text, re.DOTALL)
scan_finds = [[m.span()[0], 1,] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\breqd_libraries\s*?\(.*?\)|\bREQD_LIBRARIES\s*?\(.*?\)', text, re.DOTALL)
lib_finds = [[m.span()[0], -2, re.sub(r'\s', '',] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\breqd_headers\s*?\(.*?\)|\bREQD_HEADERS\s*?\(.*?\)', text, re.DOTALL)
inc_finds = [[m.span()[0], -3, re.sub(r'\s', '',] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\bset_flag\s*?\(.*?\)|\bSET_FLAG\s*?\(.*?\)', text, re.DOTALL)
flag_finds = [[m.span()[0], -4, re.sub(r'\s', '',] for m in it]
it = re.finditer(r'\bcxx_flags\s*?\(.*?\)|\bCXX_FLAGS\s*?\(.*?\)', text, re.DOTALL)
cxx_finds = [[m.span()[0], -5, re.sub(r'\s|"', '',] for m in it]
all_finds = sorted(scan_finds + obj_finds + ini_finds + lib_finds + inc_finds + flag_finds + cxx_finds)
for find in all_finds:
if find[1] >= 0:
processed = False
splitline = neatsplit(r'\(|\)|,|\s|\{',find[2])
if len(splitline) != 0:
plugin_name = splitline[1]
mod_version = ["0","0","0",""]
plugin_type = plug_type[find[1]];
if splitline[2] == "version": mod_version[0:len(splitline[3:])] = splitline[3:]
token = plugin_name+"__t__"+plugin_type+"__v__"+"_".join([x for x in mod_version])
status = "ok"
for x in exclude_plugins:
if (plugin_name+"_"+"_".join([y for y in mod_version])).startswith(x):
status = "excluded"
last_plugin_file=[plugin_name, plugin_type, mod_version, status, token, [], directory, plug_type[i]]
scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]][directory] += [last_plugin_file]
last_plugin = plugin_name
last_version = mod_version[0]
if mod_version[1] != "": last_version += "." + mod_version[1]
if mod_version[2] != "": last_version += "." + mod_version[2]
if mod_version[3] != "": last_version += "-" + mod_version[3]
elif find[1] == -1:
if not last_plugin in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin] = dict()
if last_version in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin]:
if scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][0] == "":
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][0] = find[2][21:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][0] += "," + find[2][21:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version] = [find[2][21:-1], "", "", [], [], [], []]
elif find[1] == -2:
if not directory in scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]][directory] = neatsplit(',|\"', find[2][15:-1])
scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]][directory] += neatsplit(',|\"', find[2][15:-1])
if not last_plugin in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin] = dict()
if last_version in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin]:
if scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][1] == "":
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][1] = find[2][15:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][1] += "," + find[2][15:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version] = ["", find[2][15:-1], "", [], [], [], []]
if (not processed) and (last_plugin_file[3] != "excluded"):
last_plugin_file[3] = "link_needed"
processed = True
plugins += [last_plugin_file]
elif find[1] == -3:
if not directory in scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]][directory] = neatsplit(',|\"', find[2][13:-1])
scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]][directory] += neatsplit(',|\"', find[2][13:-1])
if not last_plugin in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin] = dict()
if last_version in scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin]:
if scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][2] == "":
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][2] = find[2][13:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][2] += "," + find[2][13:-1]
scanbit_reqs[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version] = ["", "", find[2][13:-1], [], [], [], []]
if (not processed) and (last_plugin_file[3] != "excluded"):
processed = True
plugins += [last_plugin_file]
elif find[1] == -4:
flags = neatsplit(",", find[2][9:-1]);
if len(flags) > 0:
if not last_plugin in scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]][last_plugin] = dict()
if not last_version in scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]][last_plugin]:
scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version] = dict()
scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][flags[0]] = []
scanbit_flags[plug_type[i]][last_plugin][last_version][flags[0]] += flags[1:]
elif find[1] == -5:
flags = neatsplit(",", find[2][10:-1]);
if len(flags) > 0:
if not directory in scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]]:
scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]][directory] = []
scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]][directory] += flags
# Add plugin source files to CMakeLists.txt. Only add those for non-excluded plugins.
# bjf> added "!=[]" to the conditional due to error during cmake. Hope it makes sense.
if(last_plugin_file!=[] and last_plugin_file[3] == "excluded"):
exclude_list += [last_plugin_file[0]+" "+".".join([y for y in last_plugin_file[2] if y != ""])]
cmakelist_txt_out_tmp += " "*16 + "src/" + source.split('/ScannerBit/src/')[1] + "\n"
# Add entries for this plugin only if there are non-excluded sources found.
if (cmakelist_txt_out_tmp != ""):
# First do the sources
cmakelist_txt_out = cmakelist_txt_out+"set( " + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_sources_" + directory + "\n" + cmakelist_txt_out_tmp + ")\n\n"
# Now do the headers
cmakelist_txt_out += "set( " + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_headers_" + directory + "\n"
for header in sorted(headers):
cmakelist_txt_out += " "*16 + "include/gambit/ScannerBit/" + header.split('/ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/')[1] + "\n"
cmakelist_txt_out += ")\n\n"
# Otherwise notify that the plugin is ditched.
for x in exclude_list:
cmakelist_txt_out += "message(\"${BoldCyan} X Excluding " + x + " from ScannerBit configuration.${ColourReset}\")\n\n"
# Loop over all plugin types
for config_file, plugin_type in zip(config_files, plug_type):
# Check for the user-defined version of the location file.
location_files = []
if os.path.isfile(config_file):
location_files += [config_file]
# Now make sure the default version of the locations yaml file is present.
if not os.path.isfile(config_file+".default"):
print("ERROR: "+config_file+".default not found!")
location_files += [config_file+".default"]
# Loop over all the plugins of this type
for plugin in plugins:
plugin_name = plugin[0]
inc_commands = []
auto_libs = []
auto_incs = []
linkcommands = ""
linklibs = []
#staticlinkcommands = ""
linkdirs = []
linkhints = []
inc_files = []
detected_plugins = [("none","none")]
# Loop over the found yaml location files
for current_location_file in location_files:
# Load the locations yaml file, and work out which libs are present
yaml_loader = yaml.full_load if hasattr(yaml, 'full_load') else yaml.load
yaml_file = yaml_loader(open(current_location_file))
if yaml_file:
if plugin_name in yaml_file and plugin[1] == plugin_type:
version_bits = plugin[2]
maj_version = int(".".join([x for x in version_bits[0:1]]))
min_version = float(".".join([x for x in version_bits[0:2]]))
pat_version = ".".join([x for x in version_bits[0:3]])
ful_version = "-".join([pat_version, version_bits[3]])
version = ".".join([x for x in version_bits[0:3]])
if (version_bits[3] != ""):
version = "-".join([version, version_bits[3]])
ini_version = ""
if ful_version in yaml_file[plugin_name]:
ini_version = ful_version
elif pat_version in yaml_file[plugin_name]:
ini_version = pat_version
elif min_version in yaml_file[plugin_name]:
ini_version = min_version
elif maj_version in yaml_file[plugin_name]:
ini_version = maj_version
elif "any_version" in yaml_file[plugin_name]:
ini_version = "any_version"
if ini_version != "" and (plugin_name, ini_version) not in detected_plugins:
detected_plugins += [(plugin_name, ini_version)]
options_list = yaml_file[plugin_name][ini_version]
if type(options_list) is dict: #not list:
options_list = [options_list,]
for f in options_list:
if type(f) is dict:
for key, value in f.items():
if key in ("lib", "libs", "library", "libraries", "library_path", "library_paths", "-lib", "-libs", "-library", "-libraries", "-library_path", "-library_paths"):
libs = neatsplit(',|\s|;', value)
for lib in libs:
if os.path.isfile(lib):
lib_full = os.path.abspath(lib)
print(" Found library {0} needed for ScannerBit plugin {1} v{2}".format(lib,plugin_name,version))
if lib_full.endswith(".a"):
static_links += lib_full + " "
[libdir, lib] = os.path.split(lib_full)
lib = re.sub(r"^lib|\..*$","",lib)
#staticlinkcommands += "-L" + libdir + " -l" + lib + " "
[libdir, lib] = os.path.split(lib_full)
lib = re.sub(r"^lib|\..*$","",lib)
linkcommands += "-L" + libdir + " -l" + lib + " "
linkdirs += [libdir]
linklibs += [[lib, lib_full]]
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][3] += [lib]
elif os.path.isdir(lib):
lib = os.path.abspath(lib)
print(" Found library path {0} needed for ScannerBit plugin {1} v{2}".format(lib,plugin_name,version))
linkhints += [lib]
elif lib == "ROOT" or lib == "GSL":
auto_libs += [lib]
#scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][3] += [lib]
if scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][1] == "":
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][1] = "\"" + lib + "\""
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][1] += ",\"" + lib + "\""
[libdir, lib] = os.path.split(lib)
#lib = re.sub("^lib|\..*$","",lib)
