file src/SpecBit.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description



  • 2015 Aug
  • 2020 Jul

Functions of module SpecBit

SpecBit module functions shared by several models, or otherwise generic.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Functions of module SpecBit
///  SpecBit module functions shared by several
///  models, or otherwise generic.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2015 Aug
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2020 Jul
///  *********************************************

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_rollcall.hpp"

// QedQcd header from SoftSUSY (via FlexibleSUSY)
#include "flexiblesusy/src/lowe.h"

namespace Gambit

  namespace SpecBit
    using namespace LogTags;

    // To check if a model is currently being scanned:
    // bool Pipes::<fname>::ModelInUse(str model_name)

    /// @{ Non-Gambit helper functions
    //  =======================================================================
    //  These are not known to Gambit, but they do basically all the real work.
    //  The Gambit module functions merely wrap the functions here and hook
    //  them up to their dependencies, and input parameters.

    /// Initialise QedQcd object from SMInputs data
    void setup_QedQcd(softsusy::QedQcd& oneset /*output*/, const SMInputs& sminputs /*input*/)
      // Set pole masses (to be treated specially)
      /// set running quark masses
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mDown,    sminputs.mD);
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mUp,      sminputs.mU);
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mStrange, sminputs.mS);
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mCharm,   sminputs.mCmC);
      /// set QED and QCD structure constants
      oneset.setAlpha(softsusy::ALPHA, 1./sminputs.alphainv);
      oneset.setAlpha(softsusy::ALPHAS, sminputs.alphaS);
      /// NOTE! These assume the input electron and muon pole masses are "close
      /// enough" to MSbar masses at MZ. The object does the same with its
      /// default values so I guess it is ok.
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mElectron, sminputs.mE);
      oneset.setMass(softsusy::mMuon,     sminputs.mMu);

    /// Check that the spectrum has a neutralino LSP.
    bool has_neutralino_LSP(const Spectrum& result)
      double msqd  = result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000001, 0);
      double msqu  = result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000002, 0);
      double msl   = result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000011, 0);
      double msneu = result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000012, 0);
      double mglui = result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000021, 0);
      double mchi0 = std::abs(result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000022, 0));
      double mchip = std::abs(result.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 1000024, 0));

      return mchi0 < mchip &&
             mchi0 < mglui &&
             mchi0 < msl   &&
             mchi0 < msneu &&
             mchi0 < msqu  &&
             mchi0 < msqd;
    /// Helper to work with pointer
    bool has_neutralino_LSP(const Spectrum* result)
      return has_neutralino_LSP(*result);

    /// @} End module convenience functions

    /// @{ Gambit module functions
    //  =======================================================================
    //  These are wrapped up in Gambit functor objects according to the
    //  instructions in the rollcall header

    /// Set SMINPUTS (SLHA2) struct to match StandardModel_SLHA2 parameters.
    //  Effectively just changes these model parameters into a more convenient form.
    //  But also opens up the possibility of rebuilding this struct from some other
    //  parameterisation.
    void get_SMINPUTS(SMInputs &result)
      namespace myPipe = Pipes::get_SMINPUTS;
      SMInputs sminputs;

      // Get values from Params pipe
      // (as defined in SLHA2)
         sminputs.alphainv = *myPipe::Param["alphainv"];
         sminputs.GF       = *myPipe::Param["GF"      ];
         sminputs.alphaS   = *myPipe::Param["alphaS"  ];

         sminputs.mZ       = *myPipe::Param["mZ"      ];

         sminputs.mE       = *myPipe::Param["mE"      ];
         sminputs.mMu      = *myPipe::Param["mMu"     ];
         sminputs.mTau     = *myPipe::Param["mTau"    ];

         sminputs.mNu1     = *myPipe::Param["mNu1"    ];
         sminputs.mNu2     = *myPipe::Param["mNu2"    ];
         sminputs.mNu3     = *myPipe::Param["mNu3"    ];

         sminputs.mD       = *myPipe::Param["mD"      ];
         sminputs.mU       = *myPipe::Param["mU"      ];
         sminputs.mS       = *myPipe::Param["mS"      ];
         sminputs.mCmC     = *myPipe::Param["mCmC"    ];
         sminputs.mBmB     = *myPipe::Param["mBmB"    ];
         sminputs.mT       = *myPipe::Param["mT"      ];

         sminputs.mNu1     = *myPipe::Param["mNu1"    ];
         sminputs.mNu2     = *myPipe::Param["mNu2"    ];
         sminputs.mNu3     = *myPipe::Param["mNu3"    ];

         // CKM
         sminputs.CKM.lambda   = *myPipe::Param["CKM_lambda" ];
         sminputs.CKM.A        = *myPipe::Param["CKM_A" ];
         sminputs.CKM.rhobar   = *myPipe::Param["CKM_rhobar" ];
         sminputs.CKM.etabar   = *myPipe::Param["CKM_etabar" ];

         // PMNS
         sminputs.PMNS.theta12 = *myPipe::Param["theta12"];
         sminputs.PMNS.theta23 = *myPipe::Param["theta23"];
         sminputs.PMNS.theta13 = *myPipe::Param["theta13"];
         sminputs.PMNS.delta13 = *myPipe::Param["delta13"];
         sminputs.PMNS.alpha1  = *myPipe::Param["alpha1"];
         sminputs.PMNS.alpha2  = *myPipe::Param["alpha2"];

         // W mass.  Stick with the observed value (set in the default constructor) unless instructed otherwise.
         if (myPipe::runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false,"enforce_tree_level_MW"))
           // Calculate MW from alpha, mZ and G_F, assuming the tree-level relation.
           const double pionroot2 = pi * pow(2,-0.5);
           double cosW2 = 0.5 + pow(0.25 - pionroot2 / (sminputs.alphainv * sminputs.GF * pow(sminputs.mZ,2.0)), 0.5);
           sminputs.mW = sminputs.mZ * pow(cosW2,0.5);

         std::ostringstream errmsg;
         errmsg << "Error mapping Standard Model parameters to SMINPUTS capabilities!";
         errmsg << "Perhaps you have added a new model to the ALLOWED_MODELS of this ";
         errmsg << "module function but have not added a corresponding case in the ";
         errmsg << "function source (here)." << std::endl;
      // Return filled struct
      result = sminputs;

    /// @} End Gambit module functions

  } // end namespace SpecBit
} // end namespace Gambit

Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:57 +0000