file models/SUSY_extras.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
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Detailed Description
Author: Anders Kvellestad (
Date: 2019 Dec
SUSY-specific sources for ColliderBit.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// SUSY-specific sources for ColliderBit.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Anders Kvellestad
/// (
/// \date 2019 Dec
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/getPy8Collider.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/generateEventPy8Collider.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace ColliderBit
// Get Monte Carlo event generator from SLHA file input
GET_SPECIFIC_PYTHIA_SLHA(getPythia_SLHA, Pythia_default, )
// Get next SLHA file path and content (for use with model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)
void getNextSLHAFileNameAndContent(pair_str_SLHAstruct& result)
using namespace Pipes::getNextSLHAFileNameAndContent;
static unsigned int counter = 0;
static bool first = true;
if (first)
if (!runOptions->hasKey("SLHA_filenames")) ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Expected YAML file option 'SLHA_filenames' (a list of SLHA filenames) not found.");
first = false;
const static std::vector<str> filenames = runOptions->getValue<std::vector<str> >("SLHA_filenames");
if (counter >= filenames.size())
invalid_point().raise("No more SLHA files. My work is done.");
result = std::make_pair("", SLHAstruct());
const str& filename =;
result = std::make_pair(filename, read_SLHA(filename));
// Read a single SLHA file and update some entries for each scan point
// (for use with model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model)
void getAndReplaceSLHAContent(pair_str_SLHAstruct& result)
using namespace Pipes::getAndReplaceSLHAContent;
static unsigned int counter = 0;
static str filename;
static SLHAstruct file_content;
static YAML::Node keysNode;
static Options keysOptions;
static std::map<str,str> SLHAkey_to_parname;
// Do the variable initialization only once
static bool first = true;
if (first)
if (!runOptions->hasKey("SLHA_filename")) ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Expected YAML file option 'SLHA_filename' (a single SLHA filename) not found.");
if (!runOptions->hasKey("replace_SLHA_keys")) ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Expected YAML file option 'replace_SLHA_keys' (a list of strings in the SLHAea key format, e.g. 'MASS;1000022;1') not found.");
// Get filename of base SLHA file
filename = runOptions->getValue<str>("SLHA_filename");
// Read the original SLHA file once
file_content = read_SLHA(filename);
// Get the YAML options under 'replace_SLHA_keys'
keysNode = runOptions->getValue<YAML::Node>("replace_SLHA_keys");
keysOptions = Options(keysNode);
// Construct a map from SLHA keys to scan model parameters
for (const str& parname : keysOptions.getNames())
std::vector<str> slhakeys = keysOptions.getValue<std::vector<str> >(parname);
for (const str& slhakey : slhakeys)
SLHAkey_to_parname[slhakey] = parname;
first = false;
// Generate new SLHA content by replacing SLHA elements with scan parameters
SLHAstruct new_content(file_content);
static int precision = 8;
for (const auto& key_param_pair : SLHAkey_to_parname)
new_content.field(key_param_pair.first) = SLHAea::to_string(*, precision);
// Construct a dummy name for the SLHA "file" we pass around as a SLHAea object
std::stringstream filename_mod_ss;
filename_mod_ss << filename << ".point" << counter;
// Save result as a pair_str_SLHAstruct
result = std::make_pair(filename_mod_ss.str(), new_content);
/// @todo Add option to save the new SLHA content to file
// Extract SLHA file elements (for use with model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)
void getSLHAFileElements(map_str_dbl& result)
using namespace Pipes::getSLHAFileElements;
// Split the required SLHAFileNameAndContent pair
const str& filename = Dep::SLHAFileNameAndContent->first;
const SLHAstruct& content = Dep::SLHAFileNameAndContent->second;
// Should missing elements be replaced by a default value?