lib = "\"" + lib + "\""
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][4] += [lib]
elif key in ("inc", "incs", "include", "includes", "include_path", "include_paths", "-inc", "-incs", "-include", "-includes", "-include_path", "-include_paths", "hdr", "hdrs", "header", "headers", "-hdr", "-hdrs", "-header", "-headers"):
incs = neatsplit(',|\s|;', value)
for inc in incs:
if os.path.isdir(inc):
inc = os.path.abspath(inc)
print(" Found include path {0} needed for ScannerBit plugin {1} v{2}".format(inc,plugin_name,version))
inc_commands += [inc]
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][5] += [inc]
elif os.path.isfile(inc):
inc = os.path.abspath(inc)
print(" Found include file {0} needed for ScannerBit plugin {1} v{2}".format(inc,plugin_name,version))
[incdir, inc] = os.path.split(inc)
inc_commands += [incdir]
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][5] += [incdir]
inc_files += [[inc, incdir]]
elif inc == "ROOT" or inc == "GSL":
auto_incs += [inc]
#scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][5] += [inc]
if scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][2] == "":
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][2] = "\"" + inc + "\""
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][2] += ",\"" + inc + "\""
plugin[3] = "missing"
scanbit_reqs[plugin[7]][plugin_name][version][6] += [inc]
print(" Unknown infile option \"{0}\" needed for ScannerBit plugin {1} v{2}".format(key,plugin_name,version))
print(" Unknown YAML format in file {0}.".format(currrent_location_file))
# add links commands to map (keys: {plug_type, directory}) to be linked to later
#if staticlinkcommands != "":
# if plugin[6] in scanbit_static_links[plugin[7]]:
# scanbit_static_links[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += staticlinkcommands
# else:
# scanbit_static_links[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = staticlinkcommands
if inc_commands != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_incs[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_incs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += inc_commands
scanbit_incs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = inc_commands
if linkcommands != "":
if plugin[6] in scanbit_links[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_links[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += linkcommands
scanbit_links[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = linkcommands
if linkdirs != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_libs[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += linkdirs
scanbit_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = linkdirs
if auto_libs != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_auto_libs[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_auto_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += auto_libs
scanbit_auto_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = auto_libs
if auto_incs != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_auto_incs[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_auto_incs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += auto_incs
scanbit_auto_incs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = auto_incs
if linklibs != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_link_libs[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_link_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += linklibs
scanbit_link_libs[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = linklibs
if linkhints != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_lib_hints[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_lib_hints[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += linkhints
scanbit_lib_hints[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = linkhints
if inc_files != []:
if plugin[6] in scanbit_inc_files[plugin[7]]:
scanbit_inc_files[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] += inc_files
scanbit_inc_files[plugin[7]][plugin[6]] = inc_files
# Make a candidate priors_rollcall.hpp file
towrite = "\
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool \n\
/// \\file \n\
/// \n\
/// Priors rollcall file for ScannerBit. \n\
/// \n\
/// This file has been automatically generated by\n\
/// Please do not modify.\n\
/// \n\
/// \n\
/// Authors: \n\
/// \n\
/// \\author The GAMBIT Collaboration \n\
/// \\date ""%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")+"\n\
/// \n\
towrite += prior_txt_out
header = "./ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/priors_rollcall.hpp"
candidate = build_dir+"/priors_rollcall.hpp.candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(header, candidate)
if verbose: print("Finished writing ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/priors_rollcall.hpp")
# Make a candidate ScannerBit CMakelists.txt file
library_names = []
towrite = """\
# GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
# \\file
# Cmake CMakeLists.txt file for ScannerBit.
# This file has been automatically generated by
# Please do not modify.
# Authors:
# \\author The GAMBIT Collaboration
# \\date """"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")+"""
towrite += cmakelist_txt_out
towrite += """\
# Add the ScannerBit linking flag utility
add_executable(scanlibs ${scanner_scanlibs_sources} ${scanner_scanlibs_headers})
target_include_directories(scanlibs PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/include)
add_dependencies(scanlibs yaml-cpp)
target_link_libraries(scanlibs yaml-cpp)
set_target_properties(scanlibs PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \"${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ScannerBit/bin\")
# Specify known plugin include paths
message(\"*** begin PLUG_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ***\")
message(STATUS \"dir='${dir}'\")
message(\"*** end PLUG_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ***\")
set( reqd_lib_output )
set( exclude_lib_output )
# now link the shared libraries to their respective plugin libraries
for i in range(len(plug_type)):
directories = [ name for name in os.listdir(src_paths[i]) if os.path.isdir(src_paths[i] + "/" + name) ]
for directory in sorted(directories):
library_names.append("lib" + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ".so")
towrite += "#################### lib" + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ".so ####################\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + " \"\")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_compile_flags_" + directory + " \"${PLUGIN_COMPILE_FLAGS}"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_cxx_flags:
if directory in scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]]:
towrite += " "
towrite += " ".join(scanbit_cxx_flags[plug_type[i]][directory])
towrite += "\")\n\n"
for plug in scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]][directory]:
if plug[3] == "excluded":
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + " \"\\n - user excluded plugin: \\\"" + plug[4].split("__t__")[0] + "\\\"\")\n"
if verbose: print("excluding ", plug[4])
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_libraries_" + directory + "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_libs:
if directory in scanbit_libs[plug_type[i]]:
towrite += " "*16 + "\"" + scanbit_links[plug_type[i]][directory] + "\"\n"
towrite += ")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_paths_" + directory + "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_lib_hints:
if directory in scanbit_lib_hints[plug_type[i]]:
for lib in scanbit_lib_hints[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += " "*16 + lib + "\n"
towrite += ")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory + "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_libs:
if directory in scanbit_libs[plug_type[i]]:
unique_libdirs = set(p for p in scanbit_libs[plug_type[i]][directory])
if unique_libdirs:
for libdir in unique_libdirs:
towrite += " "*16 + libdir +"\n"
towrite += ")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "\n"
towrite += " "*16 + "${PLUGIN_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}\n"
towrite += " "*16 + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/gambit/ScannerBit/" + plug_type[i] + "s/" + directory + "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_incs:
if directory in scanbit_incs[plug_type[i]]:
for inc in scanbit_incs[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += " "*16 + inc + "\n"
towrite += ")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + " \"\")\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_link_libs:
if directory in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]]:
for lib in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " " + lib[0] + ": " + lib[1] + "\\n\")\n"
towrite += "\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory + "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_link_libs:
if directory in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]]:
for lib in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += " "*16 + lib[1] + "\n"
towrite += ")\n\n"
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + " \"\")\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_incs:
if directory in scanbit_incs[plug_type[i]]:
for inc in scanbit_incs[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " \\\"" + plug_type[i] + "_locations.yaml\\\": " + inc + "\\n\")\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_inc_files:
if directory in scanbit_inc_files[plug_type[i]]:
for inc in scanbit_inc_files[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " \\\"" + inc[0] + "\\\": " + inc[1] + "\\n\")\n"