const static bool use_missing_element_value = runOptions->hasKey("value_for_missing_elements");
static double missing_element_value;
static bool first = true;
if (first)
// Check that the required YAML option "SLHA_keys" is present
if (!runOptions->hasKey("SLHA_keys")) ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Expected YAML file option 'SLHA_keys' (a list of strings in the SLHAea key format, e.g. 'MASS;1000022;1') not found.");
// Read default value for missing elements;
if (use_missing_element_value) missing_element_value = runOptions->getValue<double>("value_for_missing_elements");
first = false;
// Read the list of SLHA element keys
const static std::vector<str> slha_element_keys = runOptions->getValue<std::vector<str> >("SLHA_keys");
// Loop through the list of SLHA keys and grab the corresponding elements from the SLHA content
for(str key_str : slha_element_keys)
// Construct a SLHAea::Key from the key string
const SLHAea::Key key(key_str);
// Grab the correct entryand store in the results map
result[key_str] = SLHAea::to<double>( content.field(key) );
catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
std::stringstream errmsg_ss;
errmsg_ss << "Could not find SLHA element " << key_str << " in file " << filename;
if (use_missing_element_value)
logger() << errmsg_ss.str() << EOM;
result[key_str] = missing_element_value;
ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg_ss.str());
// Extract an SLHAstruct with the specturm, either from the MSSM_spectrum
// capability (for MSSM models), or simply from the SLHAFileNameAndContent
// capability (for ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model, ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model)
// @todo Should we perform some kind of SLHA1 vs SLHA2 check when used with the
// ColliderBit_SLHA_* models below? For these models we currently just trust
// the user to supply SLHA info in the appropriate format.
// @todo Should we unify these two functions into a single module function that just
// provides a std::function instance that can be called with an
// int argument = 1 or 2 and returns the appropriate SLHA1 or SLHA2 struct?
// SLHA1
void getSLHA1Spectrum(SLHAstruct& result)
using namespace Pipes::getSLHA1Spectrum;
static const bool write_summary_to_log = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "write_summary_to_log");
if( ModelInUse("MSSM63atQ") || ModelInUse("MSSM63atMGUT")
|| ModelInUse("MSSM63atQ_mA") || ModelInUse("MSSM63atMGUT_mA") )
result = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->getSLHAea(1);
else if (ModelInUse("ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model") || ModelInUse("ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model"))
result = Dep::SLHAFileNameAndContent->second;
// This can only happen if the ALLOW_MODELS list in SUSY.hpp has been changed
// without also changing this function
std::stringstream errmsg_ss;
errmsg_ss << "Unknown model! And that makes it a bit hard to return an SLHA1 spectrum... "
<< "Please expand the function getSLHA1Spectrum if you want to use it with for new models.!";
ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg_ss.str());
std::stringstream SLHA_log_output;
SLHA_log_output << "getSLHA1Spectrum:\n" << result.str() << "\n";
logger() << SLHA_log_output.str() << EOM;
// SLHA2
void getSLHA2Spectrum(SLHAstruct& result)
using namespace Pipes::getSLHA2Spectrum;
static const bool write_summary_to_log = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "write_summary_to_log");
if( ModelInUse("MSSM63atQ") || ModelInUse("MSSM63atMGUT")
|| ModelInUse("MSSM63atQ_mA") || ModelInUse("MSSM63atMGUT_mA") )
result = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->getSLHAea(2);
else if (ModelInUse("ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model") || ModelInUse("ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model"))
result = Dep::SLHAFileNameAndContent->second;
// This can only happen if the ALLOW_MODELS list in SUSY.hpp has been changed
// without also changing this function
std::stringstream errmsg_ss;
errmsg_ss << "Unknown model! And that makes it a bit hard to return an SLHA1 spectrum... "
<< "Please expand the function getSLHA2Spectrum if you want to use it with for new models.!";
ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg_ss.str());
std::stringstream SLHA_log_output;
SLHA_log_output << "getSLHA2Spectrum:\n" << result.str() << "\n";
logger() << SLHA_log_output.str() << EOM;
// Advanced mass-cuts to aid SUSY scans
void calc_susy_spectrum_scan_guide(double& result)
using namespace Pipes::calc_susy_spectrum_scan_guide;
bool discard_point = false;
result = 0.0;
// Get masses
mass_es_pseudonyms psn = *(Dep::SLHA_pseudonyms);
const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::MSSM_spectrum;
const double m_N1_signed = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~chi0_1");
const double m_N1 = abs(m_N1_signed);
// const double m_C1_signed = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass,"~chi+_1");
// const double m_C1 = abs(m_C1_signed);
const double m_st1 = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, psn.ist1);
// Define cuts
if (m_N1 < 250. && m_st1 < 750.) discard_point = true;
if (m_N1 > 600.) discard_point = true;
if (m_st1 > 1100.) discard_point = true;
// Discard point?
if (discard_point) invalid_point().raise("Point discarded by susy_spectrum_scan_guide.");
Updated on 2022-08-03 at 12:57:59 +0000