towrite += "\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_auto_libs:
if directory in scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]]:
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_link_libs:
if directory in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]]:
temp = [p[0] for p in scanbit_link_libs[plug_type[i]][directory]]
scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]][directory] = set(lib for lib in scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]][directory] if not lib in temp);
temp = set(lib for lib in scanbit_auto_libs[plug_type[i]][directory])
for lib in temp:
if lib == "ROOT":
towrite += "if (" + lib + "_FOUND)\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "foreach (" + lib + "_LIB ${" + lib + "_LIBRARIES})\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "get_filename_component(lib_path ${" + lib + "_LIB} PATH)\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "get_filename_component(lib_name ${" + lib + "_LIB} NAME_WE)\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "string (REGEX REPLACE \"^lib\" \"\" lib_name ${lib_name})\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_libraries_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_libraries_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " -L${lib_path} -l${lib_name}\")\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory
towrite += " ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " ${" + lib + "_LIBRARIES})\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory +"} " + lib + ": ${" + lib + "_LIB}\\n\")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "endforeach()\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory + "};${" + lib + "_LIBRARY_DIR}\")\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
lib_name = plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + "_" + lib + "_LIBRARY"
towrite += "unset(" + lib_name + " CACHE)\n"
towrite += "find_library( " + lib_name + " " + lib + " HINTS ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_paths_" + directory + "} )\n"
towrite += "if( " + lib_name + " STREQUAL \"" + lib_name + "-NOTFOUND\" )\n"
towrite += " message(\"-- Did not find "+ plug_type[i] + " library " + lib + " for " + directory + ". Disabling scanners that depend on this.\")\n"
# next line will exclude plugins if no lib found. Note that if you un-comment this line
# all plugins plugins defined in this library will be excluded.
# towrite += " set (" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + "} \\n - library missing: \\\"lib" + lib + ".so\\\"\")\n"
towrite += "else()\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "get_filename_component(lib_path ${" + lib_name + "} PATH)\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "get_filename_component(lib_name ${" + lib_name + "} NAME_WE)\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "string (REGEX REPLACE \"^lib\" \"\" lib_name ${lib_name})\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_libraries_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_libraries_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " -L${lib_path} -l${lib_name}\")\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory
towrite += " ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " ${" + lib_name + "})\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory + "};${lib_path}\")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory +"} " + lib + ": ${" + lib_name + "}\\n\")\n"
towrite += " message(\"-- Found "+ plug_type[i] + " library: ${" + lib_name + "}\")\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_auto_incs:
if directory in scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]]:
if plug_type[i] in scanbit_inc_files:
if directory in scanbit_inc_files[plug_type[i]]:
temp = [p[0] for p in scanbit_inc_files[plug_type[i]][directory]]
scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]][directory] = set(inc for inc in scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]][directory] if not inc in temp);
temp = set(inc for inc in scanbit_auto_incs[plug_type[i]][directory])
for inc in temp:
if inc == "ROOT":
towrite += "if (" + inc + "_FOUND)\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "}\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}\n"
towrite += " "*4 + ")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " \\\"" + inc + "\\\": ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}\\n\")\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
inc_name = plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + "_" + re.sub(r";|/|\.", "_", inc) + "_INCLUDE_PATH"
towrite += "unset(" + inc_name + " CACHE)\n"
towrite += "find_path( " + inc_name + " \"" + inc + "\" HINTS ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "})\n"
towrite += "if( NOT " + inc_name + " STREQUAL \"" + inc_name + "-NOTFOUND\" )\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "}\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "${" + inc_name + "}\n"
towrite += " "*4 + ")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory
towrite += " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "}"
towrite += " \\\"" + inc + "\\\": ${" + inc_name + "}\\n\")\n"
towrite += " message(\"-- Found " + plug_type[i] + " header: ${" + inc_name + "}/" + inc + "\")\n"
towrite += "else()\n"
towrite += " message(\"-- Did not find "+ plug_type[i] + " header " + inc + ". Disabling scanners that depend on this.\")\n"
towrite += " set (" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + " \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + "} \\n - file missing: \\\"" + inc + "\\\"\")\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
towrite += "if( NOT ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + "} STREQUAL \"\" OR NOT ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "} STREQUAL \"\")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set ( reqd_lib_output \"${reqd_lib_output}lib" + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ".so:\\n\" )\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "if( NOT ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + "} STREQUAL \"\" )\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set ( reqd_lib_output \"${reqd_lib_output} linked_libs: \\n${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_linked_libs_" + directory + "}\")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "endif()\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "if( NOT ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "} STREQUAL \"\" )\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "set ( reqd_lib_output \"${reqd_lib_output} found_incs: \\n${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_found_incs_" + directory + "}\")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "endif()\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
towrite += "if ( " + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + " STREQUAL \"\" )\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "add_gambit_library( " + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + " VISIBLE OPTION SHARED SOURCES ${"
towrite += plug_type[i] + "_plugin_sources_" + directory + "} HEADERS ${"
towrite += plug_type[i] + "_plugin_headers_" + directory + "} )\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set_target_properties( " + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + "\n" + " "*23 + "PROPERTIES\n"
towrite += " "*23 + "INSTALL_RPATH \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_rpath_" + directory + "}\"\n";
towrite += " "*23 + "COMPILE_FLAGS \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_compile_flags_" + directory + "}\"\n"
towrite += " "*23 + "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES \"${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_includes_" + directory + "}\"\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "target_link_libraries( " + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + " ${" + plug_type[i] + "_plugin_lib_full_paths_" + directory + "})\n"
#towrite += "target_include_directories( " + inc_dirs ")\n\n"
#towrite += " "*4 + "add_dependencies(gambit " + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set (SCANNERBIT_PLUGINS " + " ${SCANNERBIT_PLUGINS} " + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ")\n"
towrite += "else()\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "set ( exclude_lib_output \"${exclude_lib_output}lib" + plug_type[i] + "_" + directory + ".so:\\n"
towrite += " plugins:\\n"
for plug in scanbit_plugins[plug_type[i]][directory]:
towrite += " - " + plug[4] + "\\n"
towrite += " reason: ${" + plug_type[i] + "_ok_flag_" + directory + "}\\n\\n\" )\n"
towrite += "endif()\n\n"
towrite += "file( WRITE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/scratch/build_time/scanbit_excluded_libs.yaml \"${exclude_lib_output}\" )\n"
towrite += "file( WRITE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/scratch/build_time/scanbit_linked_libs.yaml \"${reqd_lib_output}\" )\n\n"
towrite += "#################################################################################\n\n"
towrite += "foreach (plugin ${SCANNERBIT_PLUGINS})\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "add_dependencies(ScannerBit ${plugin})\n"
towrite += "endforeach()\n"
cmake = "./ScannerBit/CMakeLists.txt"
candidate = build_dir+"/ScannerBit_CMakeLists.txt.candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(cmake, candidate)
towrite = "\n".join(library_names)
cmake = "./ScannerBit/lib/plugin_libraries.list"
candidate = build_dir+"/ScannerBit_lib_plugin_libraries.list.candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(cmake, candidate)
if verbose: print("Finished writing ScannerBit/CMakeLists.txt")
# Make a candidate scanbit_reqd_entries.yaml file
towrite = "\
# GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool \n\
# \\file \n\
# \n\
# Scanner required arguments for GAMBIT. \n\
# \n\
# This file has been automatically generated by \n\
# Please do not modify. \n\
# \n\
# \n\
# Authors: \n\
# \n\
# \\author The GAMBIT Collaboration \n\
# \\date ""%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")+"\n\
# \n\
for type_key in scanbit_reqs:
towrite += type_key + ":\n"
for plug_key in scanbit_reqs[type_key]:
towrite += " "*2 + plug_key + ":\n"
for version_key in scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key]:
towrite += " "*4 + version_key + ":\n"
#if scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][0] != "":
towrite += " "*6 + "reqd_inifile_entries: [" + scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][0] + "]\n"
#if scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][1] != "":
towrite += " "*6 + "reqd_libraries: [" + scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][1] + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + "reqd_include_paths: [" + scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][2] + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + "linked_libraries: [" + ",".join(scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][3]) + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + "not_linked_libraries: [" + ",".join(scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][4]) + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + "found_include_paths: [" + ",".join(scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][5]) + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + "not_found_include_paths: [" + ",".join(scanbit_reqs[type_key][plug_key][version_key][6]) + "]\n"
towrite += "\n"
req_entries = "./scratch/build_time/scanbit_reqd_entries.yaml"
candidate = build_dir+"/scanbit_reqd_entries.yaml.candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(req_entries, candidate)
if verbose: print("Finished writing scratch/build_time/scanbit_reqd_entries.yaml")
# Make a candidate scanbit_reqd_entries.yaml file
towrite = "\
# GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool \n\
# \\file \n\
# \n\
# Scanner flags for GAMBIT. \n\
# \n\
# This file has been automatically generated by \n\
# Please do not modify. \n\
# \n\
# \n\
# Authors: \n\
# \n\
# \\author The GAMBIT Collaboration \n\
# \\date ""%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")+"\n\
# \n\
for type_key in scanbit_flags:
towrite += type_key + ":\n"
for plug_key in scanbit_flags[type_key]:
towrite += " "*2 + plug_key + ":\n"
for version_key in scanbit_flags[type_key][plug_key]:
towrite += " "*4 + version_key + ":\n"
for flag in scanbit_flags[type_key][plug_key][version_key]:
if len(scanbit_flags[type_key][plug_key][version_key][flag]) > 1:
towrite += " "*6 + flag + ": [" + ", ".join(scanbit_flags[type_key][plug_key][version_key][flag]) + "]\n"
towrite += " "*6 + flag + ": " + scanbit_flags[type_key][plug_key][version_key][flag][0] + "\n"
towrite += "\n"
flag_entries = "./scratch/build_time/scanbit_flags.yaml"
candidate = build_dir+"/scanbit_flags.yaml.candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(flag_entries, candidate)
if verbose: print("Finished writing scratch/build_time/scanbit_flags.yaml")
# Make a candidate linkedout.cmake file
towrite = "\
# GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool \n\
# \\file \n\
# \n\
# Cmake linking and rpath commands for GAMBIT. \n\
# \n\
# This file has been automatically generated by \n\
# Please do not modify. \n\
# \n\
# \n\
# Authors: \n\
# \n\
# \\author The GAMBIT Collaboration \n\
# \\date ""%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")+"\n\
# \n\
if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES \"Darwin\") \n"
if static_links != "":
towrite += " "*4 + "foreach(program ${uses_scannerbit})\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "target_link_libraries( ${program} -Wl,-force_load " + static_links + ")\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "endforeach()\n"
towrite += "else()\n"
if static_links != "":
towrite += " "*4 + "foreach(program ${uses_scannerbit})\n"
towrite += " "*8 + "target_link_libraries( ${program} -Wl,--whole-archive " + static_links + " -Wl,--no-whole-archive )\n"
towrite += " "*4 + "endforeach()\n"
towrite += "endif()\n"
linked_out = build_dir+"/linkedout.cmake"
candidate = linked_out+".candidate"
with open(candidate,"w") as f: f.write(towrite)
update_only_if_different(linked_out, candidate)
if verbose: print("Finished writing linkedout.cmake")
# Handle command line arguments (verbosity)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:57 +0000